Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1052 Spying on the Tomb of God

Chapter 1052 Spying on the Tomb of God

[New week, there is a ticket smashing point.]

"Is there someone on the mountain just now?"

'Ming' was secretly surprised. It didn't even notice this. Just now, it's attention was all on the tomb of the gods. The tomb of the gods. This is one of the nine tombs of the gods in the world. Even the strongest people in the world will not have the existence of the tomb with their own eyes. If there is a There are some profound truths in it.

However, although he didn't see it, he has never had any doubts about Di Shitian's feeling. Since he said that there was a mysterious person on the mountain, there would definitely be no accident.

"It doesn't matter. Although I don't know who it is, at least there is no hostility. If there is a chance in the future, we will meet naturally." Di Shitian only sank slightly and immediately put the matter behind his mind for the time being.

At his level, any hostile monk appears nearby, and there is no need to explore at all. Instinctly, he can know that if the figure just now is hostile, he will have a unique feeling on the spot and will not hesitate to issue a must-kill blow.

Di Shitian put his eyes on the tombstone again.


At this moment, in the Valley of Demons, in a huge ancient tree, there is a strange body like dead wood hidden in it. The breath, and even the fluctuation, is completely integrated with the ancient tree, replacing its own breathing with the breath of the ancient tree, and replacing its own vision with the touch of the ancient tree. It can be said to be integrated with ancient trees. There is no exclusion and distinction.

If Di Shitian sees its face at this moment, I'm afraid he can see it at a glance.

Here, who is not the immortal Kurong King?

"Damn it, isn't this demon emperor in the Lingxiao demon court? The Lingxiao demon court is still holding an auction at this moment. Why did he appear here at this time? Fortunately, the real king hid in this tree and did not move. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will kill him again." Ku Rongzhen secretly gritted his teeth in his heart, took a fierce look at the divine tomb in the forbidden place, and secretly shouted bitterly, "I was going to see if there was a chance to lurk in the divine tomb and steal one or two treasures. I didn't expect to meet this evil star. Is it true that the purpose of the demon emperor is also

Suddenly, Ku Rong Zhenjun's eyes turned around, and an idea came to his mind: "The divine tomb in front of him obviously has a master. If the demon emperor wants to occupy the divine tomb, it will inevitably have a violent collision with it. The divine tomb will compete with the demon emperor. Maybe it will end up in both sides. At It's profitable."

As soon as his eyes turned, he couldn't help but get excited. He lurked more hard in the ancient tree, without showing half a trace of breath, so that the outside world could not notice any strangeness at all.

"Thousand-mile eyes can't see through the tombstone at all."

There is a flicker in Di Shitian's eyes. In terms of the magic power of thousands of miles, even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can still see clearly in the bottom of their eyes, but they are blocked by the tombstone, and they can't see the scene behind the tombstone.

"Heavenly Punishment God's Eye - Breaking the Delusion!!"

Di Shitian was not discouraged. He turned his mind, and the vertical line of purple gold between his eyebrows quickly pulled away to both sides. The cold purple gold è eyes emerged in an instant. In those eyes, there was no half of emotion, only endless coldness. With indescribable majesty, he spewed out infinite divine power.


In the eyes of God, the brilliant brilliance is constantly rippled.

The power of breaking the delusion is spit out.

In an flash, the tombstone quickly faded in the eyes of Di Shitian at an amazing speed. Even the mysterious power on the tombstone could not block the great power contained in the eyes of God.

"God's Tomb!!"

His eyes penetrated through the tombstone, and suddenly, the ancient tomb behind the tombstone appeared in front of him. The tomb of the god was blocked by a mysterious ancient stone and tightly closed. On the stone, there was a strange Taoist rhyme, as if it could block all the power and could not enter the tomb of the god. That's a chasm.

Even the power of breaking delusion emanating from the eyes of God has an extremely astringent feeling. It is extremely difficult to penetrate the tomb. Almost every inch of progress requires a lot of power.

"The supreme will, infused with divine eyes, under the delusion, unstoppable!!"

How can the emperor Shitian be willing to be blocked? With a move in his mind, the vast will of the emperor in his body was instantly poured into the eyes of the divine punishment and integrated into the power of the divine eye. In the demon house in his body, a line of the emperor's true power poured into the eyes of the god like water. Suddenly,

instantly broke through the obstruction of the tomb with an extremely domineering momentum.

The divine eye suddenly saw the scene in the tomb of the god.


Although I was mentally prepared, I couldn't help making a surprised sound after seeing the scene in the tomb of God.

"There is a world in it."

Di Shitian's heart was full of shocking waves. In the tomb of the gods, it was not an ordinary tomb, but a vast and boundless world. The world was so big that it was bigger than any big world. It was almost half the size of a purple gold continent, and the margin could not be seen at a glance.

"My dear, the world in the tomb of God is full of strong Taoist charm in every inch of space, and the law of the road can be clearly felt. And it is still a single road. Practicing in such a world is almost always in line with the road. The speed is immeasurable. Even if a stupid pig enters it, it can still fly up. Unexpectedly, there is also a road pillar erected in it. God's Tomb, this God's Tomb is really wonderful.

'Ming' exclaimed loudly, and with the help of the divine eye, it also saw the scene inside. It can be seen that the world is similar to the world in the Taoist lotus in the Lingxiao demon court, but the world in the divine tomb has been completely perfected and reached a perfect situation. Especially the huge pillar that is connected to the sky and the earth. Compared with those Tianzhu in the Lingxiao Demon Court, I don't know how many times stronger they are.

Di Shitian was not too surprised by this matter.

The master takes the road as a means. Obviously, the enlightenment road has extraordinary benefits in the tomb of the gods.

The divine eye still glanced inside quickly.

"Ten ancient coffins!!"

Di Shitian suddenly saw a scene. In the huge pillar of the road, there was an ancient temple, in which ten ancient coffins were placed in turn. Each ancient coffin looks extremely strange, showing a completely different atmosphere, and the Taoist lines on it are different.

Moreover, those Taoist lines seem to be like life, constantly flowing rapidly, condensing mysterious divine texts. It seems to be a mysterious skill.

"Purple Moon!!"

The ten ancient coffins seem to be condensed from the origin of the road. Among them, nine of them are the same size, but the other one is twice as big as other ancient coffins. Moreover, it was placed on an altar, surrounded by nine ancient coffins.

In the largest ancient coffin, there is a body lying, dressed in a purple è palace costume. The figure looks perfect without any flaws, but the appearance seems to be a little ordinary nv. At a glance, Di Shitian has recognized his identity, as he saw in the Linglong Pagoda at the beginning. The purple moon is exactly the same.


In an instant, the ancient coffin lay quietly, as if the purple moon had fallen. It opened its eyes without warning, and the halo of purple è flashed in his eyes, and an incredible great power burst out from the tomb of the god. Almost in an instant, the power of breaking into the tomb of the god was completely scattered and turned into Yes.

A terrible force passed along the eyes to the eyes of God.


There was a muffled hum in Di Shitian's nose. The heavenly punishment god's eyes, which had been opened, closed on the spot, and at the moment when the god's eyes closed, a drop of purple gold blood penetrated strangely between the eyebrows of the god's eyes. The divine eye was actually damaged.

The power in the tomb of the gods is completely connected, completely blocking all snooping.

"Sure enough, it's her. She is indeed inheriting the inheritance of the divine tomb and inheriting the power of the divine tomb. No wonder, no wonder she wants the yuan spirit to be divided into nine. Turn into reincarnation."

The constantly changing face of Di Shitian's face

Although it is only a moment, with his eyesight, he has already seen the scene in the nine ancient coffins around him clearly. In it, four ancient coffins are empty, and the remaining five have a nv lying quietly in it, as if endless power is pouring into the nine coffins. Ancient coffin.

Several of the familiar figures are in it.

The little nv child who sent Xiaobai back to the southern barbarian, the peacock that came out of the secret land of the devil, and a most incredible figure. The other two figures are not well known by Emperor Shitian, but it is obviously directly related to Ziyue.


As if Emperor Shitian's behavior had just touched some prohibition, the divine tomb suddenly trembled violently. The tombstone suddenly flew up in the air. On the tombstone, mysterious Taoist lines appeared, revealing an ancient breath, and directly smashed the emperor Shitian on the spot.

The tombstone is extremely strange, and there is no breath or even strength in the monument. It's just like an ordinary stone falling from the sky. It doesn't seem to have any threat.

Even a little monk can destroy it.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Di Shitian, but an unusually solemn god appeared on his face on the spot

In the tombstone, he felt that there was an imperceptible terrible power contained in it. Once suppressed by it, he was afraid that even the world's strongest would be crushed to pieces on the spot. You can't turn over forever.

"The sky with one hand!!"

Emperor Shitian didn't even think about it. His right hand drew a mysterious track outside his body, and he pushed it up with his palm. In an upright posture, he held it to the crushed tombstone. The whole arm, in the blink of an eye, transformed into purple gold glass and weaved countless patterns, and the emperor's charm kept flashing RA