Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 115 Despicable and shameless

Middle-aged people are not unfamiliar with it. It is the ancestor of the Li family. Don't be old. Water is just a middle-aged man, his age. It's been hundreds of years old, but only when you have the skills to maintain your current appearance. Otherwise. Most of the centuries-old monks will also look old.

This man's name is Li Canglan.

A full of cultivation. He has reached the advanced realm of the later stage of Jiedan, but his qualification, that is, the spiritual root, is not very good, but a medium spiritual root. In the current world, it is extremely difficult to cultivate Jiedan. If you want to move forward, there is no big opportunity, and it is almost impossible to break the elixir and become a baby.

If he stays in the realm of Jiedan, I'm afraid that in another hundred years, his longevity will be exhausted. At that time, no matter how high his cultivation is, he can only become a pile of loess in the end.

He didn't intend to come out of the retreat. If it hadn't been for the spiritual compass, he wouldn't have paid attention to it for three years. Only he knows that three years later, it is the only chance for him to attack the realm of Yuanying. The psychic compass is the top priority. How can he be indifferent?

Hearing that Li stubborn and others fled back to the family in embarrassment, Li Canglan could no longer continue to retreat calmly, and finally prepared to go to Nanman in person.

He also has a general understanding of what happened in the southern barbarian. The united behavior of the southern barbarian monsters really shocked him. It is not an ordinary monster, but the king of the monster. Each of them has a magical power that is far more powerful than ordinary monsters. Initiating Weilai, even the monk Dan did not dare to get involved in its edge easily.

As long as it's not the old monster. Who dares to say that he can survive the siege of the Demon King?

Even if Li Canglan has been famous for hundreds of years, he dares not praise such Haikou.

"Haha, God is helping me this time, as long as the monster survives the demon disaster. When the inner elixir is formed, kill it and seize the inner elixir with this kind of real demon elixir in hand. I will ask the Ziyang real person in Danding Valley to refine a real Yang elixir. Maybe I can use this to break through to the realm of Yuanying.

Li Canglan no longer had the slow mentality at the beginning. He drove the long boat under him and rushed to the south after the wind and electricity. The long boat under him is not an ordinary thing. It is a flying magic weapon made from the bones of a thunderbird. Its quality is the best. Its flying speed alone is definitely one or two times faster than that of the same master's sword.

can be said to be a proud magic weapon in his hand. It's called Fu Yunzhou.

Driven by his fastest speed, it didn't take long for him to rush into the Nanman Mountains, although he stopped. There is a fog over the veins. However, he did not fly over the sky. It's just in the mountains, low-altitude, fast. It was so fast that the creatures in the mountains only felt a flower in front of them and disappeared, as if they had never seen it before.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared near the Jieyun and looked up at the black Jieyun in the sky. He saw a meaningful smile at his mouth. The whole floating cloud boat suddenly disappeared, and he also restrained his whole breath. Hid in a remote corner.


The thunder cloud keeps roaring. The waves of pressure dispersed around like a tide. Under the cover of the black robbery cloud, the people outside did not know what was going on in the robbery cloud. I just saw that in the cloud, the flashing thunder light became more and more frequent and dense, bursting around the lightning, and the surrounding area was white and bright.


After Medusa entered the Jieyun for about a quarter of an hour, the Jieyun rolled violently at an unprecedented speed. Moreover, in the rolling, the originally huge disaster cloud is rapidly shrinking the surrounding space, sending out a strange distortion. The nearby creatures are pressed in their mouths and noses and spit out blood one after another.

In a strange roar, a cold voice suddenly returned over the southern barbarian.

"Thousands of snakes dance together, devouring thunder and lightning, internal elixir condenses, and sharp turns into demons!!"

"Yo Wei yo!!"

I immediately heard it. Countless strange roars sounded one after another, which was extremely terrible.


In the dark cloud. Suddenly. A huge snake head suddenly penetrated out of it, and, one after another, the huge snake head rushed out from every angle of the cloud. These snake heads appeared and did not stop, but danced crazily, opened the snake mouth, and swallowed the swallowing cloud around.

Jieyun was in this terrible scene. In a blink of an eye, he was swallowed up. When the robbery cloud disappeared, I saw it. In the original position of Jieyun. A cold woman was standing quietly in mid-air. A dark snake's hair turned into a terrible python, dancing around crazily. The snake slapped in the air. The strong force bombarded the void and burst out a roar of Taoism. The address of this site has been changed to: Foot Alliance Aopeng. Please log in to Yuandu

The violent waves centered on her and swept around in an instant.

"Bun Bang Bang!!"

The mountain below, under this violent force, burst on the spot, and a strong momentum roared down from Medusa, like mountains pressing on the top of the head. He waved it away and covered the whole southern barbarian. Almost in the blink of an eye, all the creatures in the southern barbarian coincidentally knelt down to the position where Medusa was located. The scene seemed to worship, welcoming the birth of another real demon in the southern barbarian. It's like a hundred birds facing a phoenix. The scene is unusually huge.

"Condensate the inner elixir, and the snake is the hair!! I'm a demon."

Medusa gently opened her jade lips, word by word, and carefully spit out a sentence.

The voice fell, and I saw it on her. A layer of colorful light burst out in vain. After the colorful light appeared, it immediately spread out of the body. When it spread to about three meters, it contracted fiercely. As soon as it was closed and released, a demonic spirit surged up from her body, like rolling wolf smoke, forming a black cloud on the top of her head. The demon cloud is like boiling water. Crazy rolling.

And her snake hair also changed in an instant. The pythons shrank back to her head in an instant. At this time, it was not just shrinking, but you can clearly see this fierce snake hair. Its snake-shaped characteristics disappeared in the blink of an eye, turning into dark hair, draped on the shoulders, fluttering in the wind, showing a sense of waves.

Although the characteristics of snake hair have disappeared, the cooling on her body has become more intense.


Medusa burst out two lights in both days. The body fell naturally and stepped on the peak, and there was a look of relief in his eyes.

Countless years of efforts, today. Finally, there was a reward, and she finally condensed the inner elixir. He transformed into a real demon.

When stepping on the mountain, a faint whiteness appeared unconsciously on Medusa's face, and there was a delicate smell in her body. Of course, this is delicate. It just flashed away and disappeared in an instant, but the deep fatigue emanating from his body could not be concealed.

When crossing the demon disaster, she also consumed a lot of strength. Although it was condensed into an internal elixir, her vitality was inevitably greatly damaged. I'm afraid that she would be weak for a period of time.


Just when Medusa was tired and weak, her face changed in vain and became quite ugly. Just listening, behind her, a short roar burst out. Secretly: Not good.

However, the attack came too suddenly and too quickly. Although she had understood in her heart that she wanted to dodge, the weakness in her body made her movements too late to dodge. In an instant, she felt that her back was bombarded heavily, and her delicate body trembled. "Oh, a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth like an arrow.

The body has been severely damaged.

However, Medusa is Medusa. When she suffered this heavy blow, she stepped forward in an instant and turned quickly, swimming ten feet away like a snake. As soon as he shook his head, his hair was as crazy. He grew up crazily and showed his hair fiercely. Almost in the blink of an eye, he changed into a poisonous python. Zhang Kuang wrapped her tightly, and the snakes danced around her.


At the moment she turned around, the afterglow in her eyes glanced, and a thick golden light on her head roared, emitting a vast pressure, pressing down on her again. The surrounding space is constantly shaking, roaring, and the violent waves are flying around the rubble. Crushing.


The poisonous python that danced around Medusa for a few days was facing the golden light above his head, and instantly rose to the sky, like a spiritual snake coming out of the hole, and the air around it rolled violently. The dull sound sounded one after another.


The golden light and the poisonous python were strong against each other, without any cover, and bombarded each other heavily. Suddenly, the golden light burst, with a sudden pressure, and the crazy riot of the aura of heaven and earth around them seemed to have thrown countless mines in the lake and exploded at the same time. The sky was hit by an extremely domineering force.

A few poisonous pythons, under the power of terror, only supported a few times and were crushed on the spot.

The waves from the collision between the two fell on the peak, and the peak shook violently.


A small part of the top of the mountain could not bear this terrible power. It cracked and shattered into large and small stones. Roll down the mountain.

And the golden light was blocked by the poisonous python, and the power of the bombardment dissipated. At this time, it can also be seen that what the golden light is, it is actually a golden brick.


A wild howl sound resounded through Nanman, the earth shook fiercely, and the sound sounded like a war drum.

"Who, who, dares to attack the demons in our southern barbarians. I'm going to tear up the salary address of this site has been changed to: Foot couplet Aopeng, please log in to Yuandu

In the distance, a tall giant ape ran crazily on the ground, running while ringing angrily on his chest, making a loud noise.

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