Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 221 One Corner Disabled

There are no arrows on the bow. Obviously, the white bone arrow just now was shot from this bow. The skeleton of this skeleton is almost exactly the same as that of human beings. It looks like a flesh and blood that has melted and a lifeless bone. However, it appears here and shoots an arrow at Emperor Shitian. Obviously, it will not be the inanimate skeleton.

In the skull of the skull, it is dark. Although there is no flesh and blood, it is impossible to see through the scene in its skull. However, in the two ferocious pupils on the skull, there are two green eye fires constantly beating. It looks like a ghost fire that often floats on the messy graves in the wilderness. The moment is apparing.

"What kind of brush is this"

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes flashed. He knew the zombie, but he had never heard that even the skeleton had not climbed out of the ground, seriously. When he first saw the skeleton, he was really shocked.

"Well, no matter what it is, if you dare to sneak up on me, that's my enemy. Kill!!"

The heart beats violently, and the heart is where the demon house is located. As the demon house becomes more and more stable. The heart is also nourished by the demon element emitted from time to time, and it is getting stronger all the time. This powerful speed is compared with other parts of the body. It's faster and more obvious. The heart is the demon house. Under the violent beating, a stream of dark demons immediately flowed down the demon veins to the whole body.


When he raised his foot and stepped forward, the strong force gushed out from the soles of his feet and poured out on the tired white bones. Suddenly, the fierce white bone burst on the spot. With the help of this momentum, Di Shitian also swept the position of the skeleton like a sharp arrow. While his hand swept out, he had quickly held the seven sins demon piano between his arms.

The momentum of the king of beasts contained in itself is constantly condensed on the body, and a demonic spirit gushes out. It looks like a fierce tiger rushing down directly from the peak. Choose someone


"Ding Dong!!"

The left hand held the piano, the right hand was angry, and he brushed the string domineeringly. Suddenly, he saw that a transparent sound blade as thin as a cicada's wings burst out of the strings and bombarded at the skeleton. A distance of one mile. It's just a flash. However, the skeleton, apparently, also has signs of life. Unlike living things in the world, it seems to be a kind of life.

The eye fire in the pupils of the eyes beat violently a few times. Unexpectedly, he jumped to the side very flexibly, just like an explosion, and suddenly jumped to one side. The white bone bow in his hand quickly pulled away, pulled out a sharp arrow from the arrow pot behind him, skillfully arched with a bow, and shot heavily at the sound blade.


A huge explosion sounded when the long arrow was shot in front of the sound blade. The white bone arrow blew up strangely. The power of the explosion was extremely terrible. The amount of discharge suddenly bombarded the dead bones around into piles of bone powder, and large and small white bone pits appeared in the ground. The sound blade was also exploding and annihilated at the same time.

"This skeleton has such power, which is not inferior to the strong in the foundation period. On this dead bone wasteland, it won't really give birth to such a strange immortal life. Why have you never heard the Pluto King mention it? Di Shitian's heart tightened, and the skeleton in front of him, under the temptation of the attack, probably knew the truth. It is also on the boundary of the strong who build the foundation. It is not difficult to solve it, but what really makes him nervous is the origin of the skeleton.

If there is such a bunch of strange immortal lives in this dry bone wasteland. You don't need more, you just need tens of thousands of them. Among other things, as long as they eat the wasteland. At that time, the whole Southern Barbarian could be destroyed.

It's strange that if it had existed before, why did other monster kings never mention it, not even Chenxi at all.

"Ding-dong, Ding-dong!"

I thought about it in my mind, but there was no pause in my hand. The fingers pluck the strings quickly when plucking. The demon is also constantly pouring into the piano. Suddenly. In a sudden. I saw that the nine strings moved in unison, and the nine-handled sound blades bent like the remnant moon, bursting straight out of the piano, suddenly covering all around the skeleton under the attack.


It was crisp, and nine sound blades flashed like lightning. With the sharpness of the sound blade, it fell on the skeleton. Although the skeleton of the skeleton was as hard as King Kong, it was still cut off by life. One of them was cut straight on the skull of the skeleton. Although the skull was hard, it could not resist the sharp edge of the sound blade. A knife was cut in half.


The skeleton's body was cut into dozens of pieces. When the first bone was broken, the bones of the whole body were scattered and fell to the ground, piled up into a pile of small white bones.

"Wow!! What is this?"

The skeleton was broken, and above the scattered dead bones, there was a dark green flame of fists burning, shaking erratically. It is secluded, showing that the four "servants are weird. In retrospect, this flame is almost exactly the same as the pupil of the skeleton's eyes.

Seeing this green fire, Di Shitian couldn't help but be surprised. In the flame, he obviously sensed a breath of life. There is also the power of death, which is strange. Not only do you reach out, but you have to grab the green fire.

"Shut up, this fire is ours

At this moment, the two shouted out in one voice, and there was a kind of indignation and high arrogance in that tone.

When Di Shitian heard it, he frowned and looked up in the direction of the sound. Far away, two young people in black, a man and a woman, looked very young. Seeing the fire, there was a look of surprise and anxiety in his eyes, and he rushed over quickly.


If you stop me, I will stop and think of my emperor Shitian as someone. I snorted coldly in my heart. From the man and woman, he felt a cold atmosphere, but he could not hide their original identity as two monks. Seeing that they are so tight to this fire, this fire must be an extraordinary thing. Where will it stop? Not only that, the speed also accelerated a little in an instant.

"No, brother, take out the array quickly. We have been looking for such a long time. If we are not dead nearby, our lives have almost been killed. After receiving this fire, our task this time is almost done. Hurry up!! The woman in the evil hand could not be seen with peach blossoms again, with a charming face. Seeing Di Shitian's behavior, her face suddenly changed, and she immediately drank delicately.

"Sister, don't worry, today we not only have to collect the fire, but also destroy the demon. I believe that if we swallow this demon, the array will be more powerful. If we go back, the master will definitely reward us."

The brother's eyebrows and rat eyes burst out cold light from time to time, and he shouted with a dark smile. When he reached into his arms and took it out again, there was a strange piece of triangular cloth in his hand. It's also strange to say that this piece of cloth looks unusually strange, but it's actually dark green. I don't know what material it is made of. There are mysterious lines on it, forming mysterious tracks.

The breath emanating from above is extremely evil.

"The faint white bone, devouring all spirits, array map. Let's get up.

The brother took out the triangle cloth, and his expression immediately became abnormally awe-inspiring. He pronounced a strange spell in his mouth, and then a seal was quickly typed in.


This triangular cloth flew in the air in an instant, crossed a large distance in vain, and unexpectedly appeared over the emperor Shitian and the fire. Ge was a huge triangular pattern, quickly covering the void. All of a sudden, there was something, and just when this strange array covered the void above the head. Originally, the fire, which was only a little bit away from the emperor Shitian, seemed to have been attracted by some strange attraction, and suddenly rushed into the overhead array like lightning.

That picture, when the fire flew in. The strange patterns on the surface have become clearer.

A terrible breath gushed out of the array. It seems to completely isolate the space under this picture from the outside world. Layers of faint light are constantly emerging.

"What is this?"

Almost in the blink of an eye, before Di Shitian came over in shock, he saw that the surrounding space reversed in vain, and the things around him changed rapidly. It has become a strange place.

He is still standing on countless white bones. However, these white bones are all green and extremely strange. Around him, there is a bone mountain made of white bones. On the bone mountain, there is a white bone throne made of white bones. The throne is huge, but a tall skeleton sits on the throne.

If the skeleton that was just killed by Emperor Shitian is of normal size, then this one is simply burly and unsmoky, as big as three or four meters. It's like a giant sitting on it, with a pair of white-bone armor and a ferocious and terrible white-bone sword in his hand. It's quite big. It looks like it's no less as four or five meters long. The sword is wrapped in a layer of pale white bone fireworks.

In the two pupils, two huge eye fires are beating.

If you want to say that you met a skeleton before, this one can be called a skeleton king. Even if you sit on the throne, the infinite pressure is like a tide, flooding the whole land today. Even Emperor Shitian felt a feeling of almost suffocation.

The pressure is like a mountain.

Around, there are gusts of gloomy wind, and there are faint ghosts crying and howls.

"Demon, dare to grab the fire with us. I don't know what you look like. It should be the demon clan of condensing the inner elixir. However, as long as you enter the array, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you will sacrifice your blood for the array today. Tut, it's my first time to use the array map, but I want to see how you died