The real mirror of online games

19, how did you see it for the first time

After the resurrection, Taisen flew all the way back to Qinglong City and came to the martial arts hall where the master met for the first time.

After the Tianxing team disbanded a year ago, he and Ruier wandered around in the game for a while. Later, Taisen found him and wanted to learn boxing from him. At first sight, I felt that my boxer had been transferred for so long that I had nothing to play except to fight monsters, so I accepted this apprentice. Later, the three gathered money to open a martial arts school, and officially accepted apprentices in the game at first sight. As soon as the martial arts school opened, the business was very hot, so I gave up my real work at first sight and became a professional player. Not long after, he and Rui'er also got married.

In the past year, with his superb combat skills, he has raised the level to level 90 at first sight, Ruier 88, and Taisen is only 80 level because he entered the game late. Although the disciple spent a lot of time, he did not forget to improve himself at first sight. With his unremitting efforts, he upgraded a junior "Tunafa" to advanced internal skills.

I'm fine today. At first sight, I was sitting alone in the martial arts hall, recalling the days when I was with Song Fei and others. Over the past year, he often thought of Song Fei. If it hadn't been for Song Fei, he would not have been able to transfer to the only hidden profession, and he would not have had today's glory. When the team was disbanded, the problem was not Song Fei. If he didn't leave, maybe the team would not disband, so he felt guilty about Song Fei. Sometimes he felt that the problem was him. If it hadn't been for his unclear attitude towards Hua and Ruier, there would have been no gloomy later, and there would have been no dissolution of the team. But now it's too late to say anything. It's already happened, and a year has passed, and even regret is irreparable.

Suddenly, Taisen ran in.

"I met a master!" As soon as Taisen entered the room, he shouted before he could breathe.

"Master? What kind of master?" At first sight, he didn't seem to agree with Taisen's words.

Although the two of them are nominally masters and apprentices, players do not pay attention to this kind of master and apprenticeship. In addition, Taisen is the first person to appreciate him and a partner of his martial arts school, so he has never been seen as an apprentice at first sight.

Taisen gasped for a while and told his experience in Fengdu City.

"Now you can be killed in a second in the downtown, and then the people who retreat all over the body will have 80,000 without 100,000 in the game, right? Is this a master?" Ruier didn't agree with Taisen's description.

"The key is not to kill me in seconds, but in two other points." Taisen explained. First, he looked at me when he killed me, and that look was completely at a dead man, as if I had died at that time! Moreover, I didn't feel the slightest murder from him at that time!"

"Isn't it murderous?" At first sight, the corners of his mouth twitched and stood up from the chair.

"Yes, it's not murderous at all!"

Everyone's mood will fluctuate somewhat when they kill people, because after all, it is a life, the same life as themselves. The lower the cultivation, the greater the emotional fluctuation, and the high cultivation people will be highly focused when killing. Although the emotional fluctuations are not too great, because of concentration, it will release a momentum to kill the other party, which is commonly known as "killing spirit".

So what does it mean without murder? If a killer does not emit the slightest murderous spirit when killing, it shows at least two points: first, he has regarded the target as a dead person; second, killing him is as ordinary as eating and sleeping.

The first point is good, as long as you are sure of your own strength and have a good understanding of the strength of the goal, you can do it, but the second point is different. Who can kill people as ordinary as eating and sleeping? Either this person is a natural killer, or he has had extraordinary experiences, or he really kills people every day like eating and sleeping!

"This is not the most terrible place for him!" Seeing that Chujian and Rui'er both believed in themselves, Taisen continued. The most terrible thing is the second point, the purpose he killed me!"

The purpose? He told you why he killed you?" Ruier asked puzzledly.

Taisen nodded, took out a note and handed it to Ruier, and said lightly, "Send the letter."

"'Tomorrow at noon, the dense forest in the north of the city', what does this mean?" Ruier looked at the eight words on the note and couldn't understand what they meant at all.

"Fight!" Taisen explained.

"A date for war? He killed you, what else can we do for a fight?

"No, I'm the one he wants to fight!" At first sight, she suddenly opened her mouth. Although she explained Rui'er's doubts, it shocked her.

At noon the next day, the first meeting, Ruier and Taisen came to the dense forest in the northeast of Qinglong City. This tree covers a small area of only more than 10,000 square meters. Because it is only a decorative scene and there are no monsters in it, so no players come here to walk around. Before long, a man wearing a tight black leather armor and a mask on his face walked into the trees.

"Is life just like the first time?" The man in black walked to the three people, didn't look at Ruier and Taisen, and stared straight at the first meeting.

At first sight, he nodded and didn't say a word. He couldn't be distracted at all to deal with such a master. In fact, he had noticed it when the man in black first walked into the woods. Although the Tuna method was only a primary internal skill at the beginning, he has cultivated advanced internal skills and can naturally sense the changes in the surrounding situation. When the man in black appeared in his vision, he felt that this man's breath was just an ordinary person, nothing special, but through Taisen's description, he knew that he was a master. In this way, the man in black should have a way to hide his breath, which is more worthy of his attention.

"How can it be like seeing it for the first time!" The man in black shook his head and sighed.

At first sight, I don't know why this black dress suddenly came out, but now is not the time to care about those things. Since it's a war, let's fight. So at first sight, he left Ruier and Taisen and walked to the opposite of the man in black.

The two stood ten meters apart and looked at each other for a few seconds. The man in black suddenly started and rushed to the first meeting in an instant. He raised his hand and punched his door.

At first sight, he was already highly focused and braking with static braking. When he saw the man in black rushing towards him, he had raised his fist and was ready to fight. When the man in black ran to him and punched him, he sneered in his heart and competed with the boxer. Are you crazy! He raised his hand and punched the man in black. At that moment, he suddenly felt that the scene was so familiar. Suddenly, he remembered Song Fei and the battle with himself when Song Fei first came out of the valley, and the speed of punching did not feel slow. But the next second, something shocked him, and the breath of the man in black standing in front of him suddenly disappeared!

When masters fight, they not only see it with their eyes, but also "see" with their hearts. If the other party's speed is too fast, or use any blindfolding method, it is difficult for the eyes to distinguish. But no matter how the appearance changes, the essence of a person will not change, so many masters feel the breath of the opponent when fighting. As long as they can capture the breath of the opponent, no matter where he appears, they can react in advance. This is the so-called fighting instinct.

But the breath of the person in front of him suddenly disappeared, which was difficult to understand at first sight. The disappearance of the breath of the man in black is not to use some blindfolding method to leave his body here and run to another place by himself, but to really disappear! His eyes told him that this person was in front of him for the first time, but he told him that there was no such a person around him. This contrast brought him a little confusion and had a great impact on his battle.

If ordinary people can't feel the breath of their opponents, they will attack the person in front of them according to what they see. But at first sight, he is not an ordinary person. He is a master with excellent combat quality. With his fighting instinct, he judged that the person in front of him was just an illusion, but where did he really go? Under normal circumstances, when he leaves his original position, the breath will move with him in the process of moving his body. Even if he moved very fast and couldn't feel the movement of his breath at first sight, where did he go after that? How did it disappear like this? Because the eyes and heart see things unsystematic, the first sight is stunned at that moment.

At the moment of first sight in a daze, the man in black's fist had reached out in front of him. But the man in black did not attack the first sight with his fist, but shook his wrist and turned a dagger to his neck. At first sight, I was shocked and couldn't care about my wild thoughts anymore. I accelerated my speed and punched the man in black in the face.

The two were hit almost at the same time. The dagger of the man in black was scratched on the neck of the first sight, and the fist of the first sight also hit the man in black in the face. But the man in black seemed to be a little slower. His dagger had just scratched his neck at first sight, and his fist had hit him in the face. The man in black was punched five or six meters, leaving only a shallow scar on his neck. The man in black was tricked, spit out a mouthful of blood, got up from the ground, turned around and ran away. At first sight, he was stunned on the spot and had no intention of chasing and killing at all.

Seeing that the man in black was injured and escaped, Taisen, who was standing aside to watch the battle, finally couldn't help it and immediately wanted to catch up for revenge, but he was pulled by Ruier.

"Is it him?" Before Rui'er met for the first time, her excited voice trembled a little.

At first sight, he nodded and said uncertainly, "It should be!"

For a moment, the two were indifferent. Only Taisen stood next to him, looked at the dull first sight, and then looked at the indifferent Ruier, and asked puzzledly, "Who are you talking about?"

"Four Heavenly Kings!" I said it word by word for the first time.

"King Four? Who is Tianwang Si? Taisen entered the game too late. When he entered the game, the battle of Taishan had already passed. Although there were many posts about Song Fei on the forum at that time, he still had no time to go to the forum at that time. Originally, he didn't know Song Fei. Even if he heard the name "King Four", he wouldn't care too much. Later, after a long time, Song Fei's matter was gradually forgotten by people, and he didn't remember it.

"A friend." Rui'er looked deeply at the fleeing back and said only four words and stopped talking.