Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 072 Sanyin Pifu

Feeling the powerful force hidden in his heart, Emperor Shitian couldn't help but feel a sense of achievement in his heart. The heart is the source of life, the source of strength, the heart is strong, and even the whole body is slowly becoming stronger naturally.

"After the first step is done, the next thing to open up the demon house will really begin."

Di Shitian took a deep breath and felt the vigorous power in his body. With the support of the elixir and spiritual wine, although he uninterruptedly refined his heart for three days, the demon power in his body was still abundant and was always in the peak state.

However, he did not start immediately, but opened his eyes again, opened the jade bottle again, and shook it. Listening to the crisp sound of the elixir colliding in the jade bottle, the light flashed, stretched out the tiger's claws, dumped the jade bottle down, and poured out all the elixirs in the bottle, more than

He took out two more bamboo tubes containing spirit wine.

"It is mentioned in the bloodline inheritance that when opening up the demon house, it is best to have a master to guard it. At that time, the more demon power you infuse, the more opportunities you will have to open up the second-highest demon house. I don't have a master guard. It seems that I can only use these elixirs and spirits.

Di Shitian thought to himself. Without hesitation, he swallowed all the more than twelve elixirs and spiritual wine into his abdomen. In his eyes, a huge heat rose from his abdomen. This heat was like the hot sun in summer, giving people a hot feeling. The surging heat also broke through the demon network that had bound them on the spot in an instant.

"It's easy to change the scriptures, and all qi returns to the source!!"

At this moment, Di Shitian's mind was unprecedentedly calm. This is an important moment that determines his life. There must be no negligence and carelessness. Calmness is the first element. I feel the heat wave rolling out of my body. There was no panic at all, and I followed the method obtained from the inheritance in my heart. With your own strong will.

Quickly condensed all the demonic forces in the body, and quickly rolled over to the surging heat, wrapped in huge power, and rushed to the position of the heart crazily. The demonic spirit scattered everywhere around the body and the huge medicinal power hidden in the elixir and spirit wine are like the source of all laws.

kept surging from all directions to the location of the heart.


The heart beat violently, from which a powerful phagocytosis suddenly burst out. The heart, at this moment, seems to have become the sea, to take everything into it. The demonic power rushed into the heart with a huge aura. What rushed in was not only the demonic power, but also all the hearts of Di Shitian.

"Is this in the heart? Why is it gray all around?

As soon as Di Shitian went in, he only felt a trance. After coming to his senses, the power of demonic knowledge immediately condensed into a black tiger as big as the body. The purple king pattern on his forehead was like a purple flame beating. Look around. Looking at this, I couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

See only. Around, there was a piece of gray, and there was no life. Even the demon could not be explored far, and he could only explore about ten meters around. This seems to be a chaotic world with nothing. Only the gray gas is constantly rolling and floating. It looks very weird.

"Open up the demon house, open up two words, that's what it means."

This is the same as chaos. There are legends in mythology in the previous life. When heaven and earth have not yet been formed, in fact, it is in a chaos. There is no light, no earth, no mountains and rivers, and there is almost no life. It is Pangu, the god bred in chaos. After waking up, he waved Make the clear air rise, the turbid air sinks, the clear one is the sky, and the turbid one is the earth. In the end, he supported heaven and earth with his body. Everything in heaven and earth evolves with life.

So, in mythology, this can be called the origin of all things. What is opened up is chaos.

The demon house did not exist, and the demon spirit poured into the heart, naturally forming the world that Di Shitian saw now. This world, among the demons, is called the original heaven and earth. And if you want to get the demon house, you have to open up the original world and form the demon house like Pangu. That's why there is a saying to open up the demon house.

"Good, it depends on what kind of demon house I can open up."

Looking at the gray source of the world around him, Emperor Shitian had a strong fighting spirit in his heart. Fighting with heaven is endless fun, fighting with the earth is endless fun, fighting with people is endless fun, fighting with yourself is even more endless.


In the original heaven and earth, a grand voice suddenly sounded. The 'buzz' sound was unusually long. In the whole original heaven and earth, countless gray gases, in this 'buzz' sound, rioted on the spot and rolled violently, as if the whole world was trembling with this sound.

In this violent rolling, the originally gray world began to change. In a large area around Di Shitian, it was shattered in the sound of the sky, turned into countless earth fire and water wind, and swept wildly.

This 'buzz' sound came from the mouth of Emperor Shitian.

Opening up a demon house is not possible by ordinary means. It requires a unique secret method to succeed. There are many ways to open up this. In ancient times, it can be said that it was ever-changing. But in the tiger's roar, perhaps because the tiger clan has an extraordinary talent in sound waves, the secret method opened up is unique. It's called Sanyin Pifu.

What is the three tones? These three tones are said to be the first sound made at the beginning of heaven and earth. Each syllable has great power. If you send it in the right way, you can shock the ghosts and gods, and heaven and earth will fight against the millet.

Three tones, respectively: hum, buzz, roar.

Each syllable has infinite mysterious power, each of which represents an extreme power.

If it is normal, even if Di Shitian is ten times more powerful, it is impossible to make such a heavenly sound. Only in this special environment can it be used when opening up the demon house.

As soon as the word 'buzz' comes out.

Di Shitian felt that this did not seem to come from his mouth, but from the soul. The soul was constantly vibrating, and the sound made by vibration. Moreover, in this vibration, there is an indescribable pain that flows into the mind, which is completely from the soul. It is the severe pain caused by the vibration of the soul. As long as I have experienced this kind of pain once, I'm afraid I can't forget it in this life.

With him as the center, the gray space around him began to collapse, and the surroundings showed the appearance of a space. Although this space is only ten meters in size, it is really different from the gray world at the beginning. This is the initial formation of the demon house.


However, as soon as the demon house was formed, it was extremely unstable and quite fragile. The gray gas around it rolled violently, bursting out violent forces and attacked the demon house. The demon house, under such an impact, began to roar and twist, as if it was to close at any time and re-transform into the original world.


Di Shitian saw that he was not willing to let the demon mansion return to chaos. You know, as soon as he vibrated the word 'buzz', he felt on the spot that the abnormal fatigue of his mind seemed to consume a lot of power. Estimate, with his ability, I'm afraid that Tianyin, which can only support and vibrate two or three more times, will be completely exhausted.

For the three heavenly sounds, he almost understood the first word 'buzz', I'm afraid it means to be broken. Now when he sees that the demon house is shaky and is about to be broken at any time, he immediately vibrate the second Tianyin according to the steps in the inheritance.

'mow' sound together.

The vibration in the soul reappeared, and the terrible severe pain reappeared in the mind. The invisible sound waves centered on him and immediately spread in all directions. This is the power of the soul, and this is the great power of the origin. When the invisible sound waves came out, they were constantly trembling, and the demon house, which was about to be destroyed at any time, immediately became strong and stabilized.

Mysterious great power is full of the demon house. Let the countless gray gas outside grazed, it is still like a reef in the river, as stable as Mount Tai, unwavering at all.

"OK, it turns out that this word Tianyin has such a magical ability, which is not in vain for me to suffer so much terrible pain. It's worth it."

When Di Shitian saw this, he couldn't help but be happy, and even the terrible pain in his mind seemed to have weakened a lot. He also began to secretly understand the meaning and mystery of Sanyinfu.

The "mow" sound lasted for a moment in the demon house. Every time it lasts for a period of time, it can make the demon house stronger and more stable.

"The first two are so extraordinary that I don't know what kind of mysterious power the third one has."

After vibrating out the second heavenly sound, Di Shitian only felt that his mind was heavier than ever before, and he felt that there were signs of a complete fainting at any time. The two heavenly sounds used almost all of his strength. Let him have almost no strength to vibrate the third heavenly sound.

"I'm so tired. I really want to sleep. No, this Tianyin consumes me too much. This third Tianyin..."

Standing in the opened up demon house, Di Shitian found that the whole mind and will were sinking all the time, and his eyelids seemed to be two extremely heavy mountains, slowly falling down and closing up. Even the purple king pattern on the forehead has become extremely dark, without the charm and temperament of the past. The will can't be concentrated at all.

In the bottom of my heart, there seemed to be countless voices shouting at him.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep at ease, when you wake up, everything will be fine."

All kinds of ** appear in the mind.

Although he wanted to continue to vibrate the third Tianyin, his heart was not enough. Originally, he estimated that he could vibrate two or three more times, but he didn't expect that vibrating Tianyin was so exhausting.

Sanyin Pifu, since it is a three-tone, it means that only the vibration of the third tone can be truly complete. But now, he can no longer vibrate.

[Do you want to vibrate the third heavenly sound. Brothers, tell me with your support.]