Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 530 Eternal Kingdom

And the moment he opened his eyes, the hall became silent for a while. It seems that all the light is focused on him.

Sweeping at the hall, the head of Taixuanmen said slowly, "The red tide will officially start in three days. This red tide, as usual, will last for a day. Now, the abyss of the meteorite god has been suppressed by us with arrays, and the plan for a thousand years is about to harvest."

During this speech, all the leaders just listened quietly. No one opened their mouths to interrupt, but in their hearts, they naturally had their own calculations and plans.

"According to our agreement in those years, together with the red tide, all sects rely on their means to seek benefits in the red tide, life and death depends on their own destiny, how many benefits they get, and each rely on their own magical means. After the red tide, no matter who it is, they are not allowed to kill each other, crush each other, and unite with each other to deal with the upcoming annihilation tide.

Taixuanmen said lukewarmly, as if he was reiterating some kind of agreement. The voice fell


The head of Tianjimen nodded and replied, "Good!!"

"In that year's agreement, we swore by the luck of our respective sects, who dares to break it, the other nine sects,

Fight together." In the words of Xuanxin's authentic teaching, there is a sound of gallblad. Awe-inspiring.

"You should abide by it. How many treasures you can seize depends on your magical means. Haoran Zhengqi Zongzhang

Jiao also nodded and said elegantly. Show your attitude.

Other immortals will not have any opinions. No one wants to guard against the peeping of other powerful forces when seizing the treasure. They agreed one after another.

After that, they left separately. In a blink of an eye, there was only one person in charge of Taixuanmen in the hall. Obviously, the other leaders were in a hurry to go back and arrange what to do when the tooth tide arrived. The way to order how to seize the treasures in the red tide, and even to start the integration of the sect, to pour out of the nest, in this red tide, do a big vote.

After you left. A young man with a faint and detached breath came in. When he came to the head of the religion, he saluted respectfully and said, "The head of the sect has prepared everything. However, if you want to use it, you still need to go to the church in person to open the eternal kingdom."

qu;!! Qu;

Taixuanmen Master raised his eyes at the young man in front of him, nodded indifferently, and said, "Don't worry, the eternal kingdom is the first of the ten most powerful artifacts in heaven and earth. For a long time, to suppress the luck of our sect, the ancestors gathered countless strong men and spent endless energy to create artifacts. It should be able to withstand the short-term impact of the Marlboro Red Tide.

"Yes, in charge of teaching!!"

Together with the tide, for a while, the monks on the Red Tide Island were completely stimulated to float, and the blood in their bodies was boiling. It seemed that they could immediately see the legendary magnificent Marlboro Red Tide.

However, some of the forces that were spying in the dark began to prepare nervously.


, it can be said that it is an undercurrent surge. It can't be seen on the surface, but once it breaks out, it will inevitably be the most terrible storm. It can tear everything up.

Similarly, there are some hidden strong people. Constantly communicating with divine thoughts in the void.

In the conversation, the word of the artifact is revealed from time to time. When it comes to this word, the connection

The air is extremely different, showing an extremely fearful look.

In this world, there seems to be no artifact in the planning of treasures.


The word

, in the first impression, I'm afraid it will be associated with the Shinto that was once strong, Bi Jing, the Shinto practitioners in those years, the magic weapons they refined, their names are all called artifacts. In the artifacts, they often contain very wonderful power, the law, the rules, and some kind of wonderful power of the road The power of faith and the power of incense are gathered together.

However, nowadays, I'm afraid that there are not many people who really know the inside story of the word artifact

In the void, there are two figures hiding, quietly looking at the Chishio Island below.

"Demon King, you see, in this Wanbao Red Period, who will get the greatest benefit? Hey hey, it's rare for the boy of Emperor Shitian to have such courage, which directly messed up the plan of the top ten immortals for thousands of years. I don't know if the little guy can get what he wants and get the greatest benefit.

Dressed in extremely sloppy, Wanshitong smiled strangely and poured wine into his mouth, while turning his eyes. He said to the cold demon king beside him.

"The top ten immortals dare to fight the abyss of the meteorite god, there must be a complete strategy. You can get benefits in the red tide. As for the boy surnamed Emperor... Although he is very talented, he can get the treasure of the young lady in those years, but it is difficult to get benefits! Difficult! Difficult!!" The demon king raised his eyelids and glanced at everything. Open your mouth and say a word.

"Tut, Demon King, it seems that you don't know much about this boy surnamed emperor. I saw this boy, the old man, and witnessed how he climbed to the current situation. If he is not sure, he will never interfere in the planning of the Ten Immortals. Moreover, at least he is the king chosen by your young lady. Could it be that you are still

You can't regulate your young lady's vision.

Everything is full of ridicule. The eyes looked at the demon king with great interest.

"Hum!!" The demon king snorted coldly, looked up at the void, and said, "Miss is a young lady, and Emperor Shitian is Emperor Shitian. How can he be compared with Miss?" Miss, it is destined to be above all sentient beings, immortal. In his words, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the comparison between the emperor Shitian and the young lady he said.

Just like, one is a toad on the ground, and the other is a proud white swan in the sky.

A playful smile, he did not continue to argue with him on this topic. He changed the topic and then said, "Speaking of these ten immortals, if nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid #039; their plan is to use the artifacts of their respective sects." With that, his eyes were shining, and he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Well, speaking of which, the ten artifacts in their sect are really great things. It is said that each piece is comparable to the power of the innate spiritual treasure. It is a treasure that is completely fused with the essence of the two cultivation methods of immortality and Shinto.

"Top Ten Artifacts?"

When the demon king heard it, he frowned slightly, as if he didn't have much impression of this artifact, and looked at everything with a little doubt.

Everything is worthy of being a strange person who knows the things in the sky, the earth and the next day. When he sees the appearance of the demon king, he knows that he does not know about these ten artifacts, and he is not stingy with his words and words. He said, "Yes, the top ten artifacts Strong background. The most precious treasure of Zhenzong.

"Unfortunately, I haven't seen the top ten artifacts with my own eyes, and I can't know their true power. I only know some of their legends. There was a look of regret on his face, but in this red tide, if there is no accident, he should be able to see it with his own eyes, which made his mood recover in a blink of an eye.

"It is said that among the top ten artifacts, the first one is the â–²Eternal Kingdom in Taixuanmen'. According to legend, this eternal country is a perfect country. In it, there will be no life, old age, illness and death, no emotional troubles. When you enter it, you can forget all unpleasant things. It's just on the surface. What is the real power? It has never been shown in front of outsiders.

"In addition, it is the most precious one-day compass of Tianji Sect!! According to legend, this artifact has the strong ability to calculate the sky. Any attack can find fbreaks and easily resolve them. It's extremely accurate to deduce the sky.

"The mysterious authentic 'Xuantian treasure box' has extremely-terrible power.

"The most precious treasure in Haoran Zhengqi Sect is Haoran Zhengqi Book one by one!!"

Wanshitong has magical power and can obtain countless secret information. For the secret things of these ten immortals, the Zhenzong artifacts are still like treasures. Let's talk about it in the same way. Almost, there is an artifact in each of the ten immortals. Not to mention the luck of suppressing the sect, it is also the strongest treasure in the sect.

Usually, it is not easy for anyone to see it.

Every piece, legend, its power is comparable to the innate spiritual treasure. As for whether it is true or not, no one can know it. But how can the things that can make the Ten Immortals so valued be ordinary treasures?

"Tut-tut, in terms of the planning of the ten immortals, it is almost certain that they want to seize the treasures in the Red Tide of Wanbao, and they must want to rely on the power of the treasure artifacts in their respective sects." Everything joked and said, "I just don't know that the artifact is stronger and which is weaker than the red tide that can even be crushed by the world's strongest."

"The red tide of Wanbao is unreachable."

The demon king frowned slightly and said a sentence directly.

Indeed, only those who have witnessed the red tide with their own eyes can really understand the horror of the red tide, which is like a tsunami in the ordinary world, a hurricane, and the red tide, the deficit in it, is a treasure in the red tide, which can make all those who witness the eyes turn red in an instant.

The second indicates a kind of blood. Any creature in front of Chihu, whether ordinary creatures or the strongest, will be crushed into powder. Flesh and blood fly away.

What's more, there are countless soldiers among them, which makes the red tide even more horrible.

"Wait and see!!" Everything has a meaningful smile.

Three days, this is not a long time for the monk Yuyan. At ordinary times, it is just a retreat, a blink of an eye, disappears from the eyes, and the short time can no longer be short.

But at this moment, all the monks waiting on Chichao Island only feel that these three days have passed

Such a long and torment, the waiting time is always the longest.

However, no matter how slow it is, it still slowly passes by everyone.

"Hapium Yuwu is coming."

In the abyss, Di Shitian looked at the stronger and stronger wind outside him. When he felt that three days had passed, he couldn't help exhaling a turbid breath in his heart, U