Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 066 The demon has fallen

"It's a shame to say." When Zhong Yunfei heard this, he looked a little embarrassed and said, "The younger generation is indeed not good at learning and has the cultivation of the master. However, the spirit beast is indeed extremely strange and highly intelligent. I'm afraid it will not be below people. Moreover, it can even use demon power. Generally speaking, before becoming a monster, few demons can cultivate demons. Power, the ability to drive demonic power. Yun Fei is sure that his strength is absolutely strong under the monster.

He did not hypocritically deny his defeat and fled in front of Di Shitian, but admitted it bluntly, but said the doubts in his heart.

"The younger generation went down the mountain this time, and there were more than a dozen monsters killed along the way, but they have never met such a special one." Zhong Yunfei simply told the previous scene of the fierce battle with Di Shitian. Only then did the question be raised.

Chu Yun, who was standing aside, was listening, but her eyes were shining and her face was eager to try. She suddenly said, "Brother Zhong, does the black tiger you met have a purple king pattern on your forehead? It is also much taller than ordinary tigers. The voice was crisp and pleasant, but it fell in the lobby at this time, but it was a little too prominent.

After listening to Zhong Yunfei's story, the middle-aged man and the three old men were meditating silently. Hearing Chu Yun's voice, they couldn't help looking at her.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, and the air in the lobby suddenly suffocated. He glanced at Chu Yun and said, "Yun'er, have you forgotten that you can't interrupt the lobby discussion? Well, forget it this time. If there is another time, you can go to the cliff for three months by yourself.

When Chu Yun heard the three words 'thinking about the cliff', a trace of fear flashed in her eyes. She quickly spit out her red tongue and said playfully, "I know, Dad!! Yun'er won't dare next time.

This middle-aged man turned out to be her father, the king of the State of Chu, Chu Tianxing. Behind the State of Chu is the Chu family, and in the world of immortal cultivation, the Chu family is also the most powerful kind of the immortal cultivation family, the top immortal cultivation family. There are Yuanying old monsters in the family, which shocked Xiaoxiao. The emperor of the State of Chu is the head of the Chu family.

Such a family is the most disciplined. In such a discussion, Chu Yun is now not qualified to interrupt.

"Well, there will be another time." Chu Tianxing snorted heavily, looked at Zhong Yunfei and said, "Yuer, Master Zhong's nephew has just come to the villa. You take Brother Zhong to the village."

As soon as Chu Yun heard this, it was right in her mind. She happened to have something to ask Zhong Yunfei in her heart. Now that the opportunity came, she agreed without hesitation, "Dad, Yun'er will definitely take Brother Zhong to have a good time in the village."

"So, Yunfei is sorry to bother you." Zhong Yunfei is also a smart man. As soon as he heard this, he immediately knew that it must be Chu Tianxing and others had something to discuss. If he was not present, he immediately took the opportunity to go down.

After salute everyone in the lobby one by one, under the leadership of Chu Yun, the two left the hall one after the other.

"Master, according to Zhong Yunfei, the black tiger must have extremely high wisdom, and unlike ordinary spirit beasts, it has learned how to practice demon power before becoming a monster. This black tiger has nine achievements, which is the one that Yuner encountered in the Tiger Hill Mountains." Sitting in the first seat below is Chu Yu, the elder of the Chu family.

"It is recorded in the classics that have been preserved for thousands of years in the family that in ancient times, the demon clan could practice as long as it had spirituality. Before becoming a monster, it could begin to cultivate demon power, but this kind of secret method of demon cultivation is known in the demon clan. Even if there is, ordinary spirit beasts that can grow up in the Huqiu Mountains will not get such a secret method. I'm afraid that this black tiger may be an alien in the demon clan. A trace of worry flashed on the face of the second elder Chu Nan.

"Hehe." At this time, the last three elders smiled hip-hop and said, "Brother, second brother, are you thinking too much? Even if there is something special, in today's Zijin Continent, how can the demon clan become a climate? Except for the eight demon kings, there are few that can take action at all.

Listening to the comments of the three elders, Chu Tianxing, who was sitting in the first seat, said solemnly, "Although the demon clan has indeed declined, the strongest are the eight demon kings, which can't compete with our immortals, but we can't be too careless. I have also seen descriptions of the heyday of the demon clan in the family records. It's really terrible. Moreover, once you know how to practice, the potential of the demon is not below us at all. If it hadn't been for the ancient times, when the demon clan was in its heyday, it would have suddenly suffered great difficulties. If countless powerful demons completely disappear from the mainland overnight, I'm afraid that in today's continent, the situation of demons and human races will turn around each other.

When talking about demons, Chu Tianxing's eyebrows were full of a look of fear.

From the beginning of the Chu family to now, it has a long history of thousands of years, which is longer than many sects.

The longer

exists, the more natural it is to know than ordinary people. For example, some secrets about ancient times are unknown to some major sects, but there are many records of the Chu family.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the strong demon body alone can be thousands of feet huge, and it can break the sky. At that time, human beings were just the weakest kind, just like today's human beings and demons.

But history had a shocking turning point in ancient times. The powerful demon clan actually embarked on the road of decline overnight. Countless strongmen mysteriously disappeared together, leaving only some shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the big cats and shrimps among the demon clan, which could not stop the decline trend at all, and human beings also took the opportunity to begin to rise.

Strength expands crazily in a short period of time. A large number of magnificent heroes emerged, and finally led mankind to become the lord of the mainland.

In such a shocking change, countless secret methods of the demon clan have been lost, and there are few left. Until today, the strength of the demon clan has long been the past.

Those who know that period of history still have a strong defense and fear of the demon clan.

"Anyway, this black tiger is absolutely extraordinary. Ordinary spirit beasts can't have such high wisdom, tiger roaring waves, and that strange blade. According to Zhong Yunfei, they all have quite strong attack power. Anyway, I think we should let people explore it. Chu Tianxing's eyes were so deep that it was difficult for people to see anything from his eyes.

"Well, I heard Yuner say that the young master of the Li family died under the claws of the black tiger, and even the psychic compass of their family's town's treasure was lost. In my opinion, the investigation of the black tiger may not need our family to do it at all. It is necessary to reveal I'm willing to help."

The corners of the second elder's mouth showed a meaningful look. The light flashed in his eyes, and in a blink of an eye, he came up with a plan to drive the wolf and swallow the tiger. Let the Li family do a good job. They just wait for the result later.

Thinking that the young master of the Li family will not die, perhaps it is not a big deal for the whole Li family. If it dies, it will be another one, but the psychic compass of the Li family is a rare treasure in the whole world of immortal cultivation. If it is lost, it is a real huge loss for the Li family.

If the wind goes away, even if the Li family knows that this will not be a good thing, they still have to do it according to the Chu family's expectations.

"That's right, three elders, I don't know what you think of Zhong Yunfei?" Chu Tian's voice suddenly changed, and the topic was brought to Zhong Yunfei.

"Dragon among people!!"

"People's capital!!"

"With time, it will definitely become an atmosphere."

Although he only stayed for a short time, with their experience, he can clearly feel the potential of Zhong Yunfei. He is upright, his own qualifications are excellent, and the full training of sects. It can be predicted that this person will definitely be the proud figure of the young generation in the future.

In the Valley of Demons, Emperor Shitian will naturally not be clear. Thousands of miles away, someone is interested in him.

At this moment, he was in the hole, lying on a piece of soft fur. In front of him, the quaint Qintian treasure box was suddenly placed in front of him, stretching out the tiger's claws. On the top of the treasure box, he kept moving the jigsaw puzzle pieces embedded in the box. Every time he moved, he had I deduced a few times in my mind and thought it was feasible before I started.

He has known the name of the treasure box from the previous conversation between Tianxiang Fox King and Qingyun Laodao, and he saw them fight for the treasure box with his own eyes.

The treasure box that can make the two powerful people who can poke them so much about with one finger at any time. If it is an ordinary product, Di Shitian himself will find a piece of tofu and kill it on the spot.

Along the way, it is migration, and we should be vigilant against the dangers along the way. Although it is the first time to deduce silently in my mind as soon as I have free time, it is the first time to really start the puzzle again.

A jigsaw puzzle that has been cut into thousands of pieces needs to be put out. The difficulty of this project is amazing.

Driven by curiosity. Di Shitian is completing this almost impossible thing little by little.

"What will be contained in the Qintian treasure box?"

In the jigsaw puzzle, Di Shitian will also secretly guess: "Is it a magical practice trick? Is it a powerful magic weapon? Or some kind of magical elixir?"

Everyone has curiosity. If there is no curiosity, Di Shitian would not want to complete the jigsaw puzzle and open the treasure box.

Because of almost a month of thinking, deduction, he has an extremely deep understanding of jigsaw puzzles, and some stitching solutions are remembered in his mind. He stretched out his tiger's claws and moved quickly on the tile. Over time, one tile after another, which is otherwise unconnected, is connected together.

More than an hour later, a small piece of pattern was slowly spelled out on the treasure box.

[The second update is temporarily owed. I want to have a good rest all night and prepare for the upcoming push. To be honest, I've been very late these days, and I'm a little tired.]