Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1080 Fight for Tombstone

The tomb is connected to the tombstone, and the two seem to be two completely different rests., the tomb and tombstone are originally rested, but the tombstone is not connected to the bottom of the tomb of the god's tomb. The tombstone is a symbol and a kind of family expedition. As long as the tomb of the god does not produce a Often on the surface, it is just like a rotten tree. There will be no differences.

It will not be like the god's tomb in the southern barbarian. The god's tomb has a master, and the great power inside is revived. The tombstone immediately becomes the guardian of the god's tomb. The bursting power can be called horror. Guarding the god's tomb, wait for the master of the god's tomb to Otherwise, Xu Fei is the master of the divine tomb in front of him, and I'm afraid that it will be difficult for other monks to enter the divine tomb.

If the tombstone in front of him is the same as that of Nanman, Di Shitian will definitely immediately dispel the idea of fighting for the tombstone on the spot. However, after seeing that the tombstone was shacked aside and there was no change, an unspeakable idea suddenly came to my mind.

', the picture book emperor!!"

Di Shitian only thought a moment in his mind. Immediately, he had a decision in the bottom of his heart. His two eyes burst out the cold light and fell on the huge tombstone like the pillar of Optimus Prime. On the tombstone, the ancient divine text was presented, and there was an ancient spirit flowing in it. He squeezed his right hand into the tombstone.

A purple-gold big hand covering the sky condensed in the sea of fog out of thin air. In the palm of his hand, the ten immortal rings constantly echoed, making a mysterious sound of the road. The emperor's true words grabbed the tombstone in an instant.

Lost rumble!!

As soon as the big hand covering the sky grabbed the tombstone, it suddenly lifted it up. However, at the moment of lifting it, there were incredible forces from the tombstone, which was simply more load-bearing than countless mountains.

The tombstone was just shaken violently and was not thrown directly. On the big hand covering the sky, the divine light emanating from the ten immortal rings becomes more and more brilliant. The sound of the road has become more and more profound.

It's like the incubation ladle is shaking the big one!!

A dull imperial Zhenli poured into the big hand that covered the sky like Xiangshui. The tombstone, supported by the vast divine power, was intimated by an inch of the self-divine tomb and approached the emperor Shitian. At the same time, the ten immortals are evil, and they quickly spread to the tombstone from the big hand covering the sky, covering the tombstone.


At this time, in the sea of fog, there was a violent roll. With the sound of a dragon full of evil, a blood-colored dragon appeared in front of the tombstone in an instant. The bloody dragon claws hit a battle, and countless blood-colored dragons roared wildly and fiercely tore the big claws that covered the sky.


While throwing the tombstone, he suddenly suffered such a domineering attack. The heavy power from the tombstone, together with the blood-colored magic dragon, collapsed into countless pieces with amazing speed. With a bang, the whole big hand was broken to the bottom.

However, the antiphagocytosis force that broke out from the big hand covering the sky also shattered the bloody dragon at the first time.

A series of changes made the monks outside the fog have a stunned impulse.

', what did the demon emperor want? He didn't rush into the tomb of the god, but wanted to take away the tombstone. Is that the tombstone a strange treasure?

', it shouldn't be wrong. Even the demon emperor's investment is so difficult that the tombstone must be extremely selfish.

', who attacked the bloody dragon? How dared to face the demon emperor at this moment. It seems that the matter of the tomb of God has spread out, and this place is about to become a place of storm.

One by one, the monks quickly turned their minds in their minds. However, for monks at any level, there are monks at any level, and it is extremely strong. Even if they know that this will become the center of the war, there are still not many monks who want to leave and look at the sea of fog. .

', blood-printed clothes!!"

The self-catching position of the tombstone fell down again. Di Shitian looked at the grapefruit in the north of the fog sea in a blink of an eye. His face was unforgivable, and his body naturally showed an endless sense of rigor, shaking around. A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and three eyes were coldly spit out

'...Demon Emperor! We are also old friends. This tombstone looks good. It's just the right time to go back to play. Why don't you let me paint this tombstone?


In the position where Di Shitian's eyes fell, the sea of fog twisted and rolled. Suddenly, he saw a blood-colored robe, with an evil smile on his face, and the young man with long blood-haired mast shoulders suddenly emerged. It's the blood print of the blood god. Standing in the sea of fog, his blood robe was windless and automatic, and he showed an inexplicable evil spirit.

Looking at Di Shitian, there seemed to be an obvious peach provocation.

'...You want this tombstone, you can!!"

Emperor Shitian slowly spit out a ten-year-old words, pressed it closely, frowned, turned his voice, and said in a cold voice, '...However, as long as you can get through this. How can I let you get the treasure of my original heaven and earth? It's a big joke. In the words... with the most unobttained murderous intention. While speaking, a domineering emperor's will spurted out from the inside, rolling towards the blood-printed clothes.


Similarly, from the blood print clothes, a domineering blood god will burst out. The two wills collided violently in the middle, invisible intersecting, and the sea of fog in the middle rolled violently like boiling water on the spot.


There is only one quiet, and there is no room for both sides to ease. A kind of tragic murderous intention spewed out like a tide on the spot. Under it, a miscellaneous twelve-grade blood lotus appeared in an instant. This blood lotus seemed to be the source of blood. Since it appeared, immediately, from the blood lotus, there He kept spewing out and quickly formed a terrible sea of blood around him. In this range, it seemed that the whole world was under its control. He was a hooligan in the sea of blood.

At the same time, a blood-colored ruler appeared in his hand. On this blood ruler, there were traces of measurement, as if it could be a huge amount of heaven and earth. Every inch contains a mysterious god. Every inch presents a sea of blood standing, as if the whole blood ruler is condensed from a sea of blood.

In the blood ruler, there are more than 2,000 seas of blood. Every sea of blood exudes a strong will, which will gather together, and the will emanating from the blood ruler will reach an incredible situation.

This handle is the blood ruler of the blood seal!!

Once hit by the blood ruler, the whole body will instantly turn into a pool of blood.

The blood god ruler squeezed his hand and patted Di Shitian's head. This foot seems to be as if the distance between the whole world is instantly shortened under the ruler, and the quality is like the horizon, crossing the boundaries of time and space. Appeared overhead without warning.

The blood god's ruler is moderate day by day!!

Under the ruler, even if it is heaven and earth, it can still be measured by the skin. There is a scale. Nothing can be separated from the training of the scale. Under one foot, the quality of the world. Even if you hide at the end of heaven and earth, you still don't know the measurement of escape scale. The ruler contains the great power of thousands of seas of blood gathered together. Qiang!!

I don't know when Emperor Shitian's right hand has fallen on the slender handle of the tiger's soul. As soon as his wrist turned, the yellow tiger's soul instantly answered the sheath. Under the body, the 129,000,600 emperor's charms shook one after another, and a dull divine power kept pouring into the tiger's soul The bright foxlight pulled out in mid-air. Yin!!"

In the tiger's soul, it condenses a glour like substance, and makes a shocking roar.


The tiger spirit collided with the blood god ruler without giving way. Immediately, with a bang, the sea of fog around him collapsed in an instant at an alarming speed and scattered. Most of the blood god's power spewed from the blood god's ruler was devoured by the first meal. However, the great power of the explosion still turned around like Get out.


At the same time as the blood god ruler collided with the tiger's soul, the foot of the blood seal clothes took a violent step towards Di Shitian. At the same time, his head was slightly shaken. Immediately, the fierce blood-colored long hair, like a river of blood, came cold. In the blood river, you can clearly see that the The howling. Every hair has the great power to break the world. It is fierce, like a terrible needle, extremely sharp and domineering. Between the s, it cuts the void, and a large sea of fog is cut open. Anything that competes in will be smashed.


From Emperor Shitian's mouth, he spit out a cold eye in an instant, with an endless sense of severity in his voice.


Then, a circle of purple-gold ripples centered on its body and quickly went out of the body. Every inch of space was shaken by hundreds of millions of sound waves, and an inch of the sea of fog was shattered and scattered by life. With the tiger roaring sound wave of supreme divine power, the destructive power is so strong that it can shatter thousands of worlds with a roar.

collided with the bloody hair, and immediately, a fierce confrontation broke out. The hair was zincy and rolled into the sound wave. Although the hair was twisted, it also cut the void, breaking a large area and twisted pieces, but the hair was also shattered and broken in the sound wave. Ding!!

At the same time, from the blood god ruler, thousands of blood seas are boiling at the same time, bursting out the power of the blood god. When the ruler shakes, a wave of shocks are about to shake the tiger's soul, turn the ruler, and draw a strange circle and square in the sea of fog.

The Blood God's ruler method is round every day!!

There are no rules, no square circle, the scale of heaven and earth, all between squares and circles. Everything in the world.

A blood-colored key line is strangely condensed under the ruler. The blood-colored key line is outside the inner circle, representing the degree of note. On it, countless creatures keep flashing by.