Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 142 Mysterious Jade Jane

In this bloody fog full of wild violence, a crisp sound of the piano came out mysteriously. The sound of the piano was very penetrating. Even the huge sound generated by the foundation monk's self-exploding could not be concealed. If someone saw it at this time, he would find that in the middle of the blood fog, the emperor Shitian Hold a jade piano in your left hand and pull the strings with your right hand.

The sound of the piano spread. Circles of invisible sound waves centered on him, filled within three meters around, and the terrible power generated by the blood fog entered these three meters. It will be scattered and annihilated by the sound waves that seem invisible in the circle but have the power of terror. However. Look at the straight line on the jade and the piano. Di Shitian's eyes were even more awe-inspiring.

It can be seen that the emperor Shitian in it is not so easy to see on the surface.

The right hand fiddled irregularly on the nine strings, turning the sound into sound waves to block the surging terrorist destructive power. Between his fingers, a trace of black light kept flashing, and the strong demons in the body kept gushing out of the demon house.

A foundation-building monk's self-exploding is equivalent to reversing all his true elements, even his blood, and bursting out ten times, or even a hundred times a hundred times of terror. This force is full of destruction and violence. They will destroy everything that can be destroyed in this range.

Its power is almost equivalent to the terrible destructive power of a monk in the Jiedan period.

The difference is that the Jiedan monk can exert such an attack power at will, while the foundation monk is at the expense of his life. The only chance to get a strong power in exchange. The cost here is directly proportional to the power of the explosion.


The blood mist grazed crazily for about a quarter of an hour, and finally, it slowly dissipated.

"Ding Dong!!"

Di Shitian plucked the strings again, and the invisible sound waves instantly swept away the blood fog around like a tide.

"Well, if this immortal grower self-exploded, it is really a little terrible. A monk who has not yet built the foundation period can burst out such a terrible power. I don't know if the elixir monk self-exploded, will there be the strong destructive power of the Yuanying old monster

Di Shitian's hand turned slightly, and the jade piano directly turned into a jade light. Returning to the demon house and looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be secretly timid. On the ground, a huge deep pit that could bury hundreds of people was blown up. Countless cracks were densely distributed around, and all the things were completely destroyed under the amount of violence just now. Let the surrounding 100 meters turn into an empty barren area.

It seems to have been completely ploughed.


The man in blue has already passed. When Di wanted to turn around and leave. Suddenly. When he turned around, the corners of his eyes shook to a trace of crystal light, and he couldn't help but stop the movement of leaving. He fixed his eyes to the place where the crystal light flashed. Suddenly, on the ground, there was a simple jade Jane shining with a crystal light lying quietly. It fell on the place where the blue-robed man had previously exploded.

"The self-detonation just now was powerful enough to smash the storage bag on the monk's body and the things contained in it, and even the storage bag was destroyed. This jade slip has not been damaged at all. Is it a good thing?"

Di Shitian is in an instant. I began to think quickly in my heart. Generally, jade and Jane are used to store all kinds of information. For example, the most common is to store some practice books, skills, or store certain information, etc. It is because Yu Jian can store memory and information.

Therefore, this kind of jade slip has always been very common in the immortal world.

All kinds of skills. Spells. Only the most basic. It's just that the basic skills of the qi refining period are recorded in books. This kind of ancient book, even ordinary people, can also be seen and can be practiced according to the method in ancient books, but the jade slip is different. The jade slip can store the skills and information. Similarly, burning requires divine knowledge. If you want to see the content, you also need to use divine knowledge to explore. There are some important jade slips. In order to protect the things in it, there will also be various prohibitions.

Such forbidden jade slips often do not meet certain requirements. It is difficult to see the content. There is something more wonderful, which needs to be opened with some unique skill, and so on. There are all kinds of strange things.

About the jade slip, Di Shitian has learned about it from the ancient books carried by those monks, and naturally knows it. Half of the jade slips were in the explosion just now. It is impossible to survive. On the contrary, what can be preserved means that this jade slip will never be ordinary.


Go forward and quickly copy the jade slip on the ground into your hand. The jade slip is in your hand, which is warm and round, giving people an extremely gentle feeling.

is a piece of jade!!

An idea came to my mind, but I immediately separated a trace of my demon knowledge and leaned into the jade and Jane. I want to see what Jiang is hiding in this jade slip.

"This is," one by one, he cried and boiled, and the demon network reached into the jade slip. Ma Bu felt it. Inside the jade slip... There is a strange space, with ancient seals constantly floating in it, shining with a trace of white light, and his demonic knowledge entered. Immediately, these ancient seals rushed into his mind along the demon's knowledge as if they had life.


There was a muffled hum in his nose, and a message that did not belong to him rushed into his mind. The information came so fast that there was a sharp pain in his mind on the spot. In the severe pain, these foreign information were also quickly absorbed by him. And I understood the meaning of the information in an instant.


Half a sound, Di Shitian opened his previously closed eyes, and two strange lights burst out in his eyes. The color of the face is also changing rapidly, which looks quite wonderful. There is no calmness and calmness all the time. It seems that he saw something that surprised him.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. No wonder those gods and Buddhas in the previous life like to build temples and shape golden bodies. It turns out that they can really get such incredible things." Di Shitian came to his senses, with a meaningful deep look in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Unfortunately, there are still prohibitions in this jade slip. What I can see is only a small part. Otherwise, when you see it all, you should be able to know. What's the use of gathering these things?

Just after he probed the demon into the jade slip and found that this jade slip is really not simple. There is more than one prohibition in it. He can feel these prohibitions. It's terrible. It's far from what he can touch now. If it is forced to hit, it may be the power of prohibition. , all of a sudden counterattack into an idiot.

This obviously proves that what he just saw from the jade slip is only part of all the information contained in the whole jade slip, and it should only be the most basic part. It's really precious. With his current ability, he doesn't want to see it at all.

This jade slip is definitely a good thing.

Di Shitian's heart was defined in an instant. He played it a few times, quickly put it into the storage bag, and walked back.

He didn't know that the reason why the blue-robed man wanted to escape, in fact, the most relied on was this jade slip. The jade slip was found by their brothers in an ancient cave. At that time, there were also two foundation elixirs together with the jade slips, that is, the two foundation elixirs, which created

"The monster has gone to chase and worship. I don't know if he has chased it or not. What happened after he chased it? If he comes back again, what should I do? Will he kill me? It seems that he is a monster. If he stays here, I may be eaten by him."

The young man in brocade squatted beside the already lifeless Banlan Linghu, staring at Linghu, with sadness and a trace of panic in his eyes. In his mind, all kinds of thoughts turned around. For some reason, he didn't have the idea of escaping from here immediately.

Gently stroked the head of the spirit tiger. This spirit tiger, on his ninth birthday, his father specially paid a high price to buy a spirit beast. At the beginning, this spirit tiger was still very weak, but only a spirit beast. Later, at all costs, under the cost, he was fed with all kinds of elixirs, he transformed into a monster and had a strong power.

It can be said that this spirit tiger has been with him for too long. He has always been loyal to him, and there has been an unyalcumbable feeling between them for a long time.

Now, it's to protect him. Die here. The sadness in my heart can be imagined.

"I didn't expect mine to be good. My younger brother is really bold. He really killed my brother for the throne. Is it true that the royal family really has no family affection? Is it true that the feelings between people are not as good as a spirit beast? The young man in brocade showed a fierce look and shouted secretly in his heart, "Hua Qing, since you are not kind, don't blame me for my injustice."

There was a trace of madness in his eyes, as if he had made some determination in his heart.


The heavy footsteps interrupted the frenzy of the young man in brocade. When I came to my senses, I fixed my eyes and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

In front of his sight, he was suddenly dressed in a black robe and returned to the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, Di Shitian will not have seen the young man in brocade. However, when he glanced at it a little, he didn't care. At a glance, he could see that he was just an ordinary person. At most, he practiced some martial arts, which was probably equivalent to a first-class master in the world. It's not a immortal.


Walking to the field, the purple king pattern on the forehead jumped quickly, like a purple flame, bursting out a bright purple light in vain, spreading down, covering the three dead monks with purple light.

"Ah!! You have killed us. Let go of our souls. You can't do this

In the purple light, three souls that are much more condensed than ordinary souls are pulled out of the corpse. ( To be continued)