The real mirror of online games

Thirteen, seven-star dragon abyss

The crystal beads flashed with golden light and flew to Song Fei. This scene was really familiar. Not long ago, it was Lai Jingtian who spit out this bead and killed Prime Minister Turtle and Song Fei in one blow. Seeing some situations, they were shocked, but because the two were too close to stop them, they only shouted "brother". Before they could shout the word "be careful" behind, the beads had already flown in front of Song Fei.

However, this time, Jin Zhu flew to Song Fei but did not attack him, but circled around him. Baozhu circled around Song Fei for a while, and suddenly the golden light was flourishing, but the sad laughter echoed in the cave.

"Hahahaha..."," Lai Jingtian smiled for a moment and said again, "I didn't expect that you are the one who knows me best! That's all right! Thousands of years of cultivation have been sent to you!"

"Fifth brother, don't!" Lai San roared, but it was too late.

I saw the golden light of the pearls flashing, and the golden light shot out of the pearls. After several laps in the cave, they all flowed into Song Fei's body. In an instant, Song Fei gained a lot of experience, and the golden light on his body rose to 50% of level 97, while the crystal pearl broke into powder with a click and floated away with the wind.

"Third brother, what is that?" Song Fei hasn't figured out what's going on yet.

"That's Lao Wu's Dragon Ball."

After each dragon's cultivation reaches a certain level, it will refine the dragon ball in its body, in which almost all the cultivation of a dragon is preserved, which can be said to be the yuan god of the dragon clan. A dragon, as long as the dragon ball is not destroyed, even if the body is destroyed, it can recultivate a body and then come back to life, but once the dragon ball is destroyed, the soul will be scattered. Before his death, Lai Jingtian made a desperate bet and planned to die with Lai San, so he made a big move and spit out the Dragon Ball to attack Lai San, but was blocked by Prime Minister Turtle and Song Fei. Although Lai San hated Lai Jingtian, he still cared about his brotherhood and could not bear to completely destroy him. Therefore, he only killed his body and did not destroy his dragon ball, trying to make him re-cultivate as a dragon, hoping that he could repent. However, after hearing Song Fei's emotion, Lai Jingtian suddenly felt sorry for each other and felt that no one understood his thoughts in his life. Even if he was reborn, it was boring. Therefore, he gave up the opportunity to rebirth and gave Song Fei a thousand years of cultivation. He chose to lose his soul.

After sighing for a while, Lai San turned his eyes and stared straight at Song Fei and said, "Brother, it's thanks to you that the third brother can avenge this time! In the future, the third brother will follow you, and the third brother will go wherever you go!"

So Fjoong was stunned. What is this? Another servant? But before he figured it out, he connected to several system prompts.

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the hidden task 'Dragon Revenge', rewarding the world reputation 5 points, the national reputation 10 points, and the East China Sea reputation 50 points."

"System prompt: Shenlong Lai Jinghong's request to become your pet, will you accept the request?"

"System Tip: This time, the owner will be bound to the world plot branch task 'The Rise of the Dragon Clan'. If you give up the task, you will automatically terminate the main pet relationship with Lai Jinghong. Please choose carefully."

Sing Fei was stunned, yo ho, this task is awesome! It's actually a plot branch of the world! You have to kill the dragon as a pet. If you don't take it, you will be stupid!

"System Tip: Shenlong Lai Jinghong has become your pet, please name it."

"Lai San!"

"System Tip: Pet Named Successfully!"

Name: Lai San

Race: Dragon

Rank: Special Pet

Level: Level 100

"Third brother, we will be a family from now on!" Looking at Lai San's attribute introduction, Song Fei smiled happily.

"Brother, the third brother's words are ahead. I don't want to live in your pet box!" Lai San also laughed after saying that.

"What are you talking about, third brother? Xiong Ba and Jifeng temporarily left them in the pet box because it was sometimes inconvenient to take them with them. What's the best way to stay in it all the time? Don't talk about you, Xiong Ba can't stand it either!"

"Well, what my brother said is reasonable. It's really inconvenient to always be by your side." Lai San thought for a while and suddenly looked at Song Fei's seven-star bone sword. Brother, show your sword to the third brother.

Although Song Fei was puzzled, he still handed the seven-star bone sword to Lai San. Lai San took the seven-star bone sword, looked at it over and over several times before saying leisurely, "It's really a good sword! First-class materials, first-class craftsmanship, injecting the soul of the sword, and quenching blood and opening, that's it!" After saying that, Lai San stretched out his hand and returned the sword to Song Fei.

Sing Fei was puzzled for a while. What does it have to do with this sword? When he was puzzled, Lai San in front of him suddenly flashed golden light and turned into a one-meter-long golden dragon. Aftercircling a few laps in the air, he went straight to the seven-star bone sword. After hitting the seven-star bone sword, the golden light flashed and disappeared silently! Seeing this, Song Fei was naturally very surprised, but then something more shocking happened to him.

The faint dragon pattern on the blood-red scabbard of the seven-star bone sword revealed a little gold. Gradually, the whole dragon pattern turned golden. Then the golden light of the seven-star bone sword flashed, and a thick pillar of light rose to the sky, rushed out of the open hole of the cave, and penetrated the thick dark clouds over the national barrier, straight Reach the sky.

After the beam of light broke through the clouds, the thick dark clouds also changed. I saw thick black clouds forming a huge whirlpool around the golden light column. After rotating for a few minutes, it rushed towards the light column and was completely absorbed by the light column. The beam of light absorbed the dark clouds very fast. A huge dark cloud was absorbed in an instant, and the long-lost clear sky was also exposed in the national barrier!

After calming down, Ning Fei was surprised when he checked the attributes of the Seven Star Bone Sword.

Seven-Star Longyuan: Artifact (gold), originally a toy made by a rich man with a thousand-year-old black iron, inlaid with seven precious gems, which is extremely exquisite and expensive, but due to the poor skills of the blacksmith who made this sword, he failed to maximize the effectiveness of the thousand-year-old black iron. Later, it was recast by the dragon line, injected with the soul of the sword, and quenched and sealed, and the power has greatly increased since then. After that, he was possessed by the dragon and promoted to an artifact. All attributes are increased by 150, the upper limit of life is 2000, the magic upper limit is 1500, the attack speed is increased by 50%, and the hit rate is increased by 5%. Equipment with skills: soul attack, blood sucking, fighting spirit, blood, recovery, traceless, demon sucking, sword god. Recognized the Lord: King IV.

Soul Strike: Passive skill, when launching an attack on the enemy, there is a little chance to cause a lot of damage to the enemy's soul.

Blood sucking: passive skill, absorbing 30% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to supplement your life.

Combat spirit: Passive skills, improve the ability to perceive dangers approaching in combat.

Hot blood: active skill, starting the skill can increase the attack power by 50% and attack speed by 50%, but at the same time the defense power is reduced by 40%, the skill duration is 1 minute, the magic consumption is 100 points, and the cooling time is 10 minutes.

Reply: Passive skills, increase the life recovery speed by 50%, and increase the magic recovery speed by 20%.

No Trace: Active skill, increase your movement speed by 150% after starting the skill, so that the enemy can't see their whereabouts, with a duration of 30 seconds and a cooling time of 10 minutes.

Magic sucking: Passive skill, absorbing 20% of the damage caused to the enemy each time to supplement your magic.

Sword God: Active skill, summoning Sword God to cause a powerful attack on the enemy, consume 40% of magic, and cooldown time 24 hours.

Artifact! See the artifact again! Song Fei's heart is surging. How many artifacts can be seen in the whole game? He only took two pieces himself! So far, there are only three artifacts he has seen. In addition to his own two, they are Li Ge's pure sword.

After the golden light restrained, the light flashed on the seven-star dragon abyss, and Lai San jumped out again.

"Brother, the national barrier has been lifted, and the subsequent journey will be fast." Lai San laughed.

"Lao Wu* has not been killed a long time ago. Why has the national barrier been lifted now?" Song Fei finally asked this question that he had wanted to ask for a long time.

"The person in charge of the national barrier is our East China Sea dragon clan. After killing Lao Wu, I am the boss here, so only I have the power to lift the national barrier. You were killed just now. If I lift the national barrier at that time, you will return to the Phantom Dynasty and resurrect. In that way, all our previous efforts will be in vain! Now that you have been resurrected, I have lifted the national barrier for the convenience of the next trip.

"Isn't the third brother afraid that those demons will come to us for revenge? After all, Lao Wu has a demon clan!"

Lai San laughed and said, "The demon clan is said to be a clan, but it is just a group of rabble. Those guys are all greedy and afraid of death, so they will succumb to the ** power of Lao Wu. The real strong will not be with him, such as the mythical beast Kui Niu you met before. Those guys followed Lao Wu to do evil because he had such strength. Now that Lao Wu was killed by us, how dare they come to avenge us?

"Isn't there a strong existence in the demon clan?"

"Once there was, but they were all killed by Lao Wu. On the one hand, Lao Wu was afraid of challenging his demon king status after their strength was too strong, so he killed them when their strength was not complete. On the other hand, when some guys become strong, they will take the initiative to provoke Lao Wu and try to defeat himself to become the demon king, but in the end, they were also killed by Lao Wu and Hongji. Over time, there will be no more masters in the demon clan.

"Oh, so that's it!" Song Fei suddenly realized.

"Yes, didn't you see that as soon as Hongji died, all the monsters were scared away!"

"Oh, second brother," Luo Ying suddenly remembered something, rushed to Song Fei, took out two things from her bag and gave them to him.

"What is this?" Song Fei asked doubtfully.

"This is something that Hongji burst out. Take a look. It's very good!" Luo Ying made a mischievous face at Song Fei.

Picking up the first thing and looking at it, Song Fei immediately blushed.

Transfer Scroll: Charming Elf, Hidden Occupation.

Seeing the word "be charming" Song Fei immediately thought of the skill that Hong Ji put, and his face turned red. Then he looked at Luo Ying, who covered her mouth and smiled secretly. His face turned redder, so he had to put the scroll aside awkwardly and look at another thing. The second thing is a book. Song Fei directly thought of the skill book. The instant reaction was the skill released by Hongji. Her red face turned white, but after seeing the name of the skill, she smiled again.

Water avoidance formula: Passive skill, you can breathe freely in the water, the combat resistance in the water is reduced by 80%, and the movement resistance is reduced by 50%.

"There are still a few pieces of equipment, and the quality is good..."

"You keep it. Use it if you can. If you can't use it, find a chance to sell it." Song Fei interrupted Luo Ying before she finished speaking. At this time, all his thoughts were on this water avoidance formula.