The real mirror of online games

8, start again

After leaving the valley, Song Fei's first stop was the Novice Village. Of course, it should be called Tai'an Town now.

After jumping off the cliff, in order not to let others contact him, Song Fei destroyed his mobile phone and identity certificate. In this way, others could not find him and naturally thought that he had deleted his number. In the three years of living with Long Xing in the valley, he didn't need identification and didn't think about this problem. But now that he has come out of the valley, he needs to have an identity if he wants to play in the game again, so he needs to apply for a new identity certificate.

When the game was updated, players were asked to apply for identity certificates as soon as they entered the game, but in order to enable those who had not had time to apply for identity certificates before the update, so the recommendation of the novice village head was not cancelled. Such a setting has now helped Seinfeld.

Seinfeld's current level is exactly 10. In the past three years in the valley, he has never practiced. These experiences of upgrading to level 10 are only obtained by mining and iron mining, but after level 10, he has no experience in doing these things, so his level stays at level 10.

When he came to the novice village, Song Fei found the village head, told a little lie, and told him that he had been promoted to level 10 before. After that, he had not been playing the game for some personal reasons, so now he came to get a letter of introduction. The village head has no doubt about Song Fei's identity, not to mention that he has not seen him for three or four years. Even if he just met him yesterday, if he comes back today, the village head may not be able to recognize him, because he and Long Xing have learned a skill called transjugation.

After getting the village head's letter of introduction in the name of "Liu Da", Song Fei was not in a hurry to go to the main city to apply for an identity certificate, but secretly lurked near the village head's house. When he was not at home, he sneaked into the village head's house, stole three letters of introduction, and then imitated the village head's handwriting and filled in "Wang Er" respectively. Zhang San and "Li Si" had several names, and then went to four main cities and applied for four identity certificates. Liu Da is a warrior, Wang Er is a knight, Zhang San is an assassin, and Li Si is an archer.

With these four different identities, Song Fei can freely travel to the Phantom Continent. He usually wears a mask and will not be recognized. When he needs to check his identity certificate, no one will know that he is the fourth king three years ago. Of course, there will be no trouble.

In the days after that, Seinfeld was working hard to restore the level. Because his strength is too strong, he almost kills monsters 5 levels higher than himself, and the equipment and money from those low-level monsters are completely powerless to him, and he won't spend time picking them up at all. Therefore, he found a place with few players but dense monsters. He pulled a group of monsters and then attacked them in groups. It was particularly easy to kill monsters. The level rose very quickly, rising to level 20 in less than three days. After level 20, Song Fei will not kill monsters in the wild, because he has a better training site - Beichen Tower.

Since Song Fei and others cleared the Beichen Tower, Beichen Tower has been opened to all players as a new copy, but the new copy after opening is still different from the mission.

First of all, the copy is divided into three difficulty modes: individual, team and team. Personal mode is for a single person to enter the copy. The number of monsters in it is very small, and they are all passive attacks, and the strength of the boss is also relatively weak. The team mode is to team up to six people. The number and strength of monsters are higher than the personal mode, which is semi-active attack type. The so-called semi-active attack means that the monster has a certain attack range. For example, a monster's attack range is 30 meters. As long as you don't enter 30 meters around him, he will not take the initiative to attack. Once he enters, he will attack immediately. Team mode is for multiple people to form a team or members of a gang to enter together. This mode is just like Song Fei and others entering the tower for the first time. As soon as the door is opened, the monsters inside will rush out.

There is no limit on the number of people in the team mode. On the surface, it takes a lot of advantage. The more people there are, the easier it is to fight, but in fact it is not like that. There are too many people entering at a time, and it is really easy to fight, but the more people enter, the more people will have experience. There are too many people. Everyone can't share a few experiences, so they lose the significance of team training. However, if the number of people is too small, they can't deal with a large number of monsters in it. Therefore, the general player's team is between 15 and 20 people, which ensures that there is enough combat effectiveness and that each person has a little more experience.

Secondly, when you enter Beichen Tower to kill monsters in copy mode, the monsters inside will burst out like monsters outside, no longer like Song Fei and the first time they entered, with nothing but experience. After all, they entered for the first time with the task. After completion, there are task rewards, and those who brush the copy have no task. If the monsters don't violent things, they won't get anything.

Third, in personal mode and team mode, the skeleton general on the first floor does not have that immortality. If the skeleton general still has the immortal nature, one can't deal with it at all. Although there are more people in the team mode, six people can't guarantee that they will be able to deal with the immortal characteristics of the skeleton general. If you find people specifically for his characteristics when forming a team, it will be very difficult to deal with groups of monsters.

Although the copy is divided into three modes, it does not mean that only the number of people can enter the corresponding mode after reaching the corresponding standard. That is to say, a person can also enter the team mode and team mode. As long as you feel that you have that strength, you can enter, but only you know the result. In fact, there are indeed teams that have challenged the team mode in order to exercise their strength, but there are not many teams that can come out alive. As for the personal challenge team model, it is not impossible at all. Several arrogant people have entered, but the end is very miserable.

After several attempts, Seinfeld finally chose the team mode. The number of monsters in this mode is just right. Of course, the strength is much weaker than him, but the number can make up for the lack of this. The weak strength of monsters can make him kill monsters easily, but a large number can ensure the source of experience, which is simply suitable for him.

In addition, choosing here to practice has two advantages for Seinfeld: first, no other players are disturbed; second, monsters are densely distributed. If no other players disturb Song Fei, they can safely use their skills without worrying about attracting the attention of other players and thus revealing their identity. The dense distribution of monsters can make it less difficult for him to attract monsters. As long as he runs around, he can attract the attention of a large number of monsters. In fact, after running within the first floor, Song Fei found that he attracted the attention of almost all monsters, including the boss.

Although the number of monsters is large, Seinfeld is not worried, because this is exactly what he wants. Attract the attention of all monsters at once, and he can solve them all in one attack. For others, it may be delusional to kill so many monsters in one second, but Song Fei has such strength, because he has a skill that he understands - the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves.

The skill of sweeping fallen leaves in the autumn wind is quite special. It is not a skill that consumes magic, but consumes internal power. When the internal force is stimulated, you can attack the enemy with that momentum. In terms of the strength gap between the monsters and Seinfeld in Beichen Tower, this attack is enough to kill those little monsters in seconds, and after such a long period of practice, he has also mastered his skills and attack range of about 40 to 50 meters. Of course, this attack range is related to the upper limit of Seinfeld's internal force. Now his upper limit of internal force is 420 points, and the attack range is more than 40 meters. When he first understands the skill, it is only about 30 meters. In some estimates, the attack range of this skill is one-tenth of the upper limit of internal force.

After understanding this skill, the "internal force" attribute in Seinfeld's attribute panel has also undergone some changes. In the past, the internal force was written behind the internal force value, but since the understanding of this skill, the internal force value is like the life and magic value, with a consumption display. For example, the internal force in the previous attribute is shown as 50. Now it has become, internal force: 280/420. After the slash is the upper limit of the internal force, and the front is the current remaining internal force value. This method is used to remind the player how much internal force is left.

After practicing, Song Fei also found that although the consumption of internal force will not affect his upper limit of internal force, it will affect his physical fitness. That is to say, all his abilities related to internal force are affected by the value of internal force, not the upper limit of internal force. For example, his upper limit of internal force value is 420, and his line of sight is about 200 meters when the internal force is full, but when his internal force value consumes only 100 points, his line of sight will drop below 100 meters. Similarly, the perception ability of surrounding life obtained by the Northernming shen gong is also affected by the internal force value.

Seinfeld used 10 points of internal force to sweep the fallen leaves in the autumn wind. On the surface, such a powerful skill only consumes 10 points of internal force, which seems to be a little less. If it consumes magic, such a powerful skill consumes at least thousands of magic, but if you think about it carefully, this is not the case.

First of all, the growth of the upper limit of internal force is much slower than that of the upper limit of magic. As long as a player upgrades, the magic limit will be increased; if the free attribute points obtained after upgrading are added to intelligence or spirit, the magic limit will also be increased; if there is any adventure or some special training, the magic limit can also be increased; in the attributes of some special equipment, the magic limit can also be increased. That is to say, there are many ways to increase the upper limit of magic, and it is easy, but the upper limit of internal force is different. Although all players can buy a primary "Tuna Law" in the system, different levels of internal power have restrictions on the upper limit of internal power. The upper limit of internal power is only 50 points, 100 points for intermediate internal power and 200 points for advanced internal power. As for the top internal power, no one knows what the upper limit is, because no one has reached the upper limit. If it hadn't been for that adventure, it would have been impossible for him to upgrade his internal power to the top. Without the experience of internal power being washed once, the internal power could not have been improved so fast. Therefore, it is not a blessing to lose a horse.

Secondly, the consequences of internal power consumption and magic consumption are different. Excessive magic consumption will not have any impact on players. Even if the magic value is consumed to 0, players can't use skills at most, but it will not affect their own attributes. But the internal force is different. It is well known that the higher the internal force value, the more benefits it brings to players. If the internal force is consumed, it will directly affect the player's attributes.

Third, magic and internal forces are recovered in different ways. Magic is consumed, and it can be replenished as long as you take medicine, but once the internal power value is consumed, it is impossible to make up for it by taking medicine. The way to restore the internal force value is to sit down and meditate. Under normal circumstances, meditation will raise the upper limit of the internal force, but if the upper limit of the internal force is not satisfied, the internal force value will be restored. Of course, the speed of restoring the internal force value is much faster than the upper limit of the internal force.