The real mirror of online games

One, man in black 2

Outside Huanglin City, a blood-red wolf smoke rose to the sky.

The man in black sat quietly in a broken temple, staring at the blue sky through the collapsed roof. For a long time, he sighed and began to look at the broken temple. This is a stormy ruined temple. The roof has collapsed, the earthen walls have peeled off, and one-height weeds have grown in the courtyard. The former glory of the temple is no longer. The statue in the hall has fallen off, and the head is cut off by anyone. It is placed crookedly on the throne and looks very lonely. The man in black shook his head, sighed, "things are wrong", and turned his eyes to the black token in his hand.

After getting this token from the owner of Qinglong City, this is the first time he has carefully looked at it. The token is black, and the material can't be seen. It's cold and heavy, like some kind of metal. The flat token is more than a foot long, with five one-inch-sized holes engraved with gold, wood, water, fire and earth on one side, and the other side is smooth and flat without even a pattern.

Before long, five people dressed the same as the man in black arrived one after another. After entering the temple, the six people completely covered in black robes looked at each other for a while, and finally one of them stood up and spoke.

"Where is the token?" As he spoke, he took out a "gold" word pinto with the same black token material as the man in black and put it in his hand

Hearing this person's words, the other four people also took out a black block, which were "wood", "water", "fire" and "earth". Seeing this, the man in black took out the black token and stretched it forward, and the other five people put the blocks in their hands into the five holes. The man in black originally thought that after the token was verified, the five people would take back their own block. In fact, they did take back a block, but it was not the one they took out before, and they took one in the other four words. The five people's movements are the same. In this way, the order is disrupted, and no one knows the identity of the other party. Only the man in black with the black token remains unchanged.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, why do you think of us today?" The man in black who put away the "earth" block was the first to break the silence.

"Of course there is something!"

"You're not him!"

"Who are you?"

As soon as the man in black opened his mouth, he was recognized by the other party that he was not the owner of Qinglong City, and the five of them put on guard at the same time. It is no wonder that they are now people who are ugly and not very reliable. They can't believe it.

"How do you know I'm not him?" Although the man in black was surprised, he was not panicked.

"Because he can't speak!" The person who put away the gold block opened his mouth and explained with a very sweet female voice.

People in black admired it, but they didn't expect that the owner of Qinglong City was so cautious that he immediately nodded again. It doesn't matter whether I am or not, but the important thing is that the crisis of the five sects has arrived!"

"What did you say?" The person who put away the "wood" block wanted to come forward to ask, but was pulled by someone next to him.

"Calm down!" The man grabbed his impulsive companion and then turned to the man in black: "How do you know that there is a crisis in the five sects? Also, what does this have to do with you?"

The man in black smiled and said, "It seems that you still don't trust me very much? Well, then I'll say something practical! A few months ago, the five sects suddenly went under martial law because Longxing came out of the mountain! In recent month, the people of the five sects have been frequently assassinated, and the killed have almost no power to fight back. Everyone was tortured to death with their hands and feet. Do you know why?

"You mean, this is done by Long Xing?"

The man in black shook his head, "If Long Xing took action, is there any need for assassination? Who can stop you from killing the headquarters of the five gates directly? Seeing the five people nodded together, the man in black continued, "This man's name is Tianwang Si. He is an adventurer and also an apprentice of Longxing."

"Long Xing's apprentice!"

"Not bad! Although this person's level is not high, he has been deeplychuan by Long Xingzhen. He is fierce and deadly. He is very familiar with the martial arts of the Five Gate School, so few disciples of the Five Gate School are his opponents.

"Hmm! An adventurer of less than 50 levels still doesn't pay attention to the five major schools.

"There are many masters of the five major schools." The man in black said with a little sarcasm. But don't forget that Tianwang IV is an adventurer, and the adventurer can be resurrected. Can you completely control Tianwang IV? If you can't do it, let him run away and go back to call Long Xing out. Which of you can stop him?

"If the five sects can kill the dragon once, they can kill him for the second time. At worst, they will fight for a dead net!" Another person said a harsh word.

"Thirty years ago, Long Xing's duty was caught by you. Now he is alone and careless. If he wants to run away, who can stop him? Thirty years ago, most of the top masters of the five sects in World War I were killed and injured. After so many years, the few remaining masters have also passed away, while Long Xing has studied the martial arts skills of the five sects in the past 30 years, and now it has reached Mahayana. May I ask who dares to fight against the five sects today?

The five people bowed their heads and were silent. What this person said was the truth. Now no one in the five sects dared to fight with Long Xing. If so, as soon as Longxing came out of the mountain six months ago, they would not be in danger.

"What do you want?" The words of the man in black finally calmed down the five people, and finally one person asked a key question.

"I want to help you deal with Tianwang Si."

"Why did you do this?"

"This is not what you should ask, is it?"

"Since you are sure to deal with him, why do you still come to us?"

"I only have plans and no strength." The man in black said lightly.

"Tpeak your plan." After entering the temple, the first person to speak spoke again. This person seems to have the authority of a leader among the five, and only speaks at the most critical times.

"The plan is not mature yet. I will find a way to inform you when it is mature. This meeting is just to say hello to everyone. In addition, the bloody wolf smoke can't be used again, and it can't be used again.


"The bloody smoke appeared once 30 years ago, and it appeared again today. If it appears again in the future, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be caught by people with intentions."

"How can we contact each other after that?"

"Leave a token. When the plan is ripe, I will ask someone to inform you with the token."

The five black clothes thought for a while and took out the five black blocks together.

"After the plan is ripe, let someone bring this and give it directly to the leader."

"What order?"

"If there is no order, any piece will be recognized by the five sects."

Leaving the ruined temple, the black clothes turned to the Fengyun Gang in Winter City. When he came to Fengyun Gang for the third time, the people of Fengyun Gang were much more polite to him and took him directly into the conference room without notification.

"What's the matter with Brother Dragon Soul?" Fengyun said hello as soon as he entered the conference room.

The man in black stopped, but he didn't bother about it. Of course, I came here for the four things of Heaven."

"I don't want to care about the four kings anymore." Fengyun said decisively.

"Oh? Did Master Fengyun really decide not to entangle with Tianwang Si anymore? Although the words in black are said to Fengyun, their eyes are unwilling to dominate the world.

"Yes, I don't want to pester him anymore!"

"In that case, I'm goodbye." After saying that, the man in black left, but when he walked to Xiongba, he touched him intentionally or unintentionally.

Xiong Ba was understanding and said, "I'll send it off" and followed.

"Dragon Soul Brother and so on." After chasing him, he called the man in black.

"Is there anything else to do with the master of the bully?" The man in black turned around.

"Since Brother Dragon Soul has a plan to deal with Tianwang IV, you might as well listen to it." Xiong Ba smiled.

"If you just want to hear it, forget it." The man in black turned around and left.

"Brother Dragon Soul, take a step to speak."

The man in black followed Xiongba to a restaurant in Winter City. As soon as he entered the store, he greeted him warmly.

"Boss, you are here!"

"Is this restaurant opened by Fengyun?" The man in black asked the bully.

"To be precise, this is the private property of this hero!" Xiong Ba said proudly.

The man in black nodded and followed Xiongba into the private room.

"To be honest, Brother Longhun, the eldest brother is soft-hearted and doesn't want to fight with the four kings anymore, but my third brother and I don't want to let him go. If Brother Dragon Soul has any plans, you might as well tell me. After closing the door of the private room, Xiong Ba said to the man in black.

"To what extent did the hegemony think of?" The man in black asked faintly.

"Let him lose his reputation, it's better to quit the game!" Xiongba gritted his teeth and said.

"I don't know how much the master intends to pay?"

"Within 100,000, I can afford it. If it exceeds 100,000, I have to consider it."

"100,000 is 100,000, but the Xiongba gang mainly builds up this restaurant."

"Do you want this restaurant?" Xiong Ba doesn't understand the meaning of the man in black.

"I just want money. This restaurant is just a prop. If you add it to my plan, it will still be yours afterwards."

"Good! As long as you can kill Tianwang Si, what's wrong with this restaurant giving it to Brother Dragon Soul!" At this time, Xiong Ba looks so bold.

"I don't know when Brother Xiongba's 100,000 gold coins will be ready?"

"When Dragon Soul Brother's plan is ready, my gold coins will be ready."

"If Brother Xiong Ba takes out gold coins now, I can come up with a plan now."

"Brother Dragon Soul seems to be ready?" Xiong Ba suddenly looked at the man in black.

"There was a lack of a fuse in the original plan, but with the restaurant of Brother Xiongba, it will be perfect!"

Xiongba laughed and took out a bag of gold coins from his backpack and threw them on the table. Brother Dragon Soul, you can tell me your plan.

The man in black slowly put away the gold coins before he said, "First step, please immediately change the name of your restaurant to 'Li Ji Restaurant'."

"Li Ji Restaurant'? The same name as Tianwangsi's restaurant?"

"Yes, the second step is to find a few reliable people in the Fengyun Gang for me to dispatch."

"This is no problem! Is that all?"

"Of course not! The most critical props are here!" The man in black excitedly took out a small box and carefully put it on the table.

Xiong Ba looked at the excited face of the man in black and was very puzzled. Since he met him, he has never been so excited. He picked up the small box on the table doubtfully and opened it and saw that there was an elixir in it. As soon as he checked the attributes, Xiong Ba immediately stayed on the spot in surprise.

"Where did Brother Dragon Soul get this kind of thing? I don't know if there are any more?" Looking at the attributes of the pill, Xiong Ba sta stag.

"I still want it! Think of it as a cabbage!" Seeing that his plan was about to succeed, the black clothes, which had always been reserved, also changed his speaking style. To tell you the truth, the cost of this thing is 50,000 yuan!"

"Five thousand! Whew!" Xiong Ba exhaled a long breath. Although his family is rich, it is not easy to buy this elixir in bulk. But how can this thing be eaten by Tianwang Si?

"The plan is like this..."