The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 28 Video

Lin Yuchen's training in the Fight Association soon spread throughout the university town. For a while, the Fighting Association, which was originally neglected, suddenly became the focus of the whole Hongji. Every afternoon, it was full of people watching the bustle. Many people wanted to see how the legendary jungle lurker was trained.

The Fight Association also became popular. First, they claimed that they refused to watch for confidentiality, and the doors and windows were also covered, and then stipulated that people who are not allowed to enter the place! Because of this rule, many people immediately paid money to sign up to join the Fighting Association, and the number of people in the Fighting Association has doubled in a short time!

The role of the celebrity effect is clear! At this time, all the people of the Fighting Association understood their president's good intentions. Without his correct decision at that time, the Fighting Association would certainly not have ushered in a momentum of rejuvenation!

Lin Yuchen's training is actually very simple. According to the plan formulated by the volcano, various training equipment are completed according to the regulations, then hit sandbags, speed balls, hit wooden piles for a while, and then practice fighting training and various fighting skills with the volcano.

What happens most often in mixed combat is entanglement, and how to lock the opponent in entanglement, force the opponent to admit defeat, how to release when locked by the opponent, and how to counterattack the opponent in unfavorable situations are all important skills in mixed fighting, which also take a long time of training to fully master.

The two men kept beating shirtless on the court, which is quite in line with the aesthetics of the corrupt women. I don't know when, people have been uploading videos and photos of Lin Yuchen's training to the Internet to win attention and clicks! This has almost become one of the hottest topics in Hongji University in the past period!

"I don't think Lin Yuchen's comprehensive fighting ability is not very strong! Boss, you are sure to win this time!"

In a gym in the police academy, several strong young people are gathering together, holding their mobile phones to watch Lin Yuchen's training video, which has been very popular recently! One of them said excitedly.

"Yes! His fighting ability is very poor! And the power is not strong, boss. At that time, as long as you pester him and then control him with strength, you will basically win!" Another person also followed.

"And the ability to fight is also very ordinary! Boss, you have a big win this time! I think this boy is too arrogant. He thinks he is good at it. As long as he practices mixed martial arts, he will understand it. Shit! Finding a coach is also at the level of a three-legged cat. I think he will suffer a big loss this time! Boss, you must teach him a hard lesson this time, at least let him lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months! He dares to look down on the people of our police academy in the future! Anyway, this time he said that he would take care of the medical expenses and didn't have to keep it for him at all!"

Several people said that they all despised Lin Yuchen. Only one person didn't say anything!

This person is Yao Shunlong, the opponent who is about to duel with Lin Yuchen this time!

When everyone had nothing to say, he said, "It's too early to comment!" Don't forget, he has knocked out several people! And all of them are one hit and must be killed! It can be said that his strength is not bad at all, but he is not familiar with the way of mixed fighting. In my opinion, the reason why he wants to train is to be familiar with the rules and environment of mixed fighting, so as not to let himself fall into a passive situation because he is not familiar with the environment and rules. Such an opponent should not be despised, but also should be valued!"

In one sentence, everyone nodded silently. Lin Yuchen's ability was there. Although they were not convinced, they did not think they had such a record. The reason for his all kinds of contempt is just a mouthful.

" boss, how much confidence do you have this time!" Another person asked.

"I dare not say confidence, but I have thought about it. My winning face is that I am familiar with the rules and better at such a game environment, and his winning face is speed and moves! If he fights speed war with me and then sneaks, maybe I can't help him! But I think he has been training muscles recently, which is a little miscalculated! Or it can be said that this is the most miscalculated place. Those who study martial arts are most afraid of muscles, because although muscles can enhance their fighting ability, they will also lose speed, flexibility and flexibility. Originally, he had to formulate tactics according to his own advantages and strengths, but now he has to give up himself. What you are best at, fight with what you are least good at. Isn't it based on your own shortcomings and attack my strengths? This is my biggest chance of winning. As long as he falls into my game rhythm, he will definitely lose this time!" Yao Shunlong made an analysis of this competition!

" boss, this person is known as the king of Yin, and almost all the people who have dealt with him have been yin. I'm afraid you have to be very careful. Maybe he will make some extravag tricks to deal with you at that time!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately echoed by most people. The title of Yin King has now become one of Lin Yuchen's labels, and everyone can't help but guard against him.

"Out-of-market moves! En! You have to be careful! I said, have you contacted the venue yet?" Yao Shunlong asked.

" boss, the matter of the venue has been almost done. The man in our class, his fellow villager, is from the Student Union of the Normal University. He has told them that he is willing to help us finish the venue! At that time, they will vacate the whole stadium for us to play the game. And they are also responsible for the equipment referee!"

"That's good. I'm afraid he can't make any big waves in the teacher's college. What about the notaries? Have you made a selection?"

"We can only find a police officer and professor now. Our dean has promised to be present to justice for us, but in terms of lawyers, it seems that our school does not have such talents. There are no people who have studied martial arts, but I'm afraid that position must have a certain status to sit on it!"

"Damn! Why do we have to do so many preparatory things? Why doesn't that boy do it by himself? Shit, I've really begged my grandfather and grandmother to find people everywhere these days. I'm almost exhausted!"

"Don't you worry about letting him do it! He is the king of Yinren. If we let him do this, I'm afraid we will lose! Maybe I'll get you some tricks somewhere. To be honest, I'd rather be a little tired, but then we can rest assured!"

" boss, I think he put forward so many conditions this time, I'm afraid he just wants to make it difficult for our boss and make us tired, so we don't have time to train! This boy is too vicious!"

"Is our boss still afraid of such a cheap trick! Even if it takes half of the time to train, it's a matter of minutes for the boss to destroy him!"

"He is on guard against us. I heard that the boy hasn't been out of school since that incident. I'm afraid he is afraid that we will find someone to fuck him! Haha, this boy is actually quite careful.

" boss, if we don't sneak into Hongjili to teach him a lesson, I don't believe it. With the ability of our brothers, I'm afraid we can't beat him!"

"If you beat him, the boss will be worry-free during the game!"

"I agree! This boy looks down on our police academy too much. Look at the statements he wrote. What do you think of the people of our police academy? It is said that we extorted, have no credibility, and are exempt from responsibility. Shit, we want to kill! But just a few hoodlums and a few first-year freshmen? What's the big deal? If he meets our brothers that day, he will never be forced to stand up!"

"That is, if it were our brothers who went up that day, it must be him lying in the hospital now, arrogant! Maybe we are still collecting medical expenses for him now!"

"Hahaha!" ......

Yao Shunlong also has his own group of buddies in the police academy. These people are all fighting masters with the same interests and hobbies as him. When they talk about Lin Yuchen, they are also unconvinced. Although they know that they can't make such a record, they still don't forget to sarcastically.

Yao Shunlong smiled and said nothing. Naturally, he disdains to do such a thing. As a martial artist and one of the seven boxers in the university city, he also has his own pride. Although he really wants to win this competition, he still disdains such a cheap move.

He picked up his mobile phone and carefully looked at Lin Yuchen's movements on the video. It can be said that this is his greatest advantage now. Lin Yuchen's daily training situation has now been published on the Internet, which can be said to be an extremely important information for him. He can master it through these videos at all times. The dynamics of the opponent, study the characteristics of the opponent, and then arrange the most reasonable tactical play to defeat him in one stroke.

This king of Yinren, this time it's really a miscalculation! It seems that he really doesn't have any competition experience. I don't know if the most important thing before the game is not to disclose his training situation and information!



"Big Boss Yu, this situation is very bad for you!" Zhao Shiqiang shouted, "Look, people post your training videos on the Internet every day. Isn't this leaking military aircraft?" Boss Yu, your move is a little miscalculated! I think Chairman Chen is really good. How can he put everyone in for a little money and let people take photos at will! This can't be done! Boss Yu, you should talk to Chairman Chen and stop such a thing from happening immediately. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will suffer losses this time!"

"Yes! Lao Hei's words make sense! Boss Yu, this is really inappropriate! I'm sure that Yao Shunlong must be watching this video now. He must be studying your weaknesses. At that time, I'm afraid you will lose!" Brother Tong was also worried.

In the face of persuasion, Lin Yuchen looked careless. He said, "What is this! Just shoot it! President Chen finally set up the Fighting Association. Now if it is stopped, I'm afraid the Fighting Association will be scolded! Forget it, anyway, fighting depends on strength, and all tactics are auxiliary. As long as my strength is stronger than him, it is useless for him to arrange any tactics, at most, just survive!"

"Master Yu, I will also let my fellow villagers secretly take some videos of Yao Shunlong's training for you!" Zhao Shiqiang said.

"Will your fellow villagers do such a thing? Now that we and the police academy are enemies, will he do this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall and communicate with the enemy country!" Lin Yuchen asked.

"Ye! This is really hard to say!" Zhao Shiqiang thought for a moment, which was really hard to say.

"Small! Those who took the video are all traitors, traitors and traitors of Hongji. If you lose the game this time, I will definitely not let them go!" Brother Tong said angrily.

"Forget it! Zhao Laohei, let's see if you ask your fellow villagers what kind of person Yao Shunlong usually is! How is your character? You don't need anything else, in case your fellow villagers can't be a man!"