Online game vertical sword Huaxia

Chapter 20 Store Allocation

"Sakura has already slept, hasn't she?" Standing at the door and looking at the door next door, it was quiet and there was no sound. Han Ning thought about it, took out the key and opened the door and entered the room. The room is also quiet, and Jingyi is not here. Jingyi didn't come or call today. Maybe she is very busy at work. Han Ning thought so, took off her clothes and left herself still **.

Today's food is very good, and the food is very rich. It can be said that it has never been so rich. The post-dinner topic Zhang Qinghai told him is also very shocking. Han Ning has not fully digested it yet. This is the first time that the country has entered the game. I don't think it will be the last time. It doesn't let Xiao Teng play a game, and he has to be restricted by the state everywhere. Han Ning's original idea was very unpleasant.

But when you think about it, Han Ning thinks it's good for the country to enter the game and get a lot of guarantees. Although War has fewer account theft and deception, who can guarantee that it will not happen at once. It's just that with the country watching, there are many places to be careful. Fortunately, Han Ning is very low-key. Except for the slaughter of the city, he has never done anything too shocking. I think the country will not embarrass him.

Han Ning thought a lot about Xiaoguang and Hualong's inability to wake up. What's going on? What happened after challenging the final boss? Han Ning has a big question in his mind. Is it really related to challenging the final boss? But in the end, the boss area has been closed. It is reasonable that even if they don't come out, they will be forced to quit, but now they can't wake up and no one can be found in the game. This is too weird and can only be described as weird. In the end, the boss area has been closed, and it is impossible to investigate. We can only know if there is a problem there after the victory of the next transnational war.

If ordinary people know this, they will definitely have no choice but to stop playing, but Han Ning will not. Instead, he has the impulse to investigate it. It's not that he has a good relationship with Xiaoguang, just to find out the truth and lest become the next one. As he appears on the list, he is confident to participate in the next transnational war. As long as he can enter the final boss area, he will definitely find out the truth.

Of course, in addition to the investigation, the reason why Han Ning continues to play is naturally for gold coins. He gave up as soon as he got a large store. It's really a pity that he doesn't make a good profit. Han Ning really can't bear to leave this game. Even if the game can eat people, he has to earn enough first. Who knows if he can earn so many games in the future? The play came out.

After digesting the news I got today, Han Ning fell asleep and even forgot about the red seal on his hand. Han Ning slept soundly, but many people stayed up all night. Many eyes were staring at the window and paying attention to the man at the top of the list.

Wake up the next morning, ate casually, and Han Ning entered the game. The store is still being renovated. There is nothing to do for the time being, and there is no task to do. Han Ning is brushing monsters on a desert island. The field of the dead has been improved, and Han Ning just took this opportunity to become proficient.

The power of the field that players understand is different from that of system creatures. System creatures improve the strength of the field by improving themselves, while players rely on their proficiency in the strength of the field to improve the strength of the field. At this point, it is the same as the skills, and the proficiency will be upgraded to 100%.

Naturally, Adaz and twelve skeleton soldiers did the work of fighting monsters, and Han Ning focused on being skilled in the field of undead. Except for the undead creatures, other creatures are not affected in the undead field. Therefore, Han Ning abandons a wide range of field coverage and controls the undead field over the twelve skeleton soldiers, not more than one point. In this way, not only can the skeleton soldiers be promoted higher, but Han Ning is also labor-saving.

The power in the field consumes MP. If it can be used accurately, it can reduce the consumption of MP and play a decisive role in life and death. If you meet the undead creatures, you can also control the forces in the field to focus on suppressing them, and break them step by step.

The proficiency is not so easy to brush, and it is more difficult than brushing monsters. After ten rounds of attacking island monsters, Han Ning has only seen results for the first time and has not been proficient yet. Han Ning was not in a hurry to think about it for a while. He planned to go to the main city to see how the decoration of the store was. At this time, the system prompt sounded: the player's ferocious store decoration was successful. Please ask the store owner to set the store type in order to start business.

"What do you really want? Let's go and have a look." Han Ning crushed the scroll back to the city and walked to the store, thinking that he sent a message to Qingxin. He was not good at the store, and some experienced deputy store managers were still better than himself.

When Han Ning arrived at the door of the store, Qingxin had already waited here. It is estimated that she also received a system prompt to be so fast. I can't see any difference between Qingxin and yesterday. She is still smiling. I think Zhang Qinghai hasn't told him what he thinks. Han Ning greeted him with a smile and walked into the store with Qingxin.

After the decoration of the store, it becomes a four-story small building connected. The original pet equipment store is the first one and the main body of the whole store. There is a square table on the second floor of the store, which can operate the store or open the store column to operate. The table has HP, with a value of 50w, which is the life of the store. If the table is damaged, the store will also be destroyed. In this way, only the same gold coins can be delivered to redecorate the store, which is equivalent to buying a new store.

Hanning clicked on the table, and the table showed that four rooms can open different or the same type of stores, or four rooms can be combined into one store. It is definitely not advisable to open a store. Even if there is a large flow of people in the main city, there is no store equivalent to four rooms except for auction houses and pubs. In addition to these, the names of employees are also displayed, and the store has no employees for the time being. This item is empty. Players can open a store can hire system employees or hire players themselves. According to Your own preference.

The pet equipment store must be retained. Han Ning asked Qingxin and confirmed that there was only this pet equipment store in the main city. How could he miss such a good opportunity to make money? As for what type of store the other three rooms opened, Han Ning did not pay attention to it and could only ask the deputy store manager around him.

Qingxin frowned slightly and suggested, "Open a pub and the kind with a hotel on the second floor. There is still some distance from the big pub in the main city. Opening a pub can save players from going back and forth, which is also convenient for the people."

Taverns and hotels are always the best combination. If you drink too much, you can go upstairs and sleep directly, and the simulation level of War has reached a certain level. As long as two people of the opposite sex are willing, you can open a room in the game and carry out human-making activities. Although it is not a real physical behavior, you can get spiritual pleasure. Feeling is much better than self-comfort, which is also a psychological and spiritual comfort for those otaku or people who can't find a woman.

"If so, a grocery store should be opened, and the nearest grocery store should also be on the other side of the city." Han Ning completely agreed with Qingxin's opinion and put forward his own opinion according to Qingxin's intention. In addition to the auction house, he went to the grocery store the most in the main city, and naturally knew the location.

"What do you want to open the last room?" Qingxin didn't visit the game much, and she didn't even go out of the main city. I don't know what kind of store can attract players.

"I won't open anything." Han Ning suddenly thought of something and said plainly.

"Don't open anything? Isn't it too wasteful to leave it like this? It's good to rent it out." Qingxin asked in surprise. Fortunately, she knew Han Ning for a period of time and knew that his brain was fine. Otherwise, others would still think that he was sick and finally bought the store with money. He was either stupid or crazy.

"Ha ha, just leave it. Don't think I'm crazy. I have my own reason to keep it a secret for the time being. Well, let's start choosing now." Han Ning said with a smile, with his hands on the stone platform, and the three stores were successfully selected.

Then the system prompt sounded: the player's ferocious store has been selected successfully, and the system will start business within 24 hours. Please be prepared.

"You still have to wait, okay? Let's inform the people you know to come and have fun." Han Ning thought about it and sent a message to several familiar people to inform them that they would come to participate in the opening of the store tomorrow afternoon.