Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 899 Temple of the Four Square

"What? Is Mr. Emperor the demon emperor of the demon clan?"

"The demon emperor? I heard from my mother that "the demon clan suffered great difficulties in ancient times and was arbitrarily suppressed by the human race, and it has long been in decline. However, now it seems that the situation of the outside world has changed a lot.

"The demon emperor, with a noble status, will actually run to the forbidden land of heaven, or for the four heavenly gates." The heavenly gate has stood for hundreds of millions of years, and no one has ever taken them away. It is said that our heavenly people and the elves entered the forbidden land and reached an agreement with the artifacts in the heavenly gate to guard today's forbidden place in exchange for the qualification to settle in the forbidden place.

Listening to the dialogue between Emperor Shitian and Tianyunzi, Tianyan, Princess Pearl and others all showed surprise and muttered in their hearts.

Four Heavenly Gates" is very familiar to them.

The two races are the guardian races in Tianmen. Naturally, we know that the whole forbidden place exists on the basis of the four heavenly gates. Once the four heavenly gates are taken away, the so-called forbidden place will immediately be greatly reduced in power and dissipate most of it. The heavenly people and the elves live in seclusion here, relying on the heavenly gate as a barrier.

Once the forbidden place disappears, the purpose of their seclusion will disappear immediately.

This in itself is a matter of the vital interests of the two ethnic groups.

The most important thing is that Sifang Tianmen is not easy to recover. It is difficult for countless strong people to see each other. This is the top innate spiritual treasure that has really existed for countless years, in which the existence of innate artifacts. The most precious treasure with its own consciousness.

"I also agree!!" At this time, the peerless elf queen had come out of the holy tree, and the look on her face was a little strange. "Looking at Di Shitian's eyes, it became particularly different. On the surface, there is no arrogance. Jiao Sheng said, "But although we are the guardian race of Sifang Tianmen," we can only take you to the Sifang Temple. The rest is up to you."

After saying that, he looked at Tianyunzi in a blink of an eye and said, "Tianyunzi, last time I was the ancestor, I had to offend the king here to make amends. We, the elves, can do nothing to attract the five declines of the emperor and the emperor in advance. However, this section of the five elements of the divine wood was specially ordered by the ancestor to give it to the heavenly people as a reward. As the Elf Queen said, there was also a trace of apology in her eyes. A psychic jade box in her hand slowly flew to Tianyunzi into the jade box, containing a section of five elements of divine wood. This is a real supreme treasure. You can know its preciousness just by looking at the five elements of the broken magic bow.

When Tianyunzi saw it, a flash of light unconsciously flashed in his eyes and put the jade box into his sleeve.

The Tianren clan and the elf clan themselves are guardian races, and there was no grudge against each other in the first place. This time, if it hadn't been for the holy tree of the five elements, it would not have happened before. Naturally, he won't be too embarrassed to see the Elf Queen resolve the cause and effect. The key is that the compensation of these five elements of Shenmu, even the strongest in the world, will be moved.

"I don't know if the demon emperor plans to go now" or go again at other times." Tianyunzi looked at Di Shitian and asked.

"The faster the nature, the better." Di Shitian did not hesitate.

The ultimate purpose of coming this time is to find Sifang Tianmen. Originally, it went down to forty-nine times in a row, and there were countless disasters in each weight. Maybe it is really possible to fall into it. Now there are two major guardian races. The Tianren clan and the elves are connected with the strong ability of the Tianren clan to seek It is simply a ladder that leads directly to the door of friends in the four directions.

If you miss this, it's really a big chance to miss it.

How can such a good thing be let go?

And on the other side of the Tongtian Tower, he was also worried that there would be changes in the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, which just diverted the attention of the heavens and the world. Once you find that he is not in it, there may be forces secretly thinking about other things. Make some demon moths. Sifang Tianmen is important, but attracting demons is also the top priority.

"The demon king of Peng once said that there were guardians guarding in the secret land of Tianpeng." I don't know if it was the strong man of my demon clan?"

An idea quickly turned in my mind.

"Well, let's go to the Sifang Temple now."

Tianyunzi and the Elf Queen looked at each other, nodded, and said with one voice.

Without too much hesitation, Tianyan and others stayed directly in the land of the elves, while Tianyunzi, the queen of elves, together with Emperor Shitian, quickly penetrated the edges in the forbidden land.

With the ability of Tianyunzi, the magic power to seek good luck and avoid evil is simply in a state of ecification. The rapid penetration of the edges in the heavenly gates did not enter the so-called dangerous place once.

One heavy, quickly step down.

"Emperor madman, Sifang Tianmen, as the top innate spiritual treasure" itself has existed for countless years. The wisdom of the innate weapon spirit will never be inferior to anyone else. In their capacity, even the strongest can't let them follow voluntarily. "What on earth can you convince them?"

, Ming, while going to the Sifang Temple, finally couldn't help asking.

As a top innate spiritual treasure, every heavenly gate can suppress the power of the world's strongest people [town], which will never be weaker than the gate of the ten thousand disasters in the cave in those years. They must have their own pride, and even the world's strongest can't convince them." With the emperor Shitian's current ancient Heavenly Demon's Taoism, I'm afraid it will be more indelicable.

But Di Shitian came confidently. It makes it full of doubts and hard to let go.

"I ask you, as an innate spiritual treasure, what do you desire most?" Di Shitian smiled indifferently," he suddenly asked.

"What is the most desired?" These three sentences, on the spot, Ming, asked a little stunned. In ancient times, it was the artifact of the underworld book. The underworld book itself is not a congenital spiritual treasure bred from chaos, but refined by the underworld emperor's fusion of countless spiritual materials with innate spiritual embryos. Since the birth of Ming, he has been in charge of the 18 prisons in the underworld book. It likes to torture those who are detained in prison every day. If nothing has changed, it would rather live a life of torturing criminals forever.

What do you really want for a innate spirit? It's really a little confused.

For a moment, I couldn't help falling into meditation.

When Di Shitian saw it, he smiled mysteriously, but he had an extremely firm belief in his eyes: "This time, I must get the Sifang Tianmen, otherwise, my Wanyao City will never be really strong and as stable as a rock. Only the real Sifang Tianmen is worthy to guard the supreme demon court." Even if he pays any price, he must get the Sifang Tianmen.

There is Tianyunzi, and the Elf Queen is leading the way. The road is unimpeded.

Although it takes a certain amount of time to wear the front door, it is not surprising that this time is only in the blink of an eye. Not long after, I went through countless gates all the way. Finally, it appeared in the position of the 49th heaven's access control.

The access control is inverted in the shape of an inverted pyramid.

The further down, the smaller the scope of the forbidden land. The appearance of Tianmen will also be reduced. But the danger in Tianmen will become more and more powerful and terrible.

"This is the 49th forbidden place." Di Shitian stopped and looked around.

I saw that what appeared in front of me, there were no more dense countless Tianmen before, only four simple Tianmen standing in all directions, blocking the four poles. The other areas are all chaotic, dark, and there is nothing.

As if, there are only four heavenly gates outside the body that are placed in front of you.

"Yes, these four heavenly gates are the last forbidden place" and they are also the most dangerous." Tianyunzi nodded and replied.

"Of the four heavenly gates, only one of which leads to the Sifang Temple, and the other three lead to the most terrible land. Once involved, the strongest will fall into it. I came here rashly. If there is no terrible luck, I'm afraid it will fall here. The Elf Queen also said cautiously.

The whole 49-fold forbidden area is a quarter of the choice.

Three points is death, one point is life. It's by no means dangerous.

However, with Tianyunzi there, Emperor Shitian naturally does not need to face such a difficult choice.


Tianyunzi glanced at it and walked into the South Tianmen first. It disappeared in a blink of an eye. The Elf Queen followed, and Emperor Shitian did not hesitate.

There was a sudden change in front of my eyes. Appeared in an inexplicable space.

"What a strange space. It can't absorb any heaven and earth here. Even the power of desire and all power are forbidden." As soon as I entered the space, the feeling around me immediately came to my mind.

At the moment when the power of transmission dissipated outside the body, he immediately opened his eyes and glanced around.

I saw that what appeared in front of me was a vast void. In space, there is nothing that "not even the spirit of heaven and earth does not exist" as if it is a real void and dead place.

Here, every consuming of a trace of power cannot be replenished by absorbing vitality from the outside world. If you consume one point, you will really consume one point. It's like breaking through the barrier between the eternal giants and the world's strongest.

And in this void, there is a huge ancient temple standing.

There is nothing superfluous on the temple, just a seemingly ordinary palace with tracks like the way of heaven. It's not half luxurious, it's just a kind of anti-truth.

However, in the temple, the gate is extremely ancient and mysterious. Close it tightly.

"Demon Emperor, this is the Sifang Temple, and the predecessors of Sifang Tianmen are in the temple." However, if you want to see them, "you must rely on your own strength to open the door of the temple. Otherwise, you have to retreat by yourself.

Tianyunzi looked at the temple in front of him and opened it after a slight courtesy. Say it.

"Once you enter the temple, don't offend them, otherwise, even we can't save you. Once you are exiled, no one can find you. The Elf Queen also cautiously told her.

"Thank you!!", Di Shitian said and walked to the temple with him.