The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 127 Fierce

After the battle, many people commented on Lin Yuchen in this battle, saying that this person was not fighting, but cutting people.

There are many powerful arms in his hand. After many players who think they are good at it, they are basically done in one round. There are many masters among these people. Most of them have practiced some taekwondo, Muay Thai, or as soldiers. They have always practiced, but no matter who they are, the final result is the same.

In the later comments, many parties appeared to describe the situation at that time, and the process was actually similar. At that time, somehow, there was a buzz in their heads, and then their eyes were black, and their bodies could no longer move as if they had been immobilization, and then they were stabbed by someone.

But most players don't say this, and many people prefer to believe that this person must have been suppressed by the momentum of the jungle lurker at that time.

"Brother, you were not scared at that time! It's not strange to be scared of a war of this scale! Some people were scared to pee at that time! Your illness is mild, so you won't be ashamed to be killed!"

"Just admit that you are scared!"

"The brave men of the two armies won, and the weak were directly scared! Dude, you should learn more about the advanced deeds of the martyrs and learn from their fearless revolutionary spirit! Otherwise, you will still encounter the same problem when you go to the battlefield in the future! Haha!"

"People are knives, and I am fish! If you have poor skills, don't rush to send achievements to others!"

"Battle! Courage too! With one breath, it will decline again and again! Courage in battle is crucial! Seeing that the other party's momentum was like a rainbow, you couldn't help but be frightened. At that time, you were at a loss and naturally let others slaughter! ......”

"Don't pretend upstairs! Pret to be struck by lightning!"

In the follow-up posts, this kind of enlightening comments accounted for the vast majority. For a period of time, this statement was actually supported by the majority of people.

However, as the commander of this battle, Guo Dashao has a completely different answer, because these people who rushed to the close battle with Lin Yuchen include his personal guards.

Iron Wolf! A former member of a special forces brigade in Northeast China has gone abroad to carry out missions, killed Turkic cavalry, and killed various terrorists. It is said that even special forces such as Lao Maozi and Citi's seals have fought. He is the kind of person who has really killed people, seen blood and is bloody. Such a person has long forgotten what fear is.

Originally, he just came in to join in the fun to see how this technology from military to civilian technology is developing now. As soon as he saw Lin Yuchen's majestic inside and killing all sides, he suddenly felt itchy. At that time, he asked Guo Dashao for war. After getting approval, he copied a * to welcome him.

Iron Wolf's personal action immediately excited Guo's whole team! After the iron wolf came out of the army, he rarely took action. The only time was to hunt with Guo Da Shao in the depths of the Greater Khingan Mountains. A man, a knife and a horse, single-handedly hunted a 300-pound wild boar!

The wild boar in the virgin forest is definitely comparable to the tiger. However, according to Mr. Guo, the Iron Wolf put it down after only two rounds.

Such a fierce man has always been taboo and never does not take action. Whenever he encounters an unknown challenge, he always says: I have learned the skills of killing. I only know how to kill. I don't know how to keep my hand or compare with people. If I really want to fight and sign the life and death certificate, I will play with you!

All challengers were directly driven back by the aggressive momentum of the Iron Wolf! In the eyes of the iron wolf, there is only murder, and life is a trivial toy in his eyes, which can be crushed at any time. Nowadays, there are a lot of fun waiting for people to play, and no one wants to take out their lives to play with such people.

Now he actually took action for the characters in a game, and everyone stared at the screen with an eye-opening mood.

The whole battle took only one second, and the two sides decided the winner almost at the opposite side.

The moment when the iron wolf attacked was very clever. It happened that Lin Yuchen cut a knife and shield hand. When the knife was old, the angle of the attack was also calculated, which happened to be the dead corner of Lin Yuchen's sight covered by the knife and shield hand in front of him.

This knife was fast, fierce, accurate and yin, cutting Lin Yuchen's neck directly. Lin Yuchen blocked the knife almost at the last moment. When the blade stopped, it was less than a millimeter away from his neck, and Lin Yuchen could already feel the chill emanating from the blade.

After the Iron Wolf landed on the brave continent, the system scanned and evaluated him, and the attribute values set for him were far beyond ordinary people. In particular, strength, mental power and control are all several times that of ordinary people, reaching a level of horror that ordinary people can't imagine.

If the two sides are equal, Lin Yuchen will definitely be cut down by this knife and directly split into four sections.

Unfortunately, this is a game. The game can bring people the greatest pleasure, that is, everyone is stronger than the real world. Lin Yuchen's strength is far stronger than the real world, and there is also the setting of equipment here.

The equipment of both sides is obviously not at the same level. Iron Wolf's * is only held casually, but in ordinary white quality, while Lin Yuchen's two knives are more advanced than him. Iron Wolf is dressed in ordinary camouflage clothes, and Lin Yuchen is dressed in dragon armor and a pair of super-strong arms.

The speed of this knife is beyond Lin Yuchen's imagination. If he is a little slower, if the arm in his hand is not hard enough, this knife can directly end the battle.

When Lin Yuchen blocked the knife, he felt as if he had been choked by death and his breathing stopped.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, they will definitely retreat and adjust and decide what to do after seeing the situation. However, Lin Yuchen's knife skills are sharpened from battles, not one move at a time, so his first reaction is also different from ordinary people.

The left hand block, and the right hand 'and Quan's nine characters' cut fiercely to the opponent to attack. At the same time, he subconsciously launched the 'spiritual impact' of the Medal of Terror!

He is attacking, and the Iron Wolf is also attacking!

With the training of iron and blood, he has become a killing machine. In his mind, killing the enemy in the fastest way is the only purpose of the battle. In their hearts, any move is a burden, and any block is delaying time. Simple, direct, and killing with one blow is their goal!

His right knife was blocked. When he saw Lin Yuchen's knife cut over, he did not retreat. His left hand quickly and fiercely knocked on Lin Yuchen's armpit exposed by swinging the knife. At the same time, the knee of his right leg quietly hit Lin Yuchen's crotch.

People at his level have long been out of the level of weapon killing. Every part of their body is a weapon. As long as they are hit by him, they will lose all their action power even if they don't die.

With such a close distance, Lin Yuchen can't avoid it. At that moment, Lin Yuchen already felt that he was dead this time. His level is by no means at the same level as this kind of iron-blooded warrior who crawled out of blood and fire. Such a battle is completely different from the previous competition with Zhu Hai, and it is a skill of Zhu Hai. At this time, the iron wolf is fighting for his life. Either you die or I live! No hand at all!

There is a setting for mental shock, that is, the greater the mental gap between the recipient and the caster, the better the effect of the impact. When the difference is doubled, you can even hang up the other party directly. However, if the recipient is higher than the caster, the effect of mental shock is not obvious. In this virtual world, the spiritual power measured by the system for the Iron Wolf has reached a terrible 530 points. After this period of rushing, Lin Yuchen's spiritual power actually broke through to 450 points because he had a fearless medal and a blood-drinking blade in his hand, but even so, he was still a little lower than the Iron Wolf. Therefore, the effect of his impact this time was not obvious. There were basically no side effects on the Iron Wolf, but the action paused a little.

This is a judgment made by the system. If it were in the real world, Lin Yuchen could not interfere with the other party's spirit even if he had three heads and six arms.

But the game is a game. The game has the gameplay and playing method. With this slight pause, Lin Yuchen turned over.

A feather arrow shot from the side and directly penetrated the iron wolf's neck.

Lin Yuchen's guardian Yuanling finally arrived.

This time, Lin Yuchen released the two guardian spirits, one responsible for the distance and the other responsible for the proximity. Lin Yuchen can live until now because the two of them can always eliminate every possible threat in time.

The iron wolf moved too fast. Not only was it responsible for protecting the silver helmet dwarf, but also the phantom shooter knew that it would catch up at this time, but it was finally just right.

Because of this arrow, the iron wolf's movement slowed down again. A killing machine like him also has stronger vitality than ordinary people. This kind of horrible existence is ready to block bullets for all kinds of people and eat guns in the rain of bullets. Ordinary people die after being shot. At least he has to use a submachine gun into a sieve to kill him.

With this slowdown, Lin Yuchen's knife also arrived.

The iron wolf's action was almost completed, but it was because of the slowdown of these two times, because there was no guardian spirit, a Predator like him absolutely scoffed at the setting of guarding the original spirit and disdained it at all. Therefore, he was preempted by Lin Yuchen and sent out of the game at the first time.

"Fuck!" The iron wolf is extremely depressed.

"Damn!" Lin Yuchen broke out in a cold sweat!

His lower body was faintly painful. Although the iron wolf did not hit him, he could already feel the murderous spirit from hitting his lower body, and his little brother lost his feeling for a moment.

"I don't know if the second can still be used!" Lin Yuchen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and took a breath of cold air.

His horse stepped on the camp, and his forward momentum was killed by the iron wolf.

Just then, he saw a fat man with an unnamed strange weapon rushing towards him.

I don't know how to describe this weapon, Lin Yuchen. In short, it's strange. It's a long weapon, which turned towards him from afar.

At this time, Lin Yuchen is at the lowest point of momentum, and his mental strength is in the recovery stage. Just after being closed at the ghost gate, his strength seems to have been drained. Seeing this strange weapon hitting him, he seemed to have lost the ability to dodge, and he was not flexible and creative at the beginning, but subconsciously tried to raise the knife to block it.


Lin Yuchen's hands were numb by this strange weapon! The knife in his hand almost got out of his hand.

The bloody trousers, the largest dark horse in the 'Battle of Rising', appeared at this time.

He was the first person to turn Lin Yuchen's attack into a defense and return the knife to save himself. He was also the first person to successfully block the jungle lurker offensive. He was also the first person to successfully attack the rising ground.

That day, he earned the first fortune of his life - 250,000! Become the idol of countless people!