Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 231 Basic Knife Method

Generalize the problem for profit. This is a good thing. It's tied to spiritual wine. It's rare for Qianshanxu, but it's very easy for him. It only takes two or three monkey wine brewed by Yuan Tian in the valley, and you can get a pool in a month. This pool, even if estimated by the interval between tastes and seizures, can be drunk for at least the first half of the year to a year.

There are two or three pools of monkey wine in the gourd. In a short period of time, there is no need to pay too much attention to the hidden dangers brought by the taste vein. After a period of time, the body and mind should be able to adapt to the fusion of this demon vein. No longer affected by it.

Think about it secretly, look at the situation in the cave, already a mess of concubines, simply clean up. Sit up in the stone ** disk, close your eyes and immerse your mind in your body.

Quickly entered the demon house, and saw that the demon house in the heart became more stable because of the shape of the second demon vein, in the center of the demon house. A small jade tripod is constantly rotating. Its rotation speed is more than twice as fast as before the breakthrough. While the small tripod rotates, it brings out a jade-colored light belt. It's the demon refining tripod.

In the demon house, there are constantly all kinds of essences. The aura of heaven and earth pours in and fills the demon house. While the demon tripod rotates, it is constantly taken into the tripod. The jade tripod turns nine times, refining these auras of heaven and earth into a drop of black demon liquid, falls into the trip

There is also a strange black gas entering the demon house along the demon vein. This black gas is not refined into a demon element like other auras of heaven and earth, but forms a strange black cloud in the tripod, condensing but not dissipating. It circled quietly and was not driven by Emperor Shitian at all. It looked extremely strange.

This black cloud is actually the power between heaven and earth absorbed by the two well-shaped demon veins, but this power of ** cannot be driven by him for a while, but it keeps gathering, and the number is increasing. He can clearly feel that in this black cloud, after more than a year of absorption, this black The power of ** contained in the cloud has been extremely huge.

After all, in this world, no one can absorb the power of ** except Di Shitian. Therefore, although the power of ** between heaven and earth cannot be seen by ordinary people at all, it is so huge that it is unimaginable, so strong that it is immeasurable, which is countless times larger than the aura of heaven and earth.

Absorbed, it's just like Hainabai. It pours into the body almost all the time and into the demon house.

This is still self-absorbed by the demon vein. There is no specific skill, otherwise, the speed is so fast. It will be an unstoppable height. At that time, it will be difficult to be unhappy with the speed of practice. This is also why Di Shitian made up his mind; he was desperate to take the road of seven emotions and six desires.

Just wait for the creation of a skill, that is, to fly to the sky. When the real rise!!

Look at the demon liquid in the demon refining tripod. At this time, the amount of demon liquid has reached two-thirds of the demon refining tripod, and a drop of demon liquid is constantly gathering in it. I can't help nodding. He said, "Only wait for the demon element to completely pour the whole demon refining tripod, that is, I began to hit the next realm, condensing the inner elixir of Shi Xuan

Open your eyes, turn your eyes, and instantly fall on the tiger's soul in front of you. You reach out and grab the tiger's knife handle. The handle of the knife is slender, which can be waved with one hand or dance with both hands. The whole sword is domineering and awe-inspiring. With a sound of saw, the tiger soul was pulled out from the ground. The tiger soul sang gently, and the tip of the knife pointed obliquely to the ground. Drag the knife. He put on a black robe on his body in an instant.

With a wave of his hand, the stone door of the cave rose quickly. The closed cave was finally opened.

"Wang, when you went out of the customs and saw the red fire outside, you were immediately overjoyed and just about to kneel down. As soon as Di Shitian waved his hand, he brushed it up and walked straight forward. Only one voice remained in the wind: "There is no need for courtesy. Go back and have a good rest first. Let's talk about it later

"Oh! ! !"

Go forward step by step, every step. Stepping on the ground, they are extremely calm. After breaking through, it is still a little difficult to adapt to their own strength. After walking under his feet, he left a deep footprint on the ground.

"Now the tiger soul has, but there is no knife method. There is a swordsmanship method in the Heavenly Demon Killing God's Secret. However, it needs a unique demon element cultivated by the Heavenly Demon Killing God's Secret to urge it, which is useless for me."

The tiger soul is a sword, and now there are magic soldiers. However, there is a lack of a matching knife method to completely exert the power of the tiger soul, but. It is not easy to find a powerful knife method. You know that in the secular world, the swordsmanship of Jianghu people only belongs to the boundaries of the secular world. The knife method in the immortal world is also called combat skills.

is like martial arts practice. Martial arts practice is the body, and the cultivation is the martial arts magic power. This martial arts magic power is a combat skill. Every kind of combat skill is a terrible force with the power of heaven and earth. Its great power can shake the world, and can break through the void. Every move and every style contains infinite power.

Think about it in your mind, slowly

Watching a white practice falling rapidly from a high altitude. On the huge reef that falls in the waterfall pool. A scene that provokes thousands of snow-white splashes. Its spectacular scene shows the charm of nature.


His face was indifferent, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his left foot stepped heavily on the ground. His body rushed into the reef under the waterfall that was flying down from the edge of the lacquer cloth pool like a roc in an instant. The reef was extremely smooth, but as soon as his feet fell on it, his whole body seemed to have taken root and grow

The body is straight, as straight as the first floor. The arrogance suddenly stirred up and waved out.


The waterfall fell without any accident. It fell heavily on him, and the terrible impact was like a huge force pouring down and hitting his body. However, the demon body of the emperor Shitian was so strong that Mao Ran reached a heinous situation. Whether it was his feet or his waist, there was no bending and he could bear it.

However, the power of nature has also given him extremely strong pressure to resist the impact of the waterfall and rely entirely on the strong demon body. I didn't use my own demon at all. It's all physically resisted.


Stand under the waterfall and withstand the impact of lacquer cloth. After the baptism, Emperor Shitian slowly closed his eyes, held the tiger's soul in his hand, and stood quietly on the reef. Let the continuous impact of the waterfall.

Long time

The closed eyes suddenly opened, bursting out two terrible lights that could sway people's hearts. The tiger spirit in his hand raised, facing in front of him, it was extremely simple, split, and went out. After splitting, the blade will not stop. Horizontal chopping, side-cutting, flirting. Lower gear. Every time he waved a knife, his expression was extremely serious.

One knife after another, just under this lacquer cloth. Withstanding the constant impact of the waterfall, he kept waving.

"Basic knife method!"

Yes, this is just the most basic knife method, whether in the secular world or in the world of immortal cultivation. It's not a peerless knife method. Di Shitian didn't have it, and he didn't know any profound knife skills. Some of them are just the most basic "Basic Knife Method" that killed the group of secular people in the Huqiu and found on them. Inside, there are just some basic uses of knives.

Chopping, cutting, driving, blocking, shooting, flirting and other basic knife techniques. Is it something profound? In this Zijin mainland, martial arts are popular. As long as you have the heart, you can get it casually. It's no different from the garbage on the roadside.

"The foundation is the most important

Di Shitian thought carefully about the advanced combat skills and knife skills, not to mention no, even if there is, and it is placed in front of him. I'm afraid that looking at the combat skills, I don't know how to practice. I can't say, and I can't understand its profound mystery at all.

No matter what you do, the foundation is the most important thing. No matter what kind of combat skill it is, it is the foundation of its creation. They are all evolved and sublimated in the basic usage of self-knife. There is no solid foundation, so there is nothing else to practice.

Since there is no swordsmanship for me to learn, I will practice the basic swordsmanship.

Although this basic knife method is simple and clear, it looks like it. Everyone can understand it, but these moves are all the most commonly used methods of the knife, which are the power of the knife. The most direct skill to be played. If you can practice well, or even to a state of ecification, its power is also incalculable. For the knife, there will also be a deeper understanding.

The knife is the hegemon of the army!!

There is only one knife, which can be described as hegemony, because the knife is the thickest, which is conducive to chopping. With one knife, it is like a thunderstorm. Some of them are cut out with a knife. Unprecedented momentum.

Di Shitian stood under the waterfall, waving a knife, using the skills in the knife one by one, and in the swing, he carefully realized the meaning and principle of each knife. I can smell the changes in the knife. In this continuous waving, I also feel the rhythm of the tiger's soul and connect the mind with the knife.

Experience the mystery of every move and every type with a knife.

It is recorded that some people don't know the method of the knife, but they insist on wielding the knife a thousand times a day, ten thousand times a day, and only practice one move to cut the knife. One year, two years, or even ten years have passed, this person's knife has reached an incredible level. The knife can be cut out There is no match in the world.

There is a fast knife, no matter what else, there is only one fast word. In the short time when others only pulled out knives, the other party was able to split a hundred knives and thousands of knives. It's so fast that no one can resist. This is also a powerful thing.

Undoubtedly, these people have found their own way and persist year after year. Only in this way can we reach the situation of turning decay into magic:

Di Shitian did not want to practice the fast knife and pluck the knife, but constantly experienced the basic knife method, and wanted to thoroughly integrate these basic knife skills, and even become an instinct. In that way, he estimated that he could basically exert the power of the tiger spirit. ( To be continued)