The real mirror of online games

29, Peony Town

Peony Town is under the jurisdiction of Luoyang City, a secondary city under the jurisdiction of Qinglong City. The geographical location of Luoyang City is similar to that of Luoyang in reality. Mudan Town is located 100 miles southeast of Luoyang City. There is no lake around it, only a small river flows outside the town. Ten miles east from Mudan Town, a sudden hill rises from the ground. The hill is only 100 meters high, but the base covers an area of more than ten miles. The gentle slope is conducive to plant growth, so the conical hills are full of various plants. Because of the occasional Buddha light on the top of the mountain, the residents of the town are quite strange and often go to the mountain to worship, and the hill is also called "Xumi Mountain".

I got Boss Lei's business card before, but Song didn't look at it carefully. When I just called, I saw this person's name "Lei Laowu". After talking on the phone with Lei Laowu, Song Fei learned that he was in Peony Town and did not talk to him about the whole content of the task, so he rushed over alone.

As soon as he heard the name of Peony Town, Song Fei thought that this Peony Town was a place full of peony flowers everywhere. Thinking of the saying that there was "Peony City" in Luoyang in reality, he was more convinced of his guess. As soon as he entered Peony Town, the crowd was bustling, but Song Fei didn't see a peony flower!

"Brother Heaven, I haven't seen you for a long time!" When Song Fei was distracted, he heard the voice of Lei Laowu behind him.

"Boss Lei, long time no see!" Song Fei said politely.

"Let's go, brother Tianwang, I'll be a host today. Let's talk while eating." As Lei Laowu said, he pulled Song Fei into a restaurant by the roadside and asked for a private room.

"I don't know what the Heavenly King is looking for me?" After the dishes were served, Lei Laowu first made a glass of wine for Song Fei, and then asked.

"It's not a big deal. Xiaohei has a playmate Xiaohu in White Tiger City. I don't know if Boss Lei knows?

"Oh, you said that little yellow dog, I know!"

"This is the thing. After Xiaohei left, Xiaohu missed it very much, so he asked me to bring him a message, hoping that Boss Lei could take Xiaohei back to play when he was free.

Song Fei knew in his heart that this task of passing the message was to Xiaohei on the surface, but actually to Lei Laowu. After all, Xiaohei could not leave Lei Laowu and go back to the White Tiger City by himself.

"Good to say, good to say! Huh? Can the king understand the dog's words?

Song Feihan, why does this sound so awkward!

"I'm sorry!" As soon as Lei Laowu finished speaking, he realized that he had said something wrong. Don't be surprised by the momentary slip of the tongue!"

"Nothing, I have the skill to communicate with animals. Boss Lei, after I came here, I didn't see a peony flower, so why is it called 'Peony Town'? Seeing that he was going to fall into an embarrassing situation again, Song Fei immediately changed the topic.

"If you say this peony town, it's a long story!" Lei Laowu sighed and told a strange story to Song Fei.

Thirty years ago, this Peony Town was not called Peony Town, and Xumi Mountain was not called Xumi Mountain. At that time, the town was called Wangshan Town, and Xumi Mountain did not have an official name. At that time, people called it "Dongshan". Wangshan Town was originally an ordinary town. The residents were simple and simple, and they have been living a peaceful life for hundreds of years. However, one night 30 years ago, a vision suddenly emerged and brought the town into endless mystery.

That night 30 years ago, the residents of the town stayed at home as usual. After dinner, the family was sitting under the lamp and chatting. Suddenly, they heard the sound of chickens and dogs barking in the courtyard. The man, the head of the family, was going out to see if a thief had entered his home and suddenly heard a strange roar outside. The voice, like a tiger roar, like a wolf roaring, and like a lion roaring, the male master trembling, and the oil lamp in his hand fell to the ground and went out.

After a strange roar, there were continuous waves of strange sounds outside, like a strong wind roaring and a river, like countless wronged souls howling at the same time, and like thousands of troops and horses hissing on the battlefield, mixed with the sound of people shouting horses and monsters. Hearing such a horrible sound, the family was at a loss and trembling in the dark, but did not dare to make a sound.

The family hugged each other like this and stayed up all night. The next morning, the strange sound finally stopped. After dawn, the male owner finally summoned up his courage and poked out his head to check the situation outside. At a glance, I found that the sky outside was still so blue, and the mountains were still so blue, as if nothing had happened. The male host was very puzzled, as if the experience last night was that their family had a nightmare together. I went to the town and found that the whole town was discussing the strange sound last night.

There was nothing wrong during the day, and the residents of the town thought that things had passed like this, but at night, the barking of chickens and dogs in the courtyard sounded again. Hearing the barking of chickens and dogs, the residents of the town trembled and thought that the strange sound was about to appear again. The whole family blew the oil lamp, covered the quilt and trembled in **, and stayed up all night. However, there was no sound outside this night. After dawn, everyone went out to check, and it was still the same as before.

On the third night, there was no noise from chickens and dogs. The residents finally summoned up the courage to push open the door of their house, but the door opened, and they were stunned on the spot. Outside the house, from the courtyard to the street, clusters of bright peonies rose from the ground, as if they had grown there for a long time. The red flowers seem to be bleeding, but the green leaves are as if they are going to flow down, and there is unusual strangeness in the bright color.

Some bold residents proposed to go out of the town, so a group of people went out of the town together, but they were even more shocked to see the scene outside the town. There is a sea of peony flowers stretching for dozens of miles outside the town, which can't be seen at a glance. Although there are crisscrossing paths during this period, I don't know where they are. Seeing this, everyone wanted to explore the sea of peony flowers, so they walked into the sea of flowers together.

After entering the sea of flowers, they found that these criscrossed paths were actually a huge maze. They turned left and right. In the end, they not only did not find a way out, but they could not even find the way back.

Unconsciously, the night passed. When the sky was bright, everyone felt very tired and slept in the fragrance of peony flowers. I don't know how long it took, everyone woke up in the dazzling sunlight and found themselves lying not far outside the town. Looking at the height of the sun, they felt that they only slept for an hour or two, but what shocked them was that the endless sea of flowers had disappeared, and Wangshan Town had returned to its original appearance!

In the next few days, the residents organized several more explorations, but the results were the same. Then the government intervened, but still failed to find out the truth. Although the residents of Wangshan Town are puzzled by the vision of Huahai, they do not care too much about it because it does not bring inconvenience to the lives of the residents of the town.

In the following months, the residents of Wangshan Town fell asleep in the fragrance of peony flowers at night, and their lives were stable. However, one night, a vision appeared again on Dongshan Mountain. A golden light appeared on the top of the mountain, illuminating the whole town of Wangshan Town. From the view of the town, there seemed to be a monk meditating cross-legged in the golden light.

Dongshan Buddha's fraud pushed the mystery of Wangshan Town to a novice**. For a time, various rumors about Wangshan Town in the dynasty spread, and folk explorers flocked to it. However, in the past 30 years, no one has been able to walk out of the sea of peony flowers and explore the truth of the Buddha's light. Since then, regardless of spring, autumn and winter, the bright red and green sea of peony flowers will appear every night in Wangshan Town, and the name of the town has also been changed to Peony Town. At this time of the year, Buddha's light will appear at night on Dongshan Mountain, which lasts for half a month, and the small Dongshan mound also won the name of "Xumi Mountain".

"The king came at the right time," Lei Laowu said excitedly after talking about the origin of Peony Town. According to the situation of previous years, today is the first day of the appearance of the Buddha light of Xumi Mountain!"

"Oh? It seems that I'm really here!" Song Fei's eyes turned and seemed to have made some calculations again.

That night, the Buddha light really appeared, and a golden light shot out on the top of Xumi Mountain, shining on the bright red and green peonies, which was another strange mood. Following the expedition to the outside of the town, at a glance, the sea of peony flowers stretching for dozens of miles swayed in the wind under the golden light, which looked spectacular. In the past 30 years, no one has been able to walk out of this palace, making the sea of peony flowers more mysterious, but after all, this sea of flowers disappears during the day, and the route of the maze is changing every day. If it could have existed all the time, someone may have found a way out long ago.

Song Fei wants to explore this flower sea maze alone to see if he can find some clues, and wait for others to come before exploring together. For such a mysterious thing, he doesn't think it's just a landscape in the game. There must be some task hidden in it, and looking at this situation, it's still a big task!

Entering the maze, Song Fei did not deliberately look for any route, because he knew that in such a huge maze, the more he wanted to find the way, the more likely he was to get lost. He has not been arrogant enough to think that he has the talent or luck to get out of this maze at once. Maybe chocolate can do it, but she is not online now. All Sefeld can do is wait for her to go online.

Not long after walking in the maze, Seinfeld found himself lost. The height of this peony flower is about 1.5 meters, while Song Fei is only 1.75 meters tall. Standing in the flowers, he can't see any other road except the road he stands on. Although you can see the shaking of people in the distance, it is very difficult to walk over and meet those people. You often see a group of people in front of you, but turn left and right and go further and further.

In this way, he walked around the maze all night but got nothing. At dawn, Song Fei felt a little tired. He smelled the faint fragrance of peony flowers and entered a state of sleep in front of him. A few minutes later, Song Fei, who woke up from his sleep, suddenly found that the golden light and the sea of peony flowers stretching for dozens of miles on the top of Xumi Mountain had disappeared, and everything a few minutes ago was like a dream!