The real mirror of online games

33, meteorite falls from the sky

Just as the wolves surrounded three adventurers and a horse, a very strong momentum suddenly appeared in the sky, which made the wolves have a strong fear. So more than 70 wolves raised their heads together to see the source of this momentum in the sky. But as soon as the wolves raised their heads and had not found the source of the momentum, they suddenly heard a roar. The pressure of higher creatures emitted from the roar made them feel strong fear again, and then they entered a state of dizziness.

Silence, first sight, beauty and red rabbit Ma Xiaohong rushed into the wolves. As soon as they entered the wolves, they were immediately surrounded. Four elite wolves and 20 ordinary wolves surrounding three people, but there are only a few ordinary Zhongshan wolves on Xiaohong's side.

When silence saw the situation, he immediately chose an elite wolf in front of him and cut it with a sword. But before its sword touched the elite wolf, a yellow rune paper flew behind him and posted on the elite wolf. Then with a flash of golden light, the elite wolf fell silently to the ground, making the silence and the wolf surrounding him stunned.

At the moment when the elite wolf fell to the ground, silence found a golden light on his body, and then felt that his body was full of power. It knew that it was the skill that the flower used, so it did not hesitate to cut a sword on a wolf. In fact, when silence saw the rune paper flying over, he already knew that it was attacking, but he didn't expect that the rune paper could kill an elite wolf in seconds, so he was stunned. At that time, he had added the time-limited gain state on his body. At this time, he had no time to think about anything else, and it was important to delay the wolves first.

Just when the silence cut a sword on a Zhongshan wolf and attracted all the attention of a group of wolves around him, Xiong Ba arrived and stunned all 71 wolves with a roar. Then the gloomy "Thunder Nine Days" and Zhang Xudong's "Frozen Ice" came out one after another, and then pieces of Zhongshan wolves fell to the ground.

Tian Tian chose the little boss standing on the far left as soon as the war started. After releasing an arrow to attract the attention of the other party, she has been pulling the little boss to fly a kite at her high speed.

This little boss is the oldest Wolf General B among the three Wolf Generals. At this time, it is also very depressed. How can an archer not be depressed if he pulls himself to fly a kite and fight against it head-on? If it fights head-on, it is sure to kill the archer in a short time. But now that I'm old and my legs and feet are not flexible, I really can't keep up with the movement speed of this archer. It is a little unwilling to change the goal, and the mages standing behind are not easy to deal with. If they go to deal with one person with the other two generals, it will definitely make other wolves laugh. In the end, the helpless Wolf General B can only follow Tian Tian to fly a kite like this.

Tian Tian was pulling Wolf General B to run, and suddenly heard Xiong Ba's roar, and then the group attack skills of gloomy and Zhang Xudong, and her heart suddenly relaxed. As long as the two group attack skills are released and the little monsters are removed in seconds, she won't have to pull the little boss so hard to run away. She believes that as long as the little monster is solved, silence will come to relieve herself as soon as possible. Although her silent pursuit was rejected by her, he never gave up. The indomitable spirit sometimes really moved her a little. And at this time, it is the best opportunity to show. How can silence not be seized! Therefore, after seeing Zhang Xudong's "frost and ice" released, Tian Tian took a look at the battlefield over there.

Tian Tian glanced over and saw pieces of Zhongshan wolves falling to the ground. She couldn't help but envy when she could have such a powerful skill. But before she finished sighing, she suddenly found that not all the little monsters had fallen, and 11 wolves had not fallen, that is, the 11 elite wolves!

Seeing that the 11 elite wolves did not fall, Tian's heart thumped. The 11 elite wolves that were not killed in seconds is not only a matter of whether silence can replace her. More importantly, if these 11 elite wolves do not die, the silence will also fall into a very unfavorable situation. It seems that Zhang Xudong made a mistake in calculation this time. Maybe he will really be destroyed this time!

Just when Tian was very nervous about whether she would be destroyed, a large stone about one meter in diameter suddenly fell from the sky, killing one-third of the little blood left by an elite wolf. This is a pretentious flying rock technique, but this stone can't do much, and why do I feel that the power of this flying rock technique seems to be less than usual? According to usual, this flying rock technique should be able to beat half of the remaining blood of the wolf.

Before Tian Tian figured out why the power of her pretentious skills suddenly became less, a big stone fell from the sky and hit the other elite wolf. What's going on? When did the pretentious skill change so fast? Doesn't his skills have a cooling time? Tian Tian looked up at the sky doubtfully, but this look surprised her on the spot. At this time, dozens of big stones were floating above their heads, and then all fell down in an instant, killing all the 11 elite wolves at once.

Tian Tian, who was stunned on the spot because she found a skill she had never seen before, was wondering what was going on, and was suddenly knocked away. Tian Tian, who was knocked out, suddenly woke up after landing. She was still fighting with a boss just now. So she was hit by that boss just now, but why was nothing? Even the blood didn't fall, but the fall was a little painful. If it was really hit by the little boss, it would not be better even if it didn't die, so Tian Tian looked doubtfully at the position she had just stood.

At a glance, Tian Tian saw that Song Fei was standing in the position where she had just stood, firmly touched the little boss, and immediately floated out a 1500 damage. Tian Tian was moved for a while, his eyes turned red, and he almost cried. He quickly turned over and got up from the ground and moved his target to the battlefield.

Silence was also surprised by the big stone falling from the sky, so he was stunned, but when he came to his senses, he found that Tian Tian was also looking at the sky in a daze. He instinctively felt bad and immediately rushed to Tian Tian. But before he rushed to Tian Tian's side, he saw Song Fei rush over, bumping Tian Tian away and being hit by the little boss. Without saying a word, he went up and picked up the boss.

After Song Fei was hit by Wolf General B, he immediately retreated. Then silence and first sight rushed to catch the two bosses. On the other side, the beauty had also replaced Luo Ying, so he stood behind and waited for Wang Lin to treat him. When Wang Lin saw Song Fei retreat, he immediately threw out two treatments to give him full blood.

After being full of blood, Song Fei rushed to the little boss he had dealt with before. Now this little boss is being resisted by the first sight, and Song Fei rushed up and immediately hit the little boss on the head. The little boss paused for a moment, but did not enter the state of dizziness, but even this meal also made him pay a painful price. The fist, Tian Tian's arrow, Luo Ying's dagger, Zhang Xudong's ice arrow, the pretentious flying rock, the gloomy thunder, and the flower charm fell on it together, and one attack took away 20,000 yuan. A lot of blood.

General Wolf, who reacted from the pause, immediately found the problem. The person who had been dodging his attack before was not unable to defeat himself at all, but procrastinating the time to give his teammates time to solve the bodyguards he brought. Wolf Warrior General A suddenly found that it had been fooled. No, not only it, but also they were all fooled. Including the Wolf King, they all despised the group of adventurers in front of them too much!

After solving the little monster, except for the beauty and silence, everyone resisted a little boss, and everyone else concentrated on attacking the little boss selected by Song Fei before. The reason is that there is no knight to fight against the monster here, so it's better to get rid of this little boss first. With the joint efforts of everyone, the Wolf General Armor was beaten to only 10% of the blood in a few minutes, so it did not hesitate to use its proudest skill - like a shadow.

As soon as the shadow-like skill was launched, the speed of General Wolf Warrior Armor immediately improved significantly. Among this group, only the fastest Luo Ying could barely keep up, and the others could only be beaten. Just as General Wolf Armor was proud after causing one damage to several melee professions around him, an ice arrow suddenly appeared and nailed it to his paw. The damage was not high, but it obviously felt that its speed had decreased. The high speed of launching the skill made it a little arrogant, so that it forgot that it was not only fighting with these people, but also three mages behind it!

Song Fei and others will not let go of such a good opportunity and immediately rushed up and got rid of this little boss. After solving the Wolf General Armor, they immediately went to support the beauty. The silence should be delayed for a while. After all, he is a full-blood knight, and there should be no problem if someone adds blood behind him.

The beauty is now holding back the most cunning Wolf General C. After a group of people rushed up, the little boss was also injured. As soon as the blood volume entered 10%, the golden light flashed on General C's body. Everyone knew at a glance that it was going to make a big move, and they instinctively retreated a little. But when Song Fei saw this skill released by General Wolf Warriors, he had a burst of doubts in his heart. He knew this skill, not only him, but also Wang Lin. This is the "golden cicada shell" of Dr. Zhao in the novice village!

Seeing the skill of General Wolf Warriors, Song Fei immediately shouted, "Cut it up!"

No one knows this skill. Naturally, they don't know the effect of this skill, how powerful it is, or how long the preparation time this skill is, so as soon as they see that the little boss wants to release the skill, they instinctively dodged it. But Song Fei and Wang Lin know this. Although I don't know how Dr. Zhao's self-created skills could be stolen by this wolf, he still shouted. Just as Song Fei shouted, a black leopard suddenly appeared in front of Wolf General C, blinding General Wolf General C with two claws. Wolf General C's escape skill was interrupted, and everyone immediately rushed up and hanged the boss.

The last Wolf General B is easy to deal with. When everyone hit 10% of its blood, the little boss immediately stood on his four feet and looked up to the sky to use his skills. They are too familiar with this skill. This is the howl of calling their younger brother. They have seen it before when dealing with elite wolves. So at first sight, he jumped up and used a "Dragon Fist" without hesitation, which directly hit the little boss into the sky, and also interrupted its skills. Then the little boss was also killed by everyone.

The Wolf King was extremely depressed at this moment. When he felt the momentum of "Thundering Nine Days" in the sky, he knew it was not good, but it was too late at that time. The King of War Bear had finished his skills and ran to drag it back. In terms of fighting alone, it believes that it is absolutely capable of killing this low-level king of war bears, but now not only is there someone adding blood to it, but also a tiger next to it, and it can't take advantage of it at all. After the death of more than 70 wolf guards, it watched its three wolf generals fall one by one, anxious but there was nothing it could do. If you want to let it escape by itself and leave your group of younger brothers, it will never be able to do it. In that case, it will not be the king. And it is impossible for the other party to escape at this time. It seems that he will die here today!

After solving the three-headed little boss, Song Fei and others also rushed to the Wolf King and fought him ruthlessly. But just as Song Fei and the others killed half of the blood of the Wolf King, the system prompt suddenly rang.

"National notice: Some players have reached level 30, and the system will be updated in 10 minutes. Please prepare to go offline in advance!"