The real mirror of online games

30, no magical power

"Damn, what's going on?" Silently shouted to share his inner power.

Northern Mind Method: Intermediate Internal Mind Method. Diligently practicing this internal skill can strengthen the body and clear the mind. Master: Heavenly King IV.

"Maybe it's because your internal skills are not understood by yourself, but taught by the king of heaven, so it's downgraded." I said after thinking about it for the first time.

"Do you still want to learn?" Song Fei looked at the others.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and finally shake our heads together, or decide to understand by yourself.

After dealing with the internal skills, everyone walked together to find the strange level. The bison in this area were scared away by Song Fei's strong momentum just now, and now they have to walk a few kilometers to find a monster. Walking, I suddenly thought that I had learned a skill when I just fought with the big bear, and immediately opened the skill panel and began to check.

Songquan: Use all your strength to attack the enemy from the bottom up, hit the enemy into the air, cause moderate damage to the enemy, and have a certain chance to interrupt the enemy's skills.

Looking at this skill, he smiled stupidly at first sight. This skill is his first skill after he became a boxer, and as soon as he learned it, it causes medium damage. The skills others learned at level 10 can cause a small amount of damage. It seems that the only hidden profession is really promising!

I have received many system prompts before, especially when I just fought after transferring, there is a system prompt for almost every action, prompting him to understand the movements such as "left hook", "right hook", "straight fist" and so on. But these movements are not skills, but some systematically approved actions. Later, he learned that these movements were used by him as a boxer, but those things did not play a role in the battle. They were not as direct as this "Dragon Fist". Judging from the situation when fighting with the big bear just now, this skill is still very effective.

The first giggle attracted everyone's attention, and everyone immediately looked at him with an unkind look. At first sight, he was afraid that he would become the next target to be attacked by everyone, so he immediately showed his new understanding skills in front of everyone. Looking at the new skills, everyone sighed again. The world is so crazy!

So far, among the six people who participated in the trial for Hua's transfer, Song Fei, Silence, Chujian and Hua have received practical benefits, only Zhang Xudong and Wang Lin have received nothing. So the two ran to Hua's side one by one right and forced her to lend them the three books. Hua is now eating people's short mouth and short hands. After all, they have helped her pass the trial. Now she wants to borrow her book to read. How can she refuse? Therefore, Zhang Xudong took away the Book of Changes and Wang Lin took away the Book of Morals.

Since Song Fei understood internal skills, everyone has understood that they can understand skills or internal skills by studying classics in the game, so they have just swarmed to grab the three books given by the old Taoist priest.

Others read that two people got the book and didn't rob them. After all, they have merit, and of course they have to enjoy priority. And everyone also understands that these two people just vent their emotions for a while and understand skills, which can be completed in a blink of an eye? Some people have read a book for a lifetime, and they don't see anything!

Song Fei walked in front with everyone, and Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong followed while reading the book behind. Song Fei was originally a war profession. Now he has worn back to the white equipment. His defense is already very high. In addition, he has just understood his internal skills and has some bonuses in attributes. Although the level is the lowest, his strength is undoubtedly the strongest, so of course he is at the forefront. In case of any sudden situation, he will also It's manageable.

Song Fei walked in front of him, suddenly felt something strange behind him, and immediately stopped. During this period of time after understanding his internal skills, Sein Fei gradually adapted to this feeling, and he found that his perception of the surrounding environment had become keen. Everything that is alive in the surrounding environment seems to emit an energy, including people, monsters, flowers and trees. Although he can't distinguish these things clearly due to the shallow cultivation of internal power, he can still quickly feel any sudden change in the energy emitted by these lives around him. He thinks that maybe this is what "clear eyes and mind" means.

Now that Song Fei stopped, he suddenly felt that the energy of the two living beings behind him was changing rapidly. Others saw him stop. Although they didn't know why, they also stopped. When everyone looked at Song Fei doubtfully, they found that Song Fei was staring behind them in a daze. Everyone turned around and saw Wang Lin and Zhang Xudong standing more than ten meters behind them in a daze.

This scene is so familiar. It just happened more than half a time ago. Is it possible that these two people have mastered their internal skills at the same time? The crowd immediately ran to the two with ecstasy.

When they ran about five meters around the two, the forceful momentum appeared again, but everyone could feel it. The momentum came from Wang Lin, but Zhang Xudong had no momentum at all.

Wang Lin exudes a strong momentum, but the situation is different from that of Song Fei. There was no golden light like Seinfeld on his body, replaced by a gray fog. After the gray appeared, it had been surrounding Wang Lin, and then it became thicker and thicker. Gradually, everyone could not see Wang Lin's face clearly. After a while, even the equipment on his body could not be seen clearly. In the end, everyone could only see a gray fog, and they couldn't even see whether there was anyone in the gray fog.

After a few minutes, the gray fog on Wang Lin's body suddenly disappeared, and then everyone saw Wang Lin laughing. After laughing, Wang Lin shouted to the sky, "I also understand my internal skills!"

Seeing the eyes of everyone's inquiry, Wang Lin immediately shared his internal skills.

No-phase magic power: advanced internal power and mental method. Diligently practicing this internal power can strengthen the body, and the power can be transformed into a state, which can be colorless and phaseless, invisible and impermanent. Can be taught: 0/10.

Just as everyone finished reading Wang Lin's introduction of internal skills, Zhang Xudong also woke up, so everyone gathered around and asked him what internal skills he had learned.

"I'm not like these two animals," Zhang Xudong pointed to Song Fei and Wang Lin and said, "I don't understand any internal skills. I just understand a skill, but it's an advanced group attack skill of the water system."

Both got the benefits, and both returned the book to Hua, and then everyone walked to the bison together, ready to kill monsters and practice.

When people walked out of the monster vacuum area within a few kilometers, they found that the density of monsters here had become much larger. A bison that could only be seen more than ten meters away was only three or five meters away. After everyone came forward and killed a few bison, they felt that it was not as interesting as before. After fighting with the big bear, everyone's strength has been considerably improved, so killing bison alone has become very boring.

After everyone gathered for discussion, they decided to start killing monsters. Anyway, now everyone has more group attack skills. In addition to the sword blade dance of the three warriors, Silence and Beauty, there is also a group attack skill for each of the two mages, Anran and Zhang Xudong. How can they kill a lot of monsters in a round? There are only a few of the remaining monsters, so everyone began to pull separately. Weird.

The running speed of the bison is not bad, so everyone decided not to let a few French professions pull monsters, but six combat professions, including Song Fei, Chujian, Silence, Hongyan, Tian Tian and Luo Ying, plus several melee pets such as Xiong Ba, to pull monsters. Due to the high density of monsters here, it didn't take long for several people and several pets to come back with several bison.

After everyone gathered together, Beauty, Song Fei and Silence each cast a sword blade dance, attracting the attention of dozens of bison to the three people. After the others retreated, three more than 20 bisons formed a small "pin"-shaped battlefield around a person.

After releasing the blade dance, the three people were worried about how to escape from the battlefield surrounded by bison. Xiong Ba suddenly ran to the middle of the three small battlefields and roared, and then all the monsters were stunned. Only then did Song Fei remember that this was the "roar" skill taught by the big bear, which was a group dizziness skill.

While the bison were stunned, a cloud with a radius of 10 meters appeared in the sky. While the black clouds appeared on the battlefield, they heard a sad shout: "Thunder nine days!" Countless thunder fell in the black clouds in an instant. After two seconds of thunder flashing, the three groups of sad bison had less than half of the blood left.

At the first sight of retreating behind, several soldiers saw the gloomy thunder and failed to kill the monster in nine days. They were planning to rush up together to fight against the monsters, so as to relieve some pressure for Song Fei and the three of them, but they saw that Zhang Xudong did not know when he had run into the position where the bear had just stood in the middle of the three groups of bison.

Zhang Xudong put the end of the staff to the ground. Three ice cones immediately appeared on the ground around the staff, and then new ice cones kept emerging on the ground along the direction of the three ice cones. In the blink of an eye, a long dragon composed of three ten-meter-long ice cones was formed. After the ice dragon was formed, Zhang Xudong shouted, "I'm going to walk on the ice!"

Hearing Zhang Xudong shouting, the three ice dragons began to twist around as if they were alive. It was like the tails of three ice dragons were tied to Zhang Xudong's staff. They wanted to break free, but they couldn't break free. In the end, they could only twist around the ground like this. When the three ice dragons wriggling around on the ground swept the group of bison that were still dizzy, a series of blood loss figures immediately floated above their heads, each of which was as high as more than 1,000.

The twisting of the ice dragons is not over, and the three herds of bison have fallen to the ground. Everyone present opened their eyes in surprise and opened their mouths wide, but Zhang Xudong laughed and went to see if the bison had any good equipment.

This skill is so powerful that no wonder everyone will be surprised and haven't reacted for a long time. The single damage caused to the bison by the gloomy nine days was only five or six hundred, and it only lasted two seconds, while Zhang Xudong's single damage to the bison was more than 1,000, and it lasted for five or six seconds. At this stage, if players can master such a powerful skill, it is much more useful than understanding internal skills!

"What are you going to do?"