Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1004 Reopen the list

Chapter 1004 Reopen the list

A kind of vast pressure, from the void, rolling down like water, in the huge ancient picture, rapidly changing, constantly showing the figures of all races in the heavens, the vast territory. The magnificent atmosphere seems to have gathered the beauty of the whole Zijin Continent, and the pressure emanating is countless times more powerful than the world's strongest.

To be hostile to it is to be hostile to the whole Zijin continent.

It's like the sudden arrival of heaven.

The boundless power deterred countless monks and countless strong men on the spot. Even if they were closed before, they woke up in the closed-door and looked at the void one after another. Similarly, it caused the panic of countless monks.

"My dear, what's going on? Red sandalwood will suddenly appear in an ancient picture over the Zijin mainland, which is so horrible. In the face of it, I feel like an ant. It can be easily crushed into powder.

"This pressure is even more powerful than the world's strongest. Is it possible that this ancient picture is a great supreme treasure? In the ancient picture, I seem to see another huge world. What the hell is going on? Has the Demon Continent opened the channel and is coming to invade my original world?

"I have never heard of such an ancient picture between heaven and earth. This picture is obviously not an ordinary treasure. I'm afraid it can wipe out the world's strongest. How could it suddenly come out?"

Countless monks were stunned and shocked. In their minds, they were filled with an unknown fear. The scene in front of them had never been experienced by anyone, and they were often the most confused and afraid of the unknown.

However, there are many strong people who witness the ancient picture in the void, between the eyebrows, flowing lù with a thoughtful look.


At this moment, there was a violent roar on the Zijin mainland. In the central position, faintly, the earth was shaking violently, and there was a terrible low roar. Then, I saw that in the middle of the earth, a ten-edged divine peak rose up on the ground.

The whole divine peak exudes a kind of heavy and magnificent momentum, like the unyielding backbone of a god. On the divine peak, there are four divine lists, and each divine list exudes a unique and mysterious Taoist rhyme, suppressing all directions. Their faces are different. Starting from the left, one is a list of yellowè, one is a list of goldè, the other is a list of purpleè, and the last one is a snow-white list. Each one naturally flows out of the hidden rhyme.

On the list, there seem to be mysterious names.

But at this moment, these names are quickly erased under a mysterious force. In a blink of an eye, it has all become blank.

The whole divine peak soared into the sky and rushed straight into the ancient picture that appeared in the void. In the blink of an eye, it appeared under the ancient picture and collided with the ancient picture, but the strange thing is that the ancient picture, like an illusory, did not block the divine peak at all, and the divine peak rushed into the The ancient map was integrated, standing in the middle of the ancient map, and suddenly suppressed the whole ancient map. Four lists shine hundreds of millions of lights.


Countless monks almost coincidentally took a breath of cold breath and stared at the divine peak without blinking. Their faces were blue and white, and changed violently. There are expectations, fear, excitement, etc., and all kinds of complex emotions are quickly flowing and flashing in the eyes.

"The ten thousand-edged Tianzhu peak, which rises from the ground, is actually the ten thousand-edged Tianzhu peak, which is the divine peak with three lists and one spectrum, and it will rush into the ancient picture."

"All the lists on the three lists have been erased. Haha, the list has reopened. This is the reopening of the list, and we need to start a new list competition. Those who enter the list, it is really Yuyuelong from now on. On the way to practice, it will be smooth all the way, and there will be a chance to step on the incredible peak.

"Is this the omen of the reopening of the list? What kind of treasure is this purple è ancient picture? Is it related to the reopening of the list? Unexpectedly, even Shenfeng and the three lists are ingested together.

In an all, there was an uproar in the whole Zijin mainland. When I saw the list, I had guessed that the scene in front of me might be related to the long-awaited reopening of the list. For a long time, all the monks had speculated about the scene at the time of reopening, but did not guess that the scene

The ancient picture alone is like a mysterious treasure.

Invisently, for the three lists, it is not only an expectation, but also an inexplicable fear.


Hundreds of millions of purple è Thunder poured down from the ancient picture, and under the inexplicable power, strangely formed a sentence in the void - the three lists and one spectrum reopened, with war to respect, with beauty to the sky, the sky to discuss war, the strong as the respect to enter the list, can enter the sky

A proverb keeps making a huge thunder in the void. It exudes supreme pressure. A mysterious message has penetrated into the heavens and the world, the purple gold continent, and the mind of every monk. I instantly realized the existence of the ancient map and the rules of the competition for the list.


The ancient picture, after ingesting the ten thousand-edged Tianzhu Peak into the picture, immediately, strangely integrated into the void at a visible speed, mysterious disappearing, as if it had never appeared. Even the previous vast and boundless pressure was completely converged, and no longer flowed out of half a thread.

But the wonderful thing is that almost any monk can get it with a clear mind. Just above the Zijin Continent, there is a mysterious ancient picture of the sky, and they all know that as long as they have one idea, they can be connected with this ancient picture and instantly ingested by the ancient picture. Join the competition in the list.

Once you enter, there is a danger of falling anytime and anywhere.

The monks of the heavens, the scene witnessed by this message, the opportunity of shock will be stunned.

"What's going on? I heard that in ancient times, there was nothing to compete for in the three lists and one spectrum. You can ingest the ancient ethnic groups, countless peerless heavenly pride, countless peerless heavenly nv, and choose the pride of them by yourself and become the top on the list. Why is it that this time it is not chosen by yourself, but to compete in person?

"If the way of the three lists is changed, I'm afraid that there will be an endless bloody storm in the ancient map of that day. This is simply fighting for life. It's not like being as talented as in ancient times. This is to eliminate those who are talented but have no perseverance and no corresponding combat power.

"The three lists of heaven, earth and people selected in this way are the real masterpieces of Gai Dai Tianjiao. Put an end to all muddy water mō fish, but this kind of competition is really too dangerous. If you don't do it, you will die directly.

Countless people have secretly changed their faces. If they don't have a certain courage, they dare not compete at all, let alone enter the three lists and one spectrum. However, I believe that even if there is such a threshold and danger, they still can't stop the monks who go to the future.

There is no doubt that danger is often accompanied by opportunities.

"The three lists have been reopened."

"The peerless battle is about to begin. This battlefield will be in the ancient map, which must be unprecedentedly tragic.

"Tianjiao Tianjiao, only if you can really survive from the ancient map of Tianqing, can you really become Tianjiao. Talent does not represent everything."

Suddenly, in the whole Lingxiao demon court, countless monks woke up from their own practice, and their eyes were shining one by one, looking at the void. Just now, they also saw the scene when the ancient map appeared and the ancient characters in the sky. I can't help but start. This is a chance, a great opportunity.

However, the opportunity needs to be won by yourself.

Take your life to fight.

Big sand washing, staying in the last, is the real gold.

"Go, return to the clan and discuss the ranking with the ancestors of the clan."

"This is an opportunity, an opportunity for the real collision of the heavenly pride of all ethnic groups. This is the battle of kings. Once there is an outstanding record in it, it is enough to become a new generation of king in the heavenly pride."

There were few accidents. They used to live in the Heavenly Post Hall and did not leave. They wanted to use the good cultivation environment in the Lingxiao Demon Court to practice. Now they were no longer in the mood to stay here. They straightened up their clothes one after another, quickly left from the southern sky, and rushed back to their own clans. .

"Husband, the three lists have finally reopened. This time, are you really going to let the right phase, Chihuo, Yuan Zhan and others go to the Tianqing ancient map to compete for the ranking?

In the Yao pool, in a pavilion, Chenxi leaned her head on Di Shitian's shoulder, frowned slightly, and said. Obviously, it was also vibrated by the previous omen.

"Yes, if you don't experience the wind and rain, you can't really become a strong man under the protection of the Lingxiao demon court. If you don't experience enough battles and the fight with the monks of the heavens, you can't understand the realm and master the power. Fighting with the sky is endless fun, fighting with the earth is endless, fighting with the heavenly monks, and the fun is even more endless.

Di Shitian stretched out his hand to hold Chen Xi's soft waist, and his eyes burst out of firmness and said decisively. He will not make any changes in this matter.

"Husband, I'm afraid that you haven't touched the piano heart girl for a long time, Tianxiang girl, it's also for the three lists." Chen Xi looked up at Di Shitian with an inexplicable smile on his face.

In the three lists and one spectrum.

The group aroma spectrum is the most special. It is an opportunity to give life. Even if you fight, there is no scum left. Under the power of the group spectrum, it can still be reborn again. Three chances are three lives.

Those who can enter the group of species are all between heavens and earth. The heavens and the earth are beautiful, and the sun and the moon are created. Even God will lose his face in front of him. He has a unique temperament, posture è Tian nv who can be envied by heaven.

Such a day nv, if it falls, even God will not bear it. Each of them is unique. This is a gift given to them by heaven and earth.

On the list, there is a rather harsh condition. RA