The real mirror of online games

Seven, " Sacrifice" is invalid

After everyone was ready, silence rushed to the zombie on the left, and then several melee professions also rushed to the zombie one after another. As for the other zombie, they don't intend to care at all. Anyway, the flower's "sacrifice" can kill all the monsters below the boss.

Just as the silence ran 5 meters away from the two zombies, the two zombies with their eyes closed opened their eyes at the same time, but they did not rush up. For this kind of battle with too many differences in number of people, it is better to focus on defense. It seems that the intelligence of these two zombies is not low.

Silently ran to the zombie on the left, raised his hand and cut a sword on the zombie's neck, and a 126 damage immediately floated out of the zombie's head. Looking at the damage caused by myself, I was silent for a while, which was too low! While silence and a sword cut on the zombies, a yellow rune paper flew from behind everyone and headed for the zombie on the right.

When the zombie saw the rune flying towards him, his eyes immediately showed a frightened look, and there was a cry of "ah" in his mouth. But the rune paper flew so fast that it couldn't avoid it at all. Before its cry was finished, the rune paper had already been pasted on it.

When everyone saw the rune paper on the zombie, they were happy. This solved one, and the rest of them was easy to say. But just as everyone was happily waiting for the zombie to fall and their attributes to improve, the cup happened again.

The zombie with the rune paper on his body did not fall down, and the golden light that people expected to make them full of power did not appear. The zombie raised his hand and tore down the rune paper on his body, and then made a "gaga" laugh with a blank face.

"What's going on?" Flowers and silence shouted out at the same time.

Although others did not shout, they were equally surprised. Since I saw Hua use this skill when killing the Wolf King, I don't know how many times I have seen her use it, but I have never made a mistake, but today I actually made a mistake in this zombie, or it should be called invalid! While being silent and surprised, the movement under his feet slowed down a little. As a result, he was accidentally scratched by the zombie and was caught with more than 900 points of blood, while Hua was directly stunned.

The zombie on the right found that the Taoist symbol did not show the damage he expected, so he rushed to the stunned flower with a smile. The following legal professions were immediately a little panicked. Several war professions have rushed to deal with the other zombie, and the back are all blood-thin long-range professions. If this zombie is brought close, it will be slaughter!

At the critical moment, the beauty suddenly jumped in front of the zombie and dragged the zombie. Originally, the beauty was also quite depressed. Silence, the whole-blooded knight rushed to fight against the monster. No one went to rob him. Generally, after he rushed to pull the hatred, others rushed up, but Song Fei, Chujian and Luo Ying were faster than her, and in the end, she, the knight, was left behind. But this sudden change gave her a chance. When the zombie rushed towards the mages, she just ran to the zombie, so she did not hesitate to take over the zombie. After taking over this zombie, the beauty immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If she also rushed up just now, it would be dangerous now!

In fact, they all forgot that there is also a knight in the team, that is, the letter this magic knight. The letters saw that so many people in close combat rushed up and had no place of their own, so they stayed behind to put magic. But these three people have just joined their team, and they were not used to it for a while, so they forgot the letter knight.

After the beauty took over the zombie, Song Fei also rushed over, so the two of them dragged the zombie without any danger. The five melee professions in front dragged two zombies, and the mage behind them could safely use their skills, so under the harmony of a group of people, the two zombies fell to the ground and turned into people's experience and gold coins. However, what broke out in this battle made Wang Lin happy. Because the zombies were human-shaped monsters, a piece of cloth broke out, and this cloth was the material for Wang Lin to make bandages.

When everyone had cleaned up the battlefield, they found that Hua was still standing in a scorn, as if she had not been free from what had just happened. So he walked to Hua's side and slapped the back of Hua's head, "Why are you in a daze? I don't know how to die!"

Hua was patted sadly and suddenly recovered from a daze, but at the same time her eyes lit up, "What did you just say?"

"I said, no matter how you die in a daze, I don't know how to die!" Say it loudly. Since Hua turned into a Taoist priest, she is no longer afraid that she will draw a circle to curse him.

Originally, everyone thought that she patted Hua's head and scolded her so loudly. She would definitely open her mouth and scold her sadly, but Hua suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed and said, "I understand, so it is!"

"Hey, are you all right? I'm not working so hard. Won't I fool you?" After seeing the reaction of the flower, the monk was also confused.

"Go to hell, you're stupid!" Hua immediately gave An Ran a white eye, "I mean, I understand why the 'sacrifice' just now will be invalid!"

Ah? Then why?"

"Because zombies are not creatures at all!" Hua said excitedly.

"What do you mean?" The three chocolates have just joined the team, so they don't know what these people are talking about.

"Flower has a skill called 'sacrifice'. The effect is that a creature outside the boss on the battlefield can be sacrificed to the gods, so that his teammates can improve their attributes for a certain period of time." Wang Lin explained, "But this zombie is not a creature at all, it's just a soul controlling a corpse in action, so the 'sacrifice' is invalid."

Hearing Wang Lin's words, Song Fei also seemed to suddenly understand why when the wind hit him, he could not feel the wind approaching. Because Lafeng is a undead clan, not a creature, and looking at him, he is likely to be a zombie. No matter how powerful Song Fei's "North Ming Xuangong" is, he can't feel an inanimate object at all.

"If the undead is not a creature, I seem to understand why Lafeng just let us protect the Taoist priest after entering the tower." Wang Lin continued. Taoists have been used to catch ghosts since ancient times, so Taoists should have a little restraint on the monsters of the undead system. But why did he ask us to protect the wizard?

"It's very simple," chocolate suddenly said, "because whether it is the curse of the black wizard or the purification of the white wizard, it is the control of the soul, and these undead monsters are based on the soul, and the body is just a decoration, just destroy their souls. If it is extinguished, their bodies will be useless.

"Oh!" Everyone nodded together.

The question was solved, and everyone stopped talking and directly opened the door of Beichen Tower. After the door of Beichen Tower was opened, Song Fei saw a small room of more than 100 square meters in it. There was another door at the end of the room, and there were two skeletons standing at the door. Through the "golden eyes" inspection, Song Fei found that the two skeletons were just 17 elite skeletons, several levels lower than them, and only two. Everyone didn't pay attention to these two elite skeletons at all, so even the mages rushed directly behind several war professions.

After everyone entered the tower, the door behind them closed with a rumble. As soon as the gate closed, the two skeletons guarding the door in front also creaked towards them. Two 17-level skeletons pose no threat to this group of people. They didn't even use them for a minute, so they solved the two skeletons.

After solving the skeleton, everyone came to the gate guarded by the two skeletons. The metal gate is five meters high and three meters wide, and three large characters are written on the plaque on the door frame in a font that Seinfeld and they don't know. Although no one knows this font, the three big characters have been recognized by people - Tianxuan Palace.

"It seems that it is the first floor of Beichen Tower, and this small room is just a safe area for players to buffer." At first sight, he looked at the words on the forehead of the eye plaque and said.

"Do you want to open it now?" Seeing that the three knights and Song Fei had already stood in front of the gate, Wang Lin took a key that had just burst out of two skeletons and went to the keyhole by the door to ask.

"Open it!" Song Fei said decisively.

Wang Lin inserted the key into the keyhole and gently twisted it. The two metal doors immediately made a "quack" sound and opened it inside.

After the door opened, the four people standing in front of them immediately saw the situation inside. The area of this hall has far exceeded the area of the Beichen Tower they saw outside. At this time, the hall was full of skeletons. From Song Fei's perspective, only countless skeletons could be seen, but these skeletons were all facing them. Just as the metal door was completely opened and made a "bang", all the skeletons turned around at the same time, and then rushed towards them together.

When the door just opened a crack, Zhang Xudong and several other mages standing behind saw that the chocolate as a black wizard had taken action first. Chocolate stretched out her right index finger and drew a line flat in front of her. As chocolate's fingers moved, a purple light really appeared in front of her. Then the chocolate quickly changed the direction of the finger, and within a few seconds, a "hexagram" pattern appeared in front of everyone.

After the pattern was formed, the chocolate palm was stretched flat, pushed forward hard, and whispered: "Go!" The six-pointed star with purple light flew out. The six-pointed star hit the silent body and shattered, and the scattered purple light immediately flew around and flew into the bodies of all the people present. Then Song Fei and several other melee people found themselves in an additional state.

Blood Eater: Absorb 5% of each damage to the enemy and replenish your own health for 10 minutes.

At the same time as the blood-eating state, the skeleton army also rushed to Song Fei and others, so the four people who blocked the door immediately waved their swords and cut the skeleton in front of them. At the same time, the mage standing behind them also used their group attack skills.

Zhang Xudong rushed behind Song Fei and directly put a "frost ice". Since the place behind Zhang Xudong was not strange at all, the three ice dragons came together in front of Song Fei and others. Although he failed to exert the maximum attack range of his skills due to the problem of position, Zhang Xudong emptied all the skeletons within 10 meters in front of Song Fei and others due to the improvement of the attack intensity in a small range.

After rising to level 20, Zhang Xudong's "crying ice" is also different from before. Due to the upgrade of the level, the consumption of high-level skills is not so large, so there are not so many restrictions on casting this skill. The main performance is that the cooling time of the previous 20 minutes is now only 15 minutes, the magic consumption has been reduced from 50% to 40%, and the punishment time for weak states has also been reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.

Seeing that Zhang Xudong emptied the monsters in front of Song Fei and others, he immediately blocked the door with a "earth wall technique".