Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 210 Playing with Fire and Self-immolation

"Chuanchuan Emperor Shi Tian, since you don't let me go, I will fight with you today. The right village will die or I will die.

The Rat King's hand came too fast and too suddenly. Moreover, the distance from the altar was not long, and the speed was so fast that people could not stop it at all. On the spot, he swallowed the earthy yellow beads on the altar and fell into his stomach. He stood on the altar, grinned and smiled ferociously. In The look.

Looking at Di Shitian's eyes, there is a ferocious and terrible look, fierce and brilliance, and the bloodthirsty breath is constantly rising. This secret room is under the irradiation of many years. It has already become extremely hard. Outside, it is a solid defense space. People outside can rarely get through, but in turn, it is not possible to open a road to the outside from the inside in a short time.

After Di Shitian came out, the position where he stood was just blocked at the exit. This is equivalent to the idea of the Rat King escaping and falling into a desperate situation.

As the saying is: If a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall. If the rabbit is in a hurry, it will also get up and hurt people. What's more, the rat king is a monster that is not inferior to any human wisdom. Seeing that there is no escape road, a desperate momentum naturally appears in his head, which does not let me live. It won't let the psychology of abandonment.

Even if you die, you have to die before you die. The idea of biting the other party a few times is the most common thing in the case of despair and hopelessness.

. It should have been so long ago, the account between us. By today, it should have been liquidated. Emperor Shitian looked at the ferocious appearance of the Rat King indifferently. When his mind moved, he only heard the continuous soft sound of the rustle, and a dark moon-shaped blade was condensed from a virtual to a solid entity one after another, with more than 20 handles, quickly flying up and down around him. However, these blades only flew slightly for a while, under his control. Quickly rush to the same position.

blend with each other. For a while, the knife gas was horizontal, and a huge remnant moon blade condensed in the fusion, which was as huge as three or four feet. On the blade, the black light flashed, bursting out sharp knife light, bursting out bursts of strong demon spirit, the knife body vibrated, and countless knife gas tore the air around.


Emperor Shitian pointed his finger. In an instant, I saw that the huge demon fog blade seemed to open up the world, cutting down the mouse king on the altar with a heavy knife. The unparalleled knife light crossed the world, and the sharp knife spirit instantly locked the mouse king's body, cut off at the head, and let all the creatures under the knife. I just feel like the arrival of the sky, and there is no way to avoid it. It's hard to come up with the idea of dodge.


The rat king screamed ferociously, emitting an unprecedented yellow light on his body. In this light, with demonic spirit, with the amazing earth power to the extreme. This earthy yellow light. In the body of the Rat King, the hair is constantly circulating, and now it is extremely strange, and the body of the Rat King is even more in vain. It began to swell violently.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the body of the Rat King swelled into an amazing situation, one foot. "Two feet" has been increased to five feet, and the whole body is covered with the unearthed yellow god light. It's like a fine steel body.


The demon fog blade opens up the heavens and the earth. The sharp knife flashed and beheaded on the Rat King. The blade, like an entity, is not inferior to any magic weapon at all. It fell on the head of the Rat King in the middle. However, something terrible happened, and the blade was cut on its head, just like cutting on King Kong. Even the rat's hair was not cut off. Instead, countless Mars burst out.

At this moment, the Rat King seems to have the body of King Kong.

"Powerful, so powerful, divine bead, it is indeed a divine bead. Today, I swallowed the divine pearl. The world is invincible. I won't be afraid of you. The rat king looked ferocious and shouted wildly. As soon as the divine bead was swallowed by it, a strong force of earth kept spewing out of the bead and quickly surged up and down his whole body. For a moment, it was like a chicken blood injection, and I felt that I had inexhaustible power, and my strength was constantly rising.

In almost a blink of an eye, it broke through the original state and reached an incredible point.

The mouse's eyes are bright!!

In the two eyes of the Rat King, two earthy yellow lights suddenly shot out. The light was only an inch, but it had the supreme magic power. It was bombarded on the huge demon fog blade, and the demon fog blade could hardly resist it, and it was pierced. The crushing of the bombardment.

This is more than that. This inch of light does not stop, and the trajectory of the demon fog blade is like two divine arrows breaking out of the sky, breaking through the long sky and stabbing the emperor Shitian. Compared with the past, the power of this mouse's eye is completely different from the same. Wherever it passes, there are distorted ripples in the air.

The light can calm people's hearts, and it can be fixed on the emperor Shitian in one fell swoop.

This is no longer the magic power that the monster can expel. After swallowing the divine bead, the strength of the rat king has suddenly expanded several times, even dozens of times. The momentum has been soaring. The two essences came, and a strong warning of danger also emerged in Di Shitian's heart. The whole person's cold hair exploded fiercely.

"Shrimp dong!!"

A strange jade light shot out of the body. The light must be, and a jade nine-stringed jade piano suddenly appeared in front of him and suspended straight in the air. The emperor Shitian was so affectionate that he pressed his hands on the strings, and his fierce fingers immediately scratched the shadow of the road, constantly plucking quickly on the strings.

A crisp sound contains a domineering piano sound, which immediately sounds. The sound of the piano hooks the surrounding spells into a confused sound wave, like a tide, constantly attracting everywhere. Moreover, more magically, the sound wave does not spread, as if bound by some kind of force, only within ten meters around him. The echo of. Turn this area into a unique sound range.

The sound wave is abnormally domineering. Moreover, the ten fingers of the emperor Shitian kept, and the sound of the piano was endless. When the air in the sound range was strangely distorted. In the looming, there seemed to be a strange note condensed in the sound wave. Very strange.


The light formed by the inch of the mouse's eye has come outside the sound field, and there is no pause at all. It shoots into the sound range on the spot. The sharp and terrible power bursts out from the light. The power contained in it has actually reached an unimaginable situation, in which there is a supreme power.

Boomed in the range, the whole range was shaken by it. It oscillates violently. It is impossible to resist it outside, breaking into the sound range, but the sound range itself is a kind of strong guardian similar to the field condensed by countless sound waves. The space here is constantly distorted, vibrating, and the frequency of vibration can be said to be vibrating countless times every second. The resulting distortion has infinite power.

Even if a magic weapon enters the sound range, the power contained in this distortion will smash the vibration of the magic weapon. The shock becomes a prepared powder, and even a complete shock turns into nothingness.

But at this time, it is exactly the idea that the constantly distorted space in the sound range does not seem to have much effect on the light at all. As soon as he approached the light, he was blown away and broke a road from the sound range. Although it has an impact. But it only dimmed the light on the light, but they were always shooting at the speed of the emperor.


Di Shitian's eyes condensed, the sound of the piano in his hand turned, and the demon element in his body was quickly poured into the ten fingers. Pluck the strings in an hour. The wings are as thin as cicadas, and the sound blades shaped like a remnant of the moon are constantly shooting out of the strings. Cut to the essence.

"Bun Bang Bang!!"

A terrible roar sounded one after another, a range of sound. It was completely shattered by the bombardment of strong forces.

Wait until everything is calm. Bai Susu couldn't help exclaiming, "Wang, your shoulder"

At the shoulders and ribs on the left side of Di Shitian, two terrible holes were ferociously exposed, and a stream of blood kept flowing out, soaking large areas of clothes.

"Dare to be king, I'll fight with you." Bai Susu's eyes turned red and looked at the Rat King fiercely, moving his body. I'm going to kill it.

However, Emperor Shitian stopped and said, "Susu, don't move..." She stopped her movements immediately. While drinking, Di Shitian's eyes fell solemnly on the Rat King. It looks strange.

No, how could this happen? I'm the most powerful. Even the emperor Shitian can't stop my magic power, power, power. I don't want it. Don't rush out again. It's so uncomfortable. I'm so uncomfortable. Shenzhu, stop it quickly. I can't stand it anymore."

A sad cry sounded mysteriously on the altar, originally relying on the rat's eyes. It is quite comforting that the Rat King, who was severely damaged by the emperor Shitian, should be a strong man, but at this time, he made a fierce cry on the contrary, with a burst of fear in his tone. There was a trace of pain in his eyes.

The huge body, like a balloon, kept bumping in vain. For a moment, the body became bigger, for a moment, the limbs were swollen, and for a moment, the head became distorted. In his body, he seemed to be full of gas. And I can't tame it. Take his body as a container and want to break it out.

The end of the scene is an abnormal ear and nose.

"No, Shenzhu, stop quickly. I don't need strength. Spit it out, spit it out quickly."

The Rat King spit out desperately, as if to spit out the beads he had just swallowed in his stomach, but no matter how he vomited, he couldn't spit it out.

I can only watch my body continue to expand in fear, and layers of blood are constantly penetrating from the pores. In a blink of an eye, the whole body turned blood red.

"Wang, how could he be like this?" Bai Susu looked at the changes in front of her in shock.

He is playing with fire and self-immolation. Di Shitian said coldly.

Rparity: The following words are not included in the number of words,

When I was typing today, I felt that my hands and feet were a little weak and my whole body had no strength. I was sick. When I suddenly got sick, I felt a lot of feelings in my heart. Thinking about how I wrote a book for several years, I have opened a book almost every year. Except for the Spring Festival every year, I will ask for Time, almost as long as the books are on the shelves, they have never been interrupted at night. Other people sleep. I have to write until late at night and go to bed in the early morning every day. When it rains, I have not even been sick. The number of leave is only a few. Why is it like this? Of course, the money is part of the When the book is on the shelves, it is already a kind of product on the spot. I have no reason to stop spending money to read books. It's really tiring to be responsible to the readers.

Hehe, these words are just a few casual nagging, and suddenly there is a little emotion. There is no other meaning in the heart. The second update is still, please rest assured