The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 30 Alliance

The bloody trousers were shocked by this arrow that missed a lot!

As a technical house, he is already bold, and he is not as good as some people who enjoy killing and fighting for a living. The reason for participating in the competition this time is that he is forced to drive ducks on the shelves. If Guo Dashao hadn't given a lot of support behind his back, money and equipment, he really didn't want to come. .

He hid in his defense line and bravely followed the sound, but saw an unexpected scene. There was a piece of cloth hanging on the feather arrow.


There seems to be words on it!

Obviously, the opponent of this arrow was deliberately biased in order to transmit information through this cloth!

What does he want to do? Does he want to draw the snake out of the hole, or does he really want to say something to himself?

The bloody trousers looked at the cloth and kept thinking about it. At this moment, his heart was full of curiosity and doubts. He was not only afraid of cheating by the other party, but also wanted to know what was written on the cloth.

Finally, he came up with a solution.

At this time, he had repaired his stone ghost, so he asked the stone ghost to grab the cloth.

In this way, you don't have to run out of the defensive formation, and you can know what is written on the cloth!

"Let's form an alliance!"

The cloth seems to have been torn off the clothes with only five words on it. It seems to be written in a kind of black charcoal powder, which is very scriscribbled.


Looking at the words on the cloth, the bloody trousers were surprised and happy. He thought about it, and this seemed to be a good solution.

As early as the beginning of the game, many players have discussed it on a large scale on the Internet. Everyone knows the benefits of alliance. In the case that everyone is at the same level, it is absolutely very beneficial for them to have an ally with more people and beat fewer people. However, the competition system stipulated by the organizers makes all alliances meaningless to some extent.

Because of the restriction of supply, everyone stares at the few supplies on the other side. In this way, there is no sense of trust between anyone. Who knows what the reason for your alliance is? Do you really want to fight against other opponents together, or do you want to give me a knife when I am unprepared and take away my supplies?

Even if there is a real alliance, there can only be one final winner of this Battle Royale. Even if this alliance is maintained in the end, it will break down, so how to decide the final victory or defeat!

In the virtual world, only in terms of success or failure, regardless of the process, benevolence, righteousness and morality are false. For the final championship and rewards, people can do anything!

Therefore, almost everyone doesn't think that the alliance is a good thing, because after the alliance, it seems that there is an additional helper, but this helper is a bomb that will kill you at any time. I don't know when it will sell you and take away everything you have worked hard.

However, for the trousers at this time, singing is not a solution to the immediate crisis!

So, he took out a charcoal pen and quickly wrote a few words on the cloth. Then he casually found a stone and wrapped it up, and then threw it fiercely in the direction of the feather arrow.

As an alchemist, because he often has to underline and modify various parts, charcoal pens are basically carried with him. Therefore, he is much easier to write than the other party.

The cloth wrapped in stones did not fly far and landed, and the bloody trousers stared there. Before long, a tree next to a very flexible person flashed out and quickly copied the stone and cloth strips.

Soon, the cloth was shot back again and nailed to the tree.

Naturally, there are a few more lines on it.

The line was written by the fat man: Who are you! How can I trust you!

The other line is the response: I am chasing the wind whip for thousands of miles. You can't believe me, but this is absolutely beneficial to us! Think about it, what's the benefit of me fighting with you!

The two began the conversation in this extremely primitive way.

No one thought that the first league of the only competition would start like this!

Before the competition, in order to prevent participants from communicating with each other, the organizer turned off the communication function of each participant, that is to say, they could not contact anyone, whether they were opponents or former teammates. But the connection between people cannot be completely cut off by any technical means.

In order to gain the trust of his opponent, Qianli chased the wind whip and told the original situation of the supply point to the bloody trousers, and as a technical house with no scheming, the bloody trousers also believed it.

In this way, the two finally reached an agreement. They will temporarily suspend the war and use this supply point to ambush everyone who wants to come here to get supplies. Because they all believe that other contestants will know that there is a supply point sooner or later. In order to survive, they will definitely come here. At that time, they can kill these people one by one and get supplies from them. Then you can continue to survive in this game.

Although the alliance between the two has been formed, both sides are cautious. They all know that this alliance is because they don't want to fight with their opponents like this. Therefore, the alliance is destined to be temporary. The two sides are temporarily suspended, forming a trap near the supply point, and other players are hooked. .

As for what will happen in the future, both sides are very clever to avoid this problem.

Both sides are satisfied with this result. Qianli chased the wind whip and felt that it was feasible to form an alliance with bloody trousers, because of the twelve people, he was probably the only one he could trust the most. Bloody trousers are a technical house. Such people generally have no scheming and are relatively simple. Therefore, they don't have to worry about the other party's reaction. And because the bloody trousers are injured, what he needs most at this time is to rest and return blood. Therefore, alliance is also a good choice for him. What's more, the opponent's strength is so strong that there is no benefit in fighting. In this case, why not seek common ground while reserving differences, first form an alliance and wait for the situation to change.

Although it is allied, the positions of the two sides remain unchanged. The bloody trousers are still closely defended in their own positions, while the thousands of miles of chasing wind whips are hidden in the jungle. The two people form a trap, waiting for the prey to be hooked.

A battle that everyone was looking forward to stopped abruptly! For a while, all the players watching the battle were not satisfied! For the audience, what they dislike most is the result of this non-war confrontation. Therefore, all kinds of condemnation, abuse and ridictation began on the Internet. Thousands of miles of chasing whips and bloody trousers were portrayed as only speculative and without any hot-blooded soft eggs.

But no matter how much you scold outside, the situation inside is still the same. Because every contestant could not contact the outside world, they did not know these comments at all. They still responded to the environment they faced according to their own situation at that time.

After resting, Lin Yuchen continued to move towards his goal. This time, he was lucky and soon arrived at his destination and obtained supplies from the supply point.

In this way, he had six days of supplies and suddenly became a local tycoon and aristocrat. In addition, he has defeated an opponent. The purpose of this game has been achieved. Therefore, he is not in a hurry at all and safely found a good lurking point to lurk down.

And Xuan Chibing is the same. After getting the supply point, he had four days of supply in his hand. He was also not in a hurry at all. He found a place to hide and rested.

AK is still hiding around the fire phoenix looking for opportunities, and the fire phoenix has the same six-day supply, coupled with the protection of the twelve fire demons, so it is not nervous at all.

The roaring death also had four days of supplies, so it was not slow at this time. He lurked in his position, tying a big net around himself like a spider, waiting for the prey to come to his door.

Among the remaining eight people, the most nervous is the evil blade. He doesn't have any supplies in his hands, and he is alone. Seeing that this day is about to pass, the supplies in his backpack begin to decrease, and the supplies he needs are not available at all. If tomorrow is still the same, he doesn't need to be killed by others at that time. I'm starving to death.

According to the setting of the game, players can still survive for a day without supplies, but they will enter a weak state. Physical strength, spirit and strength will continue to weaken over time. At that time, the strength is only average and can only be slaughtered by others.

However, it seems that he is not nervous at all. He is still leisurely hiding somewhere, as if he is also waiting for the opportunity.

This first day of the game has entered a calm period! The vigorous battle as before never happened again, and all the audience who watched it for a moment were not interested.

However, the game organizers obviously expected such a result for a long time, so all kinds of well-prepared comments, analysis, talk shows, predictions, and lottery programs will also be launched. In short, no player will feel cold because of this.

With the progress of the competition, some contestants have been eliminated, and the new ranking has been updated!

Now, the popularity of winning the championship has become the roaring death!

After he assassinated a hero on the battlefield in a nearly magical way, almost all people were impressed by his superb assassination skills. Everyone thought that among the rest of these people, basically no one could escape his assassination. In the following time, as long as there is no major accident, these people will only fall under his trap one by one.

In second place is the Fire Phoenix.

No one expected that the biggest boss, the biggest favorite of this competition, the Scorpion King, who has left the human category, would be eliminated in such a way. Although AK's sniper hit the Scorpion King a lot, what is really powerful is the fire of fire phoenix. Now people know that it turns out that Fire Phoenix also has this trick to die together! But the fire phoenix will be nirvana in the fire, so no one can afford such a fight. As long as 24 hours, AK did not find a way to break through the fire phoenix formation. The fire phoenix succeeded in nirvana, and the saint of the fire god religion could at least be the second place.

Lin Yuchen, who ranked third, has no other reason. Now the King of Yin has six days of supplies. With his usual style, he will definitely hide and wait until the last day. I believe that by that time, there will be few other opponents left. Therefore, it should be no big problem for him to get the third place.

The odds between the fourth and seventh are about the same. These people are likely to win or lose no matter who wins. Speaking of which, the pants brother and Qianli chase whip, who have just formed the league, are more likely to win, but their alliance is likely to break down on the third day of the game. If they don't get new supplies on the third day, then when the supply point opens, it's time for them to fight to the death.

The last one was actually cruel. I have to say that the performance before the cruelty was very good, but this person was a little arrogant. In such a major competition, he still remained stubborn in the face of such a good opportunity. However, he had to play his opponent to death to be happy. As a result, the cooked duck flew, which was wasted in vain. Instead, he wasted by the fire phoenix. Phoenix picked up a big bargain.

Coupled with various emotional factors, no one wants this person to win, so his ranking was artificially ranked last.

In various discussions and speculations, the only game ushered in the first night. With the arrival of night, the game also entered the night mode. Darkness gradually enveloped the whole island. Under the night, danger also enveloped the whole island.