The real mirror of online games

18, Buddha bone reli

"Do you really want to fight with me?" The undead mage gritted his teeth and said.

When they heard the undead mage speak, everyone's eyes lit up. Being able to speak means that this guy's IQ is not low. If he asks this, it means that he can negotiate conditions. Anyway, it doesn't have to be killed. Looking at the undead mage, it should have hidden some interesting skills, but it is unwilling to use it, so it negotiated with Sein Fei and others. From this, it is inferred that this skill is also harmful to itself, and it is likely to be a "fish dead net broken" skill as it said.

Sing Fei turned his head to look at the crowd, and then came out and said, "We have no intention of feud with the whole undead family. We only came here by the owner of Xuanwu City to deal with the matter of Beichen Tower. If you can give us some benefits, then remove the seal boundary of Beichen Tower, and then withdraw your undead army from Beichen Tower, I think we can consider letting you go.

"Are you telling the truth?" The undead mage was a little moved, but he couldn't believe what Song Fei said.

"We have the strength to kill you now." Wang Lin stood up and said. Although I can't guarantee that there will be no casualties on our side, in the current situation, we still have the strength to kill you. So we don't have to lie to you at all. If you don't believe us, we have to fight for a dead net.

"I believe you." The undead mage thought about it and said. The only thing I can give you now is this sword found in Beichen Tower. If you can accept it, I will say my conditions. If not, we will die together.

"Let's talk about your conditions first." Sefeld didn't seem to be moved by his benefits, but his eyes kept staring at the sword when he spoke

"I am the only one left in the undead army of Beichen Tower now. Even if I can escape back to the underworld, the king of Dizang will not let me go, so I hope you can keep this secret for me and tell outsiders that the undead army in Beichen Tower has been completely destroyed."


Hearing that Song Fei agreed to his request, the undead mage raised his hand and threw the sword in his hand to Song Fei. While Song Fei reached out to pick up the sword, the necromancer grabbed the black crystal, shook his right hand, and a black ball appeared in his hand. After the black light ball appeared, it quickly became bigger, until the undead mage was wrapped in it, and then the black light ball flashed and disappeared with the undead mage.

"Damn, I've been fooled. I should let him teach them skills again!" Seeing that the undead mage exposed his hand to space transmission, several mages behind him immediately shouted and were deceived.

At this moment, Song Fei was not in the mood to discuss whether he had been fooled with them, but looked carefully at the sword. This sword is different from the sword they used before. The swords they used before are all epee, with a wide back and a thick blade, and the blade is not very sharp. That kind of sword pays more attention to chopping and other striking effects. However, this sword obviously belongs to the sword used by ancient Chinese chivalrous men. It is a very light sword. The sword body is only one inch wide, and the blade is very sharp. Most importantly, this sword has a scabbard, which is the same as the Tang knife from Wuqu Xingjun.

The long sword came out of its sheath. The first thing that came into view was the dark sword body. The surface was smooth, but it reflected a soft light. The side of the sword body is close to the hilt and is inlaid with seven gems. The position of the seven gems just forms the shape of a Big Dipper, but at this time, the seven gems are gray and have no luster at all. Song Fei pulled out the sword, tried it like Luo Ying, and found that it could also be used before he began to check the attributes of the sword.

Seven-star sword: One-handed sword (green), a rich man asked someone to make a plaything made of thousand-year-old black iron, inlaid with seven precious gems, which are extremely exquisite and expensive, but due to the poor skills of the blacksmith who made this sword, he failed to maximize the effectiveness of thousand-year-old black iron. Increase attack power 180-190, increase agility 10, increase attack speed by 3%, equipment level 25, durability 120. Equipment attached skills: blood sucking (unopened), fighting spirit (unopened), hot blood (unopened), recovery (unopened), no trace (opened), demon sucking (unopened), sword god (unopened). Upgradable: 0/7.

Blood sucking: Passive skill, absorbing 10% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to replenish your life.

Combat spirit: Passive skills, improve the ability to perceive dangers approaching in combat.

Hot blood: Active skill, starting the skill can increase the attack power by 30% and attack speed by 20%, but at the same time, the defense power is reduced by 40%, the skill lasts for 1 minute, consumes 50 points of magic, and cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Reply: Passive skills, increase the life recovery speed by 20%, and increase the magic recovery speed by 10%.

No trace: Active skill, increase your movement speed by 100% after starting the skill, so that the enemy can't see his whereabouts, lasting 30 seconds and cooling time 10 minutes.

Demon sucking: Passive skill, absorbing 10% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to supplement your magic.

Sword God: Active skill, summon the Sword God to cause a powerful attack on the enemy, consume 50% of magic, and cooldown time 24 hours.

When Song Fei smiled and showed the attributes of the seven-star sword in front of everyone, the three knights were depressed again. This sword obviously belongs to the kind used by ancient Chinese chivalrous men, mainly light and agile. Only Song Fei is an agile warrior in this team. None of the three knights are suitable for this sword, and their left hand has taken a shield, and there is no more hand to draw the scabbard.

After the knights were depressed, everyone began to sigh with the sword again. Good materials are different. The sword made by this thousand-year-old black iron and gemstone not only has high attack power, but also has 7 skills, and this sword is actually an upgradeable sword.

"I don't know which prodigal son it is. Such a good piece of thousand-year-old black iron has ruined him like this!" Song Fei said depressedly.

"If you get cheap, you can sell well! If it weren't for this bastard, how could this sword be in your hands!" The beauty said dissatisfiedly.

"Do you think it's a little strange?" Tian Tian suddenly asked.

"Strange? What's so strange?" As Song Fei asked, he turned the Seven Star Sword over and looked at it several times.

"I didn't say your sword! I mean, we have been connected to Beichen Tower. Why haven't we gone out yet?"

When Tian Tian said this, everyone finally noticed the problem. Among these people, Tian Tian played the worst game, but it was precisely because she didn't play the game well that she didn't pay attention to good equipment like others. And it was because Song Fei played the game well and knew the value of the sword. They were surprised that they forgot other things. Maybe this is called "smartness is mistaken by cleverness".

Now listening to Tian Tian's words, everyone began to think about this problem, so everyone thought about whether there was any mechanism in the hall, or what might cause them not to complete the task. However, the hall was empty and there was nothing. Naturally, there was no place to hide anything, so they searched for more than ten minutes and found no valuable clues.

Just when everyone was very depressed, the door they came in suddenly opened, and then Song Fei and the others saw that the mayor of Qixing Town came in with six other old men.

"Thank you so much for solving a big problem for Qixing Town!" As soon as the mayor entered the hall, he bowed to Song Fei and others, and the other old men did the same.

"The mayor is too polite." Song Fei said politely.

"It's just," the mayor suddenly said with an embarrassed face.

"If the mayor has anything, just say it. As long as we can do it, we will do our best!" As soon as the mayor was about to release a new task, Song Fei immediately took the lead.

The mayor was not in a hurry to say the task, but thought about it for a while, then gathered with several other old men to discuss for a while, and then four old men walked to the four walls. Four old men came to the Big Dipper pattern on the four walls, and each of them stretched out a hand and pressed on the celestial power star in the middle of the seven stars.

As soon as the old man's hand pressed on the Tianquan Star, a white light immediately shot out on the Tianshu Star. The white light passed through the Tianxuan Star and went straight to the spire of the pyramid-shaped hall. When all four lights shone on the spire of the hall, the spire suddenly flashed. After the white light flashed, Song Fei and others saw a small box floating down from the spire and landing on the square platform in the middle of the hall.

Seeing that the box fell on the platform, the mayor of Qixing Town walked over, took out a key and opened the box, then took out something from the box and came to Song Fei's side.

After coming to Song Fei's side, the mayor handed him what he had just taken out of the box. Song Fei took a look and saw that it was a small black cube. He really couldn't see the material for a moment, but the cube had no edges and corners, and the edges and corners were ground into arcs, just like a dice, but there were no dots on each surface.

"Munuch, what is this?" Song Fei asked puzzledly.

"This is a Buddha bone reli, and it is also the treasure of the town tower of Beichen Tower." The mayor looked at the cube reluctantly and said excitedly.

"Buddha bone reli!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

"Not bad! In that year, the town accidentally got this Buddha bone reli, so the villagers raised funds to build the Beichen Pagoda, worshiped the reli in it, and came to worship during the Spring Festival. A few days ago, the undead army suddenly occupied the Beichen Tower and set up a boundary so that other people could not enter. We guessed that they came for this Buddha bone relic. In addition, there is nothing else to coveted in the Beichen Tower. The mayor explained.

"What does the mayor mean?" Song Fei pointed to the reli in his hand.

"We think that since the undead came for the relithers, as long as the relithers still stay in Beichen Tower, even if they defeat the undead army this time, they will still send people again and will definitely send more interests than these people. Therefore, we would like to ask you to take this relith away. As long as the relith is not in the Beichen Tower, there is no reason for them to send troops again.

"The mayor is really willing to let us take this relith away?" Wang Lin doubted whether this was a trap.

"What can I do if I don't want to give up? As the saying goes, 'a man is innocent and has his sins'. Since we are unable to protect the relic, forcing him to stay with us can only bring disaster to ourselves. If you can take this relith away without the invasion of the undead, our villagers can live in peace. If so, the people of the whole town will be very grateful to you!"

"Well, I'll take this relith away!" Song Feiyi grasped the Buddha's bone reli.

As soon as Song Fei finished speaking, everyone received a system prompt together.

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the plot task of 'Save Beichen Tower' in Qixing Town, rewarding the world reputation of 3 points, the national reputation of 10 points, the reputation of Xuanwu City 30 points, and the reputation of Qixing Town 100 points."

"National Notice: Some players have completed the plot mission of Seven Star Town to save Beichen Tower, and the system opens a new copy of Beichen Tower."

"This money is what the villagers mean to you. I hope you don't think it's too little." As soon as the system announcement was completed, the mayor handed a bag of money to Song Fei.

"The mayor is too polite, so we will accept it." Song Fei was polite, but the action of receiving money was very sharp.

"Do you go straight back to Xuanwu City to restore your life to Lord Xuanwu, or go back to the old house to sit down?"

"Let's go straight back to Xuanwu City. Lord Xuanwu is still waiting for us to return to our lives!" Song Fei said without thinking about it. The notice just now is a national notice. He doesn't want to be surrounded by the people of the Fengyun Gang as soon as he left the door of the mayor's house.

"Well," the mayor waved his hand, and a magic array lit up on the square table in the middle. If you enter from this teleport array, you can go straight back to Xuanwu City, and we won't send it. I hope you can come to Qixing Town when you are free in the future, and then the old man will receive you in person!"