The real mirror of online games

30, old things in the world

In fact, the ice toad thinks so, and why doesn't the fire monkey think so? It originally thought that Sein Fei was the helper of the ice toad and would do his best to help the ice toad deal with himself, so he wanted to kill one with all his strength, then retreated and find an opportunity to revenge later. Unexpectedly, Song Fei suddenly withdrew from the battlefield and let the two of them fight to the death. In his heart, he had secretly scolded Song Fei for being despicable and cunning. But now it's hard to ride a tiger, so what can it do? Seeing that the ice toad has increased its output, it can only increase its output.

The fire monkey belongs to fire, and the ice toad belongs to water. The water restrains fire in the five elements, but it is not absolute. If the strength of the fire side is more than three times that of the water side, it can restrain water. The level of the fire monkey is one level higher than that of the ice toad. Every time the boss above level 95 is upgraded, the strength will double, so the strength of the fire monkey is about twice that of the ice toad. In this way, the two sides have fought equally, and no one can defeat anyone, and no one can escape the battlefield.

After a stalemate for about an hour, the strength of the two sides was exhausted, and the hot and cold airflow of the interaction gradually weakened, and there was no incentive confrontation at the beginning. Seeing that the strength of the two sides was exhausted, Song Fei smiled and walked back to the battlefield slowly. At this time, the fire monkey and the ice toad had fallen to the ground and could only stare at Song Fei with two pairs of frightened and angry eyes.

Song Fei walked to the fire monkey and said with a smile, "How's it going? Do you still fight?"

A high-level boss like the Spirit of Fire must be able to understand human words, and Song Fei is not worried about this at all.

The angry face of the fire monkey suddenly appeared and scolded in his heart: "Despicable and shameless!"

"Is I despicable?" Song Fei asked rhetorical.

"You can understand me!" The fire monkey was surprised again.

"Isn't it okay?" Song Fei laughed. You can go now."

"Are you going to let me go?"

"I didn't intend to kill you, I just wanted to save it." Song Fei said with one finger of the ice toad that fell on the other side.

After watching the fire monkey get up from the ground and stagger away, Song Fei turned around and walked to the ice toad.

"What are you going to do?" Originally, he thought he was here to save himself, but later he let the two of them fight for two defeats. Now he let the fire monkey away. For a moment, the ice toad was a little confused and didn't know what Song Fei's real intention was.

"I want your blood!" Song Fei smiled.

"You're going to kill me!" The ice toad quacked twice, and his voice was full of fear.

"NO, I just want to release your blood and don't want your life."

"Don't kill me? Are you really not going to kill me?" The ice toad is still a little hard to believe.

"You also saw that I have let go of the spirit of fire. Does that mean I don't want to kill you?" In fact, the reason why Song Fei did not kill the spirit of flame is to show his goodwill to the ice toad. If the ice toad doesn't believe him and fights with him, of course he can kill him. But before, the dewdrop repeatedly warned that it must bleed when the ice toad is alive. If it is dead, there will be no spirituality, and the fresher it is, the better. If it is released for a long time, the spirituality will disappear. Now there are still more than 20 days before the snow lotus matures, and the blood of the ice toad is released for more than 20 days, and it will become spiritual even in the cage.

"To tell you the truth, I have a friend who needs your blood to save his life, and it must be fresh blood, so I came to you." Looking at the ice toad, he was still a little hesitant, and Song Fei added another sentence.

"Well, in this case, I will let you bleed, but you have to promise not to kill me after bleeding."

"I can promise not to kill you, but I can't let you go yet, because there is still a medicinal material that will take 20 days to get, so I will take you with me so that I can take blood at any time. And you are too weak now. I can still protect you by following me. I'm not sure what danger I will encounter if I let you go.

After listening to Song Fei's words, the ice toad finally agreed in a default way. It also knows its own situation. Now its body is very weak. Not to mention advanced monsters, even a 90-level ordinary monster can kill it. And it has fought with the Spirit of Fire with all its strength. There are no three or five days that can't recover, and this period of time will be very dangerous.

After taking out the pet box and taking the ice toad in, Song Fei turned around and went back home. He is now not worried about the ice toad regaining its strength in a few days. As long as he takes it away from the water environment, even if it is in its heyday, he is sure to subdue it. When they returned to Dewdrop to report the progress of the mission, news also came from Hua that the double soul charm had been got and wanted to be sent to him, so the two met at Dewdrop.

"I told you, King, it's hard to deal with this thing. You have to thank me later!" As soon as Hua saw Song Fei, she opened her mouth to ask for credit. It seems that this charm is really difficult to deal with!

"Oku, no problem! Bring the soul charm first." Song Fei stretched out his hand to Hua.

Hua gave the double soul charm to Song Fei and said, "Let me tell you, this task is really troublesome! Do you know that my master's old man..."

Fifty years ago, there was a pair of young chivalrous couples in the world. The man's name was Zhao Juncheng. A set of wind sticks was as amazing as a storm; the woman's name was He Suqin, a set of lotus jade female swordsmanship. Although they are young, their martial arts skills have been achieved great. They made a lifetime of wandering around the world to eliminate violence and peace. At that time, they were also quite chivalrous in the world.

However, the good times did not last long. By chance, He Suqin mistakenly believed the clever words of a vicious woman and killed a good person by mistake. From then on, the chivalrous name of the two was destroyed. After the incident, Zhao Juncheng was furious. After a big quarrel with his wife, he left angrily and turned to Xiaoyao as a Taoist priest. His Taoist name was "Qingwei" and he was the master of Hua.

After Zhao Juncheng left, He Suqin also regretted her mistake. In anger, she killed the vicious woman and chased her to Zhongnan Mountain to find Zhao Juncheng to explain. At this time, Zhao Juncheng was still angry and didn't listen to He Suqin's explanation at all. Seeing that she also threw herself into the Xiaoyao faction, angrily left the headquarters of the Xiaoyao faction, came to Xuanwu City, built the Taoist temple, and settled here. At the beginning, when he entered the gate of time and space in Liuhe Palace, Hua met Qingwei, who had just arrived at Xuanwu City, and also funded him some money to help him build a Taoist temple.

He Suqin saw that Zhao Juncheng was still angry. Although he was sad and lonely, he did not chase him again. He stayed at the headquarters of Xiaoyao to devote himself to practice Taoism, with the Taoist name "Qing Xuan". He Suqin has a high reputation in the world, and with her extraordinary talent, she has become one of the best masters in the free school in a few years. Later, she devoted herself to research and developed a stand-in soul charm, and jumped to the high position of elder at a young age.

When Hua found Qingwei and mentioned the stand-in soul charm to him, the old Taoist priest also sighed. At that time, he was young and energetic, and he paid too much attention to the reputation of the world, which ruined a good fate. In the past 50 years, Qingwei has devoted himself to practicing Taoism in the view. The heart of achievements in those years has long ceased to exist, and the only regret in her heart is the guilt for his wife.

"I'll write a letter for you. You can go to Zhongnan to find her. Whether you can borrow the double soul charm depends on your chance." The old Taoist priest sighed and turned to write a letter.

With the master's letter, Hua came to Zhongnan Mountain alone and easily met Elder Qingxuan. Elder Qingxuan is also over 70 years old. Fortunately, the immortal man has the skills to save his face. Although there are several wrinkles on his face, a green silk is black and flexible, looking like a middle-aged woman in her forties.

"He, is he really willing to forgive me?" After reading the letter, Qingxuan asked in a trembling voice.

"Uh..." It took a moment to hesitate. Who can make it clear that they don't forgive this kind of thing? Even if the old man regrets now, does he really forgive her in his heart? Although the old man said in his letter that he had forgiven, who can be sure that it was not Qingwei who wanted to help Hua get the soul charm and perfunctory? If the old man didn't forgive her and Hua rashly forgave her here, then she doesn't have to want to get the stand-in soul charm anymore.

Huh? What do you mean? Is what he said in his letter all lies? As soon as Hua hesitated, Qingxuan saw that something was wrong and his expression became wrong.

"Qing Xuan Elder," the flower bowed his hand. I am the youngest disciple of Master. I don't know much about the old things between you. I have only met him for more than three years, so I can't guarantee whether Master has really forgiven you. I can only say that Master really regrets what happened back then. In the face of such a situation, she can only tell the truth.

"Well," Qingxuan nodded slightly. You are still an honest disciple. Well, you can also send him a letter for me. If you can untie our two decades of heart knots, I will send you a double soul charm.

Then Hua turned between Xuanwu City and Huanglin City as a messenger for the two, running back and forth dozens of times, finally untied the heart knot between the two and got the double soul charm. Although this task was not dangerous, it ran back and forth dozens of times, which was time-consuming and laborious. It cost her hundreds of transmission fees. No wonder she asked him for credit as soon as she saw Song Fei.

"Well," Song Fei nodded, "Thank you for your hard work! Speaking of benefits, I really have a ready-made one here. What do you think of this? After saying that, Song Fei shook his hand and released the ice toad out of the pet box.

"Is this?"

"Hundred-year-old ice toad spirit!" The dewdrop exclaimed.

Sing Fei nodded, "How about this as a pet for you?"

"This," Hua was short of breath and looked up at Song Fei and then at the dewdrops. Although she has never played with the ice toad, she has heard of this thing before, and what Sein Fei can take action will never be garbage. This is a little too expensive, isn't it? Let's give it dew."

Sing Fei shook his head, "You take it. I have something else for her, which is more suitable than this."

The ice toad is still weak and has to agree in order to protect itself, and it also feels Hua's attitude and will not abuse it in the future, so it agrees.

After the ice toad recognized the master, Song Fei reached out and took out a small golden medicine stove from his backpack and put it in front of the dewdrop.

"What is this? God, Shennongding!" The sound of the dewdrop trembled in an instant.

Sing Fei nodded with a smile, "Is this more useful to you?"

"Are you going to give it to me?" Dewdrop couldn't believe what she said.

"For you? Don't even think about it!" Song Fei rejected the idea of dewdrop. Things like this, staying with players will only cause trouble! I mean, Shennongtang must be very anxious if he lost the treasure of Zhenpai. At this time, if you send it back to them, what reward do you think they will give you?

"Despicable!" Dewdrops and flowers speak in one voice.

"Oh, do you think it's despicable? Forget it!" Song Fei smiled evilly and was about to take back the Shennong Ding.

"Don't!" Dewdrop grabbed the Shennong Ding and held it in his arms and never let go again, which made Song Fei and Hua laugh.

"Don't blame my brother for not reminding you," Song Fei continued after laughing, "With Shennong tripod to refine medicine, your skill proficiency will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. Don't rush to get rewards at that time!"