Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 972 I'm ferocious

Chapter 972 I'm ferocious


This is an excuse!!

As soon as the news spread, many smart people understood that this was simply an excuse for the top ten immortals. Although the coalition suffered setbacks in Zhenmo Valley and suffered heavy injuries, in the plan, this coalition was just a vanguard army in the joint operation, a test of Zhenmo Valley.

Although there are losses, all ethnic groups add up, and the human race accounts for the majority, but it is not too much loss. The real heritage of the human race has never been revealed.

This declaration is obviously a perfect excuse to use the supreme artifact on the spot.

The master order restricts the powerful to take action, but now there are demon gods on the Zijin continent, and there are still a large number of heavenly demons. In this case, I will use the supreme artifact to suppress and bombard the demon gods. There is no such limit. After all, the demon god is the enemy of all living beings in the whole Zijin continent and the world. It is not too much to use all means.

It's like the demon god in the Demon Valley gave a rare excuse for the Ten Immortals.

At this point, monks with almost a little brain can guess the purpose of their words. The top ten immortals are indeed old foxes. This is not only aspiring to the demon god, but also the intention to occupy the whole demon valley.

For a while, the atmosphere on the whole continent became a little strange.

At this moment!!

In a mountain range, a slender figure slowly walks forward step by step. At each step, it seems that there is an invisible force pushing under your feet. Although it does not seem to be slow, there is a distance of tens of feet at every step. Walk forward quickly.

"Emperor madman, you have got the demon flag. If you don't return to the demon city, you will immediately prepare to establish an imperial court and ascend to the throne of the demon emperor, but you will go to the human world. Do you want to do something again?

'Ming' asked with a little curiosity.

Walking in the mountains and forests, it was Di Shitian. However, he did not immediately return to the Wanyao City, but went directly to the human secular world after leaving the Tongtian Tower. Between the steps, without the slightest smoke and fire, he is completely restrained. As long as he doesn't do it, no one can see through his reality.

"A man, some things are done and some things are not done. There are some things that should not be borne by women. It's time for me to bear them.

As Di Shitian walked, he looked up at the void, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

This trip to the Sky Tower can be said to be extremely complete. Not only did he achieve his goal, but he also got the demon flag, but also let his own cultivation be promoted to the situation of today's unrivalled power, plundering countless wealth and obtaining countless demon souls. The magic skills that are forced to be asked at every moment are extremely precious. When integrated into the imperial jade ultimatum, the road in the jade ultimatum can be improved immediately.

Even the emperor's will has condensed 73 at this moment.

It can be said that before and after entering the Tongtian Tower, there was a transformation of heaven and earth in him.

However, it is the same regret.

Before leaving the Tongtian Tower, after he asked the snake, he knew that Xue Wuya was receiving the inheritance of the Dapeng Demon Master, and the emperor Yuer was taken away by the ancestor of the emperor phoenix bird living in the ninth Tongtian Tower and accepted the most orthodox blood inheritance. Once the inheritance is finished, she will naturally be released.

"Qin Xin, I'm coming!!"

Slowly withdrew his eyes, and Emperor Shitian said firmly in his heart. The pace under my feet became more and more firm.

While walking forward, his mind is also constantly deducing his skills. In his mind, in the vast sea of knowledge, there are countless figures exactly the same as Emperor Shitian, or sitting cross-legged to practice martial arts, or holding a blade, practicing combat skills, or constantly turning into all kinds of flowers, trees, birds and beasts. Deduce the magic.

Among the countless figures, there is a purple-gold book that keeps slowly rotating.

On the surface of the book, the ancient seal of "The Emperor's Amazing Book" appeared.

There are all kinds of cultivation skills, all kinds of magic power, all kinds of combat skills. If they are exiled, I'm afraid that countless monks in the whole continent will die and injure to rob it. However, this unprecedented book has not been completely perfected. It is only the eleventh volume, the twelfth volume and the thirteenth volume behind it. Because of its cultivation, it was impossible to touch the field of the world's strongest. It has been stranded and has never been able to create it.

However, at this moment, Emperor Shitian proved the Tao with his strength, forcibly smashed the vacuum, looked at the void at a glance, and could faintly see the operation of the laws of heaven and earth. The truth of heaven and earth can be clearly realized almost every moment. I gradually have a little understanding of the realm of the real world-class strong man. The follow-up twelfth volume of skills also began to be secretly deduced.

The deduction of skills has always been a huge project, which can't be done overnight at all.

I was immersed in the deduction. Unconsciously, when the moon disappeared and the rising sun rose in the east, a noise sounded in my ears. He woke up from Emperor Shitian's self-inducing.

"What? The city of nature? The sound of nature? The ancient city of cultivating immortals?

Di Shitian raised his eyes and looked forward. What immediately reflected in his eyes was a huge ancient city. This ancient city was suspended over a wilderness. However, the breath emanating from the ancient city showed that the ancient city had the rank of a supreme artifact. It has considerable combat power.

The ancient city is so huge that it can accommodate tens of millions of creatures to survive without feeling the slightest crowding. In the ancient city, golden ancient characters appear, which is - the city of nature!!

There is no doubt that this is an ancient city for monks to gather.

"Tut, emperor madman, this Tianyi City has the meaning of the sound of nature. It should not be too far from the Tianyin Valley you are going to. Maybe this ancient city has any close connection with your little lover."

'Ming' has been in a good mood since he saw those demon souls in the prison, and now he is in the mood to start to make fun of the emperor.

"The city seems to be very lively. It's better to go in and have a look. Just in time to inquire about what is happening on the mainland now. An idea quickly turned in Di Shitian's mind. In the city, it seemed that something had happened, and there was a lot of noise, and there was also a burst of curiosity. Without much hesitation, he walked into the ancient city.

Although the ancient city is guarded, there are no restrictions on entrants. Easily enter the city.

Quickly sweep around, in the ancient city, buildings, shops, various facilities are extremely complete. On the edge of the street, some monks directly pulled a piece of cloth and set up a stall. The monks in the city are endless, not only the human race, but also the monks of other races can be easily seen.

In the city, it is very lively. At a glance, there are no less and millions of monks.

However, there is an elegant charm in this city. It seems to be the residence of a hermit.

The magic weapons such as bells, silk bamboo, jade Xiao, guqin, etc. are placed everywhere. Everything can be called a high-quality product.

"Sure enough, it is related to the Tianyin clan." When Di Shitian saw this, he nodded secretly in his heart. He was sure that if there was no accident in this Tianyi City, he would definitely be in contact with the Tianyin clan.

"Emperor madman, look ahead."

Di Shitian looked at a restaurant not far away, which occupied a large area and had a five-fold attic. The name of the restaurant is Yafengju!! The overall structure is very elegant.

In the restaurant, there was obviously a bang. It's like a fight.

"Demon spirit?" Suddenly, Di Shitian couldn't help frowning slightly. In the restaurant, it is obvious that there is a strange demonic atmosphere. There seems to be a demon clan in it


In the window of the restaurant, a purple figure bumped directly out of the window and immediately fled out quickly, trying to leave the ancient city quickly.

"Quick! Hurry up! Quickly catch the little demon, how dare to eat the overlord's meal in Yafeng's house, and eat the fairy banquet of ten thousand spiritual stones. If I don't catch her, my face will be lost.

"Humph!! Don't let her run away. Grab her and send her directly to the auction to pay off the bill.

The thin purple figure broke out of the window. As soon as she fell to the ground, she immediately fled. However, although she was fast, the monk who chased out of the restaurant was faster. The figures stood in front of the purple shadow in an instant. He quickly surrounded her.

"Eat the overlord's meal?"

Di Shitian's face was slightly strange. The corners of the mouth a few times. He didn't expect to see such a great thing here.

However, he still looked over calmly, and a group of monks had gathered around. It is surrounded by a circle, and the water around it is leaking.

In the encirclement, I saw a little girl who seemed to be only twelve or thirteen years old, with long purple hair and a purple dress. Although his appearance was ordinary, he was extremely durable, which made people feel that she was kind and cute.

At this moment, there was a panic on her face. I glanced around in fear. There is a strong fear in the eyes.

Opposite, the three monks in blue looked at her coldly.

One of them sneered and said, "Little evil, I want to leave after eating the overlord's meal. What you think is too cheap. Don't let our three brothers do it, or go back with us. With that, take a step forward.

"No!! I won't go back."

When the little girl heard it, her eyes were full of panic, but in the blink of an eye, she showed a very powerful look and shouted, "Isn't it just eating something from you? In the past, I never paid to eat outside, and I still wanted to catch me. Tell you, the demon emperor is my eldest brother. If you dare to I won't let you go." With that, he deliberately made a confident look.

"Humph!! Is the demon emperor your eldest brother? A monk in blue sneered and said, "If your eldest brother is a demon emperor, then I will be the strongest in the world. Such a lie also wants to deceive us. The words are full of sarcasm.

With that, the next step began to approach her.

"Don't... Don't... Come here."

The little girl with purple hair looked a little panicked and retreated while screaming. However, she opened her teeth and claws with her hands, showing a fierce look and shouted, "I'll tell you. Don't come here. I'm very cruel." RO