Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 418 Forbidden God

"Hey hey. This thing. But it's hard to find a good baby in the world. Everything is the same. It looks like a serious and cynical look. He looked at Di Shitian with a smile, blinked his eyes, put one hand on his head and grabbed it hard, and scratched the already messy hair even more. He laughed and said, "Emperor, do you know the "Forbidden Place"

Under the laughing face, there seems to be a meaning to test.

His two eyes turned on Di Shitian's body, and he was not in a hurry. He drank the spiritual wine with a smile. There was a look of enjoyment on his face. Most of the thoughts seem to be visible on the face.

"The forbidden place?" The emperor raised his eyebrows. Showing a trace of suspicion.

Although he is amazingly fast in practice, he lacks a little in experience. Naturally, he is unfamiliar with this strange place name. However. As soon as I heard the name of the place, I vaguely guessed it. I'm afraid this place is not an ordinary place.

"Please give me some advice."

Di Shitian was not a person who hit the fat man with a swollen face. He drank a few mouthfuls of wine casually and asked for advice from everything with a free and easy face.

Everything turned his eyes over, and he smiled strangely and said, "I don't know that you really practice. It's only been more than ten or twenty years. No matter how smart you are, there are still things you don't know. I'll tell you about it today, old man. In lest you say that I took your spiritual wine, but I didn't give you any benefits. After a pause, I didn't forget to taste the wine in my hand, and then I then said, "Since the beginning of heaven and earth, the original land has evolved, and a purple gold light has fallen from the chaos. Falling in the place of origin. Since then, everything in heaven and earth has been born from this. The place of origin is also known as the Zijin Continent.

Emperor Shitian did not interrupt. He knew that what he had said in his mouth must have something unique. It actually tells the origin of the nasal gold continent. Immediately, he listened attentively, and imprinted word by word in his mind.

"At the beginning of the Zijin Continent, there are also a large number of innate spiritual treasures born in chaos falling, lurking and waiting for the opportunity to be born. There are also a large number of innate spiritual roots that break through the chaos and grow and survive in the original place. This kind of mysterious existence that comes from chaos also makes many mysterious and dangerous forbidden places on the mainland. Among them. Nine places are the most. It is known as the nine forbidden places.

"Each of these nine forbidden places can be said to be dangerous and mysterious, and it is always shrouded in layers of fog. But whenever it enters, at least nine of the ten are damaged in it, and the whole army is destroyed, which is also a common thing. Even the world's strongest people dare not enter it easily. Even they have the potential to be damaged.

While talking about everything, his eyes are also full of longing. Although he is a little afraid of the nine forbidden places, he also has a trace of desire. It seems that there is something difficult to find in the world.

Emperor Shitian's eyes were full of light. He really didn't know about these things. Unexpectedly, on this Zijin mainland, there were nine forbidden places where even those ancient powerful people were afraid of.

The danger is often accompanied by opportunities. It's a blessing. The key is whether you have the way to enjoy it. In my heart, I couldn't help but be curious.

quickly asked, "I don't know where the nine forbidden places are?" Hey hey, which places you know now are also in vain. It's not good to say, but let me tell you that Tongtian Tower is one of them, and this forbidden place is also one of them. Now you say, what kind of existence is the forbidden place?

Everything seems to have some scruples. It didn't tell all the nine forbidden places, but it's just these two places. It has made the emperor Shitian's heart tremble, and the light in his eyes is shining, and it is connected to the tower. Is it dangerous?

It's fierce!!

Just the first layer, the two emperor phoenix birds almost killed. This is only one of the first layer of barbarian beast kings, and there are more equally strong ones that have not been seen. Judging from the heavy scene of Tongtian Tower, how terrible it is to go up. The first layer can barely survive, and the second layer, the little life is hard to save.

Tongtian Tower, he only saw the tip of the iceberg.

From this, it can be imagined that the dangers and strangeness of other forbidden places will never be under this.

With a turn of vision, Di Shitian understood the meaning of everything: "You mean, the forbidden ball was obtained from the forbidden place. Senior, I don't know what's special about this forbidden place.

Since he can't know the other nine forbidden places from everything, he is not in a hurry. Anyway, he still has "Ming. This ten-thousand-year-old antique is in it. At that time, you can definitely know the other forbidden places and wonders from him. However, now he wants to figure out the mystery of the forbidden place and the forbidden ball.

"Speaking of forbidden land, the horror is extraordinary. No one knows how big it is since ancient times, but in every inch of the forbidden place. There are thousands of kinds of prohibitions. Each of these prohibitions is different. Only an inch is full of thousands of prohibitions. Countless prohibitions were born, and there were also countless prohibitions and annihilation. If you fall into it, you will face endless prohibitions almost all the time. A small step is close to the sky. "The co-fierer is away from your current strength. When it comes to it, let alone inside, even if it is An Xunjie, you can't support it for a few moments.

All things speak while making a ferocious and horrible look. It seems that he wants to scare Emperor Shitian.

"It's really terrible. Countless prohibitions have been imposed. That scene is really horrible. The whole forbidden place is intertwined with countless prohibitions, which is indeed worthy of the name of the nine forbidden places.

Di Shitian was really stunned. He took a deep breath and slowly turned back to his mind.

"You know it's awesome. You know, the edge of that place is better. The more you go in, the more terrible the prohibition inside will be. However, there are also good things in it. In the deepest part of the forbidden land, there is a kind of "detained gods". This ban is the best for all kinds of ownerless babies. There are also many precious heaven and earth spirits, and it is said that there are even innate spiritual roots. However, around these treasures, there are many prohibitions, and you can't get it if you don't break the prohibition.

There is no such thing as a yearning in everything words. I can't help licking my lips.

"In the forbidden land, countless prohibitions are constantly born and annihilated, and countless reincarnations have given birth to an extremely magical treasure. Those annihilated prohibitions gathered together and gathered into forbidden balls full of countless prohibitions.

"The Forbidden Ball has such a history."

Emperor Shitian's heart was stunned, and his eyes flashed. I immediately thought of the horror of this forbidden ball. It is not as good as the nuclear bomb in the previous life. If the prohibition inside is drawn out and thrown out and hit the enemy, the countless prohibitions will not immediately be imprisoned and killed by the other party. Even the immortals can't stop it.

"Good stuff!!"

The more I think about it, the more powerful I feel. I can't help but open my mouth and say a thumbs up

"Of course, it's a good thing. If you draw out the prohibition in the forbidden ball with the secret method, beat all these prohibitions into your demon city. Think about how powerful your demon city is in defense. I heard that this time's forbidden ball is called "Nine Heavens and Ten Earths to Destroy Gods and Destroy Demons". There are tens of millions of prohibitions in it. It's extremely powerful. If you can get it and print it into the demon city, once you succeed, even those immortal kings and immortal emperors in the heavenly world can't help your demon city.

Listening quietly, Di Shitian kept absorbing these things he didn't know like a sponge. I finally have a general understanding of the forbidden ball. It turns out that this forbidden ball is also strong and weak. Measured by the number of prohibitions and the core prohibitions in it. It is generally divided into ten thousand prohibitions, one hundred thousand prohibitions, one million prohibitions, and tens of millions of prohibitions. And there are five kinds of hundreds of millions of prohibitions.

In each forbidden ball, there must be a core prohibition. This core prohibition is a combination of all the prohibitions in the forbidden ball. Naturally, the more prohibitions, the greater the power. It's like a ban. I'm afraid it can also form something similar to the "Big Dipper Seven Star Ban" and so on.

The more prohibitions there are, the stronger the prohibitions will be. Once tens of millions of prohibitions are reached, the core prohibition there can be called divine prohibitions. The power is immeasurable.

According to everything, it was auctioned in the Linglong Pavilion. It turned out to be a forbidden ball with tens of millions of forbidden gods, and the core forbidden in it turned out to be the "nine heavens and ten earths to kill gods and destroy demons". This ear is a powerful forbidden.

It's been a long time!!

Everything said with a playful smile, "Okay, emperor boy. You'd better think about how to sell this Tianji Wanshutu and the forbidden ball. Hey hey, there are some fat sheep in front of me. I'm going to grab some wool.

With that, he looked down the mountain with bright eyes. I saw that on Linglong Island, there were indeed several monks dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes and wearing high-quality fairy clothes.

With a wave of his hand, he didn't care about the emperor Shitian, and he gave up. Run down. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the monks and chatted with them.

Di Shitian didn't care, but meditated secretly.

He was really thinking about these two things. They are all rare good things for building a city. It plays a very important role. If you can get it, it will be a great help. I can't help thinking about it. How can I get them? If they are auctioned, it will be a drop in the bucket with the spirit stones that have been spent on them. What's the matter? It can't be worth even a change.

"Do you really need to exchange the source of life for apricots? However, this is too dangerous. Once exposed, even the immortals will be moved. Then I'm really in danger. Don't take the source of life, just rely on spiritual wine, I'm afraid it's far from it

The face is cloudy and sunny, and it is difficult to choose. Up to now, the preciousness of the source of life has long been deeply understood, and it's enough in the Tongtian Tower. But here, fish and dragons are mixed. If you really want to be known, don't want to live a clean life. That's really grilling yourself on the fire.

Attached to the previous chapter about the four masterpieces, I apologize here. It's really too urgent for me to pay attention to it. What I originally meant was to say that books such as the four masterpieces were written too few words. For this reason, I apologize carefully. I hope you can understand (to be updated the fastest H