Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 463 The act of sealing demons

, crying! Before that, Emperor Shitian only told the existence of both the Demon Valley and the secret demon clan. Therefore, although they were shocked by the red fire. But they were not too surprised. They knew each other. After all, they all respected the emperor Shi Tian as the king. Speaking of great things, in the future. They are brothers and people.

Of course, if you really want to say it, these old subordinates of Wanyao Valley must have a heavier position in the heart of Emperor Shitian. At this point, Mr. Fox and others all knew in their hearts that they looked at the red fire with kindness, hoping to get closer to each other. In the future, we can get along well with each other and follow the "king" together

I heard that Shi Tian said that they would re-spunct their respective duties.

The demons answered at the same time, "I will obey Wang Zhao's order!" The cry shook the southern barbarians and deterd the beasts.


There was a violent tremor in the void, showing a clear and visible distortion. A crystal-like crystal throne stood proudly on the crystal throne. There is a mysterious strategy. In the dark, it seems to be connected with countless thin lines of nothingness, extending to the inexplicable place. Around, there are all kinds of images, which are a picture of the tiger king with a divine shape.

The tiger leaps over the mountain stream. Tiger roaring mountain forest, all kinds of tiger pictures, on the throne. It's lifelike, like real, as if watching it. You can hear a domineering tiger roar.

The handguards on both sides are each a domineering tiger, and the palms can be held on the tiger's head. The eyes of the divine tiger seem to contain unspeakable majesty. Under their gaze, the heart should be stunned first, and the mind is unconsciously taken by it, and the heart is submissive.

The simple tiger pattern is constantly flowing like waves on the throne.

Since its appearance, it has immediately become the eye-catching object of all demons in the whole Demon Valley. Even the heart is taken away by it. As if. That is the supreme throne of heaven and earth. Sitting on it, you can immediately become as noble as the emperor of the world. Mysterious, domineering spirit, all condensed in this throne.

" Xi'er, let's go up!!" When Di Shitian saw the appearance of the throne, he smiled softly at the dawn beside him. Pull her soft pancreas. Under the attention of all demons, he walked to the Crystal Throne step by step. Stepping in the void, there seems to be an invisible step under your feet. Step by step. A riddle appeared at my feet.

In the valley, the crows were silent, hummed, breathed, and their eyes followed their figures.

It is only a hundred steps away from the throne. But in the eyes of the demons, every step is like stepping on their own hearts, beating. The blood in the body is going through quickly. Boiling, unable to take his eyes off, as if looking forward to something. The moment when Emperor Shitian and Chenxi walked to the throne hand in hand and sat up.

Tsunami-like cheers rushed to the sky?

"King of Demons, Demon King, Little

"Demon Queen"

The cheers and shouts of the sky, and even the sky seemed to be broken. At the same time, a fanatical look appeared in the eyes of the demons, and the forgetful roar began. A group of demons who know the deeds of Emperor Shitian. There is a kind of strong worship and respect.

The moment when Emperor Shitian sat on the throne. A kind of king's breath gushing out like a tide. Under the background of the crystal throne, it is even more powerful. At this moment, he is the master of this sky, the emperor, under the whole world, is it a king and minister, the shore of the earth, is it the king's land?

The power of life and death is in the palm of your hand.

At this moment, Emperor Shitian officially ascended the throne of the King of Demons.

Sitting on the crystal throne and looking down, a kind of ambition echoed in his chest, and an unprecedented self-confidence appeared in his body: "The king of all demons has reached, the emperor of all demons, the emperor of all demons, how can it be said?

Stretch out your hands. Press down slightly.

Even the whole sky seemed to fall under this pressure. The cheers and shouts of the demons stopped immediately, from the thunderous cheers to the dumb silence, and the sudden change of movement and silence seemed to be a kind of strangeness. The air is full of solemnity. A pair of eyes. All of the emperor fell on Di Shitian.

"I am the king of all demons!" Di Shitian naturally spit out a sentence.

"King! Wang! Wang!! Are the thunderous shouts in the valley in harmony?

Emperor Shitian made a slight sign and let the shouts stop. He said, "Since I am the king, there should be a law to follow in the valley. All the clans should perform their duties. Today, millions of demons are gathered, and the words and deeds at the time of sealing the demon are like the coming of the heavenly way. The majes

At this moment, the demons are listening attentively. Especially when it was said that the demon was about to be sealed, the red fire, and even Jin Xuan's eyes were shining. We all understand the act of sealing demons this time. I'm afraid it's just to thoroughly plan the future structure and various duties of Wanyao Valley. What you will be in the future will be known today.

One by one, it is better to breathe, even those little demons are no exception. Especially the demons who come out of the secret world, they are all distinguished by a clan. Of course, they hope that their patriarch can win a higher position and be able to have a higher position in the heart of the king. More important status.

"I want to create four legions. The army, the third legion, the second legion, the fourth army...; the high position is the leader. Under the command, there are two deputy commanders, and under the command are generals, which are divided into nine grades. The first grade is the highest, and the ninth grade is the worst. There will be a captain. There is a captain under the team. After the captain, he became a soldier. Five demon soldiers are one team, five five are one team, and the nine-level demon generals can control ten teams, each rising one. The army under his command added ten teams.

The total number of each legion is 300,000. The minimum limit for entering the legion is the condensation internal elixir. Nine-grade demon general, the lowest cultivation is a demon elixir.

In terms of the four major legions, each of which is full of 300,000, adds up to 1.2 million demon armies. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of this catty. But the key is the qualification limit for entering the legion, for the current demon clan. The threshold is not high, condensing the transformation demon clan of the inner elixir, heaven. If it hadn't been for Di Shitian bringing out millions of demons from the secret land, he would have searched the whole Zijin Continent. It is impossible to gather even one legion.

The demon general is divided into nine grades, of which the nine grades will need the demon elixir to turn. The demon general, according to the algorithm of analogy, will it be the strong man of the demon elixir nine turns? One turn to three turns is the demon, and four turns to six turns is the demon king. Seven to nine turns, that's the big demon. In this way, the first-class demon general is the leader. Isn't it at least the demon saint to be responsible?

Just think about it, let Chihuo and Jin Xuan face each other. I was a little terrled.

If so, almost none of them can compete with these positions.

"Red fire is sealed." Di Shitian looked at the red fire and said in a low voice.

"I'm in!" The red fire suppressed the forgiveness in his heart and quickly walked out of the line respectfully. He knelt down and said to the high-end emperor Shitian and Chenxi, who were sitting on the throne. Red fire, you follow me from the end to take care of the things in the valley. Always be loyal, and practice diligently. It has been cultivated into Neidan. It can be transformed. As an exception, you are in charge of the First Legion and temporarily take charge of the position. Get the salary of the nine-grade demon general. You can get a salary of 1,000 demon coins per month. Temporarily command the salary of three thousand demon coins? The captain's salary is 500 yuan, the captain's salary is 300 yuan, and the salary of the demon soldier is 100 yuan. Gift: lead the seal, green dragon battle flag. "Green Dragon Battle"

Of course, Emperor Shitian knows that in the current valley, not to mention the leader level of demon saints, even if they can reach the nine-grade demon generals, they can't do it rigidly according to the rules. The commander of the legion will serve as a temporary replacement, until one day they really have the cultivation enough to be the leader. Is it really a real name? Remove the prefix of the previous temporary generation?

crooked to the demon coin, Di Shitian has determined to replace the merit point of the original trial with the demon coin, and the demon coin. Then it will be cast with divine crystal, and the divine crystal will be cast into demon coins, and the secret method will be applied inside. Become an object that cannot be used by others or even refine magic weapons. With the tenacity of the divine crystal, even immortals can't destroy it. As a currency circulation. The most suitable. The shape of money, like gold and silver coins. Set up a demon card again. Demon cards are distinguished by denomination size: one thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million.

These demon cards, the number on the surface. It represents the number of demon coins, just like the banknotes issued in the previous life. The minimum denomination is one thousand, and the highest one is one hundred million. Easy to carry and circulate. They are all made of divine crystals.

No one can imitate except Di Shitian? Unique is enough evidence. .

"Thank you, "King, my love, the red fire will protect my demon valley with death." Red Fire was overjoyed and kowtowed hurriedly. His head touched the ground, banging, and his fiery red hair kept dancing, like a flame. Stretching out your hands, from the sky, a crystal-like green dragon seal fell on the left hand, and a green dragon battle flag printed with the green dragon's claws also fell on the right hand? There is also an immortal scroll with the image of the green dragon. Respectfully hold it in your hand.

"Feng: Long Yue, Shui Linger is the deputy commander of the First Army. Assist Red Fire to take charge of the army. Get a nine-grade demon general's salary of 1,000 yuan, and get a temporary deputy leader's salary of 2,000 yuan. Di Shitian opened his mouth again.

Smpt a moment. Long Yue, the patriarch of the Longma clan, and Shui Linger, the patriarch of the Dragon Snake clan, came out at the same time and respectfully took orders. Follow, stand behind the red fire. It is the backbone of the First Legion.

"Eagle empty listening to the seal!!" Emperor Shitian did not hesitate and began to seal it again, this time. He wants to frame his future duties at one time. Form a complete system. Only when the system is complete can we give full play to extremely strong cohesion and burst out more powerful power. All duties. Want to be completely differentiated?

It is necessary to make a thorough integration of the Valley of Demons, just like an empire in the secular world.

"I'm here." The empty-shaped image of the eagle is also quite special, and the nose is the most obvious eagle hook nose. Stily body, two eyes. Sharply flashing with a silk edge? Extremely sharp. Very sharp.

Start to post all the good suggestions of the brothers in Wanyao Valley. If you have any good suggestions, you can write them in the book review area, and you can continue to add good suggestions later. I have been trying to absorb Wei H