Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 836 Tiger's power

Di Shitian has been constantly calculating since the beginning. This game is a clear game, and there is only one purpose, that is, to declare the return of the demon clan to the heavens and the world.

In this regard, of course, it will not be unexpected. In the worlds, the forces that do not want the demon clan to return and rise can be said to have a great existence. It is "a purpose" to kill them strongly, and it is also the best goal to show the heritage of the demon clan to the heavens and the world. Of course, .

He had expected that the top ten immortals of the human race would never sit back and watch the rise of the demon clan. It is bound to use the means of killing the Wanyao City at the critical moment, and this most likely action is the ten supreme artifacts that are also supreme. The human race has a good calculation. It knows that even if the Wanyao City is promoted to the supreme level, it must have just stepped in. The city is unstable and cannot be comparable to the artifacts of the top ten immortals that have been fighting for countless years.

At that time, the town of all demons will be smashed in one fell swoop.

However, since Di Shitian guessed, "How can there be no backhand to deal with, and how can he still be full of confidence until now? Seeing that Wan Jian Qinglian and the Eternal Kingdom have no intention of escaping at all.

"No, wait a minute, this emperor seems to have a backhand. Let's see what kind of cards he still hides. Everything reached out and held the demon king." He looked out with strange eyes.

In his impression, Di Shitian has never done anything uncertain. How dare he say so? There must be a killer stream that can really turn the tables in his hand.

"Wanjian Qinglian as the supreme artifact" is not the current half of Wanyao City. If there is any mistake, the ancient city will be destroyed by hundreds of millions of demons." The demon king frowned slightly.

"Look down!!", everything said in a low voice.

"Husband!!", the two jade hands of the heart of the piano were subconsciously clenched together, and the fingers were a little white because of too much force. Two eyes" looked at the figure who was proud of the sky without blinking.

"The two elders of the silkworm and the yellow spring. Pour all of your strength into my [body] without reservation. Lend your strength to the emperor.

"Consist on the order!!"

"100,000 blood killing guard listening order" instills all the power in your [body] into the emperor's body. Di Shitian opened his mouth and issued an edict.

"Your Majesty's edict!!"

The two elders of Tian Silkworm and Huangquan, and even the 100,000 blood-killing guards and eighteen-blooded generals gathered in the ancient city, after hearing this edict, a cold and iron-blooded look flashed on their faces. Between the eyebrows, the light flashed on the vertical mark, and an inexplicable connection appeared between them. It seems that in an instant, the silkworm yellow spring and 100,000 blood killing guards and Di Shitian completely eliminate all the barriers and become one.

A vast force, from the blood to kill the guard [body], along a mysterious connection in the underworld, continuously poured into the body of the emperor. On the spot, "these huge and pure power" flowed quickly in the meridians, and without any difficulty, it turned into a pulse of emperor's true power, pouring into the eleven-grade black lotus in the demon house. Suddenly, the eleven-grade black lotus rotated crazily at an incredible speed.

In the originally empty black lotus, the emperor's true power is unprecedented expansion.

In the blink of an eye, the black lotus is full of silky Huangji Zhenli. And in an instant, he broke all the shackles and imprisoned and suddenly turned into a twelve-grade black lotus. This is not to mention the power pouring in from outside itself, which is like a continuous stream of tides. Wave after wave. The speed of black lotus rotation breaks through the limit again and again.

Suddenly, the black lotus turned into thirteen grades!!


The void outside the body of Emperor Shitian is constantly disillusioning, and the vast pressure is climbing crazily as if there is no limit.

Although his figure has not grown, "but in the eyes of the monks of the heavens, he stands like a mountain, constantly climbing up, like an ant at the foot of the mountain, looking up and there is no end at a glance. A small feeling grows rapidly in the bottom of my heart.

extend out and point to the endless void.

"I want to...compin the master!!"


With the moment when the voice fell, hundreds of millions of thunderbolts emerged from the endless void, which collided violently and burst into a terrible thunder. It was dark, as if the end had come. The thunder set off the power, making the emperor Shitian's momentum stronger and stronger to the top.



I want to be comparable to the master.

A sentence echoes in the void, and the meaning of the words is simply to scare the heavenly monks. The power in the voice has a terrible momentum to command the heavens. What is the master? It is the highest existence between heaven and earth, and even in the chaotic world. The supreme existence that can truly dominate all things in the heavens is immortal!!

All the power of 100,000 blood killing guards is condensed in the [body]. In an instant, the emperor Shitian has a feeling of controlling the reincarnation of the sun and the moon, and the operation of all things in the heavens. In one thought, it can make the world collapse. At a glance, it can kill the eternal giants. When you look up, you can see a vast river in the dark, in which countless fates are entangled.

"Get out!!", Di Shitian coldly glanced at the countless green lotus that rolled over the sky. He didn't even lift it up and spit out a word.


Home...Get out...Get out..., the whole void is constantly echoing this voice.

In the void, there were terrible hurricanes on the flat ground, which suddenly rolled back the green lotus full of sword spirit like a feather, and suddenly rolled it back to the Wanjian green lotus. Boom directly on it. Hundreds of millions of terrible green lotus swords, angry, bombarded the ten thousand swords green lotus like raindrops, and annihilated the large areas of void around them on the spot. The whole green lotus exploded in a row.

An ann, the green lotus is trembling violently.

"Impossible." In the blame for the lotus, there was an unbelievable exclamation.

"Hum!!", there was a cold hum in the nose of the emperor Shitian. With the cold hum, a stream of air spewed out of his nose, and in an instant, it became extremely domineering and terrible, like a tornado, and the dark hurricane directly crashed towards Wan Jianqinglian.


Wan Jian Qinglian is here. Under the air, countless green lotus swords were burst out, and the wind was about to break out of the hurricane. Countless lotus huāhuā petals were constantly disillusioning. But the dark hurricane swept the green lotus and suddenly blew it out into the distance. In the wind, the green lotus followed a broken kite, swirling and In the blink of an eye, he was scratched without a trace. He didn't even have the power to resist. He was scraped away by a nasal sound.

"Eternal Kingdom? I let you be eternal!!", Emperor Shitian stretched out a finger and poked a finger at the eternal country hanging in mid-air.

The fingers become extremely huge in an instant. When breaking the sky, he did not let the void under his finger be a little different, as if there was no power." He appeared in front of the nine eternal divine lights outside the eternal kingdom.


I only saw that the eternal divine light, in front of my fingers, without even a trace of resistance, was pierced on the spot, and it was broken one by one. Fingers, directly banged on the body of the eternal kingdom" and poked into the country, from the top, directly penetrated to the bottom, and penetrated at once.

When penetrating the country, countless spaces in the country collapsed in an instant. Countless creatures in it suddenly completely collapsed into blood fog.

The whole eternal kingdom" under this terrible power, it collapsed violently down and poked out of the endless void with one finger.

In this, it seems that you can't even resist.


This scene fell in the eyes of the monks of the heavens. It was like seeing the end of the world. They were stunned one by one, and the void was full of bursts of the sound of inhaling cool air.

"Is this the demon emperor?" "Supreme artifact" This is the supreme artifact. Even the strongest can compete with the world. My eyes and nose are not blind. Wan Jian Qinglian was actually sprayed by a snot from the demon emperor's nose. Even the eternal kingdom was pierced on the spot by a finger.

Det your father, cheat your father." When did the demon emperor have such amazing fighting power? Did he just say that he wanted to be comparable to the master, and he really had an anti-sky combat power comparable to the master? "My dear, this is the real card of the demon emperor. I remember that in the Wanbao Red Tide, the demon emperor once showed his peerless combat power. I didn't expect that there could be such a terrible improvement here. Is it some kind of unworldly secret?

"The master is comparable to the master. The demon clan has a demon emperor. Who can stop the pace of the rise? Between his hands and feet, the two supreme artifacts were beaten and defeated on the spot.

"The demon emperor has such anti-sky combat power, does he want to destroy the top ten supreme artifacts?" Fierce!!

This can no longer be described as fierce.

In front of the eternal kingdom, even the world's strongest people have to be secretly shocked. "I dare not have any intention to compete with it, but such a supreme artifact, in front of the emperor Shitian, was poked out of the endless void by a finger. Poke countless creatures in it to death. At this moment, the emperor's innocence is like the reincarnation of the heavens, the supreme master of everything.

For a moment, heaven and earth lost their sound, and countless awe eyes fell on Emperor Shitian.

Where the throne is, who dares to disobey!!

"What a demon emperor."

Everything narrowed his eyes and shouted strangely, "It's even hidden such an amazing card" can make the cultivation reach such an earth-shaking situation in an instant. Even in ancient times, there was only "Pluzar, one. Did he get the inheritance of the Pluto and practiced the seal of a hundred worlds?

"With this blow, the demon clan can successfully return to the Zijin mainland, detering all worlds. However, I have to issue an order for my duty. Before the annihilation of the tide, the great magic power beyond the level of the ancient giant will never be allowed to take action. The heavens and the world can't stand it at all." The demon king quietly waited for the emperor Shitian to bombard Wanjian Qinglian and the eternal kingdom for hundreds of millions of miles, especially since he was silent for a moment

The light in his hand flashed, and a dark square tip token suddenly appeared.