Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 1104 Dominating the Doki

Chapter 1104 Dominating the Roadbed

[Help me if you have a ticket. Give me some strength.]

Every loss is lost, every destruction is dead, and there is no other possibility!!

This kind of confinement is the counterattack of heaven and earth, and the punishment that should be borne by the rules of heaven and earth. If you want to crack it, it is not easy. Otherwise, Emperor Shitian will not be helpless. It's because of a bad thing, that is, the terrible end of falling on the spot.

But take the tonic at this moment. Looking at the scene of Bu Tian Dan Qi rushing into the twelve black lotus by himself, Di Shitian just felt it quietly without any interference.


Sure enough, the tonifying elixi rushed into the twelve-grade black lotus and immediately hit the time mill. Only a huge roar, the whole time mill was broken by the impact in an instant. Then, the extremely strong twelve-grade black lotus incredibly ferocious cracks appeared.


The cracks were densely distributed on every inch of lotus body at an amazing speed, and were smashed into pieces under the terrible power on the spot. In this process, even the immortal ability has completely dissipated, and it is impossible to reunify the broken motogami at all, as if you can clearly feel that the motogami is collapsing.

"It's not good!! Is this Butiandan really so domineering? How can it be so domineering to smash the yuan god together? Now it's a big deal. The time mill is integrated with your immortal power. The mill is broken, that is, the immortal power in your moto god is broken together. It's over."

'Ming' witnessed it, and I only felt a deep cold surged up in my heart. There was a cry of near despair.

However, Emperor Shitian sat in the palace, and his whole body was still as stable as Mount Tai. There was no fear. He could feel the power contained in the Butian Dan. Since it had an incredible reputation, it definitely had a divine effect comparable to its status.

"Bupiandan, you won't let me down."

Emperor Shitian's mind was always calm and did not panic because of this. Always watch the changes in your body quietly.


The demon refining tripod is spinning crazily, and one after another of the tonic elixirs swarm out like a tide, quickly wrapping the broken black lotus. These black lotus fragments are not less than a little, just 129,000 yuan, wrapped in the purple elixir. Between them, those broken fragments are constantly absorbing the to Qi, in the absorption, all the fragments are making strange changes at an alarming rate.


'Ming' saw it, almost took a breath of cold air on the spot, and shouted strangely, "It's incredible. This is really incredible. What kind of divine elixir is the Tiandan? Even your broken primordial spirit can be re-condensing. It's not condensing, but the primordial spirit How is that possible?"

With that, his two eyes stared at the changes taking place in the demon house without blinking.

Ding Ding Ding!!

Under the tonifying elixirs, all the fragments of the yuan god are undergoing incredible transformation. It is only to see that a fragment that was originally broken, under the integration of the purple tian elixirs, the fragments strangely turned into a dark **, and condensed into a complete twelve-grade black lotus in an instant. In the It contains the same breath as the original halva, the unique charm, and even the spells branded on it.

The fragment actually degenated into a complete twelve-grade black lotus yuanshen under the tonifying elixir, but the size is many times smaller than before. The imperial Zhenli that can be accommodated in it is not as vast as the original black lotus.

But it is indeed a complete twelve-grade black lotus, and in the black lotus, it clearly exudes an immortal atmosphere. Even if it is broken again, it can be condensed again.

In a blink of an eye, in the demon house, all the fragments have condensed into complete twelve-grade black lotus gods, with as many as 129,600. Moreover, every black lotus yuan god can be easily controlled. Give full play to the true power of the emperor.

"One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred pieces of black lotus, what on earth is this Tiandan going to do?"

'Ming' vaguely felt that something magical was about to happen. However, I still feel the inconceivable illusion.


Sure enough, after all the fragments have been completely transformed into twelve black lotus yuan gods of exactly the same size, under the mysterious power of the mending the sky, all the yuan gods rushed out of the demon house one after another.

As soon as these yuan gods rushed out of the demon house, they immediately got into the emperor's body and quickly into the emperor's charm distributed in every place of flesh and blood.

"The emperor's way, the master of heaven and earth, the reincarnation of the sun and the moon. Against the commonality of heaven and earth, the desire, the driving force of the growth of all things, and the devil of the abyss forever. The source of civilization development. The emperor's desire can make heaven and earth prosperous and destroy heaven and earth. Above the hundreds of millions of people. It is the supreme of desire..."

At the moment of the fusion of the twelve-grade black lotus and the emperor's charm, I suddenly saw that in the emperor's charm, a black lotus appeared. The two were perfectly integrated, and in the emperor's charm, it made a mysterious sound of heaven. The unique Taoist lines are constantly intertwined on the emperor's charm. That sentence contains profound truths in the sound of heaven.

In the blink of an eye, all the black lotus yuan gods completely merged with the emperor's charm one after another, perfectly integrated into one. In operation, the endless divine power is perfectly integrated with the emperor's true power, and the resulting power is more and more powerful and domineering. It exudes the supreme breath.

However, the black lotus in the emperor's charm seems to be abnormally illusory, as if it may be destroyed at any time and separated from the emperor's charm.


The vast nourishing elixirs are constantly poured into the black lotus in the emperor's charm. At the same time, the endless power of desire is poured in, especially the new power of shock, constantly pouring into the new twelfth grade area.

I saw that in the free area of the 129,000 yuan god of black lotus, after the entry of the tian elixir, they are growing crazily at an alarming rate.


Outside the body, in the whole world, the vast pure sword spirit converged into a vortex, constantly rushing into the body and pouring into countless black lotus.

In an instant, the body of Emperor Shitian, who was sitting in the palace, was slightly shaken, and countless chains of laws appeared outside his body. The emperor's body turned crystal clear, with purple gold and glass color. The body shows an immortal breath, which becomes more hidden and powerful!!

Outside the body, the eleven immortal rings flashed out crazily. Turn around the emperor's body. Under the urging of an unimaginable force, the emperor's body was crushed inch by inch.

The original illusory tenth divine ring is transforming at an amazing speed, becoming more tenacious, and countless immortal obsessions are integrated into it. In the emperor's body, the twelve-grade black lotus, which was originally extremely illusory in the emperor's charm, has a lot of strange changes. The breath is completely different.

The middle stage of the ancient demon god!!

With the support of the Danqi, it broke into the middle stage at an amazing speed, eliminating thousands of years of accumulation.

However, even if the area of the emperor's true power in each black lotus yuan god is filled with a quarter, it still has not completely consumed the power of the tian elixir, and the endless elixir is constantly poured in. It can be easily transformed into a pure imperial power.

After a while.

The emperor's body sitting cross-legged again, and countless mysterious heavenly sounds flashed outside his body. The breath became more and more hidden. The immortal breath is getting stronger and stronger.

The black lotus in the emperor's charm has become more and more condensed, and implicitly, there has begun to be a tendency to condense into an entity.

The later stage of the ancient demon god!!


At the same time, the eleventh immortal ring outside the body also incredibly condensed into an entity and turned into a purple gold glazed color. With the support of the last force of the Butian Dan, he crushed the emperor's body.

In an instant, it gathered into the emperor's immortal array!!

Once again condensed a strong emperor's body, and the emperor's real body reached 14,000 feet in an instant.

Outside the body, the twelfth Immortal Ring, the Ring of Shock, is condensed.

Almost in an instant, the whole strength of Di Shitian has crossed to an immeasurable situation, half-step domination, without any false half-step domination-level combat power.

It's been a long time!!

I don't know how long it took, the closed eyes slowly opened. At the moment of opening, a touch of divine light with endless majesty pierced the void in an instant.

At the back of the head, the snow-white hair quickly turned black at an amazing speed. In a blink of an eye, it has returned to its previous black hair. In the body, all the fragments of the time mill are gathered at the first time and sent into the eyes of the God of Heaven and Punishment. However, these fragments were not immediately integrated with the divine eye. It's just a temporary confinement.

"What an incredible tonic. Unexpectedly, it directly let me ascend to the sky in one step, crossing the greatest barrier of the world level to reach the master level, so that the primordial spirit and the body began to gradually merge at this moment. I don't know how much confusion this step is, and I can never take it. It makes my cultivation cross so many realms in an instant. No wonder, no wonder the tiandan is so precious.

Di Shitian took a deep breath, and his eyes became unusually deep.

With this patching elixir alone, he felt that he was no less than getting a divine tomb. Unexpectedly, it can lay the foundation of dominance in one fell swoop. It's incredible.

In fact, he didn't know that the elixirs, even if they were in the ancient heavens, were hard to find. For which it can trigger countless battles. Countless bloody fights.

The Heavenly Dan, in the ancient world, is also known as the Dominating Dan!!

It is the best elixir that hits the realm of domination, and can break the barrier of its own promotion to domination. Lay the foundation for the true dominance. Pave the way to the master.

It can be said that it is one Dan and one master!!

As long as you have your own foundation and potential is not too bad, you can get the Tiandan and be promoted to the master. If there is no accident, there will be no problem. It is because of this that the saint of the patching heaven has an unimaginable reputation and status in the ancient heaven. But because of this, it also suffered a disaster.

It is a unique opportunity for Emperor Shitian to get the tonic elixir. It has almost completely paved the way for the promotion of domination. If you want to say this, I don't know how many strong people will go crazy on the spot. RO