The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 33 Devil

On the road of the brave, archers are the most difficult profession to play! One of the reasons is the accuracy!

Archery seems simple, but it's not that easy to hit the target. If you aim alone, let alone take people's lives 500 meters away like Yang Youji. Even within 50 meters, there will not be many people who can achieve five out of 10. After all, this is an extremely test of psychological quality, physical fitness, vision, stability and balance.

But after all, this is a game. The game is designed to let people achieve something that can't be done in reality, so there are a series of shortcuts such as spiritual locking and magic tracking arrows!

Spiritual locking is a skill that many archers like very much. This skill will generate a spiritual imprint on the target. At that time, it will be like tracking and guidance. It can firmly lock the opponent and accurately find the target with each arrow shot.

With this guidance ability, the archer suddenly saves a lot of problems in aiming and calculation. As long as the spiritual imprint is generated, he can be like a god's possession, penetrating Yang in a hundred steps, and the arrows will not fail.

It's just that mental locking is not locked if you want to lock it. This requires the operator's magic to be strong enough, mental power and control high enough, eyesight, means and reaction to sit on the target, and it needs to consume mana and spiritual power at the same time. But if the opponent is fast, very flexible, good at avoiding or extremely strong mentally, it is not easy to lock in!

But in any case, it is much easier than training archers. After all, not everyone can have such good innate conditions and systematic training as Yang Yuji. Of course, not everyone can suffer so much. Therefore, people are still willing to choose this simpler and easier-to-learn skill. Make up for your shortcomings.

Like Yang Youji, who can kill thousands of miles without any additional skills will definitely be able to become a god with him and stand at the top of the brave continent and be worshipped.

As the magic archer of the domineering side, what he is proficient in chasing the wind and whip is spiritual locking!

As early as when the centaur shocked the bloody trousers, he was also shocked. His combat ability is much stronger than the bloody trousers, and of course, he will not doze off and panic like his trousers brother. He almost always maintained a half-sleeping state, seemingly resting, but his nerves maintained a state of vigilance. A little wind and grass could not avoid his perception.

Therefore, he has been paying attention to the whole process since the beginning of the incident.

He saw at a glance that the centauri was a bait, so he was not fooled at all! So he ambushed very tolerantly, waiting for the opponent's next action.

But the strength of the residual blade was still beyond his expectation. He never thought that his opponent could break through the space and rush into the defense circle of the trousers. If it hadn't been for the bloody trousers, one of their league would have been broken on the spot.

The two men's game was very fast, and they won or lost almost in an instant, so that he didn't have time to react at all.

Thousands of miles chasing the wind whip sighed and was ashamed. Everyone in this competition should not be underestimated. The two of them formed a alliance and occupied the right time, place and people. In the case of two dozen, they were killed unprepared and almost hung up. It would be shameful enough to say this!

So, he quickly launched a counterattack!

The first step in counterattack is spiritual locking!

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to chase the wind whip to lock the remnant blade, but at this time, the attention of the remnant blade is all on the trousers, and there is no defense against him hiding aside, so he completed the lock relatively easily!

The skill of mental locking is mutual. As long as the spirit of the locked person is high enough, he can know that he is locked. If he reaches a certain level, he can even unlock with his own spiritual power.

The mental power of the broken blade is at a high level among ordinary players, so he knew that he was locked at the first time. Of course, he has not yet reached the height of unlocking.

After knowing that he was locked, he stopped moving!

It is extremely troublesome to be locked by the archer, either by defensive resistance, or to dodge and fight until the opponent's physical strength is exhausted and the arrows are exhausted, or to run desperately and run outside the opponent's firepower range! Whatever it is, it is not what the wounded blade can do now.

Knowing that he could not escape, he simply did not escape, leaving his strength to deal with the upcoming blow.

Everyone saw him saying words in his mouth. Obviously, he was preparing magic!

The decisive key to this battle is who is faster, whether the spell of the broken blade is faster or the bow and arrow that chase the wind and whip for thousands of miles, and who wins!

Wo! Oh! Oh!

Three feather arrows appeared in the air almost at the same time, rushing straight to the remnant blade lying on the ground!

Each of the feather arrows supported by the Wind God is as fast as lightning, and the continuous arrow method of chasing the wind whip for thousands of miles is simply three life-threatening arrows, which are bound to hang the remnant blade in one fell swoop!

The blade is still lying straight on the ground, without any movement at all!

Just when everyone thought that the blade was finished, a strange scene appeared.

When the three feather arrows flew to the front of the broken blade, they suddenly became very magically fixed! It's like being fixed, firmly fixed in the air, motionless, not falling down, and not continuing to fly, completely contrary to common sense and common sense!


At this moment, the bloody trousers also pulled the trigger of *, and a short crossbow arrow also shot at the remnant blade.

However, this crossbow arrow is the same as the other three feather arrows in the end, and finally it is fixed in the air!

People can even clearly see the blue light shining on the crossbow. Obviously, this is a highly poisonous crossbow that seals the throat with blood! But this crossbow is fixed in the air by a magical force and can't move!

"What kind of magic is this! That's awesome!" For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and many people couldn't figure out the mystery.

It seems that there is no such spell as fixed magic in the magic system on the brave continent. Generally, even if it is blocked, the arrow will fall to the ground according to common sense, and will not be fixed in the air as strangely as the scene in front of it.

Woth! ......

Thousands of miles of chasing the wind whip seemed to be very unwilling. After the previous three arrows were fixed, he shot several arrows, each of which aimed at a different target, some with hands, some feet, some heads, some bodies, and even used magic arrows, which specialize in breaking magic defense, and his own swing arrows and penetration. Arrows, but the final result of these arrows is the same, all firmly fixed in front of the broken blade, motionless!

At this time, the remnant blade was like a hedgehog, with dozens of feather arrows stopped in front of him, but none of them hit him, and he did not die!

Everyone was shocked by such a magical scene. For a moment, the whole network was silent and looked at the scene in front of them quietly.

Even the thousands of miles chasing whips and bloody trousers were a little stunned. This scene was completely out of their common sense, and they didn't know what to do!

I don't know how long it took, everyone only felt the space shake, the picture in front of them shook, and the dozen feather arrows suddenly hit the ground.

And the broken blade also completely disappeared into the air with this shaking!

All my friends were stunned!

The remnant blade actually escaped!

He was one against two, and even escaped under such an unfavorable situation!

People can see from the observation system that the remnant blade has appeared more than 200 meters away, lying on the ground and gasping heavily. Obviously, this confrontation also consumed a lot of his physical strength.

The broken blade escaped a disaster!

His space magic has also become famous!

Space solidification!

Finally, the spell he just used was also revealed! This 'space solidification' spell can limit all the space beside the opponent. Once the person is hit by this spell, he can't move at all, thinking that the space around him is frozen, and naturally he can't move without space to move.

This spell space bondage spell was originally used to control the opponent, but at this time, the remnant blade used it on itself. In the short time he was locked into the attack, he was only able to use this spell, trapped himself in a space, completely separated from the outside world, and only those who are extremely familiar with space spells can apply this spell flexibly, do the opposite way, and save himself at the moment of life and death!

It is said that the remnant blade has used this method to kill people before!

He likes to fix the target first, and then swing all kinds of weapons around him, which are fixed because of space freezing without exception. Then, the remnant blade stood aside and waited, watching the target constantly struggle because of fear, and waited until the time of spell time, the space returned to order again, and those weapons returned to the trajectory of operation, all of which suddenly applied to the target.

It can be said that all the people killed like him are miserable, and the end is no less than the ancient Ling Chi!

And these images should be banned by the government because they are too cruel, so that many people don't know that there is such a way to play.

Today, the blade almost suffered retribution, but this man seemed to be desperate and escaped again at the last moment.

However, he has also overdrawn at this time. The space solidification and the final teleportation just now cost him a lot of mana and physical strength, plus injury. At this time, his life is on the line, and his physical strength and mana are basically exhausted. As long as there is another person, one finger can kill him to death!

But there is no enemy beside him at this time!

In this competition, the equipment of the disabled blade may be the worst of the twelve people. Because the abnormal behavior is made public, almost everyone knows him, so his equipment and supplies are often not replenished, and sometimes no one is even willing to do chores such as repairing weapons.

In this competition, he has almost reached the point where he can't get a decent piece of equipment. His armor is seriously worn and he doesn't have much protective ability. Otherwise, he won't be so seriously injured by his trousers, and there are almost no other consumables. The advanced equipment has also been eliminated in the past. It's exhausted. Compared with other players, he is almost playing bare.

But he has long been used to it, because he often spends his time in such a tightness.

But that's why he sharpened his ability to be very strong. No matter when, he will never lose easily and never give up. It can be said that although he is an extremely cruel person, he is also an extremely determined person. He has done the extreme of evil, no matter what others think of him, scold him. , suppress him and spit on him, he is unmoved, still me!

He is like a legendary demon who came down to the earth, taking pleasure in killing and doing extremely cruel things!

At this time, he healed himself while thinking about how to arrange a new round of battle!

For him, he has figured out the situation of his opponent, and in the next battle, his winning rate is much higher!