The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 65 Win or lose

In the information collected by Mr. Wei, Xiaohei has always been a superficial and incompetent otaku nagging. Except for being lucky enough to get some powerful arms, it is almost useless. Although he has won two battles in a row and has also gained fame on the Internet, after careful investigation, the first battle was commanded by the 'jungle lurker'. The second battle is completely picking up a bargain. If it is a one-on-one battle, after limiting his 'guardian spirit', this person basically has nothing to worry about.

But Mr. Wei still made all the preparations. He not only gave the top scepter equipment recently seized by the Warring States to the 'thousand-mile frozen' silver saint, but also gave him many magic weapons, just to deal with what cards he still had on this man.

An ice mage, plus a mutually restrained silver saint, this configuration is completely to deal with the failure of the two sides to negotiate and limit the fierce 'underworld demon'. Now it is only used to deal with a small black. Mr. Wei feels that this battle is stable.

But he soon found that he still underestimated his opponent. Silver Saint's martial arts skills were already good in the game, but he didn't expect that there was nothing he could do against Xiaohei. Although this man's martial arts skills are not good, his shield is actually ingenious. The three shields appear from time to time, and every time they can just block the attack of the Silver Saint, which seems to be easy.

These three shields were really played out of his hand. Looking at Xiaohei easily responding to the attack of the Silver Saint, everyone watched Xiaohei with new eyes.

At this time, what Xiaohei is most grateful for is Lin Yuchen. Without his training these days, he would not have been so relaxed today.

In the past few days, he has made two moves with Lin Yuchen every day, and every time he was completely defeated. The silver saint and Lin Yuchen in front of him are not at the same level at all. Lin Yuchen's speed of movement, the change of moves, and the use of weapons are all 100 times better than this silver saint. Under him, Xiaohei couldn't take ten moves. Within ten moves, Lin Yuchen could break all his defenses and easily cut the knife to him, but it was after that kind of strong training that Xiaohei had no psychological pressure to deal with this opponent that was several levels lower.

His guardian shield is already comparable to an artifact. You know, Nock relies on this thing to block the pursuit of countless masters of the Temple of Light, and ordinary weapons and spells can't break the defense at all. Now with the support of a large number of magic crystals, coupled with skilled control, the general one-on-one can basically be invincible.

With such an artifact in hand, what else is he afraid of, so he is also preparing for his own counterattack after his own defense.

At this time, the spell of 'thousands of miles of ice' ended, and a huge white halo fell from the sky and covered the little black head.

The freezing is slow.

Once covered by this spell, the player's action will be half slower than usual, losing half of his mobility, and his physical energy consumption will double.

Xiaohei is not in a hurry. The pressure caused by the Silver Saint on him is still far from the perverted Lin Yuchen, so he has been closely monitoring every move of "thousands of miles of ice". Seeing that the halo fell, he knew that the shield might not be able to stop it. As soon as he pinched the ring in his hand, he seemed to have added a rocket ejector, and he suddenly rushed out a few meters and could flash under the halo.


Acceleration is a gain spell that continuously consumes mana. The mana consumed is determined by the level of the spell. The higher the level, the greater the consumption. The small black ring can instantly send five-level acceleration, and the speed is instantly increased by five times, but the magic consumption is also five times that of the primary, and it consumes five points of mana every three seconds. As long as the player does not stop the spell, this consumption will always exist. However, if you want to start again after stopping, you must wait for a minute for cooling time. Therefore, players are very cautious when using this spell. If they are not careful, they may use up their mana.

Xiaohei started the acceleration technique, which not only escaped from the coverage of 'freezing slowness', but also got rid of the entanglement of the Silver Saint, which was equivalent to leaving the battlefield. At this time, the 'thousands of ice' is anxious. Although the 'Holy Blessing' is powerful, it is only 30 seconds, and the summoning of light is also time-limited. At this time, if you lose the opportunity, you will be in trouble as soon as time passes.

He gritted his teeth, took out a scroll from his bag, and quickly chased Xiaohei, and the Silver Saint was also chasing Xiaohei.

'Thousands of Ice' obviously doesn't gain magic like Xiaohei, and he is a mage with poor speed, so he naturally can't catch up for a while. This little black seemed to be trying to show off and actually teased him to play a chase game with two people.

This time, he was so angry that he scolded loudly and was gradually thrown away. On the contrary, his silver saint chased him closer.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Xiaohei suddenly folded several times and threw away the silver saint behind him far away. At the same time, he had reached five meters on the left side of the thousand miles of ice. Suddenly, he kicked his feet, and his whole body suddenly rushed to the 'thousands of ice'.

'Thousands of Ice' had been chasing his opponent, but suddenly saw his opponent suddenly rushing towards him. This change was very sudden and absolutely beyond his expectation. Although he was a senior online game player, he also suddenly faced this situation because he was an otaku who spent time in the game every day and lacked exercise. At that time, he panicked for a moment.


Just as Xiaohei approached his opponent, a shield suddenly opened in front of him. The shield moved forward at a high speed with Xiaohei and flew out the 'thousands of miles of ice' standing in front of him. He fell four feet to the sky, and the scroll in his hand could not be grasped and threw it aside.


Today is destined to be the day when Xiaohei shows his face. He can create such creative moves, and Xiaohei will shock the audience! However, his next move exposed his essence.

After knocking over the 'thousand-mile ice', he did not take advantage of the victory, but quickly rushed to the scroll thrown by the 'thousand-mile ice' and picked it up and stuffed it into his bag.

All the people who were watching the duel were full of black lines and an uproar.

What a fucking financial fan, I still care about this at this time.

Xiaohei's slowness, the Silver Saint also caught up, and a scepter turned over. Xiaohei has long been used to this move and easily opened a shield to block the blow.

When he saw the light on the other party dissipated, he knew that the power of 'Holy Blessing' had ended. Unexpectedly, he no longer dodged. With one finger, he clamped his opponent with three shields again as before, and at the same time, he quickly chanted a spell in his mouth.

'Thousands of Miles of Ice' was hit a lot, and coupled with the previous injury, it actually had the effect of 'dizzy'.

This gives Xiaohei enough time to recite his spell.

A black halo accurately covers the head of the immobile silver saint.

The Silver Saint was paralyzed on the spot.

This time, even the necromancer Wu Zixu stared at him. What kind of spell is this? He actually got a silver-level saint at once. At this time, he thought he couldn't do it.

The double curse that Xiaohei has recently learned, 'weakness' and 'dizzy'. Although this curse is not as good as Nock's four-fold curse, the silver saint is also far less than that of angels, and of course it can be solved in one move.

Now he has long learned the lesson of the past. Every spell is tempered and familiar, and the time of chanting the spell has been shortened to the shortest by him. I'm afraid that he hasn't memorized any English word and noun explanation of the famous text so seriously. Recently, when he practiced with Lin Yuchen, he kept training to chant spells while fighting, which is now quite a small success.

The cursed aura was successful, and Xiaohei immediately withdrew his shield and forced him to 'thousands of miles of ice'.

Naturally, he didn't expect his silver saint to be dealt with so quickly, but at this time, he finally woke up. Seeing his opponent forcing him up, all kinds of instant spells smashed at his opponent desperately, hoping to get some buffer time for himself.

At this time, he can only work hard.

But all this obviously didn't work. The three shields of the Dark Rangers were strictly guarded. He tried his best and couldn't help him at all. He could only watch his opponent get closer and closer.

When he experienced the feeling of being caught by three shields, a dark halo also fell on his head.


Magicians who can't speak are basically equivalent to useless people. Silent spells require extremely high mental strength and corresponding skills. Nowadays, few people in this game can master it, and naturally they don't understand 'thousands of ice'.

It's already a victory or defeat!

But a shocking scene appeared in front of everyone.

"You MB!"

"Call you arrogant... Tell you to be arrogant... Tell you to hack me..." The little black mad dog fell down in front of the 'Thousands of Ice', scolding loudly, while hitting and kicking the movable 'Thousands of Ice' and punches.

Under the control of the forbidden speech, the 'thousands of miles of ice' didn't even have a chance to return the mouth, so he could only stand there in a stunned manner.

In the absence of stopping the game control system, no one can interfere with the game. Therefore, everyone present can only watch this shocking scene. What's more interesting is that Xiaohei's fists and feet have almost no lethality, and the body of the 'thousands of miles of ice' also seems to have good protection, so that it is beaten. Next, except for hurting self-esteem, it doesn't hurt blood at all. Therefore, the game system has never determined the winner.

One of the five lobby owners of the top trade union "Ice-Filled Magic Realm" that year - "Thousands of Ice" was flattened like a sandbag for more than a minute until Xiaohei couldn't beat him.

In more than a minute, the heart of 'thousands of miles of ice' died.