Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 460 Suppression

The cold force bursting out from the tombstone rushed straight into him. The cold force was extremely amazing. Wherever it passed, it could be clearly felt from the ice crystals several feet thick condensed in the air. Moreover, it seems to be extremely fast. In the monument, there is a mysterious force that locks Ku Rong in an instant.

There is no escape, no escape.

"It's the legendary tomb of the ancient gods. Must it be? If I can become the master of the tomb of God, it is not a problem for me to be an eternal giant or a world-class strongman. I got a great chance before I died. Most of my cultivation in those years has recovered, and now I meet the divine tomb again. Haha, it must be the arrival of the original emperor's fate. I am the protagonist of the world with great luck. The cold power of this area will definitely not hurt me. I have a destiny. Break it for me!!"

Ku Rong Zhenjun stood proudly in front of him. It seemed that the mysterious tombstone grew from the earth, but at the same time of fear, it showed a strong sense of greed. For a moment, a grace came to my mind, as if I had seen that I had captured the tomb of God and become the lord of the tomb of God. I stood at the same height as the world's strongest man. My heart almost became

Looking at the cold force coming to his face, pointing to the ancient bell above his head, the reincarnation clock immediately let out a vast bell sound. The countless flowers and trees imprinted on the bell, at the moment of the bell rang, with the sound wave, it turned into a beautiful picture scroll and flew out of the air, covering the sky above the head It is already like its unique field, and everything is controlled by him.

Oh my gob!!

However, it seems that Ku Rongzhenjun is not the protagonist of his own imagination. He has great luck. The cold air bursting out from the tombstone comes in an instant and meets the martyrdom scroll laid out from the ancient bell. Countless flowers and trees, as small as alive, burst out with extremely powerful power, emitting a strong blue light to keep the cold air out.

But there are no taboos in the cold air. Wherever they pass, those magical vegetation, strangely appear layers of thick ice crystals, sealing them, lifelike, and even the power of the wood emitted by the vegetation is frozen together. It's horrible.

Although the speed of the cold advance slowed down a little, it did not stop at all, and it always came like a tide.

has a kind of ice that does not freeze the withered glory. A gesture of not giving up.

In a blink of an eye, he came to Ku Rong.

"What a domineering cold, reincarnation clock to protect the body!!"

Ku Rong's face changed, but the madness in his eyes was a little more intense. With a roar, the bell rang one after another. Suddenly, in the blue jewel inlaid at the top of the ancient bell, a strong cyan divine light gushed out of the jewel, covering the ancient bell, turning the ancient bell into cyan, hanging down from Countless green gases are woven into a barrier to block the cold.

Cold air collided with blue light" roared, with a bang, at the position of the collision, the void was distorted and annihilated by the terrible power that burst out. Around, large pieces of ice crystals spread wildly around, and there was a lot of momentum to freeze the whole world. The ice, even the empty space can be frozen. The blue light in front of it turned out to be unexpectedly tough. Although it kept shaking, even the blue light was sealed by ice, but with the continuous support of the ancient bell, there was no sign of collapse.

Bang!! After holding each other for a moment, the vast ice power was exhausted.

"Good" such a domineering tombstone, such a horrible cold power, how can you even stop it? After a long time, the red fire exhaled a heavy turbid breath from his chest and looked in front of him in atun. At the distance between the tombstone and Ku Rong, there was still a sparkling ice crystal road, like a big iceberg, the cold air emanating, even if it stood hundreds of feet away. You can still feel it clearly.

"What's powerful is not Ku Rong, but his ancient clock. No, it should be the jewel inlaid on the ancient clock." Chenxi's eyes fell on the ancient clock and stared at the blue bead without blinking. At that moment, she clearly saw the blue light bursting out of the bead.

Obviously, the real treasure is the green bead.

"No wonder the king listed this place as a forbidden place and didn't allow us to enter casually. It's really so terrible." Bai Susu was suddenly stunned and said with lingering thought that if he had just launched an attack on them, I'm afraid that no one could be spared by such cold power.

"Haha, this is really bullshit this time. It's hard not to die. You see, the tombstone has a new action." The boss of the Black Ape King stared at the development of the matter.


Sure enough, the tombstone seemed to have an unimaginable spirituality. After seeing that the ice power he sent out could not freeze the ant that offended the forbidden place, he was really angry. The body of the monument shook, and the tombstone was growing on the ground. The body of the monument shook, and even the whole Valley of Demons was shaking It seems that below, there is an ancient beast that is about to wake up, and the vast power is rushing to the sky.

The clouds in the sky are frozen.


When the vibration reaches its most intense, it is tame. Just see it. The tombstone suddenly rose from the ground. The simple tombstone did not have Ren Ren, and there was no vast momentum. Even the power of the ice emitted from the surface was instantly converged. Some were just the ancient seal text on the tombstone.

Other than that, it is like an ordinary stone tablet.

The tombstone flew up in the air and appeared on the top of Ku Rong's head, and a monument was lightly suppressed. There is no power on the surface.

But it was an ordinary tombstone. When it fell, Ku Rong's face changed, which became quite ugly. He found that the space around him, I don't know when, had imprisoned him. The vast power turned into a cage, even dodging, and did not even the power to lift a finger. The whole person is like being cast a fixed spell.

Watching the tombstone down from the top of his head in fear.


The ancient bell was the brunt of it and was pressed by the tombstone, "Cock. The sound sounded violently, and countless terrible cracks like cobwebs were cracked on the bell. Then, the crack filled the whole ancient bell, "Boom. With a sound, the ancient bell was broken into countless fragments and quickly splashed out in all directions, and even the green bead on the bell flew hundreds of feet and fell to the ground. But it is not broken.

In an emergency, Kurong took out a bowl and buckled it on his head. The bowl emitted a layer of light, covering his whole body.


With a loud noise, the tombstone fell like a broken bamboo. Ku Rong was smashed into the ground by a monument like a radish. The quaint tombstone fell to the ground, and the dense cracks continued to spread everywhere.

"It's terrible!!"

"What kind of tomb is this? Even a tombstone can kill a strong man like a fairy. I don't even have a little resistance."

"Quick Look

This scene made Chenxi and others see that bursts of exclamations couldn't help coming out of the mouths of the demons. However, looking at the tombstone, after suppressing Ku Rong to the ground, he immediately flew into the air again. Looking at the place, Ku Rong was pressed to the ground. I don't know if it was pressed into

On the contrary, after the tombstone flew up, the towering tomb that had been blocked behind the monument was also presented. Behind the monument is a mysterious and ancient tomb door, tightly closed. On the tomb door, there are countless mysterious seal texts distributed every inch of space.

"It's not Ku Rong Zhenjun, fate is mine, and I won't die. My destiny is mine."


At the position where the tombstone was suppressed, the ground shrugged. One withered yellow hand stretched out from the ground, and then the other hand also stretched out, constantly peeling the soil out. In a blink of an eye, Ku Rong's whole body gushed out like a spring, and countless wounds appeared on every inch of flesh and blood all over his body.

looks extremely miserable. The mouth kept spewing blood, and there were meat crumbs in the blood. With the strange bowl on his head, there has been a large crack in the bowl.


The tombstone fell again and smashed Ku Rong back into the ground.

When the tombstone flew back into the air, a bone claw with a stunned white bone rose up from the ground again. After a few picks, a bone shelf staggered out of the ground. There is still blood on the bones. Among the two pupils, one eyeball burst out.

"I won't die. I have good luck. How could I die?

Ku Rong only has a bone shelf left, but he is not dead. He screamed, as if his destiny was on my side. He looked at the tombstone and said, "If you smash me again, I can climb out again."

Shit! This guy is really better than Xiaoqiang.


However, the tombstone did not fall again this time. Instead, the position of the tomb shook violently, and the tomb door suddenly opened. Behind the door, it was dark and extremely deep, emitting a strong phagocytosis force, which fell on Kurong's body, wrapped and pulled into the tomb.


The speed came very fast. It didn't give Ku Rong any chance at all. It was swept into the tomb in an instant. What remained in the air was only an unwilling roar. After being involved, the tomb door fell again with a bang and re-closed the tomb, as usual, as if the previous thing had never happened. It's the same.

The tombstone in mid-air fell back to its original position, blocking in front of the tomb, covering everything after that existed in ancient times and had never changed.

As usual, it is simple and mysterious, and there is a cold atmosphere all around.


Just as the tombstone fell back to its original place, in the distance, a rolling yellow spring crossed the boundary of heaven and earth and instantly appeared over the Valley of Demons. The divine light also dissipated at the same time, and the figure of the Huangquan River also disappeared. Ku Rong Zhenjun, if you really have the guts, what's the ability to bully the weak for my emperor Shitian? The divine light dissipated, and two figures fell from the air, and a roar waved in all directions like a tide.

Di Shitian's two eyes glanced at the valley like electricity. C