The real mirror of online games

7, national plot

"How can we believe just your words? Unless you can tell us the original design of the national plot!" The player obviously came to find fault, but his question was so sharp that General Manager Wang had to answer it. Sure enough, after this question was raised, other players immediately shouted.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Manager Wang had to speak again to maintain the situation. Since the national plot has been triggered, I don't mind telling you the original setting of the national plot. In fact, the NPC that released the national plot lives in the valley where everyone has just entered the game.

As soon as Manager Wang said this, the players below buzzed again and began to discuss the valley, and some people openly shouted to reward the location of the valley.

Manager Wang looked at all this quietly. After a while, after the crowd calmed down, he continued to say, "The valley is located in a very secret position and is surrounded by a special formation. If the player doesn't know how to get in, even if he finds a position, he can't get in."

"Then how can someone go in?" Immediately, some players raised questions.

"This is one of the problems! In fact, I don't even know how to enter the valley. According to the employee investigation records sent by the company, the designer who designed the valley and array has been abroad since the opening of the game, so we don't know how the player entered the valley.

"Originally, our design was to start the national plot by a specific NPC one year after the game opened. But now a person has strayed into the valley, and he must have met certain conditions, which will cause the NPC in the valley to start the national plot in advance.

After listening to General Manager Wang's explanation, the players were disappointed for a while. Originally, they also expected the fat man to tell the specific situation that triggered the national plot, so that they could go and see if they could find something cheap. However, the fat man took over the matter in a few words and clearly told everyone that he could not enter the valley, but the people who knew how to enter the valley were abroad. Now these people may have been controlled by the world, and they can't find a way to enter the valley at all.

"Can you reveal the name of the person who triggered the national plot?" Another player asked a sharp question.

"Well, to tell you, so far, I don't know who triggered the national plot. If you want to find out who the player is, you can only wait for Eniac to know the answer after the maintenance. However, I advise you not to find out this person, even if someone knows who triggered the national plot, please don't say it.


"For our players in China!" General Manager Wang said excitedly. First of all, I advise those who want to make trouble for the person who triggers the national plot not to do that. In the first stage of the national plot, this person plays a very key role, and the national plot in this stage will not be completed. If someone finds trouble for him and causes him to quit the game, the national plot of the country will stagnate at this stage and cannot enter the next stage. In that case, the strength of players in China will be greatly suppressed, which will be very unfavorable to the future development of players in China!

"Secondly, this matter has now become world headlines. If this player's information is leaked, some countries will definitely come to destroy it. At that time, the biggest loss will be our Chinese players, so please don't do anything that harms the interests of the whole country because of jealousy!"

"No way? This is just a game!"

Hearing this question, Manager Wang shook his head and said, "The competition between countries covers all aspects of society, such as politics, economy, culture, territory, territorial sea, airspace, etc. There are many things that we ordinary people can't reach at all. Before the opening of Mirror, governments had already focused on this fat meat. They had already regarded Mirror as the second battlefield and were ready to make a lot of money here. If there is a chance to attack other countries, I believe they will not miss it! To tell you the truth, I haven't closed my eyes since last night.

Manager Wang's sudden words stunned the people present at the same time, but then there was a burst of smiles.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Manager Wang smiled faintly. I think you misunderstood me. What I just said was not to take credit for yourself. I have been in meetings from last night to just now, but not with my employees, but with foreigners.

"Foreigner?" There was another burst of doubts.

"Not bad! Hua District opened the national plot in advance, and representatives of various countries came to me to plead guilty and asked me to hand over this player who triggered the national plot. I don't think I need to talk about their purpose anymore, right? Looking around and seeing the players present nodding one after another, General Manager Wang continued: "Therefore, I advise those who deliberately inquire about this matter, hoping that you can restrain yourself." Of course, what General Manager Wang said was "the wind blows and the grass moves."

General Manager Wang explained that most players understood the key, so they rationally chose not to ask about the national plot, but focused the discussion on the changes after server maintenance. After General Manager Wang's personal explanation, everyone quickly understood the changes after this server maintenance.

In this server maintenance, there are not many modifications. The first point is naturally some plot adjustments after the opening of the national plot. There is not much to say about this.

The second point is to add a growth system to the game. The so-called growth system is mainly aimed at NPC, that is, NPC will change its physical characteristics over time. For example, when you first saw an NPC, he was still a child, but ten years later, if the NPC is not dead, he will become a young man; if an elderly NPC dies in a few years, the system will change another NPC to perform his previous tasks.

Although this growth system is not very useful for players, it will still have a little impact. Although the player's body does not grow in the game, the game will adjust the physical changes in the game according to the physical changes in the player's reality. Of course, it only refers to the physical characteristics. In addition, although the player's body will not die of old age in the game, accessories such as nails, beards and hair will grow. If the hair is too long, it should be tied up like an NPC or cut off by yourself. If you want to look good, you have to go to the barber shop in the game to get a haircut. Of course, this process will be made some money by the game company!

The third point is that the penalty time for death in the game has been extended in the future. In the past, after death in the game, it took 3 hours to get out of the game. Of course, players can choose to wait for one hour offline, but after this maintenance, the penalty time has been increased from 3 hours to 9 hours of game time. The official explanation is that there will be a large-scale gang war in the future. If the punishment time is too short, many people can join the gang war again after resurrection, which will be meaningless. It would be interesting to increase the time of death penalty to 9 hours of game time. In 9 hours, most of the wars should have ended, so the future gang battles will be like the real ancient wars, with the number of people invested for the first time, the quality of personnel, and the command and dispatch of the gang leaders. In this way, players can feel more real about the game.

The fourth is to cancel the skill "exploration". After the exploration technique is cancelled, players will no longer be able to use this general skill to view information about any other players, monsters and NPCs. Of course, if players have other exploration skills, they can still use it, such as Seinfeld's "fire eyes". From then on, if players want to get information about monsters, they can only accumulate information through long battles or get some information from others. Players in the novice village can still use exploration, but as soon as they leave the novice village, this skill will automatically disappear.

The fifth is that when the server of the game is updated in the future, the exit time prompted by the system will be calculated according to the game time. For example, when Song Fei killed the Wolf King, the buffer time prompted to exit the game was 10 minutes, which was 10 minutes in reality, that is, the game time was 30 minutes. In this update, the buffer time prompted was 30 seconds, which was 30 seconds in the game.

In these updated content, only the fourth one is really a headache for players, because they relied too much on exploration before, so that they suddenly don't have this skill now, and they feel very uncomfortable. However, players can understand that the cancellation of exploration will make Mirror closer to the real society. For most players, although this setting makes them feel uncomfortable, they think it will be more interesting. After all, it is fair that you can't get other people's information and others can't get your information.

Most of Song Fei and others failed to attend this novice press conference, because the national plot was not opened according to the original design of the game, but was inadvertently opened by Song Fei, so the press conference was set at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Song Fei and others were unable to participate because they had to go to work. Only Silent, the prince who played games every day, and chocolate, a college student who had few classes every day, participated.

This update of the game lasted for more than ten hours. When it opened again, it was already 3 p.m. on Wednesday. After work, they hurriedly ate something, and Song Fei and others immediately entered the game.

As soon as he entered the game, Seinfeld found that he was still kneeling in front of Longxing. It seems that although this game update forced everyone to go offline, in order to protect the player, he did not leave the player's body in the game, but let it disappear.

"Get up, apprentice!" Long Xing said to Song Fei with a smile.

Long Xing's words stunned Song Fei. What he said was completely according to what he said before the game was updated. He waited for a day for the game update, but the NPC did not feel it. He didn't know whether this game update made the NPC crash together or what happened. Anyway, it was not his own. He had to figure out the problem, so Song Fei didn't care much and stood up for a moment.

"Master, have I succeeded in my transfer?"

"Of course not!"