The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 11 Tricks

There are few people who have recited Sun Tzu's Art of War in history, but few people can really apply him to actual combat.

Learning is a process. Talking on paper can never understand the true essence of the book. No one is born to be General Changsheng. Even famous generals have had their own failures. Each famous general has been slowly summed up in failure and walked through step by step.

"......, soldiers, it's a trage! Therefore, you can show that you can't, and you can show that you can't use it! Close and far away, far away and close, lure it with profit, and take it in chaos..." When the hammer carried it to this paragraph, its voice suddenly lowered, as if it had come to think of something.

This time, Lao K didn't let him speak louder and let him bow his head and think there.

Lin Yuchen was also shocked when he heard this paragraph and also realized something.

The way he played just now is completely the result of his improvised and whimsms. At that time, I just wanted to surprise the other party, but I didn't expect that it secretly coincided with Sun Tzu's saying of "the soldier's way". Although he had also read Sun Zi's Art of War before, he did not study it carefully. He just read it when he had questions and looked for answers in the book. He did not recite them every day like the Tao Te Ching. At this time, he suddenly heard these sentences and suddenly had many ideas in his mind.

'If you can, show that you can't, use it and show that you don't.' Lin Yuchen's knife has been in his hand all day, giving people the impression that he is good at using the knife for a long time. His knife is so powerful that even Lao K is amazing. In addition, he was dedicated to weapons before, which caused the hammer to subconsciously attach great importance to his knife and only focus on how to deal with his knife. He didn't expect him to throw the knife at once. Come here, this time not only failed all his calculations, but also caught him off guard and made a mess.

How can an old bird like Lin Yuchen easily give up such an opportunity? For him, a little void is enough to kill his opponent in seconds.

For Lin Yuchen, what he can better understand is that I's words 'govern the country with righteousness and use strange soldiers'. When improving his strength, he must be down-to-earth, step by step, and not allow a little speculation, but it is different in battle. He must not follow the rules, stick to the rules, and stick to weapons and tactics. As long as you can defeat your opponent, you will definitely be unscrupulous and untired.

Although soldiers are gimmorious, no matter what kind of tactics, no matter how dangerous and unusual they are, they must be built on the basis of a strong strength. No matter how strong force can fight, there is no strong country and a strong backing to support it. It is just a sourceless water, and it will definitely be difficult to escape bad luck in the end. For Lin Yuchen, he is convinced that he can defeat the hammer even if he is empty-handed. It doesn't make much difference for him to have a knife or knife, so he dares to throw his knife as soon as he starts fighting. If his strength is slightly worse, he may not dare to do so easily.

Lin Yuchen was thinking that the old K over there also repaired the five tigers* and came to him.

"Tang Zhan!"

"Yes!" Lin Yuchen straightened his chest and made a non-standard upright military posture.

"The boy is very good at fighting! Not bad. Unconventional, I like it! It seems that you are not old enough. You should still be studying!" Old K's tone of talking to him is much more polite than five tigers*.


"Are you interested in coming to the army! As far as you are, the army must be better than those bear soldiers. Old K said with an eager face.

"Report! I don't have this plan for the time being!" Lin Yuchen doesn't hate the army, but he was born with a loose fairy. I'm afraid he can't adapt to all kinds of rules in the army.

"It doesn't matter! When you have this plan, come to me! I will practice you myself! Like you, it won't take long, and you will definitely be a first-class player! Haha! Remember it!" Old K patted Lin Yuchen on the shoulder.

"Yes!" Lao K's enthusiastic attitude made Lin Yuchen feel grateful.

"And how much do they owe you!" Old K continued to ask.

"not much! Forget it!" Lin Yuchen said carelessly. If the other party is so shameless, it will be meaningless to care about that little money.

"It's nothing! Don't worry, you won't lose a penny. More money is not a problem. The key is that we can't afford to lose face! This matter is up to me! Remember my words!" After saying that, Lao K turned around and left.

Looking at Lao K's back, Lin Yuchen felt that the army in China did not seem to be as corrupt and incompetent as rumored by the outside world. In this game, in addition to winning or losing, he also saw Lao K's ability to dominate.

This result can be said to have been contributed by Lao K. Lin Yuchen once defeated three people in one move. He has known this for a long time, so he must have known that Lin Yuchen's fists and feet will not be bad, but when he agreed on the way of the comparison before, he helped Lin Yuchen with the boat and stimulated the hammer. In this way, the hammer The most powerful hammer is useless.

If the two sides are empty-handed, the outcome is really unknown. Lin Yuchen is a wild road, and the hammer is a family martial arts school. The foundation must be more solid than Lin Yuchen. In this case, it is not easy for Lin Yuchen to play such a beautiful tactic.

After the hammer was killed in seconds, he did not protect his shortcomings, and even said to be very fair. He did not save any face for the five tigers *, and beat him violently in front of everyone, which was shocking. From him, Lin Yuchen saw an extremely positive image. Honesty, keeping promises, justice and strictness! As an outsider, Lin Yuchen originally felt that it would be good not to be excluded here. If it hadn't been for Tang Xianxian, he would not have joined it casually. Now that he has received such a fair treatment, how can he not be flattered.

The scene of Lao K beating the five tigers*, Lin Yuchen felt like an elder was teaching a lesson to his descendants. Although the scene was quite amazing, Lao K was very measured, and the parts of the blow were also legs and feet, which did not cause great harm. This made Lin Yuchen suddenly remember that when his father taught him a lesson, a person who really loved his descendants would never spoil him, but would try his best to teach him to recognize right and wrong. When it's time to fight, scold when it's time to scold. When it's time to make him suffer. When it's time to make him suffer hard, he will suffer losses. If he blindly protecting his shortcomings will definitely implicate the whole family in the future. If he joins the army, he will definitely kill more people. It can be killed. It can be said that if he doesn't care about these people at all, he won't. Do this.

These children born in military families also have different educational methods. They have studied military books and trained their physical strength since childhood. At a certain age, they begin to come into contact with some actual combat and learn to fight in battle. Under the huge network of the family, it will soon become a pillar in the army.

"You guys are getting better and better! I have even learned to repudiate the debts! Not bad! Is our iron-blooded camp going to be changed into an iron-faced camp? How can I take such a group of shameless bear soldiers with you! You guys, either pay immediately or get out of here. Don't humiliate me here! Get out of here!" After saying that, Lao K shouted to disband and turned around and walked back to his tent.

Everyone rushed here and didn't expect a peak duel to end like this. However, although the process was not wonderful at all, the whole incident was full of ups and downs, which was enough for these people to talk about for a few days.

No one dares to disobey Lao K's order. Everyone returned to their respective tents in groups of discussion. Lin Yuchen glanced at Tang Xianxian and the others. The three girls were also whispering to him from time to time. Seeing that they were looking at them, they ran away with a smile.

Lin Yuchen smiled secretly and was about to leave with a knife. But I saw five tigers coming towards him together.

"Tang Zhan! You are awesome, this time we lost! No words! I'm willing to lose the bet, and I'll give you the money!" The hammer said.

Because it was agreed before that it was a gentleman's battle, neither side suppressed the bet first. The purpose of the five tigers was to force Lin Yuchen out of the caravan. Whether he gave it or not, he had to get out of the caravan in the end. But who knows that it will end like this. As for Lin Yuchen, he has no intention of getting it at all!

The two sides exchanged accounts, and soon, Lin Yuchen's account increased by 25 thousand. Because of the system upgrade, the hidden real name transaction has now been realized, which saves Lin Yuchen a lot of trouble.

After receiving the money, the javelin said, "Tang Zhan! You did it this time! I want to fight with you another day! At that time, we will fight and see how you can play tricks!" The kung fu of the javelin is said to be a good hand after the hammer.

"All right! But now my appearance fee has been changed! Fight with you, 200,000! Pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan first, and then give 100,000 yuan after the payment. And it's the appearance fee, and the gambling fee is calculated separately. Lin Yuchen said coldly.

"Fuck! Who do you think you are! 200,000! Grab the money! Malegobi's!" Xiao Cannon cursed.

"Don't fight if you can't afford it. Who are you? If you want to beat me, you have to accompany me, don't you? Look for me today, and find me tomorrow. Even if I am an iron man, I will be dragged to death by you. If I hadn't signed the contract, I would hate to leave the caravan now. It's boring to hang out with you people!" Lin Yuchen said disdainfully.


"Stop talking about the cannon!" Xiaobao wanted to say something, but was stopped by the hammer. He said to Lin Yuchen, "Tang Zhan! We have learned your martial arts skills! We are not good at learning, but we won't make you laugh. Don't worry, we won't harass you again along the way. I will have a chance to ask for advice again in the future! Let's go!" The last sentence is to say to your teammates.

Lin Yuchen did not reply and returned to his tent. Lin Yuchen and several Roger's knights were assigned to the same tent. After a simple greeting, he lay down, secretly thought about today's events in his heart, and finally concluded: This hammer also seems to be a man who can bend and stretch, but His eyesight is much worse than Commissar Wang. Commissar Wang was punched and admitted defeat on the spot. Although this hammer is stronger, it is also more aggressive. However, after Lao K's dial, this guy will definitely go to a higher level. It will not be easy to beat him in the future.

This master is not easy to be!

As written in martial arts novels, if this person suddenly becomes a master, life will be difficult. One after another, even the iron man will be exhausted. If you encounter an untrustworthy person, in order to get to the top by any means, sneak attack and poison, sprinkle lime with black hands, and use a lot of dirty means, can this person still live!

No wonder ancient masters will accept disciples and make friends with the government at a certain time. Disciples can increase their strength and help block the challenger. That's the reason why Lin Yuchen wants the lion to open his mouth. Otherwise, he will definitely be annoyed by these people along the way.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuchen opened the team taskbar and looked at it. It was blank. Lao K did not leave him a task tonight.

Because Lin Yuchen was not from the army, he naturally did not know how to stand guard and put on sentry, so Lao K did not arrange the task of being on duty at night. He only asked him to be on call at night and be ready to deal with various situations at any time. Lin Yuchen saw that there was nothing wrong, so he went offline.

No words all night!

Lin Yuchen still trained according to his schedule, should sleep, eat and eat. At 7:30 the next morning, he went online on time and followed the team.