The real mirror of online games

12, leaderboard

"What? Dead?" Hearing that the task NPC died, Song Fei was no longer in the mood to chew with the old man.

"Yes, 20 years ago, the chef took refuge here and soon died of depression. Only a five- or six-year-old child was left. Although he was an adult, he was still young at that time. I'm afraid he would not get the true legend of the chef, so he will become depressed.

"Oh, please ask the village head to tell me the address of the chef's son, and I'll ask. Maybe there's a way."

"Okay, just give it a try. After the death of the chef, the child wandered here. Later, when he was a little older, he was helped by the villagers and opened a teahouse outside the village. Because his family name is Li, his relatives in his hometown call him 'Li Xiaoer'. Go and have a try. I hope you can get what you want in your lifetime.

Leaving the village head's house, Song Fei ran directly to the village. He has noticed the small teahouse outside the village for a long time, but he has never understood why the programmer designed a small teahouse here. Players will definitely not come to such a place, just to add a decoration to the novice village? Now he finally understands that there is a task here.

Entering the teahouse, Song Fei did not see Li Xiaoer, but only saw a few elderly people gathered around, drinking tea and chatting. Song Fei walked to several people and saluted first before saying, "Excuse me, everyone, is Li Xiaoer there?"

"Oh, you're looking for Xiao Er." One of the old people who looked 50 or 60 years old shouted after saying, "Xiao Er, Xiao Er, someone is looking for it." After that, he ignored Song Fei and drank tea by himself.

"Ah, who is looking for me?"

Song Fei turned around and saw a young man in washed white linen clothes coming out of the thatched hut. Seeing Li Xiaoer like this, Song Fei was not in a hurry to say his task and chatted with this young man first.

"Brother Li, business is booming!"

"Hey, there is no business!" Li Xiaoer sighed and let Song Fei sit down on a table next to him. It doesn't all rely on the relief of the villagers. Look, these uncles, come to me for tea and bring their own tea. I'm just responsible for making tea for them.

Sing Fei was helpless again. I didn't expect that the NPC in the game also lived so miserably. Why is it so difficult for people to live?

"If it hadn't been for the help of the villagers, I would have starved to death. Therefore, I have to work hard to study the recipes left by my father to cook some good tea and dishes for the villagers to repay them. I..."

"What are you talking about? Did your father leave the recipe? Sefeld saw a glimmer of hope and immediately became excited.

"Of course, my father was the 'chef god' of the famous phantom continent. How could he leave without leaving anything!"

Hearing this iconic opening, Song Fei knew that the boy was going to start to talk. However, it seems that there is something hidden in every NPC's wordy words of this task. Don't interrupt him and let him finish it.

"My father was a famous 'cooking god' in the phantom continent. Whether it was cooking, making tea or brewing, as long as it was related to eating and drinking, he was extraordinary! At that time, many dignitaries wanted to ask their father to take care of them. I heard that their father also cooked for His Majesty!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaoer's face showed a trace of pride, but then it faded.

"But the father also harmed himself because of this reputation. At that time, a powerful minister lived his birthday and invited his father to make a birthday banquet for him, but the minister's official voice was very poor, so his father did not agree, so he offended the minister. Later, he found a reason to label our family as a 'rebellious' and set a whole family to kill!

"At that time, my father was taking me out of town. When he heard the news, he fled to this village and lived in seclusion. After that, my father died within half a year because of this matter. Speaking of this, Li Xiaoer's face showed sadness.

"Let's not talk about this." Just when Song Fei didn't know how to answer, Li Xiaoer's mood improved a little. Brother, what can I do for you?"

"The old village head misses your father's cooking skills very much, and he fell ill because of this. Although he has taken Dr. Zhao's medicine, he still needs a mental medicine for heart disease. So I came to ask if Brother Li could do anything.

"Oh, so that's it! Then let me cook a dish for the village head, which is also a little grateful for the village head who took in our father and son back. Although I didn't learn any cooking skills from my father, I have been studying the recipes left by my father over the years and have some experience in cooking. What kind of food should I cook?" Li Xiaoer muttered while thinking. Yes, let's make a 'wine grizzly bear meat' for the old village head. When my father took me to escape here, I made a 'wine grizzly bear meat' for the old village head. The old village head ate very happily. But can you do me a favor?"

"If there is anything you want me to do, just say it."

"Grizzly bear meat is a little difficult to deal with. I don't know if Brother Tai can get me 10 pieces of grizzly bear meat?"

Hearing Li Xiaoer's words, Song Fei directly poured out dozens of pieces of grizzly bear meat from the preservation, and the originally empty table was immediately placed full. Li Xiaoer looked at Song Fei in surprise and continued, "It doesn't take so much. 10 yuan is enough. Put away the extra money."

Seeing that Song Fei put away the excess meat pieces, Li Xiaoer continued, "I heard that Aunt Wang's eggs have magical effects. It may be better if they are cooked with grizzly bear meat. I don't know if Brother Tai can go to Aunt Wang's house and ask for 5 eggs for me?"

Damn it, I still want my eggs. I just got that much. Why do I still want it? However, Song Fei did not dare to say that he would not give it. Who knew that the task behind could not be done without this egg? If it was broken from here and something good to be given behind, it would be a loss! Let's hand over 5 eggs obediently. Li Xiaoer put away the ingredients, let Song Fei wait here, and then went to the thatched hut to cook.

Just when Song Fei and others were a little bored, a system prompt made the whole game boil again.

"National notice: some players have reached level 10, and the system is open to the ranking."

Someone has reached level 10? There are really training madmen everywhere! Song Fei sighed and opened the ranking list. There were only three people on it.

First place: Dragon Soul, Level 10, novice.

Second place: Li Ge, level 10, novice.

Third place: Hualong, level 10, novice.

It seems that there are not many madmen, Song Fei thought. But when he was stunned, several people suddenly jumped up on the ranking list. In less than a minute, the top 10 were occupied.

Fourth place: Xia Hu, level 10, novice.

Fifth place: Wrath of the Wind, Level 10, novice.

6th place: Heart of the Wind, Level 10, novice.

7th place: Fengyun, level 10, novice.

8th place: Xiongba, level 10, novice.

Ninth place: world, level 10, novice.

Tenth place: If life is just like the first sight, level 10, novice.

"Congratulations, first meeting, what are your plans?" Seeing that he had reached the ranking list at first sight, Song Fei immediately sent a secret message.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. I made an appointment with two friends to go to White Tiger City.

"Oh, I also made an appointment with two friends to go to Xuanwu City. Are you interested in going there together?"

"Okay, it's the same wherever you go. But I can't get out of the novice village. The transporter said that the village head is sick and can't open the transmission array. I guess others are as depressed as me!"

"What are you talking about? Is the village head sick?

"That's what the teleporter said." I said helplessly at first sight.

"Oh, I have something else to do. I'll talk to you later."

After cutting off the contact with the first meeting, Song Fei immediately shouted in the chat room, "You two immediately go and find out how the people who got the 28 eggs in your village deal with those eggs!"

After shouting, Song Fei saw Li Xiaoer come out of the room with a plate of vegetables.

"This is 'wine-made grizzly bear meat'." Li Xiaoer walked to Song Fei and said.

"Brother Li, I'm in a hurry. I'll come back to chat with you later."

Sing Fei took the dish and threw it into his backpack. He didn't care what Li Xiaoer reacted. He said this and hurried away. When he ran to the village head's house, Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong had also heard the news they wanted.

"The SB in our village ate 28 eggs before Aunt Wang chased them out. I don't know how many experience it will take to eat in the later stage and eat it at level 1. Wang Lin said first.

"The sanctimonous bastard in our village promised Aunt Wang to send eggs, but he went back and sold the 28 eggs for 10 yuan each!" Zhang Xudong said angrily.

"You two go to Dr. Zhao immediately. No matter what method you use, you must let Dr. Zhao hand over the task of collecting medicine to you!"

After that, Song Fei told the two people the process of the task and the details that needed to be paid attention to. After saying this, he raised his leg and walked into the gate of the village head's house.

"Village head, I'm back, you see!"

Song Fei entered the village head's room and did not talk to the old man. He directly brought out the "wine-made grizzly bear meat", and a special fragrance immediately filled the whole house. The village head smelled the unique smell of "wine-made grizzly bear meat", and the expression on his face suddenly became active.

"Is this?' Grizzly bear meat made with wine! It's really the 'wine-based grizzly bear meat' of the chef!" Smell the fragrance of "wine-made grizzly bear meat", the village head forgot his sour and fake way of speaking for a moment, and looked excitedly at the dishes in Song Fei's hand, as if he had seen his long-lost relatives.

"Village head, this is not made by the chef, but by Li Xiaoer." Song Fei began to explain to the village head.

"Oh, it seems that the second child is also very self-motivated." After listening to Song Fei's explanation, the village head sighed.

He pinched a piece of grizzly bear meat and put it in his mouth. The old village head tasted the taste of grizzly bear meat, closed his eyes and chewed for a while, and then opened his eyes again.

"Although this taste is not comparable to that of the chef, it is not easy. According to this, I have the intention to open a restaurant for the second child. Since eating "alcoholic grizzly bear meat", the village head has become glorious. He used to call himself "old man", but now he has changed to "old man." However, this poor and remote place is not a hero who uses force. I don't know if I can help the second child?

Damn, call me "Brother", is there any mistake! At your age, why are you seventy? Am I that old? Isn't it just a dish? You're a little too enthusiastic!

"It's a great honor to help the descendants of the chef do something! It's just that the boy is not familiar with the precious land and doesn't have enough money. Can you allow the boy to gather enough funds to help Brother Li for some time? What does the village head think?

"Well, my brother's words are also reasonable, so let's discuss it later."

Open a hotel? How much does it cost! I have a lot of money! Will we talk about it later? In the future, if I pass level 10, I will never come back and talk to you about nothing!

"Village head, I have a friend who has reached level 10, but he can't get out of the novice village. I wonder if the village head can help?"

"Oh! I ate it and forgot all the business!" The village head patted his forehead and looked like he suddenly realized. After all, this old bastard stayed in the novice village to send 10 players out. If this is delayed, Shangfeng can't afford to blame him!

Before going to the altar with the village head, Song Fei sent a secret message to the first meeting and asked him to wait. After arriving at the altar, he saw more than a dozen people waiting for cursing, and Song Fei directly brought the village head to the first sight.

"Village head, this is my friend."

"Hello, village head!" At first sight, without waiting for Song Fei's introduction, he saluted the village head first.

"Well, young man, what's your name?"

"If life is just like the first sight."

The village head took out a letter from his pocket, opened it, wrote the name of his first sight, and then sealed it.

"This is a letter of introduction to the main city for proof of identity. You can go to the main city now."

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the plot task of the novice village 'village head', rewarding the world reputation 3 points, the national reputation 10 points, Qinglong City reputation 30 points, and the novice village reputation 100 points."

"National notice: Some players have completed the plot of the novice village, and the novice village transmission function is turned on."

After the village head handed over the letter to the first meeting, he turned around and wanted to leave, but how could the dozen people waiting behind him let him go? The crowd rushed up and surrounded the village head. Seeing that the village head was surrounded and had no time to talk to himself for a while, Song Fei smiled and turned back to the teahouse to chat with Li Xiaoer.

"Just looking at my brother's face, there seemed to be Aunt Wang's eggs on my body..." Before Li Xiaoer finished his words, he was interrupted by Song Fei.

"I only have these, and Aunt Wang doesn't have that anymore. I don't know if it's enough." Sefeld immediately took out the last five eggs from his backpack. As for how generous he was, he felt that there were few eggs anyway, and there was a time limit. Five days later, he rose to more than ten levels at most. At that time, he didn't have much experience in the first half level. It's not bad if you can exchange this half-level experience for a better task.

Seeing that Song Fei did not hesitate, Li Xiaoer took out these five eggs and explained to him that these were the last ones, and his heart was full of admiration.

"Brother Tai is also a bold person. How about you and I becoming brothers with different surnames?"

Before Song Fei could agree, he heard another system prompt.

"National notice: Some players get pets, and the system opens the pet ranking list."

said something to Li Xiaoer, and Song Fei opened the pet list.

First place: ice and fire double-headed dog, first-class, second-class pet. Owner: Dragon Soul.

Second place: Flower fairy, level 1, second-class pet. Owner: Hualong.

Third place: Red Rabbit Horse, Level 1, second-class pet. Owner: You are drunk.

Fourth place: Red Rabbit Horse, Level 1, Second Class Pet. Owner: Li Ge.

Fifth place: Red Rabbit Horse, Level 1 and second-class pets. Owner: Heart of the Wind.

6th place: red rabbit horse, level 1, second-class pet. Owner: Beauty smiles for you.

7th place: Red Rabbit Horse, Level 1, Second Class Pet. Owner: Xia Hu.

8th place: lion, first-class, third-class pet. Owner: Fengyun.

Ninth place: Tiger King, Level 1, third-class pet. Owner: Xiong Ba.

Tenth place: Zhongshan wolf, 1st grade, third-class pet. Owner: World.

It seems that there are so many crazy people. How long has it been? Someone has received a pet. This situation is already obvious. These people who get pets cannot be caught by themselves. Most of them should be rewarded by the top 1,000, and some may have been rewarded for some special tasks.

While Song Fei was still sighing for the mad people, another national notice pulled Song Fei back to reality.

"National Notice: Some players get the hidden title, and the title system is turned on."

"Damn! What kind of animal is this?" Wang Lin cursed in the chat room.