The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 64 Meet

Tang Xianxian decided to change her environment. Now she is a little absent-minded as soon as she sits in the classroom. As long as someone walks by outside the window, she must turn her head and look, which has affected her study and life. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that her grades will also be affected.

So, she changed the self-study place to the library.

The library is large and quiet, and the window is not a corridor. No one walks around, so that I will not be distracted, and it should be more suitable for me to review.

Change the environment and change your mood. Since coming to the library, Tang Xianxian's mood has calmed down a lot. Although the feeling at the bottom of his heart is still lingering, it has not had such a big impact. At least, he has been able to calm down and read books and not be distracted when doing homework exercises.

During the self-study that night, she was sitting in the self-study room of the library and writing her homework. Somehow, she seemed to feel something at that time, and then she almost unconsciously raised her head and looked around aimlessly. This was just a very unconscious action, but she didn't expect that Such a simple look up actually made her calm mood again.

The tables in the library are all wide square tables, which can generally seat six people. The middle school library is not as crowded as the university self-study room. The teenagers in middle school have not learned to study completely independently, so there are still many vacancies in the library.

In order to avoid always looking out of the window, Tang Xianxian deliberately chose a corner back window every time she came in. This is the short side of the square table. She likes this position very much, because it is very comfortable and safe.

When she looked up, she saw a boy sitting opposite the long table. When the boy was holding a book in his hand, he also looked at him. When the eyes of both sides touched, the boy smiled and nodded to him slightly.

That's him!

At that moment, Tang Xianxian's heart was shocked.

At that moment, the vague impressions in my heart suddenly became clear. The boy in front of him quickly coincided with the feeling at the bottom of my heart. All the scenes in the past flashed through my mind like a movie. And the boy in front of him is the protagonist in this movie.

That's him!

For a moment, Tang Xianxian was a little at a loss. She only felt that her face was very hot and her heart beat fast!

But the boy was very calm. After laughing, he turned his head and looked at his book, as if nothing had happened.

Am I mistaken!? Isn't it him!? Didn't he recognize me!? ......

Tang Xianxian is in a panic again! All kinds of ideas kept flashing in my heart.

She repeatedly recalled the other party's eyes and look just now. She was sure that she would not admit her mistake. Although there was a big difference in appearance between this person and Tang Zhan, her expression and eyes were exactly the same. At this point, she believes in her own judgment.

But why did he react like this! He can recognize himself with makeup. Can't he recognize his true self? Does he like Tang Xianxian with makeup? Not the real me!

Tang Xianxian was no longer in the heart to do her homework. In the following time, she was peeking at the boy opposite. She lowered her head and seemed to be doing her homework, but all her spirit was completely on the opposite boy. She needed a suitable answer. What's going on?

The boy opposite also seemed to have found his behavior. Every time he looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, she felt like a thief.

It's so humiliating! Tang Xianxian couldn't wait to escape on the spot! But she had to pretend to be calm, as if nothing had happened.

With continuous observation, she finally remembered who this boy was!

The copycat version of the jungle lurker in Class 3! Yes! This is the man. This person once gave him a deep impression, that is, in last year's basketball league, he was a basketball layman, but he successfully limited Liu Yongtao, the ace in their class in the game. In that game, Liu Yongtao won first and then lost, and finally he was completely defeated by him and completely walked off the altar and became the hottest topic at that time.

When she thought of this, many forgotten memories couldn't help but come back to her mind. When he faced Liu Yongtao, the calmness and calmness, the expression that always smiled was so similar to Tang Zhan in the brave continent.

It turned out to be him! Ouch! I should have thought of him a long time ago! Tang Xianxian couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in her heart. But after being excited, there was another loss.

Every girl will have a prince on the white horse. Some are very clear and can clearly see their height and appearance. Such white horses are generally some idol stars; some are very vague, just a feeling or impression, or just some conditions, such as loving me very much, 1.8 meters, need to Have a car and a house, have a broad chest, strong arms, a beautiful man, a prominent family, and so on!

Tang Xianxian is naturally no exception. Her white horse is very vague. Her dream love is in college three years after high school. It is freer, more romantic and more leisurely. He walks with her on the university campus and talks about common topics. He is gentle, talks extraordinary, has strong shoulders, and will take care of himself like a big tree, let himself rely on, and snuggle...

For a while, Tang Xianxian was immersed in his fairy tale dream.

Anyway, Tang Xianxian can't combine the person in front of him with the person he imagined for a moment, because the appearance of the person in front of him seems to be far from the one in his heart, and the most important thing is that although he is very good at fighting, his grades are very average.

Tang Xianxian is in the top ten of the second class, and she can basically rank in the top 30 in the year. In Minghao Middle School, people in this area are basically focused on the key points, and she basically recognizes the top 50 people, but this person is obviously not on this list.

Another condition for Tang Xianxian is that she can at least keep pace with herself.

The martial arts are more than enough, but the text is not enough. Tang Xianxian made a silent comment in his heart. If only he were more elegant.

As the saying goes, she can think of whatever she lacks. As a girl who grew up in a military family, she often comes into contact with relatively hard things. The father of the major always gives her a firm and hard impression, so the man in her heart will unconsciously soften and be more educated...

Unconsciously, I was distracted when I thought about it. At this moment, the boy in front of him seemed to have finished his homework, slowly put away his textbook homework, then looked at himself, seemed to nod slightly with himself, and then gently walked out of the library's self-study room.

He's gone...

He just left like this.

This result made Tang Xianxian very disappointed! Incomparable disappointment!

She has thought about many results. He may come over to talk to herself, or go out with her at the door after self-study, then stop herself in a place where no one is, show her identity, and then ask herself to have supper, or send her home, or where he hides a bouquet of flowers. If you don't like it, just take it out and give it to me...

But none of this happened. This person just left and left! Gone? Let's go...

Maybe he is waiting for himself at the door now, and Tang Xianxian comforted herself again. She looked at the time. At 8 p.m., she overturned her previous idea. If she went back so early, she must have gone back to play games. Men are the same and like not doing their jobs. Hey!

Since the establishment of the Iron Wing Fort, even political commissar Wang has changed. At night, these people basically run home to run the Iron Wing Fort, which is their kingdom, which is even more important than the girls they have been pursuing for many years. In the past, Tang Xianxian was escorted home by self-study at night, although Tang Xianxian felt that there was It's a little annoying, but now I feel a little frustrated. No matter what kind of girl, she needs a sense of attention.

Although she was a little flustered when she just saw Tang Zhan and even wanted to escape on the spot, she was still very dissatisfied in the face of this ending. It's not like what's on TV at all!

This result even made her feel a loss! This Tang Zhan is really hard to see through. He is really good at pretending! As the girl said, he is not a good person at all, but a liar at all.


The lost night passed like this! But after this incident, Tang Xianxian's mood calmed down a lot. She finally found the mystery she had been looking for for many days. Although there are many new puzzles now, the veil has finally been unveiled. Everything seems to be suddenly enlightened.

Almost all the following days were like this. Tang Xianxian still went to the library to study by himself, and every time he could meet that person. Sometimes he sat close and sometimes far away. In short, he could find his figure every time. Every time he sat quietly in his sight, and every time he could intentionally or unintentionally My eyes touch each other, and every time I see him, I have the same flat and smile, just like when he faced Liu Yongtao.

The troubles of youth came and went quickly. Gradually, Tang Xianxian has become used to such a life. Although Tang Zhan is very different from his own white horse, he has a characteristic that he will not make people feel annoying. He belongs to the type that makes people look at him and will not reject him, although not He is a handsome man, but he is very durable, and the more he looks at it, the more interesting he feels.

After a period of time, Tang Xianxian even looked for him everywhere every time he approached the library.

The two began unconsciously. Although they didn't say anything or do anything, they seemed to have said everything and done everything.

Tang Xianxian also untily untied her heart knot. She is no longer distracted now. Anyway, no matter whether she thinks or not, he is there, whether he misses or not. He is always like that. He appears on time every day and disappears on time. He never affects himself. Whether he loves or not, likes or dislikes, he is relying on Therefore, I am not far away from myself, and I will never give up.

Tang Xianxian doesn't know whether she really likes him or not, but she knows one thing. This person has really become a part of her life. Every day, she has to look at him and make contact with his tacit eyes. Otherwise, she will feel something missing on this day. If she doesn't go to class, she will go online and go to the iron wing castle to see him. Anyway, you always have to look at it before you feel at ease!


As a heroine, she always has to write a single chapter for her. The first time I think about a girl's thinking, it may not be like that. There's nothing we can do about it. This book is made experimentally. Think of it as an experiment and add some experience points to yourself! Dear book lovers, please forgive me!