Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 997 Fight to death

The way of the emperor - fear of life and death!!

Between life and death, there is great terror. The longer you live, the higher the longevity, and the stronger the strength. Under the strong appearance, the hidden fear of death in the heart is also increasing day by day. Although even if the body dies, as long as the true spirit is not destroyed, there is a chance to reincarnate, but in reincarnation It will seal the memory, and even wash away the memory with Meng Po soup.

After reincarnation, it may not be the original self.

No one wants to fall from the peak and fall back into the mortal world. The fear of life and death, even the strongest, is still inevitable. Unless he is really a peerless figure, the fear in his heart always exists.

This move infinitely enlarges the horror of wandering between life and death.

In the door of life and death, countless quiet scenes of life and death appeared in the mind of the blood seal. Each scene is to replace himself. Death again and again, the inexplicable empty loneliness at the moment before death almost filled his mind with countless emotions of fear. I was in a trance.


At this time, Emperor Shitian, with a supreme posture of reigning in the world, with the boundless anger of the attack on the morning light, the vast great power, the emperor's true power, poured into the body of the tiger's soul like a tide, "wow" in the tiger's soul, a golden tiger roaring crazi

The tiger's sword broke into the door of life and death.

The gate of life and death does not seem to exist, and there is no obstruction to the tiger spirit at all.


In between, the blood-drinking sword in the hand of the blood-printed clothes directly blocked the top of the head at an incredible speed, colliding with the tiger, making a terrible roar, as if the door of life and death will be smashed by this destructive power.

"If you want to catch Xi'er to threaten me, you should be honored." You have completely angered me. I tell you, "You're dead, you're finished. Even if the demon ancestor comes, you can't save your life. Heaven punishes the world." All the power, pour out my body, break the emperor!!", Emperor Move up. It shows an extremely domineering and arrogant atmosphere.

Although he is not handsome, he is clearly rhododged, with an endless majestic face, showing a trace of coldness. Kill decisively, [body], has grown into a considerable situation in the inner world. The power of today's earth was all applied to him in an instant and poured into the tiger's soul.

The breath of Di Shitian climbed to an incredible situation in the blink of an eye.

The bright knife from the tiger's soul has become more and more condensed. The power will increase several times in an instant.


The blood-printed clothes themselves suffered the test of life and death, affecting the mind. In a hurry, they waved the blood-drinking sword to resist, with a trace of stubbornness. At this moment, the great power suddenly burst out of the tiger's soul, and the blood-drinking sword made a crisp sound. In the position where the sword Signs came out, and in a few breaths, the rift quickly spread to the whole sword body at an alarming speed. Like a spider's web, it is densely spread all over the blood-drinking sword.

Without any accident, the blood-drinking sword collapsed into tens of millions of pieces on the spot and splashed around. The tiger took the opportunity to cut it down with a knife. Draw n perfect arcs from the void.


There was almost no suspense. Under the tiger's soul, the blood-printed clothes were split in half on the spot. Where the tiger soul passed, a stream of blood was constantly swallowed up.


The blood-printed suit is the unrivaled demon emperor. Even if it is split in half and suffers great damage in an instant, it is still divided into two halves at an incredible speed. The magic body suddenly turns into two blood shadows. These two blood shadows, like illusory shadows, penetrated the edges in the void without hindrance, turned around and rushed to countless monks and demons in the Lingxiao demon court. Ah!!

A monk of the heavens only saw a bloody shadow flashing in front of his eyes. He passed through his body out of thin air, and only had time to make a sad scream. His whole body suddenly became completely dry and rotten. The flesh and blood in the body was swallowed up in an instant, and even the soul turned into a bloody hair. In the shadow of blood.

"In the Lingxiao Demon Court, any enemy will be killed by a ruthless blow, and the space will be turned into a cage to imprison all enemies. The seal turns into a chain, and the sound wave annihilates everything.

Emperor Shitian was carrying the tiger soul. When he saw that the blood shadow was still going to sweep in the ancient city, with a touch of anger and coldness on his face, he opened his mouth and scolded without hesitation.


Immediately, as soon as the voice fell, I immediately saw that the silver-white lights flashed in the void. In an instant, they condensed into a fierce silver iron bar and gathered together to form a cage.

instantly appeared in front of the two blood shadows, bound the blood shadows in the cage, and the snow-white chains were like spider webs, covering the whole cage airtight.

Zan Zheng Zheng!!

Ding Dong!!

Countless mysterious notes flashed out of the void. These notes, rushing into the cage, converged with each other and condensed into a magical instrument. There are pianos, flutes, flutes, guzheng, lutes, drums, ancient bells, erhu and so on. All kinds of musical instruments are presented in an instant.

As soon as these instruments appeared, they immediately released bursts of crisp sounds, turning into countless dense sound blades. Each sound blade had endless sharpness, and the blood print clothes re-gathered by two blood shadows swept away like a tide. Sound waves are filled with every inch of space in the cage. The space inside is distorted in an incredible way. Every inch of the void is full of tens of thousands of times and hundreds of millions of oscillations. The sound of bells, pianos and pipa filled the cage.

These sound attacks are all instilling the power of the whole Lingxiao demon court.

"It's not good!!"

There was almost no way to resist the sound wave attack. The face of the newly recovered blood print appeared with a shocking look, and the whole body was swept into countless sound waves. On the spot, I saw that the great power generated by countless sound waves and crazy oscillations was almost irresistible. This was the power of Lingxiao Demon Court. The body was smashed by an inch of shock.

However, it can be called tenacious.

Even if it is shattered, it still condenses into blood-red flesh-and-blood crystals to resist the invasion of sound waves.

"All the ice power between heaven and earth, listen to the emperor's order, freeze flesh and blood. Freeze everything. The power of sealing, completely suppress the seal.

A stream of snow-white ice power flashed out of the void and swept into the cage. The ice power, even if it only leaked a trace, made countless terrible ice crystals appear in the void, spreading in all directions.

"What a terrible ice power. I feel that the flesh and blood are going to freeze on the spot."

"It's even difficult to operate the mana. This ice power is simply horrible. Even if it is a trace, if it is released, it can be frozen for thousands of miles and turned into an ice field in an instant." Among the monks of the heavens, some eternal giants began to change their faces. Feeling the horror of the ice power that appeared from the void, the ancient giants would be frozen almost on the spot, not even a trace of accident.

Oh my gob!!

The blood-printed clothes were hit hard in the door of life and death, and immediately, even fell into the disadvantage. Now, under the imperial edicts of Emperor Shitian, the void is imprisoned, and even if it turns into a blood shadow, it cannot break the imprisonment. This imprisonment is performed by Sifang Tianmen himself. Under the Tianmen,

Between the lightning, the power of ice swept over, and immediately saw that the 129,600 pieces of blood were frozen on the spot and turned into a huge piece of black ice. The ice was hard, and even the magic weapon could not be broken at all.


And at the moment when the blood crystals were frozen, in the blood, there seemed to be a silent bursting sound, and the light on the crystal seemed to be a little dim.

"Will my wife collapse?" Emperor Shitian showed a touch of surprise in his eyebrows, but he immediately sneered and said, "These roads of blood contained in the essence and blood are just used to complete the road of my blood at this moment."

The voice fell without hesitation. With a wave of his hand, immediately, the frozen crystallized blood instantly submerged into the Lingxiao demon court. In the blink of an eye, it had appeared on the imperial jade ultimatum.

The blood was quickly refined by the chaotic flame. The will in it collapsed, and there was no resistance at all. It was quenched into the purest pieces of blood on the spot and quickly integrated into the jade ultimatum. In that fragment, there is also a peerless magic skill "Blood Nerves", but this magic skill is obviously incomplete due to the collapse of the will in it.

Oh my goth!!

The cultivation of "Blood Nerve" can be said to be the most complete inheritance of the road of blood, and the understanding of the road of blood has reached an incredible situation. Even in the flesh and blood, it still contains the endless essence of the blood. This was widely integrated, and immediately, I saw that in the jade ultimatum, one-tenth of the blood charm had been filled, and countless bloody lights were suddenly emitted.

In the rune, there is a faint sea of blood brewing and being born, outlining countless mysterious blood.

Fu Yu grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Inside, there is a faint sound of the sky, and a broken blood nerve is slowly preached in the sound of the road, with infinite and profound truths.

A piece of sperm blood is melted into the jade ultimatum at an amazing speed.


Not long after, the infinite sound of the road appeared in the jade ultimatum, and all the essence and blood were refined. At the same time, the blood charm in the jade ultimatum was also completed. There is a sea of blood in it. At the moment of completion, this rune also separated a phantom and printed it into the illusory lotus platform in the void.

A lotus platform instantly turned into a blood lotus and turned into substance. It opened up the world and evolved into a small world, which was full of a vast sea of blood. The blood is constantly surging.