The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 80 ping zhi

"Xiao Tang told me that as long as you can get to the first 50 of the year, she will consider dating you!" The people who harmed the country said to Lin Yuchen with an excited face.

Under the continuous bribery of Lin Yuchen's various top equipment, she has now become a microphone between the two. It seems that she is also willing to do it, because in this way she can get first-hand gossip.

"Is this her original words or what she means!" Lin Yuchen asked seriously.

"Of course, that's what she means." The scourge girl said that she didn't care.

"Hey!" Lin Yuchen sighed.

"What are you sighing! A man without ambition! I have made it clear that her volunteer will be a university in the Magic City in the future. You can do it yourself!" After saying that, the girl turned around and left.

Lin Yuchen, who left his head down, stood there alone and hung his shadows!

Although it is only one sentence, Lin Yuchen can infer a lot of problems from here. For example, Tang Xianxian's original words certainly did not say so. The words that the disaster girl said to her must be her conclusion after reasoning based on the expression and tone of Tang Xianxian's original words, which must also There is no lack of Tang Xianxian's helplessness.

After squeezing out the water, there is basically not much weight left in this sentence. In fact, Tang Xianxian doesn't like his poor grades. Tang Xianxian's grades should be in the top 50 of the year. There are six classes of Minghao High School, with about 50 people in each class. Lin Yuchen ranks about 200. He is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers from Tang Xianxian. They are simply not of the same class.

Lin Yuchen is the best in the brave mainland, but in Minghao High School, which is a hero in terms of achievements, he can only be regarded as a small foot. If Minghao Middle School is put down, it is definitely a typical case of a toad who wants to eat swan meat.

The top 50 people are basically the top ten in the class. In such a competitive environment as Minghao, it is not easy to advance, let alone let him cross several levels and rush directly into the top ten of the class. And the top ten goals are either Kyoto or the magic capital. Anyway, the better universities in Shenzhou are there, and the goals of these people are naturally there.

Are the top ten people in the class still people? Lin Yuchen lost his confidence at the thought of those reading maniacs.

"Hey! Master, it turns out that the master doesn't want to see you! Are your grades really that bad? However, it makes sense. If you are so good at fighting, and your grades are one of the best, you are simply the invincible protagonists in YY novels. They are both civil and martial arts. All the girls stare at you like fat meat, and take the initiative to throw themselves into your arms one by one, so how can you let others live! I have to say, don't read it. Isn't it good to play directly on the job? According to your current income, when she finishes college, you will have been a millionaire for several years. At that time, we will start a company and invite her to work without inviting others. We will support her with a high salary every day and watch her to see where she can go!" The famous sword talked to himself and drew a beautiful blueprint for Lin Yuchen.

In these days, Ming Jian and this large group of people are also familiar with each other. He is easy-going, so he can talk to everyone and naturally knows the situation clearly.

"Are you praising me or scolding me!" Lin Yuchen really wants to tell him that this is his first love, and he doesn't want to be so casual about his first love. But in the face of people like famous swords, it is useless to say more.

"Haha! Of course I'm praising you. Master, it seems that this eight-armed Naga can't be sent out! Why don't you just give it to me! I won't take you for nothing. I'll exchange it with you with a bronze warrior!" The bronze warrior of the famous sword has been repaired, but he still remembers Naga.

Recently, he often practiced knives with Lin Yuchen, and the two often cooperated to deal with this head of Najia. Up to now, even with a hammer, he can only fight with it for about 20 moves at most. This eight-knife flow is really beyond the imagination and ability range of human beings, whether it is speed or sensitive. Still power, these eight-armed Nagabi are not inferior to them. Coupled with eight knives flying up and down, the simple way of force, several people have no chance to win it at all.

It's no wonder that the famous sword always remembers it.

"Why don't I add another 10,000!" The famous sword gritted his teeth and began to launch a money offensive.

"Get out of here! If you tell her, it's for her. No one will think about it. Lin Yuchen said viciously.

"Then you can't send it out! Why don't you lend it to me first? I'll pay the rent! How much rent do you charge a day? The famous sword looks like it will never stop if it doesn't reach its purpose.

"Who said she couldn't send it out? Isn't that she doesn't want it now? Besides, let you use it, polluted by you, and let her use it. Lin Yuchen said unhappily.

He said this completely unintentionally. This thing is what he wants to give to Tang Xianxian. Naturally, it is extremely sacred in his heart. No one can touch it. How can he be borrowed casually?

"How can I pollute? Speaking of pollution, hasn't it been polluted by Tianzang a long time ago? Master, this is your right. You can send it if it has been contaminated by Tianzang. If I use it, it will be dirty, and we will be dirtier than Tianzang! It hurts my self-esteem!" The famous sword is sad and indignant.

Lin Yuchen also realized that he had said it and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay. I was wrong. Can I apologize to you?

"Apology alone is not enough. My self-esteem has been seriously hurt. Now only this Naga can make up for my broken heart! Master, if you really want to apologize, take it as medical expenses!" The famous sword began to take the opportunity for the lion to open his mouth.

"Let's owe it first. I'll give you something like this later." Lin Yuchen will not be fooled by him.

"Master, I finally understand why they call you Lin Pingzhi. Hey! It's so speechless!"

After the famous sword finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran away, leaving the angry Lin Yuchen standing there and rolling his eyes.

'Lin Pingzhi' is a new nickname recently obtained by Lin Yuchen. The lethality of this nickname is as fast as the early as before. The leaking man, even more than that, is the eternal pain in Lin Yuchen's heart.

The reason why he got this nickname is that he likes Tang Xianxian's affairs to be public.

In the iron-blooded camp, everyone knows that Tang Xianxian and commissar Wang are childhood sweethearts. In the eyes of many people, it seems that they should be a couple, but now suddenly a Lin Yuchen is killed halfway.

Therefore, two opinions emerged: one is fair competition. Anyway, Tang Xianxian and Commissar Wang have no reputation, and this matter is obviously Wang's own wishful thinking, so everyone does their best to catch up with whom; the other is to directly take Lin Yuchen said that he was a shameless villain who grabbed love with a knife. After referring to Mr. Jin Yong's "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Political Commissar Wang was praised as a sad and sad hero, while Lin Yuchen became a step in and stole the little sister's "Lin Pingzhi" at the critical moment. It happened that he was also surnamed Lin.

In order to show his belly, Commissar Wang has been indifferent to Lin Yuchen's pursuit of Tang Xianxian. Although Lin Yuchen could look at his eyes as sharp as a dark gold knife, he still tried to show the unrestrained appearance of Linghu Chong, which made everyone admire his character.

Of course, this also accelerated the speed of Lin Yuchen's transformation into Lin Pingzhi. Originally, this nickname was only some people who supported the second opinion, but later it spread to the whole iron wing castle without covering the ears. Even the hammer sometimes called him inadvertently. Now, Lin Yuchen has become 'Lin Pingzhi' It has become an unchangeable fact.

Lin Yuchen has also seen Smiling Proud Jianghu, and the tragic end of Lin Pingzhi's role made him sad and indignant, coupled with the previous early. Leak man, Lin Yuchen found that he was so unlucky. Other people's nicknames were more and more popular, but each of his nicknames was aimed at that part, and it was getting worse and worse. If it goes on like this, maybe I don't even want to be a man.

But his mouth grows on others, and he can't control it, so he has to let it go.

Let's do it. That's a good name. It's better to bless me with the Cobra Mercenary Regiment. Lin Yuchen said secretly.

The most important question in front of him now is how to complete this delivery task. Although the last time the five demons were killed and fled, this does not mean that the crisis will be eliminated from now on. Because although he borrowed troops from the Tianxu Alliance, he only borrowed Ye Yin and three others, but there was no military strength. Such a situation is still very unfavorable to him.

And Visburg is very calm during this period, but this calm is a little strange. This is the sign before the war and the last calm before the storm. They are obviously brewing something. Once launched, it is absolutely thunderous.

Seeing that the deadline was approaching, Lin Yuchen had to calm down and arrange all this seriously.


At the same time, the atmosphere in Visburg is also becoming increasingly tense. As the date approached, the nerves in the whole castle became tighter and tighter.

Waiting is actually a very terrible thing, sometimes even more terrible than death!

"Big Boss! I don't know what's going on, but I always have an ominous feeling in my heart that there seems to be something wrong with this battle! But I don't know what the problem is!" The six-winged cobra secretly and his boss, the king of the cobra.

"The whole plan is all done by you. Now you don't think it's right! Shit! But to be honest, I'm actually not sure!" The Cobra King has the same feeling in his heart.

"Why don't we cancel this operation!?" The six-winged cobra asked expectantly.

"Do you say it's possible!" The Cobra King asked, "Is this still within our control? What do you want us to talk to the group of exterminated wolves?

For this operation, both sides have paid a lot, and the extermination of the wolves have sent their absolute main force. All kinds of equipment and materials are constantly transported from the wilderness. These alone are a large amount of consumption. Coupled with various cooperative training, the daily costs are also very amazing. Both sides have invested in this. With a lot of human and material resources, if the action is cancelled at this time, if there is no extremely appropriate reason, it will definitely cause great dissatisfaction with the extermination of the wolves.

The whole plan was planned by Cobra. It was they who said they wanted to cooperate, and it was they who planned to fight. Now if they casually say they don't fight and cancel, I'm afraid that this group of wolves will turn against each other on the spot.

Thinking of the expressionless face of the extinct wolf, both of them couldn't help shaking their heads. Now it's time to open the bow without turning back, and no one can stop.

"Think about the whole plan and see which step is wrong!" The Snake King repeatedly suggested seriously.

"I don't know how many times I have thought about the whole plan. To be sure, there is no problem here. This is a perfect plan. I have never made such a perfect plan, but it may be because he is so perfect. That's why I'm so worried!" The six-winged cobra said worriedly.

"There has never been an absolutely perfect plan in the world, because if he is really so perfect, then perfection is its biggest flaw.

"The Cobra King was possessed by the ancient dragon for a while.

"That's what I think! Therefore, I need a backup plan that can remedy this operation in time, that is to say, I need a reserve team. The six-winged cobra seems to have been infected by its boss.

He continued: "However, for this plan, we have used all the useful troops at hand. It can be said that there is no one in our hands now. No matter where we draw people, it will destroy the integrity of this plan. This is the biggest contradiction of this plan. If we want to maintain the original plan, we can't make any changes. If we want to make any changes, unless we completely break the whole plan and then replan the operation.

"But such a perfect plan, you can't even bear to modify it yourself, right!" The Cobra King asked.

"Yes!" The six-winged cobra nodded and admitted it.

"Hey! Contradiction! Now my biggest curiosity is who should be placed in the iron-blooded camp! He is the key to our action. It can be said that our whole plan is based on this mole. I have a feeling that the key to success or failure of this action may be in this person.