The real mirror of online games

Twenty, White Wizard and Black Wizard

"With the Chinese?!" Hearing the name, the nine people present shouted at the same time.

Although 9 people were surprised that this woman was a Chinese, they had different ideas. Song Fei, Wang Lin, Informed and First Meet these four people thought, how did she come to China? Zhang Xudong was surprised by an instinctive hatred of the Chinese people. And the ideas of the remaining three women are very complicated and extreme.

What's going on with this boy? It doesn't count to go to the brothel to visit the kiln. You have to take people away before you leave. You don't know their names when they come out! The most annoying thing is that the woman he brought out without knowing her name is still a Chinese!

Song Fei doesn't know what these three women think at this moment. If he knew it, he would be so angry that he would spit blood! However, he doesn't have time to pay attention to the ideas of these women now. What he is most concerned about is how this woman came to China.

"How did you come to China?" Song Fei asked this question almost at the same time as Wang Lin.

"Those bastards of the Muto family caught me!" Sakurako Tokugawa cried as she spoke.

When they saw the little girl crying, everyone didn't know what to say. Sakurako Tokugawa cried for a while, and her mood gradually stabilized.

"But the 'and country' and 'Hua country' you mentioned seem to be very old names?"

"What? Old?" I was puzzled.

"Yes, those are all the names used in the last civilized era! Thanks to our Tokugawa family being an ancient family, we have memories of the names of these ancient countries. Some recently rising families do not know these names. But our Tokugawa family has now declined. Even the Muto family, which has been rising for less than a hundred years, dared to bully us and caught me here. Whoo-hoo..." Sakurako Tokugawa said and cried again.

"How long ago was the last civilization you mentioned?" Seeing that this and the little girl began to cry again, Song Fei immediately changed the topic.

"That was 10,000 years ago." Sakurako Tokugawa said with a cry.

"10,000 years! So what's the name of your country now?

"Cherry Blossom Country."

"Do you know where this is?"

"I know, this is the Phantom Dynasty."

"Then you have to understand that if you want to survive safely here in the future, you can no longer use your previous name."

"Then what's my name? Can you give me a name?" Tokugawa Sakurako's tone to Song Fei became more and more gentle. After all, she had seen Song Fei in the alley, and she knew that he saved her.

"Well, just call it 'Luo Ying'." Song Fei thought for a moment and wanted to say something.

"Luo Sakura, falling cherry blossoms, falling cherry blossoms! From now on, I will call it this name!"

"Luo Ying, do you have any plans in the future?" Song Fei continued to ask.

Luo Ying didn't say anything, just looked straight at Song Fei. Song Fei didn't understand what she meant, but received a system prompt.

"System prompt: Do you agree with Luo Ying's request to become your pet?"

When Song Fei was prompted by the system, she was stunned and then chose "no". Luo Ying looked at Song Fei puzzledly and waited for his explanation.

"Luo Ying, can a person be a pet for others in your cherry blossom continent?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

The two asked and answered, and the others had also guessed what was going on when the two looked at each other just now, but no one else knew whether Song Fei accepted it or not.

"Oh, that is to say, the system allows players to bring humanoid pets, but it is not allowed in the Phantom Dynasty!" Wang Lin soon figured out the key.

"Luo Ying, one is not allowed to keep others as pets in the Phantom Dynasty, do you understand?" Song Fei patiently persuaded Luo Ying.

Luo Ying thought for a while and sent an application to Song Fei.

"System prompt: Do you agree with Luo Ying's request to be your servant?"

It's a little difficult for Song Fei this time. It's not illegal for pets to keep a servant, right? But if you get a maid back or get it back from the brothel, what will the people around you think? Looking up at the people around him, Song Fei found that they were really looking at him with a strange look, but when he saw Luo Ying's expectant and aggrieved eyes, it was really hard to refuse. What a natural servility with the Chinese people! Song Fei sighed and chose to agree.

After agreeing, Luo Ying immediately had an extra title on her head, "Servant of the Four Heavenly Kings". Seeing this title, Song Fei was scared and quickly asked Luo Ying to hide the title, and then looked at the eyes of the people around him, which was even more strange! Song Fei sighed helplessly. He had known that it would be such a result, but don't look at me with the eyes of animals. I will be shy!

Finding that the situation was wrong, Song Fei immediately thought of Zhou Xingchi's "distraction method", so he began to look around for topics that could divert his eyes. Suddenly, he noticed the two women brought at first sight, as if they hadn't introduced yet. Just now, because we met in a brothel, the atmosphere was too awkward, so I didn't make an introduction. Now it has become a good topic.

"See you for the first time, who are these two?" Seinfeld immediately began his plan to change the topic.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it! It's all your fault that we have to go to the brothel to meet!" I complained when I first saw the newspaper.

Song Fei is also a black line on his forehead. Brother, I'm changing the topic. Why did you bring the topic to the brothel again? I didn't wait for the first introduction. Anyway, we have been together for a while. Let's go by ourselves. Song Fei directly took out two business cards and handed them over.

"Good two, four kings."

The two women seemed to have heard about who they wanted to meet from their first meeting before, so they were not surprised at all after receiving Seinfeld's business card and casually handed him one of their business cards. After taking the two business cards, Song Fei saw that one was called "Rui'er" and the profession was a white wizard; the other was "a gorgeous flower" and the profession was a black wizard.

"White Wizard? Black wizard? Hidden occupation? Song Fei looked at the business cards of the two people and asked.

"No, wizards have two branches, one is a white wizard and the other is a black wizard." A gorgeous flower explained.

"What's the difference?" Ask gly.

"The main skill of the white wizard is to relieve the unfavorable state of the friend and add a gain state to the friend. The main skill of the black wizard is to add an unfavorable state to the enemy, which is similar to 'curse you in a circle'!" A gorgeous flower said and made a circle action. When it came to the word "you", his finger just pointed to gloomy.

"Cut, who will believe this kind of thing? If you say this, I will be unlucky. Then people will not turn to black wizards in the future!" Anran was originally at the front, so he wanted to talk to others and talk back, but he accidentally hit the tree. I don't know if it happened or the curse of a gorgeous flower really worked. Under the gloomy collision, a beehive fell on the tree and hit the gloomy head, and then the cup happened.

Looking at the more than 100 bees around him, the others immediately distanced themselves from him, and then everyone heard the gloomy pig-killing screams from the front.

In this dark night, in the silent long street, there is such a miserable cry, which really makes people's hair stand on end. However, there were more than a dozen men and women standing in the middle of the street, not only without any fear, but also laughing back and forth. Such a strange scene scared the limited number of passing players in Xuanwu City immediately fled.

After the bee flew away, it hummed back from the distance. Although this little bee is an ornamental animal and only has level 1, it will still cause 1 point of forced blood deduction. Although there is not a lot of blood, it is really painful to be stung by bees, and it is not a joke to be stung by more than 100 bees at the same time. Moreover, the bee's thorn also made him enter a state of poisoning, and now the boy's blood is still falling.

Seeing the gly crawl back, Wang Lin threw out a treatment, and a white light landed on the gly body from the sky, and his blood immediately filled up. Then Rui'er waved his staff and felt a warm wind blowing on her body, and then the poisoning was relieved.

Everyone saw that Ruier's skill of relieving the abnormal state was really good and felt curious, but because everyone was not familiar with it, they were not embarrassed to ask. He got up from the ground sadly. Before he could speak, he saw a gorgeous flower standing in front of him, which scared him and almost took it off again.

How's it going? Do you dare to look down on Miss Ben? A charming flower intimidated.

"I dare not, I dare not, the little one no longer dare to look down on the black witch, oh, no, it's the black wizard sister!"

As soon as a delicate flower heard it, it immediately stared angrily and sadly stretched out a small fist to fight. She was so scared that she quickly begged for mercy, and everyone laughed again.

After the joke, Song Fei suddenly thought of a question: What should Luo Ying do?

They are not professional players. Except for the time to go to work and sleep every day, they can only play games for a few hours at night. According to the game time, they can only stay here for more than ten hours every three days in the game. When they are in the game, Luo Ying can follow them, but what should Luo Ying do when they are not in the game for more than two days? Luo Ying's current identity is Sein Fei's servant and should belong to the semi-free NPC. Seinfeld can't foster her in a pet keeper like a pet, nor can she stay alone in a tent for more than two days. After all, she is a person, different from animals. This is really a problem!

Just as Song Fei and others were wandering around the street boredly, a man suddenly rushed out from the side and blocked their way.

"Guys, do you want to stay in the hotel?" The person who rushed out stood in front of Song Fei and others, nodded and asked.

"Do you live in the hotel?" Song Fei asked doubtfully.

"Yes, you see, our Yuelai Inn is a famous inn in Xuanwu City." The man said while pointing to the plaque of a store next to him. If you want to stay in a hotel, just come to our Yuelai Inn!"

"How much does it cost to stay here for a day?" Song Fei followed Xiao Er to the roadside lantern and asked.

"1 silver coin per person per day in ordinary rooms, 10 silver coins per day in luxury suites, and fire food is counted separately." Speaking of this, Xiao Er looked at several girls behind Song Fei intentionally or unintentionally, and then whispered in his ear, "The luxury suite can be lived together!"

Song Fei is full of black lines. Is the second child of this store still working part-time? That bad atmosphere in society has been brought in! There are not only brothels in this game, but also a shopkeeper with pi strips. In this way, this game can still operate so well. Should we crack up pornography before operating?

In fact, Song Fei didn't know that the brothel in the game was just a set. Only NPC could use it, and the player could not use it. When he saved Luo Ying, he happened to trigger a task. If he didn't have that task, he would not have entered the brothel. And this sophomore who pulls pi strips can't talk about it. After all, many people and Ben can find a place to do it without going to the game. Renting a house in the game is just one way.

"Do you sell houses?" Song Fei asked.

"This is an inn, how can we sell a house!" Xiao Er was a little unhappy when he heard Song Fei's words.

"Do you know where to buy a house?" Seeing Xiao Er's expression, Song Fei first took out a silver coin and threw it to Xiao Er, and then asked.

Sure enough, as soon as he saw the tip, Xiao Er immediately changed his face and said to Song Fei with a smile, "If you want to buy a house, I recommend you to go to Boss Xia, who specializes in a real estate agency." As Xiao Er said, he also handed Song Fei a business card.

Looking at this business card, Song Fei felt very curious, because this business card is not a copy of his ID card, but a real business card, which is the same as the business card he saw in reality.

Xia's housing agency, general manager Xia Manghuo, contact number XXXXXX.

Song Fei handed the business card to everyone, and everyone was also surprised. Is it possible that Boss Xia is a player? But why is this name so strange? Xia Manghuo, busy with his work, is so creative!

At first sight, the three of them are now very curious about Song Fei's behavior. The purpose of buying a house must be to settle Luo Ying. They can figure this out, but where did he get so much money? Ordinary people have only saved a few gold coins until now, and they only have more than a dozen gold coins at first sight.

At first sight, I found that since I left the novice village, the riot rate of monsters has become pitifully low, which is simply ridiculously low. After killing monsters for a long time, you can't get a few silver coins, and only those who step on shit every day can occasionally burst out two pieces. The official website said that after opening the game currency and real currency exchange system in the future, the game currency will not depreciate rapidly, so as to maintain the stable operation of the game.

But at first sight, it is still clear that game companies are not doing this to make money! The little money that players fight against monsters is barely enough to buy medicine. Ordinary players may be able to raise their level if they just fight monsters and make do with playing games every day. But if anyone wants to develop a little better in the game or upgrade faster, it can't be done without charging money.

At first sight, it was because of his skills in reality. He could take less medicine and save slowly when fighting monsters. Now he has risen to level 13, and he has saved more than a dozen gold coins. He doesn't believe that he can buy a house with one or two gold coins in the game now. Even if more than a dozen gold coins can buy a small bungalow in a civilian area, who would like to use the money he has worked hard to save to buy a house without a milliliter worth of space?

Is it true that this boy has * and can easily get money in the game? Looking at what happened on the official website some time ago, I'm really not sure! Although there were a lot of doubts in their hearts, the three of them still chose not to ask more questions. With all the doubts, they watched Seinfeld dialed the "busy" phone.

"Hello, Xia's housing agent, what can I do for you?" As soon as the phone was connected, Song Fei heard a polite voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I want to buy a suite. I wonder if we can have an interview?" Song Fei also said politely.

"Okay, where are you now? I'll come to you."

"I'm at Yuelai Inn."

"Okay, wait a minute. I'll be there soon."

Hanging up the phone, Song Fei took everyone into the inn. Although they didn't have to eat, Luo Ying was still an NPC and had to eat something.

"Yo, how many people, why do you want to stay in a hotel?" The second shopkeeper saw that Song Fei and several people came in and greeted them with enthusiasm.

"No, Xiao Er, do you have a private room for dinner?" Song Fei asked.

"Yes, there is, guest upstairs, please." Originally, when he heard that Song Fei couldn't stop at the store, Xiao Er was a little unhappy, but as soon as he heard that he was going to eat, he immediately changed into a smiling face.

After entering the private room, Song Fei casually ordered more than a dozen ordinary dishes. Although Luo Ying is the only one who eats, we can't let so many people watch Luo Ying eat alone, right? What's more, it's not good for people to see someone later.

"Boss Xia will come later, just bring him into our private room." After ordering, Song Fei said to Xiao Er.

"Oku, don't worry." The shopkeeper promised to go out.

"First meeting, this is for you." After the shopkeeper went out, Song Fei threw the boxing gloves and the boxer's transfer scroll to Chujian.

"I can't afford this!"