Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 491 Money and Treasure

"The meteorite abyss? Is it one of the nine forbidden places?' "What's so special here that you can squeeze into the nine forbidden places." After Di Shitian heard it, a flash of light quickly flashed in his eyes, and he instinctively felt different. Each of the nine forbidden places is different and dangerous.

I don't know how many times the height of the Tongtian Tower is. Every time it is heavy, it seems to ascend to the sky. It is full of horrible and fierce beasts everywhere. You can enter, but it is extremely difficult to come out. It is not good. When you meet a fierce beast king, you really have no way to be chased This is what he experienced personally.

In the forbidden place, I only think that there are four gates in it, each of which is a top innate spiritual treasure, which can be figured out. The danger in it will never be under the Tongtian Tower. Otherwise, "I won't get the title of nine forbidden places.

The forbidden land is even more terrible. There are endless prohibitions everywhere. It is simply difficult to walk. If one is not good, it will be swept in by countless prohibitions and bombarded into scum on the spot. If you encounter any powerful divine prohibition, it will be doomed forever, and it will be difficult to rise forever.

In this, it may be the infinite desire. For Di Shitian, the danger is slightly less. He uses his power to absorb desire to shape the demon veins. Be careful. Maybe he can break into it. In other places, with his current Taoism, he has never thought about it.

It is really said that the intention to plant flowers does not bloom, and the intention to plant willows but willows are in the shade. Originally, the matter of the nine forbidden places was deliberately put aside for the time being, waiting for the future. Unexpectedly, this time, it accidentally fell into the deep test of the meteorite god, which is also one of the nine forbidden places.

If you don't say it, just listen to the word 'the meteorite god' in this forbidden place, Di Shitian can feel the danger contained in it.

Speaking of which, there is another thing he doesn't know. The Qintian treasure box in his hand was brought out by the white fox from the deep test of the meteorite god. Therefore, the white fox has also suffered a heavy blow. He can have today's achievements, and he has an inextricable connection with the Qintian treasure box.

"Of course it's special." Ming said with a slight yearning, "This is not only a fierce place, but also a room." How to say that?" Di Shitian raised his eyebrows and asked.

"There are nine forbidden places on the original continent, each of which can make the world crazy, and countless strong people fall for it. All of them are innate spiritual treasures in the depths of the forbidden land. Seducing thousands of strong people, at the cost of life and death, like a moth rushing to the fire, and in the deep study of the meteorite god, there are also treasures and innate spiritual treasures. Moreover, it is the most special and wonderful kind between heaven and earth. Ming said curiously, "No one who is strong will yearn for it. Because this is in the abyss, there is a basin and a tree." A basin? A tree?" Di Shitian muttered from f6, and he couldn't grasp what it meant in his words. The pot is a treasure pot, and the tree is a money tree!!"

"Treasure pot? A cash cow? Even if Emperor Shi Tianbai's own mental cultivation has reached a considerable level, he can't help but be completely shocked. Without it, these two things are really so famous. It has a great reputation, which is ancient and modern. In my previous life, I had never heard the names of these two appliances.

Here, there are two innate treasures. Just by imagining their names, you can get their magical effects.

Sure enough, 'Ming & qu; then said, "Well, yes, these two treasures are also spiritual treasures from the beginning of heaven and earth and falling from chaos. Among them, the treasure basin can gather between heaven and earth, in the heavens and the world, all the ownerless treasures, and treasures. Money-making foil, hanging on the tree, but all of them are rare treasures that are hard to find in the world. This treasure pot and the cash cow are complementary to each other. It is said that shaking a tree is planted in a treasure pot. The treasures attracted by the treasure basin from the heavens and the world will be hung on the tree. With that, even his own saliva was about to flow out. After Di Shitian listened, his eyes were also shining.

Indeed, in this meteorite abyss, it is because of these two treasures that they can get the name of the nine forbidden places. Among them, the treasure basin itself has the magical power of treasure gathering, which is located in the deep test. Every hundred years, it draws a large number of ownerless treasures from the surrounding three thousand small worlds, enters the . Every thousand years, we draw ownerless treasures from the original continent. Every three thousand years, the power of the treasure basin will cover the heavens and the world, and all the ownerless treasures will fly into the basin by themselves. Legend has it that lucky people have witnessed treasure pots and cash cows.

The treasure basin is extremely huge, which contains countless rare treasures. All of them can be found in the world, such as spiritual stones, which can't even enter the treasure basin at all. The basin is full of meteorite god iron, the sun and moon, star sand, jade, seven orificing exquisite stones, water beads, dust beads, and poison. Beads, gold chalcedony, ice crystal sky cloud silk, rainbow shadow beads, snow mica jade, heavenly soul gold, seven-color creation stone, Hongmeng's first light dust, illusion mysterious spirit pearl, Hengling clear dew, pure world glazed jade, absolute no strange crystal, chaotic yuan ice, void empty silk. Wait a minute. Infinite treasures, infinite treasures. Gather together in the basin. As soil. A money tree is full of all kinds of treasures that you can't even think about.

Shake casually, the treasure shaken down from the tree is enough to make any strong man faint on the spot, and it will be a lifelong honor to be buried by the treasure.

If anyone can grab a few handfuls on the treasure pot and the money tree, after going out, it can be said that he will immediately get rich overnight.

Do you think that such a place can not attract the strong from all sides, regardless of life and death? However, if you think about it, you know that there are many people who can really get benefits, and there are very few who can go out safely.

"Since there is a treasure basin and a cash cow here, according to reason, a large number of strong people come in, which can be regarded as a treasure land. How can it become one of the nine forbidden places? It is easy to come in and difficult to get out. The fallen people account for the majority. Di Shitian said as he glanced at the bones around him. Feeling the strange smell from the air, he frowned and said, "Is it true that there are other dangers in this abyss?"

Instinctively feel wrong. If there were treasure basins and rocking trees, this would have been a famous treasure hunting place. How can it become a fierce place? Among them, there must be other inside information. Of course, it's not that simple. The reason why countless strong people are afraid is that here is not only a treasure place with infinite treasures, but also a tomb and a tomb!! The tone of Ming &qu; has become a little deeper. Answer? The tomb?" The expression in Di Shitian's eyes gradually became solemn. Just listening to these two words, I have clearly felt that this meteorite depth is by no means a good place in imagination. Tombs and tombs are the places where the dead are buried. If you use it here, you can't wait for leisure." This is a tomb and a tomb.

Ming said in a condensed voice: "The treasure basin is magical, its power, covering all the heavens and the worlds." The object of its treasure is not only those ownerless treasures, treasures, but also countless broken magic soldiers, broken magic weapons, broken treasures. Precious treasures, rare treasures, will be attracted to the pots and trees by treasure basins and shaken trees. And those broken magic weapons, abandoned blades. All will be abandoned outside the treasure pot and the money tree. Scattered in the whole abyss." Therefore, this is a treasure, the same tomb, the treasure of the treasure, and the tomb of the broken magic treasure.

"No matter what kind of magic weapon it is, there is more or less a trace of spirituality. If the spiritual is strong, its quality will be higher. Often, if the broken magic weapon is broken, it will be abandoned. If you lose the master's magic weapon, it will produce a kind of resentment, a kind of suffering, one by one and What. But once it is tens of millions of handles, hundreds of millions of pieces, countless pieces, over the years, after countless years of precipitation. The gathered resentment, the killing spirit of the blade itself, the endless abandoned sadness, and the unwilling and unyielding thoughts. It will form a terrible existence.

"The spirit of war!"

From the mouth of 'ming&qu;, spit out two words carefully.

"The soul of the army?" Di Shitian's eyes condensed, and the leader of his heart said, "You mean, it is a unique existence condensed from the unyielding obsession in countless broken magic weapons."

"How strong is the soldier?" Di Shitian immediately pointed his finger at the most critical point.


Ming, at this moment, there was no joke at all. He said solemnly: "The soldiers are divided into four grades of heaven and earth, and the yellow level alone is comparable to the ancient demon king. The mysterious level is comparable to the demon saint. The prefecture level is comparable to the ancient giants. As for the heavenly level, it is equivalent to the The demon god in the demon clan, the ancestor god in the immortal world. As for the heavenly level, there is no stronger one, and there is no way to know. Moreover, the soul of the army is formed by the coagation of the remnants of the divine magic weapon, and it is born with only killing. Because of the resentment in the body, the soldiers don't want anyone to take any treasure from the abyss of the meteorite god.

"The most interesting thing is that as long as you don't take the rare treasure in the deep test, as long as you are lucky, you can directly see the treasure basin and shake into a tree in the legend. In front of the money tree, you can resist the ** in your heart. If you turn around and leave, you can leave safely, and even the soldiers will not be shocked. Unfortunately, in the face of all kinds of treasures, who can really not be moved?

Ming said with great emotion.

"'ming&qu;, you mean that the treasure basin can gather any ownerless treasure between heaven and earth. You said, will it... take your essence one by one!! It was also filmed here together.

Di Shitian's mind turned and suddenly said something.

"shi yi yi yirshi yi yi yiyi“me:\}"

Ming, suddenly stunned. D