Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 347 Breaking the ban

Force the exquisite tower, the tower is divided into ten weights, and the first weight can be reversed ten times the time. After ten years in the tower, and then the force of reversing time and space will be more powerful. From the first weight to the second weight, there is a ladder. There are nine steps. At the end of the nine steps, it is the tower door to the second weight. At the beginning, also tried it himself, and it has not yet created the "Imperial Shocking Book". Time. On that ladder, you can only take three steps. He was pressured by a great force and rolled directly down the steps

Later, he created the emperor's shocking book, and even broke through the sadness in the realm of desire, and his mind was detached from his sadness. A demon element and the power of desire are integrated into one, forming the true power of the emperor and the realm of cultivation. After stepping into the demon elixir, the strength has greatly increased. Compared with the past, it is already a world of difference, but. After that, I was haunted by a series of things, and I didn't have the heart to do it. I haven't tried whether I can get to the second weight.

Naturally, I don't know what kind of mystery there is in the second weight.

" Xi'er, this is the first in the Linglong Tower. There is a universe here. Although it is only a few miles in size, in fact, no matter how many things you put in, it will never feel crowded. It can be done by loading hundreds of thousands of people at once to bring the dawn of the emperor. In a blink of an eye, it has appeared in the world of the tower, and the introduction started with a faint smile: "There are thousands of scrolls of demon classics stored in that courtyard. If you are interested, you can check it at will. A year has passed here. It's only one outside, a little more than a month.

"The abandonment of the heavenly demon purple moon is really extraordinary. The inside is filled with mustard seeds, which turns the universe upside down. Reversing time and space, with it, has endless benefits for what you are going to do. Chenxi had no objection to the name of Emperor Shitian. He brushed his plain clothes and had long hair. Euphemistically speaking, he looked at the only courtyard here. A strange light flashed in my eyes.

I am full of interest in the tens of thousands of volumes of demon classics placed in it. Move to the middle of the courtyard.

Di Shitian looked at the graceful immortal Lin Fan. Moving like a dragon, he seems to have a mysterious temperament that seems to change all the time. The pride of a hundred flowers is condensed in one body. At that moment, the body of the strange flower made her temperament change from time to time. She never stayed in a certain temperament for too long, as if she were a changeable elf. More mysterious!!

"One day, I will get your heart. At that time, you will be my wife

After watching the morning light enter the study, Di Shitian smiled indifferently and turned to a very conspicuous step on the left. The step was a kind of dark black. If you don't look carefully, it is difficult to find the mystery and other text densely imprinted on the steps. When I looked outside the steps, I only felt that the steps were usually tight, simple and unpretentious, just like an ordinary ladder.

At the end of the nine steps, there is a door. Obviously, that door is the entrance to the second.

"The Heavenly Demon Purple Moon said that millions of demons in the secret world will be photographed into the Linglong Tower with the secret land. But at this time, it is not the first weight, most likely in the second or third weight, there is also the treasure house with countless treasures and spiritual quenching. The other island, which is comparable to Baoshan, seems to have left all of them when they were photographed into the tower. I don't know where it will be? If you want to achieve my idea, millions of demons and a huge treasure house in the secret world are all indispensable and important heritage.

Ping Shitian took a deep breath, instantly turned all kinds of thoughts in his mind, took a step forward, stepped on the steps, the first on the Internet, and stepped on the steps. Suddenly, there was a heavy pressure on my body. Pressing on the shoulder, the surrounding space seems to be frozen in an instant. It is extremely sticky and moves. Compared with the outside, it takes a lot of effort to exert more strength. You can see it clearly. On the heavy steps under his feet, there were bursts of black light, and the mysterious seal text flowed like running water. There is a strong repulsive force to push him out. "Pop!!"

Di Shitian was not pressed down the steps by this powerful pressure. Even the emperor's true power did not work. He directly endured this strange power with his own powerful demon body, and his feet stepped on it without moving, as if he had taken root. Even his face hasn't changed, and he can't stop him at all. Raise your feet. Step on the second step without hesitation.

In this step, stepping on the second step, the second step also flashes black light like the first, and a force of pressure and even repulsion than the first weight came at the same time. Pressing on the body is like pressing on a hill.

However, this still didn't move him.

The pace did not stop at all and stepped up one after another.

It went up to the fourth weight in a row, and the heavy pressure from the steps made him run the emperor's true power. When it comes to Zhenli, it is also light on the body.

Nine steps in a row, step by step. The waist is straight, and every time you go to the upper level, the pressure on your body will be greater. If it is a monster, I'm afraid that it can go up to the second level, that is, it is quite a great strength of the same realm. The third weight, the demon clan that condenses the inner elixir may not be able to resist, The general demon clan in the same realm should be strong, and the emperor's true power is unimaginably pure.

Running Zhenli, although there is still quite heavy pressure on the body, it can't be an obstacle. With a short nine-fold ladder, I walked for a full quarter of an hour. It can be seen that it is difficult.


Di Shitian exhaled lightly, looked back at the nine steps behind him, and thought: "This nine steps are used to test your cultivation. If I don't break through and reach the demon elixir, I'm afraid I will still be rejected by this step this time. It seems that if I want to enter the second weight, the knife will be eliminated to the demon elixir at the lowest. Talk about entering the demon gate six" Looking up at the desolate and ancient tower gate in front of him. He stretched out his right hand and pushed forward: "I don't know what kind of changes there will be in the second weight, and to what extent the reversal of time and space can be reached."

Reversing time and space is the most important.

This is to seize the time in front of God. The longer the time and space that the pagoda can reverse, the more beneficial it will be to him. What he lacks is time, not only him, but the whole Valley of Demons.

"Boom and poison!! "

The tower door was as heavy as a hill, but under the push of Emperor Shitian, it was still slowly pushed open. The tower door opened, making a roar like the roar of ancient wild beasts.


There was light shot out of the door, but it was not dazzling. Following the light, he looked inside. Suddenly, a purple light rushed into his mind. There was a strange message in the purple light, which made Di Shitian have to close his eyes and quickly absorb the strange message. A long time. I just opened my eyes and walked into the door.


The eyes are suddenly bright, and what is presented in front of you is a green grassland. In the breath, a mouthful of extremely strong aura is sucked directly from the nose into the body. The body and mind are extremely comfortable in an instant. "What a strong aura. It is more than twice as thick as the first weight, and the ability to reverse time and space is 1 to 50. It's incredible. I really don't know what material is used to refine such a treasure. Is it Xuantian's jade? Di Shitian looked around, and the whole grassland appeared in front of him. It seemed that he could see all the scenery at a glance, but in fact, it was very big. It still had the magical power of Xu Mi Na mustard seeds. It was not only more full of aura. Practicing here would get twice the result with half the effort, and more. The time deficit has reached 50 times.


A year outside, here is fifty years. Compared with the first one, it is more like against the sky


"Fifty times the deficit, one and a half months in the outside world. I can spend five or six years here. Before, I was worried that I might not be able to break the ban in a year and understand the mystery contained in such things. Now it is a coincidence that five or six years are enough to solve the things at hand. With my current cultivation, I should be able to break the ban.

Di Shitian muttered to himself. Looking around, I didn't mind. I took a few steps forward, sat down on the grass, and patted the storage bag. A spiritual light flew out and was caught in his hand by him. Looking at it, it was a crystal clear jade slip. The jade light flowed on the jade slip, which was no different from the ordinary jade slip.

"At the beginning, I couldn't break the ban inside. At that time, there was only the strength of the monster realm, but. This time, I'm very different from before. I don't believe that with the cultivation of the demon elixir now, I can't break the prohibition here.

Emperor Shitian held the jade slip, with a trace of resolute light in his eyes. This jade slip is not simple. What's more, it was the first time he left Nanman and went to the secular world. He met the current emperor of China, Hua Wenwu, and seized it outside the Chinese worship. At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to it. Later, he found out how to restrain the power of incense and fire, that is, the power of faith. This is another way to practice gods.

Gather the devout wish of all sentient beings and return to yourself. Let yourself go to the mortal fetus and directly achieve the divine body. Accept the wishes of all sentient beings, incarnate into gods, and master all kinds of unspeakable magical powers.

This method of cultivating gods is compared with the method of cultivating immortals. What's more incredible is a way to become a god with the help of all sentient beings. It is not only shorter than the cultivation of immortals in time. It is often easy to create a strong man as long as there is enough willingness.

It is said that this method of cultivating gods is actually carried forward by the human race, and when the human race rises, there were top strong practitioners of gods. Unfortunately, this method is too jealous. It seems that there are hidden dangers and inexplicably lose its inheritance.

The incense wish power is too eye-catching, because it is too easy to get. In the imperial capital of China, the totem statue of Emperor Shitian is still standing in the center for several years. I don't know how much wish power has been gathered, huge to an incredible situation, and even the totem statue itself has all kinds of magical powers. "If I can use it, I will fly to the sky!!"

Di Shitian is very clear about how incredible benefits he would have if he could get the help of his wish. And the root of all this is on this not very eye-catching jade slip in your hand.


Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and put all your mind on the jade slip in your hand. The demon knowledge instantly entered the jade slip and carefully explored around the jade slip. He had long found that there was obviously a nine-fold ban in the jade slip, and the first one could be easily broken. It is to get what I learned before about the power of incense and the power of faith. But the second prohibition is not only strange, but also an inexplicable feeling. The breath of the prohibition is quite strange, that is, the power of incense and the breath of heaven and earth, as if the two are combined to form a prohibition. It has considerable toughness.

If you don't focus on the world, the demon will hit the ban, and the ban can still rebound. At the beginning, he didn't pay attention and was shocked.

This time, the ban will be broken again, and it will not be as careless as before. For a long time, as soon as his eyes opened, the purple king's tattoo on his forehead flashed violently, and a substantial purple light instantly broke out of the air like a sharp arrow in the middle of his eyebrows and rushed directly into the jade slip.


In an instant, the jade slip in his hand burst out a strong milky white light, and at the same time, it quickly turned into a snow-white plum blossom outside the jade slip. In the middle of the plum blossom, the purple light from Di Shitian's mountain cave was suddenly blocked outside the plum blossom. Although the plum blossom was towering, it kept , immediately. Zi Mang was turned back to himself by a strange force.


Emperor Shitian was solemn. He stretched out his left hand, and a golden yellow light appeared on one of his index fingers. The domineering breath emanated from it, and one finger directly pointed to the purple light.

In the roar, the purple light was inevitably scattered by a finger.

Seeing that Yujian did not act again, he thought to himself: "The prohibition in the jade slip looks like a plum blossom prohibition, but it is paradoxical. The power in this prohibition seems to be biased towards the desire of incense. I just 70% of my divine thoughts can't break it. It's not simple, it's not simple. I don't know who left this jade Jian Lidi. According to reason. With my current strength, it is impossible to break it. Is there any other way in this?

Lowed eyebrows, the light flashed, suddenly. A flash of inspiration in his mind, and hesitant: "There are traces of the power of faith in this jade and Jane. Is it possible that you still need to have incense to break the ban?"

In an unexpected moment, I thought of a possibility. I have to say. This is indeed a feasible method, and there are many reasons. After all, what is stored in the jade slips is obviously about the wish power of incense. Perhaps breaking the ban is really related to this wish power. If it doesn't work, he doesn't dare to continue to break it. He just felt it. Under the impact of the divine mind, the prohibition does show signs of collapse, but even the jade Jane seems to be broken together.

It seems that the method of breaking the ban is wrong. Forced. It is possible to destroy the jade slip!!

"It's okay, I still don't believe that this prohibition can't be broken today."

Di Shitian was in a hurry, with a firm look in his eyes. Incense is willing for others. That's a difficult thing to get. But for him, he has as much as he wants. There are the worship of the whole country of China. A large number of people worship with incense in the morning and evening, and a large number of wishes enter the totem statue every day.

And the totem itself is himself, but there is no way to absorb it, so he has to let this huge wish power condense on the statue all the time, but no matter where the statue is, even in the secret land of the devil at the beginning, there is still a kind of feeling connected with it. As soon as you move, you can bring consciousness to the statue. It can also bring the huge wish power gathered in the statue. An idea is absorbed into yourself.

As soon as the mind moved, it disappeared from the feeling in the underworld, and the mind was suddenly connected to the Chinese totem statue. And feel the huge and amazing wish on the totem.


There was a soft shout in the hill, and in an moment, a vortex appeared in vain in the void in front of him. The vortex is not big, but under the rotation, a milky white gas is pulled out of the whirlpool and appears in front of the vortex. It is nothing else. It is the legend that is like an invisible wish, but it becomes short like substance in front of the eyes.


Seeing the trace of wish power ingested from the totem god, the emperor's god's feelings became quite solemn. He shouted softly in his mouth, and a purple light burst out of his forehead again. However, he did not rush directly to Yujian as before, but fell into the wish power. Wrap the wish power in, and some of them rushed to the jade. Jane!!


Outside the jade slip. The plum blossom prohibition reappeared, but when it collided with the divine mind again, the situation was different. The prohibition was touched by the divine mind immediately. May the force surge into the prohibition quickly, as if the sound of the balloon being pierced by a needle, the plum blossom prohibition was instantly destroyed, as if it had never appeared.

At the same time, the divine thought entered the jade slip, and a huge message in the jade slip instantly surged into the mind. This information was very huge. When it entered the mind, it was quite fierce. Even he felt that his head suddenly seemed to have been hit by a hammer. He was drowsy. If it hadn't been for the recent Peek into another level. The mind has been tested by sadness, as if it has been thoroughly tempered once, and it may be made into an idiot on the spot.

Even so, he has a feeling that he can't breathe.

Long time

"Wow!! What a powerful means to make such a jade slip, and leave such a cruel move after breaking the ban. However, compared with this income, these are not worth mentioning.

His eyes are full of light, with a rare kind of excitement.

"I didn't expect the power of faith to have this effect. I thought for a second, human creativity is really incredible, but unfortunately, this is the second ban. Unexpectedly, there is still no way to practice with the help of the power of faith. Although there are some regrets, it is also very rewarding to get this strange skill of belief.

A trace of joy appeared between the eyebrows of Emperor Shitian. Yujian has nine prohibitions, which still doesn't get the method of how to practice with the help of the power of faith, but the method of how to use the power of faith has reached this method. In the jade slip, it is called "wish force condensation. This method, which can be said to be unthinkable before, actually combines the wish power with the method of refining in the immortal world to form a strange method with some chicken ribs.

How to integrate, the method is actually very similar to the jade slip in Di Shitian's hand. In other words, it is simply "wish strength to condense things." The created items. It's very strange. If it hadn't been for his wish long ago, I'm afraid that others would not have broken it. No matter how high his cultivation is, it's the same. The key is that the method is wrong. On the day of 08, Shan Xun's book posted a sneer of Qi Yu