Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1033 A tiger roar

Chapter 1033 A tiger roar outside, you can clearly see that the vast Foshan trembles violently again and again, every time it trembles, the great power bursts out, and faintly, makes the Buddha's light on the whole Foshan slightly dim. With the path of the Buddha, you can naturally feel it in the virtual Buddha. The huge changes caused by the boundless killing caused by Emperor Shitian.

This Xu Mi Foshan is an imitation of the supreme artifact in the world - the ten thousand pagodas in the heavens!! Refined into a top-level peak, half-step supreme-level artifact, contains countless Buddha countries cast by Buddhas and disciples. Each Buddha country has the supreme defense that can resist the ordinary world-class strong. In addition, the Buddhist scriptures gather infinite faith and wishes. Generally speaking, even the strongest can't easily destroy the Buddha's kingdom.

cannot be destroyed. Under the power of countless Buddhist scriptures, in Foshan, it will suffer infinite suppression.

is wrapped in countless Buddhist scriptures. It can't be said that no matter how strong the will is, it will be slowly transformed little by little.

I have to say that it is a good calculation at the end of the mén end.

However, they missed a point. Although the emperor Shitian, who proved the Tao with his strength, is not as strong as those who have condensed into the immortal yuan god in terms of willpower, the emperor's will has always been the most tenacious, powerful and unshakable of all kinds of wills in heaven and earth. Even if the What can be broken. In addition, the heavenly emperor chariot of the top innate spiritual treasure, inside, the suppression from Foshan was resisted by the chariot. In the Buddha Kingdom, all the suppression could not balance the emperor Shitian at all.

On the contrary, under the chariot of the Emperor of Heaven, countless Buddhas turned into ants to be slaughtered. Every time the judgment spear is bombarded out, the Buddha country will be destroyed one by one.

This is not a dragon trapped in the shallows, but a tiger into the sheep!!

"Buddha also has fire, Buddha also has anger, angry eyes!! Fu Yao!!"

The Buddha witnessed the scene in the Buddha's Buddha's heart. Naturally, it was impossible to ignore his heart. He immediately let out a Buddha roar in his mouth. In the back of his head, the Buddha's wheel of merit, which was as bright as the sun, turned in circles. In the Buddha's wheel, countless Buddhas, arhats With the rotation of the meritorious Buddha wheel, it turned into gold Buddha seeds and penetrated into Foshan.

Each Buddha species, when entering Foshan, immediately appeared in the space faults everywhere, came to the front of the vast Buddha Kingdom, and fell into the Buddha Kingdom.

"Incommeasurable Buddha!!"

Countless Buddhists witnessed it, looked at the blazing expression one after another, and threw themselves into the Buddha seed without hesitation.


The Buddha's seed was fused by countless Buddhists and disciples, and immediately burst out a brilliant golden Buddha light. In the Buddha's light, the Buddha's seed instantly collapsed and turned into a burly Ming king in gold armor. In the eyes of the Ming king, it was full of an angry god, spewing out endless anger. The flame Cut through and burn it into ashes.

He held the King Kong pestle in his hand and let out an angry roar.


In the void, ferocious dragon claws tore a terrible crack in the void. In the crack, Taigu Jiulong pulled the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to break through the air in an instant, and saw the Wanzhang Ming King standing in this space at a glance.

"Evil, die!!"

The Ming king's eyes spewed out anger, and a strong layer of golden flame appeared on the King Kong pestle in his hand, which was domineeringly smashed towards the emperor Shitian pestle. The power contained in this diamond pestle is extremely magnificent, just like a vast mountain directly smashed over. The flames on the pestle annihilated the burning of the space.


When the King Kong pestle was about to hit the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, the trial spear appeared under the King Kong pestle at an incredible angle and hit it violently.

On the Ming King, countless Buddhas and disciples appeared on every inch of his body, making bursts of devout prayers, exuding a stream of pure faith wishes, poured into the Ming King's body, so that the Ming King got endless blessing. Just like the ancestor of all Buddhas. The power of the explosion increased ten times in an instant.


Under the power of the great Ming King, the Emperor of Heaven's chariot was smashed backwards on the spot. Taigu Jiulong in front of him sent out an angry dragon yín, and the dragon claws under him kept rowing forward, bursting out infinite force. He pulled the regressing chariot and paused in mid

At the same time, the whole body of the Ming King also seemed to suffer from terrible thunder and trembling violently. Countless Buddhas on his body were smashed on the spot and turned into countless fragments. His feet kept retreating backwards. He stepped on the ground, and countless terrible cracks were stepped on the earth, like spider webs The spread of the past. Step back ten steps.

"With the secret method, hundreds of millions of Buddhas are gathered, condensed into a Ming king, poured all his strength into the body of the Ming king, and finally made the Ming king have the supreme combat power comparable to the world's strength." Emperor Shitian saw through the false truth of the Ming King at a glance, but he was not surprised. He sneered and said, "So what about condensing into the Ming King? You Buddhists are destined to become a stepping stone for the emperor's testimony."

"Demon suppression, demons should be killed!!"

The void was torn apart again and again, and a king of Ming quickly broke through the sky from various space faults one after another, completely besieging the emperor Shitian and the heavenly emperor's chariot. There are thousands of them.


Di Shitian saw it and sneered. As soon as the words fell, countless emperor charms in their bodies spewed out a huge amount of power crazily. Under the control of the will, they poured into their throats one after another, constantly accumulating and compressing. The closed mouth opened without warning, and a force roared out of his mouth along his throat with a strange rhythm.


An unprecedented domineering tiger roar rose to the sky in an instant. With the emperor Shitian as the center, it can be clearly seen that the space outside the body has almost no resistance. It was smashed by the tiger roaring sound and turned into countless fragments. The sound of Zijin sè was spread crazily in all directions.

Space debris, under the violent vibration of hundreds of millions of times and hundreds of trillions of times in every moment of sound, are annihilated inch by inch, and even the broken powder is not as good as the powder. There is a scene of great destruction everywhere. The earth was smashed in an instant. Where does the sound of Zijin sè appear? If it is covered, there is no intact thing, and it will collapse one after another.

And several Ming kings near the chariot had almost no resistance. They were directly covered by the sound of Zijin sè. After only a few moments of support, they were immediately cracked by the earthquake, turned into countless fragments, and swept into the Heavenly Emperor's Hong Furnace.

Roar! Roar! Roar!!

The remaining Ming kings reacted one after another and roared at the lion!! The sound of Jin sè bō went forward.

Tiger Roar vs Lion Roar!!

Countless space faults, in the sound bō, collapsed on the spot, and a large number of Ming kings showed their strength to resist the tiger roar. However, although these Ming kings themselves have unparalleled fighting power, they are not really unparalleled strong people. Compared with Emperor Shitian, the difference is unreasonable. In the body of God, the emperor's charm condensed can be called the most magical source of power, supporting the tiger roaring, making the sound of bō one bō one after another, The strength is endless.

The tiger roar of Zijin sè bō, constantly crushed those golden lion roars, and wantonly rolled all the Ming king's life into the sound.

"Buddha won't let you go."

A king of the Ming Dynasty roared bitterly and was torn into countless pieces in the sound.

"It is a waste that does not belong to my own strength and can exert a little combat power. I not only want to slaughter the Buddha country, but also kill all the so-called Buddhas and destroy the Pure Land of Bliss in the future. Whoever blocks me will be judged by the emperor.

For those curses of the Ming King, Emperor Shitian even owed a little expression, sneered, and tried his best to urge the Emperor of Heaven to plunder all the broken bodies of the King of Ming into the furnace.


The whole Tiandi chariot trembled violently, and a stream of real Emperor Longyuan kept gushing out of the oven, and in a blink of an eye, it filled every inch of the chariot. Countless purple gold dragons, crazily drilled into the body along the holes all over his body. Pour into the eleven-pin black lotus.

Ding Ding Ding!!

Around the eleven-pin black lotus, yù full of yòuhuò power resounded, and countless fantasies constantly emerged around the black lotus. Joy, anger, sadness, fear, see, taste, fragrance, touch, meaning, listen, worry. Eleven kinds of yù power of hope constantly flashed around the black lotus and formed a fantasy. A large amount of yù power of yù hope was poured into the black lotus, especially the power of worry, which quickly poured into the eleventh product area. The power of worry inside has been completely transformed into an extremely sticky ** state.

After slaughtering hundreds of millions of Buddhists and refining, the emperor's dragon yuan is so huge that it floods into the black lotus, and it has completely filled the space in the eleven-grade black lotus.

"Worry!! Worry!! Between heaven and earth, all kinds of love, how can it be a word of worry, worry about the country, worry about the people, worry about the leisure of heaven and earth..."

In the eleventh class area, when it can no longer absorb half of the power of worry, the power of worry inside changes in an instant. In the blink of an eye, a terrible state of worry has been formed!!

From the inside, there are strange sounds of sky.

It quickly filled the whole demon house and fell into the mind. A strong devouring force bound the whole mind in an instant. Without a trace of accident, it was directly pulled into the realm of worry.

"Haha, good! OK! Good!! The emergence of the realm of worry is a precursor to the breakthrough of promotion. Moreover, the place where you are located is the best place to cross the disaster once in a thousand years. In the virtual Buddha, your mind is about crossing the disaster of the realm, and the fate of the world of the world of the strongest outside is just for those damn bald donkeys to Let these bald donkeys steal the rice.

'Ming' laughed loudly: "I was thinking of going out to see those bald faces with my own eyes now. It must be quite interesting."