The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 48 High-profile

On the same day, a message suddenly broke out on the forum that the iron-blooded battalion was about to send troops to recover a castle. Once they succeed, they will be given the right to guard the castle.

As soon as the news came out, the Internet immediately became lively.

The task of the castle is already the best, and many people can't get one. In addition, the iron-blooded camp is just popular, which caused a great sensation for a while.

The iron-blooded camp is also quite high-profile, buying weapons and equipment, reorganizing, and even semi-publicly electing new commanders in a pub.

Several cadres who intended to be commanders delivered campaign speeches and expressed their thoughts and combat ideas in front of everyone. After several rounds of voting, finally, a guy named 'iron-blooded judge' was pushed to the position of the second commander of the iron-blooded battalion. This 'iron-blooded judge' was previously the commander of the eighth company. Everyone called him Xiaoba, but now he has completely turned over and become the first brother of the iron-blooded camp. There is no other reason, because his speech and his command style are the closest to the previous old K. Although his force is a little worse, he still gets the most recognition.

Hammer and several of them also participated in the election, but they all lost the election for a very simple reason. Although they can fight, they are not capable of being able to fight. The overall view, adaptability and command ability are more important than force, so it is not surprising that they lost the election.

After the commander's problem was solved, the iron-blooded battalion quickly completed the reorganization! Then prepare all kinds of materials and make march plans. All actions are quite high-profile and eye-catching.

In this way, the whole day passed, and the iron-blooded camp was stationed in place and ready to leave tomorrow.

They have taken a break, but various discussions, peeling, analysis, prediction and betting on the Internet have just begun.

Many people who are good at tactical analysis believe that the trip of the Iron-blooded Camp is not optimistic. According to the previously released video, the Iron-blooded Camp is better at field warfare. They are flexible, resilient, and have first-class team spirit and collective combat ability, but they do not have much advantage in the castle attack.

Although they once escaped from the pursuit of the extermination of the wolves and beat the faces of the extermination wolves, this series of battles have been completed in the empty field. Now that the environment has changed, the other party has the protection of the castle. In front of the castle defense system, the advantages of the iron-blooded camp are useless, and since According to the information, the iron-blooded camp does not have siege equipment, so the prospect of the iron-blooded camp is not optimistic.

What's more, their opponent is the famous mercenary regiment - the Cobra Mercenary Regiment!

After a round of peeling, the whole thing was soon restored by enthusiastic netizens. The cause of the whole thing is the 'Cobra Mercenary Regiment'.

The Cobra Mercenary Corps is a long-known mercenary regiment in the Partis Empire, ranking 17th on the mercenary soul list and is quite strong. As early as a few months ago, they were recruited by the Orvis family and owned another manor castle, which greatly increased their strength. This matter is very sensational. Players in the Partis Empire basically know it, but what people don't know is that just yesterday, they suddenly took action and captured a castle of the Quinn family with lightning speed, which was very sharp. Originally, no one knew about this matter. If it hadn't been for the task of recovering the castle and making a lot of noise, everyone knew that they might have hidden aside and made a fortune.

It can be seen that this cobra is really poisonous and gloomy. Their boss, the Cobra King, is said to have a Queen of Medusa and a Medusa army of at least 100 people. Whether it is melee or long-range, it is a first-class combat force, which is extremely tough. In addition, the most convenient arms used by the Cobra Mercenary Corps have also been exposed, that is, a large number of snake and fly troops.

Snake flies are large insects with snake bodies and wings, generally growing in swamps. This army is extremely fast, and because they belong to insect species, there are often a large number. In addition, there is a certain lethality. Adult snakes and flies are like a long snake that can fly. In close combat, they will entang their opponents like snakes, thus limiting their mobility and then bite and attacking with their teeth. After upgrading, there is still a certain toxicity. Once bitten, you will accidentally fall into a state of poisoning and paralysis, which is very difficult to deal with!

The weakness of this arm is that its defense is not high. Like the biological world, insects are relatively fragile and easy to be killed, so when dealing with snakes and flies, general white weapons can easily break the defense.

The play method of the Cobra Mercenary Regiment is also very simple. They like to ambush, take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, use the speed of snakes and flies to entangle the opponent, and then Medusa shoot remotely. The player's medium-range magic coverage, and wait until the opponent completely collapses, and then use melee infantry to clean up the battlefield.

It can be said that even in terms of field warfare, the iron-blooded camp does not have much advantage. However, some people say that even the 'extinite wolves' can't help the iron-blood camp, and maybe there are some secret weapons on the iron-blood camp. After all, in this game, the player's guardian spirit is also an extremely important factor. A good guardian spirit can definitely have a great impact on the battle, and it is not even impossible to reverse it. For example, the little black of the Tianxu Alliance, his guardian spirit is the 'ghost demon'. If it is a guardian at this level, one can completely turn the battle situation around.

Unfortunately, because the 'wolf group of annihilation' was too humiliated in this battle, the whole guild was banned. No one came out to say a word, which made many speculations about the iron-blooded camp could not be confirmed, and they could only find the answer from the known information.

But there is not much official information. People know more that the iron-blooded camp is composed of the second generation of trained armies.

After some evaluation, discussion and analysis, some underground gambling houses began to set out odds for both sides. At the beginning, people were still relatively unoptimistic about the iron-blooded camp. The highest one compensation was 10, while Cobra only lost one point three at most, occupying an absolute advantage.

But it was not long before someone pointed out that because the Quinn family and the Orvis family are related to the fight for the throne in the palace, this battle belongs to a peripheral match of the throne war. I'm afraid the Quinn family will not sit idly by and may send masters to help. If so, I'm afraid that the victory is not so simple. .

As soon as this statement came out, the major gambling houses immediately revised the odds, and the odds of the iron-blooded camp were greatly reduced, and the lowest one reached two-compensation, while the Cobra Mercenary Corps rose accordingly.

However, soon there was rumor that Orvis had sent troops to support the Cobra and prepare to occupy all the supplies in the Iron Wing Fort, so Cobra's victory in this battle was still a little bigger.

As a result, the odds of both sides have changed greatly.

One night, all kinds of news kept coming out, and the odds of both sides also rose and fell several times, which made * people complain, and several underground gambling houses were scolded bloody.

At the same time, not far from the Iron Wing Fort, two people were hiding in the wild, also paying close attention to various sounds on the Internet.

"Big Boss! This move is awesome. It's easy to collect all the other party's information! I admire it!" Liang Zhan said with a worshipful face.

Lin Yuchen smiled and did not answer. He secretly said in his heart: If you meet Mr. Wei, you will know what is awesome.

This trick was completely learned from Mr. Wei. The intelligence and public opinion forces under Mr. Wei often play this trick. In the Internet era, it is actually very easy to skin a person. You only need to create a hot spot on this person. Those who are leaky, like to show off the limelight, and are enthusiastic about gossip will naturally emerge one after another and pick up this person from the inside out. If this matter is done by Mr. Wei, it will not only be as simple as collecting information. He can even deliberately control the direction of public opinion. According to different purposes, or if the party in question is worthless, or blow it to the sky. In a word, everything is for the ultimate purpose of service, playing with the opponent. Between.

For this reason, Lin Yuchen made a plan. After communicating with several chief officers of Hammer, he let the iron-blooded camp appear in a high-profile way, create hot spots, and try his best to attract everyone's attention. In this way, there will be hot spots, and the next step is to wait for the information to be automatically delivered. It can be said that his goal has been achieved. At least the situation of the cobra has touched some foundation and no longer knows nothing like before.

Another advantage of this is that it can force the cobra to deal with it.

"Big Boss! They stopped shipping the goods and seemed to be discussing what to do. Guess what they will do next!" Liang Zhan asked again.

"It's hard to guess! Originally, I thought that after the news was released, they might speed up the transportation of the goods and move the supplies away overnight. If so, we can almost take back the castle without blood, because they just want to make a profit and don't want to fight hard. But now that they have stopped, the problem is a little big. This king of cobra looks unusual!" Lin Yuchen frowned and replied.

"Didn't you see that the comments on him on the Internet are as insidious as a cobra! This boy also specializes in playing with yin, all of which are tricks for you when people are unprepared. I think he must be thinking about something now.

"Poison countdown is not afraid, because they don't know that we are staring at them here. This is our greatest chance of winning now. As long as we keep an eye on it, they won't win this battle!"

"Big Boss! I increasingly feel that it is not unfair that we lost this time. It seems that the Cobra King can only admit his bad luck when he meets you. It's a pleasure to fight with you! Haha!" Liang Zhan said with an excited face.

"Hey! Stop shooting! We are just lucky this time. If they had had more carriages, they wouldn't have been so passive. Think about it, if they can move the supplies in the castle in a short time, then the initiative of this battle is in their hands, and it is up to him whether to fight or not. It's strange that there are not enough horses now to get so many carriages. However, it can also be inferred that King Cobra did it secretly this time, not to take over the task of the Orvis family. If it is a mission released by the Orvis family, he can get the full support of the Orvis family. With the ability of the Orvis family, there are many carriages, and the supplies here have been moved long ago. But if he wants to swallow alone, the result will be different. Lin Yuchen carefully analyzed the situation.

"Oh! So that's it! Just now, I was worried about whether the Orvis family would send reinforcements. Now it seems that it won't be!"

"This is definitely a problem! If the Cobra King asks for help, maybe he will really send it! We must not take it lightly. I have asked the people of the Iron-blooded Camp to stare at the task list to see if there are any relevant tasks released by the Orvis family! As long as it comes in this direction, don't let it go! They may cover up this task in various ways. Lin Yuchen was quite worried.

"Don't come! A Medusa and snake fly are annoying enough. If we have another support army, it will be really difficult for us to win!"

"Bear by the way, have you ever seen snakes and flies! I haven't seen this kind of creature yet!" Lin Yuchen killed a Queen Medusa, so he was not too worried about Medusa. In his heart, this arm's close combat was not as powerful as the legend, at least his defense was not strong, so he was very interested in snake flies.