The real mirror of online games

Eleven, see Tian Tian again

I'm very happy today, because he has formed a high-quality team today. Although the number of people is still unsatisfactory, their team with only five people is more efficient than several six-person teams around. Yesterday, I practiced in Yanshan for a day. When I went online this morning, I appeared at the foot of Yanshan, so I naturally found someone to form a team here.

Since the situation of Yanshan Canglang was found out by the players, the number of players here has gradually increased. Some of these players have formed a good team and naturally come alone. If a single player wants to go up the mountain, he naturally has to form a team. It is almost impossible for a single player to live in Yanshan. Therefore, over time, the foot of Yanshan Mountain has become a distribution center for players. Many single-player players or teams that are not full form a team at the foot of the mountain and then go up the mountain together.

Of course, he also has his own partners in the game, but there are not many people who practice together, and they have something to do these days and can't play games, so he can only play by himself. But a person's speed of training is much slower, so he formed a team with people he didn't know at the foot of Yanshan. In fact, most players are still willing to team up with people they know. After all, they play with acquaintances and deal with the distribution of equipment after the outbreak.

Yesterday, I formed a team with five people I didn't know. The quality of those people was very average, much worse than my own team, so I didn't like those people without saying anything. On the contrary, those people thought he was good and wanted to team up with him. When they went offline yesterday, they left business cards with each other, saying that they would form a team the next day. At that time, they smiled and said nothing but nodded without saying anything. This morning, I laughed and deliberately compared the appointed time in the morning line, just to avoid those people and form a team in advance. When they called themselves, they said they would be with their friends.

He also waited for a while when he formed a team in the morning. After all, he didn't team up with players he didn't know like his friends. When the group reached five people, the group also went online yesterday. In order to avoid them, they urged everyone to go into the mountain. The five people in the current team are: laughing without saying anything, Taoist priest, level 76; fire mage, mage, level 77; dead wood Fengchun, medical capital, level 75; Tian Tian, archer, level 77; silence, knight, level 78.

Among these five people, there is no need to talk about laughing without saying anything. Everyone knows that the fire mage is a fire mage with good fighting quality. Dead Mu Fengchun is a medical capital. He doesn't have much to do. In addition, several other technologies are good, so he is not used much. He is just prepared to pull him up. Tian Tian and Silence are the two of the highest quality, not only because of their high level, but also because they both have pets - a wolf and a horse, and they should be friends or husband and wife in reality. At a glance, they know that they often play games together and have a high degree of tacit understanding with each other.

Not long after entering the mountain, five people found a good place to practice. There are not many people here. Although there are several player teams, they do not affect each other, and the use of monster resources is just right. After fighting together for two hours, the five people also found the advantages and disadvantages of others. After some coordination, the tacit understanding became higher, and the speed of killing monsters became faster. Seeing that I could form a high-quality team today, I was very happy to laugh without saying anything, and I laughed unconsciously.

"What are you laughing at?" The fire mage standing beside him looked at it puzzledly and smiled without saying anything.

"Guess!" Laughing without saying a word, he threw out two words, which made the fire mage depressed for a while.


"Damn it! You two actually chatted and farted there, and I'm still fighting against strange things here!" The silence standing at the front of the team is the hardest, and you have to fight against it after pulling the monster. He is a knight, and he is also a whole-blooded knight, not as an output. For more than two hours, he pulled monsters in front of him. With his own high blood, he pulled five or six monsters to resist, handed over the main task to the fire mage behind, smiled and said nothing, as well as his wife Tian Tian and her pet without regrets. But now the two main attackers - the fire mage and laughing without saying a word - actually chatted in the back. How can they not make him angry?

Hearing the silent roar, the fire mage and the smile did not look at each other, and immediately took action to solve the several wolves surrounding the silence. Seeing that the blame was solved, the silence immediately ran to laugh without saying a word to plead guilty.

"I risked my life in front of me to fight against monsters. You two actually looked at me talking and laughing in the back and said, "What's your intention?"

"I just thought of a joke and laughed twice. Who knew that this fool came to ask me why I laughed!" Laughing without saying a word, he immediately kicked the ball to the fire mage.

"You are the fool!" The fire mage is a girl. She is quite beautiful and neither gentle nor irritable, but she is still a little angry when she calls herself a fool without laughing. Don't fight monsters well, and suddenly laugh. Who knows what you're thinking?

"I'm thinking..." After laughing and saying three words, her eyes looked at the fire mage dripping around, and she blushed.


"Hey, look at that man over there." Dead wood Fengchun pointed to a single player not far away.

Following the direction of the dead wood Fengchun's fingers, he saw a player with a smile without saying a word, and then jumped up from the ground, and his expression was full of excitement.

The player in the distance is medium-sized, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin. He is a typical person who will not attract attention when walking on the street. He wears a white robe, even the mask on his face and the shoes on his feet are white, but he has a black bow in his hand. If such a person appears on the street, he naturally should not attract the attention of others, but it is different here, because this is a highly dense area of monsters, and ordinary people dare not come here alone to practice.

It is an incredible thing for a single person to appear here to practice. Looking at the special shape of the long black bow in his hand and the skillful movements when killing monsters, he smiled and instinctively felt that he was a master! So he habitually patted the dirt on his buttocks and slowly walked towards the man.

"Brother, do you want to form a team? The money is equally divided, and the equipment is random. Seeing that the man in white solved the pulled wolf, he immediately went up to talk to him without saying a smile.

The man in white looked at it and smiled without saying anything. He wanted to shake his head, but after seeing the four people following him, he suddenly stopped shaking his head, and then nodded and handed over his business card.

"Li Si? A name with personality!" He smiled and put away Li Si's business card.

Looking at the smile without saying a word, Li Si didn't even ask the names of the other people, and turned around and rushed to a wolf without saying a word. Seeing Li Si's attitude, several people were stunned, but then they became shocked.

After Li Si rushed to 50 or 60 meters away from the target, he raised a deceleration arrow and shot it on the wolf's leg. Then a series of skills were hit, double-clicked, shook the arrow, penetrated the arrow, tracked the arrow, and finally used a bursting arrow. Seeing this series of skills, several people were surprised. First, they didn't expect that Li Si's skill could be released so quickly that he could release five skills in such a short time. Second, they didn't expect that he would release a skill that ordinary archers did not have - bursting arrows!

This "explosion arrow" is a special skill that not all archers can learn. There is a requirement for learning this skill, and you must have internal skills. In the skill introduction, it is said that the internal force is poured into the arrow pole, and then bursts out after hitting the target, causing secondary damage to the target. The introduction is simple, and it is not so difficult to learn internal skills, but it is not so easy to pour internal power into the arrow shaft. What's more, when the internal force bursts, if the arrow bursts out before the target's internal force, it can't even do the first injury, so although many archers have seen it This skill is very difficult to learn.

Although this series of skills has surprised them, Li Si's performance has shocked them even more. Li Si, who had finished a series of skills, did not take advantage of the wolf's deceleration state to pull the distance before it disappeared, but still stood still and fired arrows, as if waiting for the wolf to come to him.

When the wolf came in front of him, Li Si happened to take out an arrow, but he didn't have time to put it on the bow. Seeing this scene, several people were nervous and instinctively wanted to go up and help. The treatment of dead wood has begun to be prepared. But Li Si's performance was exactly the opposite of several people. There was no tension at all. The bow of his right hand was raised high, and a heavy blow hit the wolf on the head, immediately sending the animal into a state of dizziness.

Seeing that the wolf entered a state of dizziness, Li Si raised his bow with his backhand. Two prominent spikes on the bow pierced the two eyes of the wolf, and then raised the arrow in his left hand and pierced the wolf's ears. The wolf was in pain and roared to recover from the state of dizziness.

Seeing that the wolf was not dead, Li Si waved the bow of his right hand quickly and unexpectedly played a blade dance. Although the introduction of the skill of blade dancing is said to be "wild the weapon in your hand quickly" instead of "waving the sword", there is no blade on the bow, so no archer has ever thought of using this skill to fight. But today, Li Si actually used this skill and used it just right. When Li Si waved his bow, his wrist was also constantly twisting. Every time he twisted, he made the bow string to the target, and actually used the bow string as a blade! Not only that, the blade dance was originally a group attack skill, but Li Si didn't know what special method he used. He could hit the target every time he waved it, and abruptly used a group attack skill into a single attack skill!

Looking at the series of blood-damaged numbers and the wolf who fell to the ground with wailing, the surprise of several people is really indescribable. Although Li Si knew that he was strong when he just saw him practicing here, and although he knew that it was the best weapon that could be attacked in close combat and far, they still didn't expect that Li Si could kill a Yanshan wolf in the blink of an eye. , one person kills monsters faster than five of them!