Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 153 The Song of Heart Refining

However, the strong man in Xiu Shizhong, who came to the turbidity of the piano Xuan and others, snorted that the sky was pulled in by the white fog. From the fog, he felt a mysterious force that could not break free. In a blink of an eye, get out of the white fog. The scene in front of him made him in amazed.

"Wow!! Here is

He frowned slightly. In front of him was a purple bamboo forest. There were no monks in the forest, only he stood. The breeze blew, rolled the bamboo leaves, and the leaves made light noises in the wind. Ding Yu made a sound, which seemed to be connected into a strange song, so that all the creatures under this sound had a trace of tranquility in their hearts.

Heart Ding Ding Dong. "Ding Ding Ding Dong"

In the sound of bamboo leaves, the sound of the piano coming from nowhere is mixed in the wind, slowly coming, paired with the bamboo leaves, becoming perfect. Like the sound of heaven, it came to his ears. Di Shitian unconsciously found that his mind naturally appeared a kind of peace, and there was a feeling that he wanted to fall asleep.

"This piano sound" is weird!!"

Di Shitian's mind was only in a trance, and he suddenly came to his senses. His eyes burst out with a trace of light. In an instant, he realized that the sound of the piano was definitely not an ordinary sound of the piano, and there was a mysterious power in it.

"Ding Dong. Ding Dong, "

The sound of the piano is still the same. In the unstoppable speed of the ear, he entered the mind. Although Di Shitian understood that there must be something strange in the sound of the piano, he could not stop it at all. The sound of the piano was like a breeze blowing the body, which was pervasive. Even if it is closed to the six senses, it can't be stopped. If it doesn't get into the ears, it will ring directly in my heart.

"Qin Jing. Qinjing, since I can't stop it, I'd like to see what this Qinyin wants to do.

Emperor Shitian raised his eyebrows. When the pianist came in before, he had already said that the piano world was divided into internal and external regions. In the foreign world, it is a test for the pianist to recruit disciples. If he doesn't pass, there will never be any danger. At most, he is just in a coma. He believes that the pianist will never dare to lie on this.

So, don't delete it anymore. Look around, sit cross-legged in the bamboo forest, shut your mouth, and listen.

Hearing this, countless pictures suddenly appeared in my mind, my mind was suddenly in a trance, and countless memories gushed out from the depths of my heart like lightning. The whole mind appeared in a strange place. This place. He saw a familiar scene, with people and things, a lot of traffic, high-rise buildings, towering.

This turned out to be his previous life. From the moment of birth, he witnessed his mother die in his eyes because of weakness after giving birth. In the emperor's house. The scene of thousands of favorites, and at the age of 14, he ran away from home. With his unparalleled talent, he worked hard in the business sea again and again. Step by step to create your own business empire.

At this time. Di Shitian seemed to be in a wonderful situation.

From childhood to large, everything that has been experienced has happened again in front of the eyes. This is a dream or a fantasy. All kinds of good and bad things are presented in front of us. And Di Shitian himself, like a watcher, stood in the clouds and watched quietly.

He found out. It's not that I'm incapacitated. I have the strong strength as a demon clan. I can intervene in the following world at any time, and I can easily change the wrong decision, so that what should not happen can never happen, for example. The stepmother Nangong Xin and him


If he wants, he can easily change the tragedy of the upcoming struggle for the power.

But Emperor Shitian didn't. He always looked at what he had already experienced indifferently, which happened in front of him again and again and again in front of him.


When there is a gunshot. The scene of being shot in the previous life reappears.

And after the gunshot. The thing in front of me suddenly seemed to be in a long river of time, quickly regressing in a blink of an eye. Back to the moment of birth,

Everything in the previous life actually appeared once, then returned to the beginning and continued to be presented in front of me. Repeatedly. Constantly circulating. Reincarnation. It seems to be deliberately attracting Di Shitian to step into it to change something.

He looked at the scene of his previous life in a swoof. Over and over again, the emperor Shitian was never moved. When he repeatedly cycled to the ninth time, finally, the vicissitudes in his eyes became more and deeper, like a dead pool, he said indifferently, "I will walk over the past and can't My future must be in my control. My life is up to me, but I am the only one!!"

In one sentence. The scene in front of me immediately changed incrediblely, and everything was in an instant. They collapsed one after another, smashed into countless pieces, and poured into Emperor Shitian's body.


The eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened, and the two forcing spirits burst out, and the momentum that existed on the body suddenly condensed and became more powerful. His eyes are deep, but his heart is particularly calm, and it seems that there is something more. The mind is more resolute and unshakable. The demon in the body seems to have been tempered. Become more solidified and more pure. The power of demon knowledge has almost doubled.

In charge of the past and present life, I am me!!"

As soon as the voice came out. Heaven and earth abandoned quietly, stepping on the sound of the piano, and naturally walking in one direction.

The reason why Qinjing is divided into internal and external regions is Sichuan. The outer world is just a test of people's will. Previously, Emperor Shitian heard the sound of the piano. Heart Refining Song, this song together. It can attract people's hearts. Outline your own life experience, and then evolve these memories into a mental refining fantasy. In the fantasy, you can clearly see the bits and pieces from birth.

All kinds of joy and regrets can be clearly seen.

In this fantasy. The things inside are almost no different from the real thing, and they are completely related to themselves and are their own past.

And in the process of watching your past, as long as your mind is slightly touched and you want to change something, you will immediately be fascinated by the illusion and replace the original mind with the past. At that time, the illusion is not only a fantasy, but also experiencing and changing, and at the same time, the mind will Immersed in it, I gradually couldn't tell whether it was a fantasy or real. Unable to break away.

Naturally, it means that in this level, it will end in failure. Unless someone wakes up with a unique method, he will always be immersed in the illusion and can't extricate himself.

The true meaning of refining the fantasy is to break the past, grasp yourself, and even understand the future. As long as you can break through the past, you can get a kind of washing of your mind, just like a sudden epiphany of a practitioner. Nature can break through this mental illusion. It can bring great benefits.

"Plap, crack!!"

Step by step, and then walking around, I found that it looked like an empty purple bamboo forest, standing or sitting on a famous monk. These monks all closed their eyes and changed all kinds of expressions on their faces, just like practicing face-changing stunts. It's really wonderful.

Most people. The forehead was dripping with cold sweat. Obviously, he was trapped in the fantasy and could no longer distinguish between illusory and reality.

And just like him. Less than one-third of the thousands of monks who have been able to find it since the Qingming Festival and walked forward together. It adds up to about a thousand.

These monks. One by one, while walking forward, there was a faint look of joy on their faces. Obviously, they were all just "heart-refining songs". Great benefits have been obtained.

"The blood-printed clothes can also break the fantasy?" Di Shitian glanced at him casually and saw that the blood-printed clothes were walking towards the piano with two servants with an evil face.

"It's also good. If you lose the election in the field of Qin, it's really inconvenient for me to do it to you. Di Shitian's heart was cold. I didn't watch it more. Keep walking forward for a short time. Passing through this purple bamboo forest, you can see that in front of you is an open space, and there is an elegant ancient pavilion standing in the middle.

Around the ancient pavilion. There are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in bloom. A burst of fragrance came. It's elegant.

In the pavilion, the two elders of flute and flute who came in earlier were sitting together casually talking about some things in the rhythm, and saw monks gradually coming out of the purple bamboo forest.

Elder Di smiled indifferently and said, "Yes, someone will come out after three hours. It's much better than those who came in before. I remember that the fastest time I came out last time should be four hours." With a look, he seemed to be very approving.

Elder Xiao heard it. Lang Sheng laughed and said, "Brother Di, you don't look at it either. This time, Qinxin's niece recruited marriage, but most of the young talents in the nearby practice world have been recruited here. Almost all of them are the heroes in today's practice world, and their own qualifications are at least in the middle. It's reasonable to come out in three hours.

After saying that, a deep smile appeared on his face. He continued: "Thousands of monks have passed this time, although many of them have families and sects, but. There should be a lot of loose training. At that time, it can't be said that many people will be willing to join my pianist, which will greatly increase the background of the descendants of my pianist. It's my pianist's great joy."

The elder of the flute also agreed.

At this time, all the people who could pass the test of the heart refining song had basically walked out of the purple bamboo forest and came to this ancient pavilion. After a few count, the remaining monks were only a thousand or more.

Elder Xiao stood up, looked at the people, and said in a low voice, "What you have just experienced is the heart-making song of my piano family. Those who can pass can not only wash the mind, but also break the miasma. In the future, the probability of the appearance of the heart demon will be greatly reduced. Moreover, their own divine consciousness will be quenched once, and there will be no obstacles in reaching the realm of the elixir. As long as you are qualified. If you can accumulate enough real yuan, most of them can be promoted to Jiedan.

"Now, I'm here to ask if anyone would like to join my pianist and become a disciple of the pianist."

In words, there is a kind of speech that you have picked up a big bargain. You know, the heart refining song, everyone can only experience once in a lifetime, which is a rare opportunity. Ordinary outsiders don't have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Shaanxi, I was going to update three times today. I believe you can see it when you see the update time of my first chapter, but I didn't expect that I was stuck when I wrote this chapter. For this chapter, I sat in front of the computer for four hours. I have to take care of my mind tonight, right? Everyone, I've been talking about adding updates, and I haven't fulfilled it. Don't worry, I'll sort out my mind, and I'm going to start to fulfill my promise (to be continued)