The real mirror of online games

thirteen, keep the clouds

took everyone to a secret room, looked out of the door, and carefully closed the door after making sure that no one was there. When he turned around, he found that Song Fei had taken off his mask, and the familiar and strange face appeared in front of her again.

"King, you..." Hua felt that her mood had stabilized, but her mouth choked again.

"I'm back." Song Fei said lightly and naturally sat on a chair without feeling sad at all.

"Where have you been this year?"

"I practiced in isolation," Song Fei smiled and said, "Look, my level is back now. Don't talk about me. It's boring to practice alone. Let's talk about you."

"We? What do we have to say? Tian Tian blushed and lowered her head.

"A lot has really happened this year!" Hua first sighed, and then there was another burst of excitement. The happiest thing is--" Hua pulled the long tone and looked at Tian Tian in silence." Silence and Tian Tian got married!"

Song Fei nodded, with a gratified smile in his eyes, and listened to Hua tell the story of silence and Tian Tian.

Tian Tian is a premature baby. It is said that she was born only as big as a human palm. Because of premature birth, Tian Tian has been weak and sickly since she was a child, and her life is not guaranteed. She may die at any time, and it will cost a lot of medical expenses to live. Shortly after Tian Tian gave birth, her parents could not bear the high medical expenses and the great pressure caused by the fact that her child could die at any time, and finally abandoned her at the door of a hospital. After the people in the hospital found the miserable child, they rescued her and sent her to a lonely hospital. In the next 20 years, Tian Tian grew up alone in an orphanage.

After growing up, Tian Tian entered the society and began to rely on her own efforts to support herself. But after leaving the orphanage, she was weak and sick, and could only rely on hard work to pay her high medical expenses. Because of overwork, her originally weak body became even more unstable, and her condition further deteriorated.

By chance, Tian Tian met silence on a trip. Silence fell in love with Tian Tian at first sight, and then launched a crazy pursuit of her. Tian Tian didn't want to accept silence. Perhaps it should be said that she didn't dare to accept it or couldn't bear to accept it. She knew her physical condition and might leave the world one day. At that time, she could only bring him endless pain. Even if she lived, she would continue to drag him down. In fact, Tian Tian hasn't met a boy she likes for so many years, but because of her physical condition, she dares not show her emotions and is afraid of dragging others down.

At first, the silence did not know this, but in order to make him give up, Tian Tian quickly explained her situation to him. However, after learning about Tian Tian's situation, silence was more difficult to suppress her inner feelings. Instead of giving up, she took the initiative to bear part of Tian Tian's living expenses. It was at this time that Mirror appeared and the two entered the game one after another. Silence began to choose the full-blood knight in order to protect Tian Tiantian.

In the novice village, Tian Tian fell in love with Song Fei at first sight, but because of her physical condition, she dared to express her thoughts. Later, the Tianxing team was established, and Silence and Tian Tiantian also became members of the team. During that time, silence could feel Tian Tian's thoughts, but he knew her thoughts and knew that she would not take the initiative to confess to Song Fei. He firmly believes that as long as he is still by Tian Tian's side, he still has a chance.

At the beginning, everyone thought that silence was a playboy, and chasing Tian Tian Tian may be a momentary effort**, but in fact, that was a misunderstanding of him. Silence looks very careless on the surface, but he has a certain scheme. Most of the time, his way of speaking and doing things is intentional, just to please Tian Tian. As long as she is happy, he doesn't care about anything.

After the team disbanded, Tian Tian insisted on waiting for Song Fei to come back and decide to stay after seeing him. But suddenly one day, Wang Lin talked to Tian Tian. There were only Tian Tian and Wang Lin in that conversation. The others didn't know what they said, but from their attitude, it can be seen that the conversation broke up unhappily. After that, the two left together, and the silence remained unchanged from Tian Tian.

Affected by the dissolution of the team, Tian Tian's condition further deteriorated and became a serious illness. She could barely go to the ground after lying down for a month. Seeing Tian Tian's situation in silence, she became more and more sad. Finally, she made up her mind to marry Tian Tian, so that she could feel the warmth of her family in the last time. But when his parents learned about Tian Tian's situation, they firmly opposed them being together.

Silent has long known that this would happen, so it has long been prepared to deal with this change. At the beginning, he persuaded his parents every day, hoping that they could agree to marry Tian Tian, but no matter how hard he tried, his parents just disagreed. With the passage of time, the persuasion gradually turned into negotiations, and the negotiations gradually turned into quarrels, and a rich and harmonious family fell into day-to-day quarrels.

At that time, the silent heart was very entangled. Although he is not the only son or the eldest son in the family and does not have to fully bear the great pressure of the family business, he does not want to cry because he makes his parents sad. But on the other hand, he can't give up his love for Tian Tian. He can't watch his beloved die alone at the last moment.

After several months of psychological struggle and family quarrels, the silence finally made a decision and resolutely gave up the inheritance of family property. He came to Tian Tian alone, found a job to be self-reliant, and at the same time took care of Tian Tian's life. In the end, his parents and Tian Tian were moved by his persistence, and this sad love story also came to a satisfactory end.

Listening to Hua's story, Song Fei shook his head and sighed; Tian Tian didn't know whether it was wronged or moved, and she was sobbing all the time; only sitting silently and laughing all the time.

"Silent silence is also clear to the clouds and the moon." After speaking, Hua added another sentence.

"Sister Hua, are you in there?" A sweet female voice suddenly came from outside the door, which made Hua trembling. How did she find it here? Turning his head to look at Song Fei and seeing that he nodded to himself, Hua got up to open the door.

"Sister Hua, you are really here!" As soon as the stone door opened a crack, a lively girl jumped in.

"Why are you here?" Hua asked nervously, and then looked back to find that Song Fei had put on a mask, and then smiled awkwardly.

"I'm looking for you! It's a pre-war meeting!" The girl's sweet voice was like a yellow warbler. After shaking in front of the jumping flowers for a while, she flashed a pair of beautiful big eyes and looked at the three people.

"Oh, let me introduce you," the little girl who pulled the chatter, "this is our second group leader Ruohan. Everyone calls her Xiaohan. These three are my friends, this is silence, this is Tian Tian, this..."

When introducing Seinfeld, Hua suddenly stopped, and she didn't know how to introduce him to others. It is obviously inappropriate to say that it is called "King Four". The name is too loud. After the top of Mount Tai three years ago, who doesn't know the name in the whole game? It's not to mention that it's called "Heavenly King Four". After seeing him, I haven't had time to ask him what his current game ID is. If he is wrong, it's another embarrassing thing.

"Hello, beautiful lady, my name is Li Si." After saying this like a Western gentleman, Song actually gave a graceful kiss to Ruohan, but his elegant words and behavior were really out of line with this vulgar name. For a moment, the other four people actually laughed at the same time.

Follow Ruohan to the conference hall in Qingping City. Along the way, through the introduction of flowers, Song Fei also learned the basic situation of this gang. There are two masters. These two are twin sisters. They not only look very similar, but also have the same name. The eldest is Ruohan and the second is Ruohan, but the personalities of the two sisters are very different. Sister Ruohan is calm and usually silent, but she is very calculating. At the beginning, it was her proposal to establish a women's gang, and she also worked hard to support it at the beginning of the establishment of the gang. Mei Ruohan has a lively and cheerful personality. She is usually chattering and has no plans. She is mainly responsible for combat-related affairs in the gang. She rushes to the front of every gang battle.

In fact, it was the same at the beginning of the establishment of the gang. Later, it began to recruit a large number of male players, and things changed. Now the real master of the gang is actually the boyfriend of the two of them. The sister Ruohan's boyfriend is drunk and dream death, and the sister Ruohan's boyfriend is called the night is desolate. Since these two people joined the gang, the actual master of the gang has changed.

The pre-war meeting was very simple, and it ended with just a few words. After all, it is not the first time to defend the city. Coupled with other big gangs, there have been hundreds of successful examples of defending the city. Therefore, the players in Mirror are now very experienced in defending the city, as long as the number of people reaches a certain standard. The model's gang is not a problem to defend the city. However, the water-like defense of the city is different from other gangs, because they have a large number of fans.

Since the first failure to defend the city, the minds of the major gangs have noticed a problem. In such a large-scale battle, if the command cannot be unified, the consequences will be very serious! Therefore, since then, other gangs have tried not to invite helpers when defending the city. Even if they have invited, they have invited some people who are absolutely trustworthy or absolutely obedient to the command, and unfamiliar people will never invite them. However, the beauty is different, because this gang only recruited female players at the beginning, and although it also recruited a group of male players later, the female members in the gang still accounted for more than 70%, so there are still a large number of fans outside the gang.

It seems that the beauty wants to defend the city. This is naturally a great opportunity to perform in front of their favorite people. Therefore, these players from all over the country spontaneously gathered in Qingping City, ready to show their most heroic side in front of their favorites. In the eyes of ordinary people, this should be a good thing, but in the eyes of the leaders of some big gangs, this is a huge crisis. Once these people do not obey the command and follow their own nature on the battlefield, it will have immeasurable consequences for this city war.

After thinking about it, I finally came up with a good idea in the bleak night. These players who spontaneously help are the suitors of the girls, so it is the best way to let the girls manage them. Most of the girls who are being pursued will manage their own suitors, and most of them will be obedient. In this way, the leader of the gang only needs to command the players of his own gang, and then directs those who come to help through the players in the gang, a very complicated problem will be solved.