Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 041 Peerless Jade Embryo


The golden thunder bombarded on the rock, but the rock did not have any fear. Instead, it showed a trace of exhilaration, allowing the thunder to bombard itself. This divine thunder was really worthy of the power of heaven. It suddenly bombarded the rock that could not be damaged by the emperor Shitian and dropped a large number of broken stones.

The golden thunder light covers the rock, and it will continue to plunder, destroy the rock, and destroy the rock.

However, the jade light in the rock suddenly burst, and suddenly there was infinite power, which suddenly swallowed all the power of thunder and lightning covering the surface.

"Plop! Plop!!"

The sound in the rock is still the same as before, and the sound is more powerful than before, as if it has gained strength in the thunder just now.


The rock's move made the heavenly disaster in the sky seem to have been provoked. It rolled violently. With a roar, I suddenly saw that a huge red thunder fell down than before, bombarded the rock, and there was a violent explosion. Suddenly, the stones on the surface of the rock were smashed. A lot. Fall to the ground.

The size of the rock is a circle smaller, but the rock is extremely magical. First, it was allowed to destroy the hard stones outside by the divine thunder. When the divine thunder covered all of itself, it swallowed all the power of the divine thunder in as before. In this way, there is no such ferocious nature in the past.

Here, it seems to be like a ration of rock. Incomparable mystery.


Tianjie was angry.

The originally colorful disaster cloud suddenly changed and turned into a colorful cloud. Thunder fell like rain one after another. Constant bombardment on the rock. Break the stones on the surface of the rock little by little. Every time you bear one, the size of the rock is one circle smaller. However, the smaller it is, the richer the jade light emitted by the rock.

The beating sound of 'plop' and 'plop' is more and more powerful. In this, it really seems to give birth to a peerless divine embryo. It's about to break through the rock.

"What kind of Kuibao in the rock? It actually uses the heavenly disaster to temper itself and absorb the power of the heavenly thunder. I have never heard of such a thing happening. It's amazing. It's amazing.

At this time, the mysterious girl also opened her eyes wide and looked at the progress of the things in front of her without blinking. With her experience, it can be seen at a glance that the rock is absorbing the power of thunder to temper herself. Such a move is simply earth-shaking and terrible. She can guarantee that in the immortal world, there is absolutely There are such incredibly strong characters. Dare to absorb the power of thunderstorms under the heavenly disaster.

This also indicates that the treasure in the rock is definitely a rare treasure unparalleled in the world.


Thunder falls like rain one after another, and each one is by no means ordinary. The golden one is the Gengjin god thunder, the cyan Yimu god thunder, and all kinds of other gods are thunderstorms with strong power. The power contained in it can bombard the old monsters in the Yuanying period into serious injuries in an instant. If it is serious, It's a recovery.

But these terrible natural disasters can't shake the rock in front of him. Instead, it keeps devouring the power of the thunder. Every time you swallow, the power of the rock increases by one point.


The thunderbolt continued to bombard for a quarter of an hour. After being unable to help the rock, the clouds rolled fiercely and suddenly condensed together and turned into a purple thunderbolt. Crossing the boundaries of time and space, heavy bombardment on the rock.


The rock burst out thousands of jade light, and countless stones fell from the rock and burst out in all directions. The jade light was overwhelming, and at this moment, the whole peak was completely covered with light. The jade light rotated around, forming a vortex, like a terrible big mouth, swallowing the clouds in the sky in an instant.

"Kuibao, absolutely Kuibao. If I get it, I will avenge and save Baihu's mother. Isn't it easy?"

The jade light was blazing, which made Di Shitian's eyes white and could not see anything. He only heard a loud noise, and the thunder in the sky stopped. In his heart, he would not know that this must be the birth of Kuibao. In my mind, there are all kinds of complicated thoughts. A desire to hold the mysterious Kuibao in his hand swelled crazily.

I keep shouting in my heart.

For a moment, several inches of fine light burst out of the tiger's eyes.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.


I only saw that the originally overwhelming jade light receded like a tide in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it converged, as if the amazing jade light was all illusions.

For these, Di Shitian was not in the mood to delve into it, and quickly looked at the original location of the rock. At this look, his mouth couldn't help opening wide.

"Is this the peerless treasure conceived in the rock?"

In front of me, there is a rectangular piece of jade. This piece of jade does not emit any light. The complete piece is as long as a farm bench. On the whole, it seems to be flawless and flawless. Above, the jade light flows, so that people can see at a glance that this is definitely a rare piece of beautiful jade. Although Di Shitian had not seen the Heshi wall, he thought that the jade in front of him would never be any worse than the Heshi wall.

Perfect, really perfect, this is the jade embryo generated by heaven and earth!!

"Such a jade embryo was born in the rock. What kind of treasure is this?"

Regardless of his own injury, Di Shitian quickly stood up and came to this jade embryo. The jade embryo was not as magical as before. It fell to the ground in an ordinary way, and there was no unusual magical power. It seems that it is really a piece of peerless jade in the secular world.


Di Shitian came to this jade embryo and put the tiger's claws on the jade, with a burst of surprise in his eyes.

"What a strange feeling."

Although he didn't feel any power in the jade, he found that there seemed to be a mysterious connection between himself and the jade embryo. He put the tiger's claws on the jade embryo, as if he felt a trace of joy in the jade embryo. It reached my heart, and it was very strange. This is something he has never felt before.

"This jade is bred from the rock. Although I don't know why there is no power previously felt in the rock in the jade, it must not be an ordinary jade embryo."

Almost in an instant, Di Shitian had decided that this jade embryo might be a rare treasure. Look at the power of the previous disaster, it is by no means what ordinary things can have. In addition, the mysterious contact with the jade embryo made him identify it in an instant. The jade embryo in front of you is a treasure. It's Kuibao.


The mysterious girl sighed doubtfully in her heart: "What's going on? This jade embryo is obviously a treasure bred from the rock, but why, I don't feel any strength at all on it, as if it is no different from ordinary jade. It's strange. It's so strange."

"Is it the failure of the disaster and the original embryo was destroyed by the heavenly disaster?"

Because of the previous jade light, she couldn't see what happened at that time. She just saw that the heavenly disaster turned into a purple thunderbolt. The power in the thunder was extremely amazing. Just getting close to the edge made her unable to stand it and show the original trend. That purple thunder is really terrible.

Now I see that what comes out is just an ordinary jade embryo. I can't see any strangeness. She has also explored it with demon knowledge, and there is no other speciality. Under her exploration, this is an ordinary jade. Suddenly, there was an idea in my mind whether the divine embryo had been destroyed under the disaster of heaven.

Together with this idea, the idea of taking away the jade was temporarily dispelled.

Mainly, she doesn't want Di Shitian to know her existence now.

"Anyway, I'm going to follow the little black tiger. If there is anything strange, sooner or later I will know that it's really weird. I'll get it back then. At this time, it is not appropriate to let the black tiger know my existence. It's up to him to crack the Qintian treasure box.

The mysterious girl muttered that she had made a decision. After all, she thought that she had been with Di Shitian during this period of time and just observed that if there was a change, with her strength, it would not be easy to deal with it. That's why I'm not in a hurry to take action.

"This is a baby."

Unlike the idea of the mysterious girl, Di Shitian has always been firm in his heart. The jade embryo is a treasure. Without thinking much, he opened the storage bag, put the jade embryo into the bag at once, and then turned around and walked down the mountain.

The huge reaction force just burst out of the rock has caused him great damage. He will migrate tomorrow. Even if this injury cannot be completely cured, it will be temporarily stabilized today. On the way of migration, no one knows what kind of danger he will encounter. It needs to be handled in the best condition.


Run down the mountain quickly and shuttle through the mountains and forests. You can't hesitate to move. The scene of lightning and thunder just now must fall into the eyes of many people in the secular world again. At that time, I'm afraid that in a few days, a large number of immortals will come into the mountains. You can't have luck. The urgency of migration is even more urgent.

No matter what else, drag the seriously injured body, return to the cave, take out a elixim from the storage bag, swallow it, start to close your eyes and practice, run the tiger roar, quickly nourish the injured parts of the body, and repair the cracks in the meridians.

This time, the injury is too heavy. It is absolutely impossible to fully recover in a day. But now, he can only stabilize the injury with the medicine in the elixir, and at least restore 50% of his combat strength. In this way, you can almost ensure your own safety on the migration road.