The real mirror of online games

16, the test of Wuquxing

Seeing that everyone looked at him with strange eyes, Song Fei said helplessly, "Don't look at me. I just hit it hard. I don't know why it fainted. Maybe this is called character!" After saying that, he shook his hair.

"I think I may know what's going on." Dewdrop suddenly said. When the Heavenly King's bone sword hit the boss's head just now, I felt that the BOSS's soul had been strongly impacted. Maybe the 'soul strike' skill that came with the bone sword played a role.

"Can you feel the fluctuation of soul energy? Why can't I feel it?" Chocolate and Ruier shouted out in surprise at the same time.

"Maybe it's because her 'soul search da method' is advanced internal power, and yours are all because of intermediate internal power." Song Fei said.

Hearing Song Fei's words, Ruier and chocolate were depressed.

When cleaning up the battlefield, everyone found that the zombie general burst out two pieces of tattered equipment, a robe and a pair of trousers, but they were all for zombies. Sein Fei had no choice but to put two pieces of equipment into his backpack. This kind of thing can only be sold to pull the wind, and no one will ask for it at the auction house.

After cleaning the battlefield, everyone hurried to the next floor. When I got to the buffer cabin on the sixth floor, there was no monster guarding the door. Seeing this situation, Song Fei and others were nervous again. Like the situation on the fourth floor, is there a super boss waiting for them?

Before everyone walked to find the opening mechanism, Luo Ying suddenly said that she was hungry. Everyone immediately realized that they had been in the game for more than ten hours and it was time to go offline for dinner, so they went offline for dinner together. After going offline, Song Fei found that it was just past four o'clock in the afternoon, but he still ate something before returning to the game.

After returning to the game, everyone came to the gate to find the mechanism that opened the door, but they searched for more than ten minutes, but no trace of the mechanism was found. After more than ten minutes, looking at an unopenable door, everyone was completely desperate.

"This task can't be passed at all!" He said silently and depressedly and leaned against the gate.

"Ah, ouch!" Silently leaned against the gate, and suddenly felt that the back door was retreating. After shouting, he fell to the ground. Looking back, they silently found that the door that they couldn't open even if they tried their best had opened. Seeing the funny scene of silence, Hongyan shook her head with a wry smile and remembered a story she had heard a long time ago.

There was a world-famous unlocking master who threatened that there was no lock that he could not open, so a smart man built a cage, locked the unlocking master in the cage, and then asked him to unlock it. As a result, the unlocking master stayed in it for a long time and could not open the lock after all means. Finally, the unlocking master had to give up unlocking. When he leaned against the door of the cage desperately, the door opened miraculously!

People are always like this. They try their best to do something, but never think about the necessity of doing it.

Seeing that the gate opened, several melee professions immediately rushed to the gate. Sure enough, as guessed, there was no army of monsters rushing out of the hall.

After the door was opened, a spacious hall appeared in front of everyone. The hall is about the same size as the previous floors. Inside, there is an empty circular platform with a diameter of about three meters in the center. This is a fat man sitting on the table. The fat man sat cross-legged, with his hands on his knees, palms facing the sky, holding a one-meter-long Tang knife in his hand.

"This person should not be what we can deal with, right?" Wang Lin looked at Song Fei and asked.

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I don't think so. We can't beat him. We can't beat him in another hundred years. It should be someone else."

"What are you two talking about?" Ruier asked puzzledly.

"'Open Sun Star' is also known as 'Wuqu Star'," gloomy today seems to be a special show of love, "is the strongest combat power among the seven stars. Judging from the situation that a Wenqu Xingjun can jump out of the fourth level, this person is likely to be the legendary Wuqu Xingjun. This kind of boss, even if we all rise to the full level, we may not be able to fight!"

Hearing the gloomy explanation, everyone understands that this person in it is not what they can deal with at all, and there is a lesson that Song Fei received in front of Wenquxing before. Now no one dares to explore the fat man sitting on the stage.

Since you have to face it, don't always stand at the door. If you kill it, kill it. If you can't kill it, you will die. Standing at the door all the time can't solve the problem, so everyone carefully walked into the hall of Kaiyang Palace. When they came five or six meters in front of the round platform, everyone stopped, but the people on the table still closed their eyes and were still closed to refresh their eyes.

"Do you dare to ask if you are Wuqu Xingjun?" Song Fei made a salute before asking.

When the people on the table heard Song Fei's words, they finally opened their eyes slowly and began to look at this group of people.

"Exactly, are you the adventurers who came to rescue Beichen Tower?" Wu Quxing asked lightly.

Hearing Wu Quxing's words, everyone was stunned at the same time, and a trace of doubt rose in their hearts at the same time. If Wu Quxing knows the change of Beichen Tower, then Wenquxing should also know. With the strength of the two of them, as long as any one takes action, the problem will be solved. How can there be trouble now?

"Yes," Seinfeld replied politely. Since Xingjun knows the change of Beichen Tower, why don't you deal with it? I don't think there should be a move among those undead who can catch Xingjun?

"The responsibility of Wen Quxing and I is to guard the layer we are in, but we are restricted and can't leave the layer we are in. Those undead also came to attack the two layers we guarded before, but later they found that they could not enter at all, so they gave up the two layers and directly occupied the other layers with some special methods. But if you want to go to the seventh floor, you can only call from here. Wuqu Xingjun explained everyone's doubts.

"Then we are not fighting with you, are we?" Wang Lin asked carefully.

"Of course not. With your strength, you can't beat me even in another 100 years!" Wu Quxing said and waved a fat man who looked like himself. This is my split, only level 25. As long as you can defeat him, you will pass.

Hearing what Wu Qu Xingjun said, everyone began to observe the split carefully. Wu Quxing's split looks exactly the same as Wu Quxing's appearance. He is not tall and a little fat. He wears a Tang suit and holds a Tang knife. He looks like a middle-aged man in his forties. He is not handsome or ugly, and has a moustache under his nose. If he is asked to put away his knife and walk on the street, no one will think that he is Wuquxing, which will only make people think that he is the housekeeper of a rich family or the shopkeeper. But now Song Fei and they already know that this split is only 25 levels, and his Tang Dao is obviously much lower than Wu Quxing's own.

Seeing that there is nothing to say to Wu Quxing, Song Fei and others decided to fight with this Wu Quxing. Silence was still the first to rush up, and the others followed. Seeing that the silence had rushed up, Song Fei immediately used a "golden eye" on Wu Quxing's split. Now he has started a war. It's not too much to find a way to check the other party's information, is it? Moreover, Song Fei doesn't think that Wu Quxing's split has the strength to kill him in seconds. If so, he doesn't have to fight. As for Wu Quxing himself, he should not be involved here.

Wuqu Xingjun's split

Level: 25

Attribute: none

Life: 700000


Attack power: 550-600



This result is still acceptable to Song Fei. He can see part of the information, but he can't see all of it. It can basically be concluded that the strength of this split is twice to twice that of Song Fei. In that case, with silent defense and blood volume, you can guarantee that he will not survive three ordinary attacks, and several other soldiers can also be beaten twice, so that they can fight with this split. It's just that this boss's blood is a little too thick, and it will take a long time to kill him.

I hope this split, like the big bear, can slow down while attacking and defending high blood! Song Fei prayed in his heart. However, as soon as silence had sex with Wu Quxing's split, Song Fei immediately found that this split was very fast in both attack speed and movement speed. Silence could not keep up with other people's speed at all. He could only passively be beaten. Occasionally, he seized the opportunity to cut him. Before finding the next opportunity, his blood had been full. .

Seeing that even the last hope was dashed, Song Fei could only take Chujian and Luo Ying to fight hard. Only the speed of the three of them could fight with this split, and the three knights could not defeat other people's blood at all.

After playing for more than two hours, the blood of Wuquxing's split was finally sharpened to 10% by Song Fei and others. During this period, the most tiring was not Song Fei and his three soldiers, but Wang Lin and Luzhu, two doctors, because they had to keep blooding the three fighters in front of them. As long as the three people in front of them stopped, their lives may be in danger, especially Luo Ying. However, to Song Fei and the others' relief, the split of this martial arts star did not use skills from beginning to end, but only used some moves.

When the blood volume of Wuquxing's split body was only 10%, Song Fei and others immediately retreated. Not seeing people's skills does not mean that they don't have skills. At this time, he will make a big move to give the front of the soldiers a few seconds, and the people behind him can only wait to die. However, to their surprise, although they retreated, the split did not use any skills or chase them.

"You have passed the test." Wu Quxing suddenly said a sentence.

"Ah?" Several people didn't react for a moment and thought they had heard it wrong.

"I said that you have passed the test. If you continue to fight like this, he will definitely die!" Wu Quxing said lightly.

This time, everyone heard it clearly. Although there are doubts in their hearts, no one will say it, and they will only have fun in their hearts. After Wu Quxing finished speaking, he waved back, and the door behind him opened, and then everyone heard the pleasant system prompt again.

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the hidden task 'The Test of Wuquxing', rewarding the national reputation of 3 points, Xuanwu City reputation of 10 points, and Qixing Town reputation of 50 points."

After that, Wu Quxing also gave each person 5 points of agility as a reward like Wen Quxing. He sat down and did not disappear like Wenquxing, and his split did not disappear. When everyone bypassed the stage where Wu Quxing was and was about to go to the next floor, the silence suddenly stopped.

"Xingjun, don't you have any big tricks?" Silence asked Wuqu Xingjun.

When everyone heard the silent question, they were sweating. Just now, Wu Quxing's split did not make a big move and directly let them pass. Although everyone didn't know why, no one dared to ask. In case Wu Quxing remembered and let them fight again, it would be depressed. However, the silence has been asked, and others can't say anything more. Just stop and listen to what Wu Quxing said, which can also solve the doubts in their hearts.

"Big move? What is it? Wu Quxing asked puzzledly.